Read La Vie en Rose {Life in Pink} Online

Authors: Lydia Michaels

Tags: #breast cancer, #survivor, #new adult, #New York, #friends to lovers

La Vie en Rose {Life in Pink} (12 page)

BOOK: La Vie en Rose {Life in Pink}
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Soft, blonde curls that smelled like summer wind clouded his mind. Those naturally pink lips, pert and smooth. Those big brown eyes so full of trust and innocence. He imagined all of it, damn him.

He violated their friendship so severely in those passing seconds, imagining his fingers knotting in her hair as those full lips closed over his flesh, those big, virtuous eyes staring up at him.

He cursed, bracing his arm on the slick tile of the wall as his release shot from his pulsing veins and his entire body shuddered under the force of temporary relief. Panting hard, he tried to remember a time he was that turned on. It didn’t matter that he’d masturbated to completion. He was still twisted in knots, raring to go. He wanted her. “Fuck!”

Rinsing off, he stood in the cooling steam a while after he shut off the water, shivering. Mind over matter. Whatever this was, it would pass. He’d ignore it, because Emma was his friend and he didn’t want to ruin that. Plus, if he crossed that line his sister would castrate him. Yes, there would be absolutely no fornicating with Emma.

He’d been in the bathroom for an embarrassingly long time, which worked in his favor. Explosive diarrhea—imagined or otherwise—was about as far from sexy as one could get.

Climbing back into his clothes, he buffed his hair dry with the towel, and prepared to face the music. Cautiously, he turned the knob and stepped in the hall.

She stood up from the couch. “Are you okay? You were in there a really long time.”

His heart pounded and his blood thickened. There was no hope. “I’m...sort of having a problem right now.” It was unbelievable. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Why now? They were fine an hour ago.

Noticing his discomfort, she took a step forward.

He held out a hand. “Stay back! It might be contagious.”

“Do you need a doctor? Something from the pharmacy?”

His hand trembled. “Just...stop. For the love of God, stop...talking.”

Taken aback, she stilled and he regretted his choice of words, as her expression turned wounded. “I’m only trying to help.”

“I know.” He shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, facing the wall so she wouldn’t notice his
“That’s the problem.”

She scoffed. “Fine. I won’t help.”

Glancing to his left, he tried to say something, but his words got distracted when he looked at her. She no longer wore shoes. The bottom of her thighs peeked out beneath her little white dress. He could have a hundred fantasies about that tiny dimple above her knee.

Jesus, what was wrong with him? Taking a deep breath, he pulled his attention away from her legs.

His mouth went dry as his stare focused on her breasts. Soft and round. He bet her nipples were the same deep peach as her lips. Oh, and what color would her other hidden parts be? He swayed as dizziness came over him.


Shit. He was going to explode if he didn’t get out of there. “Emma...”

She took a few quick steps toward him. “Are you sure you don’t need a doctor? You’re sweating.” She tsked. “I’m calling the doctor.”

“Wait!” Trembling, he released a shaky breath. “I...” Forking his fingers through his hair, he squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m not sick.”

“Well, something’s wrong with you.”

“Definitely. Emma, don’t hate me...”

“Why would I hate you?”

She touched a hand to his arm and he whimpered. Giving up, he blurted, “I’m having really inappropriate thoughts about you right now and I can’t make them stop!”

Everything stilled. The apartment fell into utter silence, the ticking of the living room wall clock tapping with the subtlety of a hammer.

“What?” she croaked.

“I’m sorry. It came out of nowhere. I’m totally freaked out and trying not to think of you that way, but I can’t stop.”

When she didn’t respond, he chanced a glance at her. Her breath was labored, but slow, each pull of air lifting her breasts against the cotton fabric of her dress. He looked away.

“You’re...having fantasies? About

“I’m sorry.”

“Like what? Maybe we should talk about it.”

He really wanted to undo the top button of his jeans, get some breathing room. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why? We’re adults. We’re friends. We can talk about...that.”

Visions of holding her plush thighs open as he dragged his tongue up her pink flesh filled his mind. “No,” he said, voice strained. “Talking would definitely be bad.”

She tsked and laced her fingers with his, tugging him toward the living room. “Don’t be silly, Riley.” A thousand volts of electricity shot up his arm as she pulled. “Come sit down and—”

He yanked her back and pinned her to the wall. “You’re not listening, Emma. I don’t want to talk.” He ground his hips into her soft belly and she gasped. “Feel that? That’s what talking to you did to me. I’m telling you, I think we should put some distance between us until
settle down and go back to normal.”

Her gentle brown eyes went wide as she stared up at him. Slowly, she licked her lips. “Riley,” she rasped.

He groaned. His name on her lips was an unfinished caress that ended in private pain. She didn’t understand the affect she was suddenly having on him. “Emma, you don’t—”

“You’re turning me on.”

Every good intention vanished. Nostrils flared, he breathed in her feminine scent. “What?”

Her lips parted as she breathed, staring up at him with dark, lust filled eyes. “I’m aroused. The moment you said you were thinking about me that way, my body just—” His mouth crashed over hers, silencing her ramblings as he stabbed his tongue deep between her lips and tasted heaven.

Sweet, like coconut, her kisses were the perfect blend of temperance and lust. She gripped the side of his face, pulling him closer and he growled, unable to get enough. They were frantic, unstoppable, raw, desperate. No kiss had ever been so frenzied.

Her small form cushioned his body as he pressed her into the wall. Frantic need took hold of him, burning hot and fast like brushfire. Everything inside of him demanded he move and move fast.

“Let me take you to bed,” he whispered over her lips, giving voice to everything he wanted in that moment.

“Yes.” Her fist tightened in his hair. “Please.”

Her legs lifted to his hips and he cupped her sweet little ass, excitement tunneling through his veins. Oh, he and that ass were going to be good friends by the end of the night. Her mouth detoured to his neck as he toddled them to his room. Opening the door he frowned at the clutter.

Recalling her crisply made bed, he pivoted and headed to her bedroom, not stopping until he was dropping her on the floral comforter and catching his weight above her.

She smiled, her hair a wild spray of mad curls. God, she was beautiful.

“Are you sure about this? There’s no taking it back,” he warned.
Please don’t ask me to stop.

Not a glimmer of concern showed in her eyes. Reaching down, she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted until it slipped off her shoulders. “No going back now,” she whispered.

His breath caught in his throat. Emma was naked, naked and lying beneath him in nothing but her bra and undies. The intensity of the moment hit him and he froze. This was different from every other sexual encounter.

sure?” she asked when he hesitated too long.

Slowly nodding, he swallowed. There was no doubt he wanted her. The depth his wanting traveled frightened him. “Yeah. It’s just... You’re different, Emma. You’re important. I don’t want to ruin anything.”

Her smile was warm and comforting as she cupped a hand over his jaw. “You won’t ruin anything, Riley. I promise.”

He glanced down. She was lovely, like some sort of centerfold for vintage lingerie, in her plain Jane white cotton bra and panties. Something about the simplicity of her undergarments undid him. She was so no-frills, so unquestionably stunning in her own right, more delicate than any lace, and softer than any bow, she was the real thing.

His hands shook with the magnitude of the moment. Once he touched her body it could never be undone. He needed her to understand how important she was to him, that he never got this nervous with other women.

He tried for something romantic. “You take my breath away, Emma. I think you’re really...great.” Not quite what he imagined, but he wasn’t a poet.

Her face softened as her lashes swept low. “Riley... I’ve never been with anyone that knows me the way you do. This probably should feel weird, but I’m totally comfortable with you. I’m not afraid.”

She should be. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips into the wing of her collarbone and breathed. He was greedy for her scent, suddenly aware of how long he’d refused this desire silently building inside of him.

His hunger was so potent it seemed impossible that it stayed hidden for so long. Letting it out was the best feeling in the world.

She made the most girlie sigh as she arched into him, pressing her breasts against his chest. He wanted to feel her skin against his.

“Take off my shirt.”

Reaching for the hem of his T, she pulled, gathering the material until it lifted over his head and she tossed it away. Sliding an arm under her back, he raised her to him so they were chest to chest. Her heated flesh pressed to his in an intoxicating burn.

His mouth kissed down her shoulder as he dragged the strap of her bra away. Nestling his knees in the space between her legs, he took his time kissing the swell of her soft breasts and tracing the edge of her bra with his tongue.

Her breath turned sharp the more he teased, her hands needing his arms, as her tight nipples beaded against the cotton. They were lost in a rhythm so natural yet rare, every caress fueled their yearning, but never did they stumble, never did he overthink what he was doing. Instinct drove him like never before.

Her fingers sensually combed through his hair. Easing back, he looked at her, committed her image to memory, finding her the absolute definition of beauty. Hair tousled, cheeks rosy, lips parted, eyes dark with desire, she was suddenly a threat to all of his control.

She was stunning.

He pulled back the cups of her bra and two petite peach tinted nipples hardened. His body throbbed as his mouth watered. She was perfect.

Shoving the bra to her ribs, the straps slightly pinning her arms to her sides, he massaged her breasts, plumping them in his palms and rubbing the tips with his calloused thumbs. “Does that feel good?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“You have amazing tits, Emma.”

Her eyes flared and he wondered if he should have called them something else, something a bit more delicate. Breast wasn’t a word he typically said unless describing chicken. But they were tits and they were lush and full and he couldn’t quite think beyond getting them into his mouth at the moment.

“Are you uncomfortable? Do you want me to take off your bra?”

“No. I kind of like it like this.”

Appraising the way the garment held her arms in place he raised a brow. “Really?”

She nodded. He was fascinated by the steady rise and fall of her breasts as she breathed.

Scooting up her body, he moved his legs to the outside of her hips and unsnapped the top button of his jeans. Using both hands, he pinched her nipples. “Do you wanna see me?”

She licked her lips. “Yes.”

He pulled at the tips of her breasts, stretching her delicate nipples until they were dark and engorged. “Do you want me in your mouth, Emma?”

She swallowed, her breathing audible. A tinge of rose darkened her cheeks. Eyes wide, her lips parted as she gave a subtle nod and whispered, “Yes.”

Well, Christ. Releasing her nipples, he unzipped his jeans and wrapped his hand around his length. He pumped leisurely and slid a hand behind her neck until she was sitting up. “Open for me.”

Her lips parted and he eased the tip into her hot mouth. Sweet Jesus, the heat and suction was incredible.
Innocent Emma’s sucking your dick.

He shivered and nearly exploded. Not wanting to overwhelm her, or himself, he made a few quick dips, and eased back.

Slithering down her body, he caught a pert nipple in his mouth and pulled. She nearly jackknifed off the bed, and he had to press her back down. “You like that?”

“Yes.” She panted as he moved to the other nipple, teasing and playing, flicking the tip with his tongue then nibbling and pulling until she cried out.

His hand slid over her panties and settled above the heated crease between her legs. Her arousal had left the cotton damp and he massaged her through the material as he sucked on her beautiful tits.

“Riley, please.”

“Please what?”

“I want more.”

Dirty, dirty girl. He chuckled, never expecting this sort of sexual verve from a girl like her. “I’m going to kiss you there, Emma. And I’m going to make you scream.”

“Oh, God.”

He slid lower, peeling her panties away with exquisite slowness. Distracted by the dimple at her knee, he spent a few moments kissing it. “Your legs turn me on.”

“They do?”

“Oh, yeah. Even your weird little toes. I wanna bite them.”

Dragging his palms up her outer thighs, he savored the last moment wondering if she’d be shaved, waxed, or soft with a natural nest of blonde curls.

Curls it was, neatly trimmed into a tidy strip of gold. He teased the fine tuft with the back of his knuckle and groaned.

Seeing her arms were still twisted in the bra, he pulled the material lower and freed her hands, leaving the cotton around her nipped waist. She had a great body. It wasn’t boyish or bony. It was petite, but womanly, all compact feminine curves, soft and rosy, swelling at all the right places, and responsive to his touch.

He bit the little pouch of softness below her belly button and she yipped in surprise. Nestling his nose against the soft patch of curls, he breathed her in, sharp and tempting, he couldn’t wait to taste her.

Sliding back, he parted her thighs and—soft shades of pink. It was everything he’d imagined. Something inside of him shifted. His desire melded with implications and responsibility.

BOOK: La Vie en Rose {Life in Pink}
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