La Fleur Rouge The Red Flower (15 page)

BOOK: La Fleur Rouge The Red Flower
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Zack jumped up from the table. “I’ll come with you.”

Hildy was visibly shaken. The color had drained from her face and her eyes filled with tears.

Zack waited till they were out of earshot before he spoke. “Are you okay?” he asked.

She managed a half smile. “What do you think?” she replied bitterly.

“Hang in there, Hildy,” Zack encouraged her. “I’m right here. I won’t let Greg hurt you.” He turned to her with admiration. “What an accent! You could fool anybody.”

She burst into tears, and Zack handed her his hankie. “Zack, I’ve never been so scared in my entire life!”

Zack looked at her with sympathy. “If it’s going to bother you that much, I’ll tell Peter to get rid of him. There’s no point in upsetting you like this.”

Hildy stared off into space, thinking. Then she turned back and faced him. “Zack, you’re here to protect me, and I trust you to do that. I won’t let Greg scare me out of finishing this film. He’s ruined enough for me. No more!”

“Atta girl!” Zack exclaimed.

Hildy grabbed his hand and pulled him along. “Let’s go back.”

* * *

They were gone for about ten minutes, and Jay was concerned that he might inadvertently have said something wrong. He went over to where Peter was sitting and spoke to him quietly. “Peter, is there some reason Hildy doesn’t like me? I always seem to be saying something that upsets her.”

Peter was silent for a moment. “Oh, no,” he said, “I’m sure it’s nothing like that. She’s just concentrating hard on this musical. It means a lot to her.”

Jay wasn’t convinced. “But I seem to be the only one that upsets her. Except for Greg. She seems awfully edgy when he’s around. I noticed it the minute we boarded the barge this morning.”

Jay was getting too close to the truth, and Peter did his best to give him an answer that would satisfy him. “She’s probably a little self-conscious with such a well known writer around,” he explained. “Hildy takes this very seriously, as well she should. It’s her first experience with this and she’s a bit uptight. She’s very protective of her musical.”

Jay looked dubious. “I hope she’s not afraid that Greg will steal anything she’s written. He’s always anxious to help people get started. Perhaps I should point this out to her.”

Peter turned and stared at him. He opened his mouth to say something, but just then Hildy and Zack returned.

* * *

As they walked to the set Greg excused himself. “I have more work to do on my musical,” he told them. “I’d better leave and get at it.”

Hildy knew Greg wasn’t going to do any work on the musical. I bet he stole this one, too. It wouldn’t require any work or he’d never have stolen it. By now she was positive he had never written a musical of his own. No, he’s leaving so he can continue to hunt for me. Let him look! I’m right under his nose and he doesn’t know it. He’ll never find me. Not till I sue him in court!

Once Greg was gone, a great deal of the fear left her. There was a marked difference in her attitude. Not only was she more relaxed, but she was more friendly toward Jay.

They finally finished the day’s filming, making remarkable progress.

While the film crew packed up the equipment, Jay spoke to Hildy. “That’s a great piece of work you did today,” he told her.

Hildy smiled. “Well, we have to give a lot of credit to Peter,” she replied. “He’s doing a super job. I can see this musical unfolding exactly the way I pictured it when I wrote it. I can’t tell you how much that means to me. Especially since - “ Her voice trailed off as she realized she had almost told him the whole story. She turned her head to study the script.

* * *

Jay was surprised and pleased that Hildy had let down the barriers, if only for a moment. What brought about the change? She was a complete enigma to him. What had she been about to say? And why had she stopped in mid-sentence? Had she been on the verge of telling him why she sometimes acted as though she didn’t want him around?

“Jay.” Peter interrupted his thoughts. “We’re about to leave for La Litote. Would you like to have dinner with us?”

“Yes,” Jay agreed, “I’d like that. I want to get to know Hildy better. I’d also like to talk to her about the possibility of producing one of her musicals on stage.”

* * *

Hildy stiffened and turned away. “You already have,” she mumbled under her breath.

“What?” Jay asked.

“Nothing,” she replied. The old resentment loomed up again. But this time she found herself hunting for excuses. It’s not Jay’s fault, she reasoned. Greg has him hypnotized. When the time is right he’ll know the truth. Come on, Hildy, be fair! Give him a chance and stop acting like a silly ass!

Once she made this decision a heavy load of care dropped from her. She could no longer deny her feelings for him. She was on the pendulum again, swinging back and forth between resentment and forgiveness.

* * *

At the Chateau de Rochefort the crew finished packing the equipment, and they boarded the bus for La Litote - all except Jay, who followed in his rented car with Andre. As he drove along he couldn’t help observing that Zack never let Hildy out of his sight. Strange, he mused, it’s almost as though he’s protecting her from some kind of danger. But what? What possible danger could she be in? He longed to get closer to her, but with Zack always there it wasn’t easy. I can’t believe he thinks that I pose any danger to her. But why is he guarding her so closely? Something strange is going on. I’ve got to find out what it is.

They soon reached the barge. The sun was just beginning to set, and the sky was a beautiful azure-pink. It struck him again what a spectacularly scenic country France was, and he hated to think of ever leaving it. Or was it Hildy that he didn’t want to leave?


With Greg gone Hildy was at her best. She felt a tremendous lift to her spirits - a combination of Jay’s presence and attention, and the fact that Greg didn’t recognize her. This gave her a feeling of security that she hadn’t felt in weeks. Her disguise had passed the most important test.

As soon as they finished eating, Jay turned to Hildy. “How about a stroll. Maybe we could talk.”

Hildy looked at Zack. Should I? she wondered. With her whole heart she longed to go with him. But Zack sent her a warning glance. She was positive Jay wasn’t part of Greg’s plan to harm her, or that he posed any danger to her, but somehow she had to convince Zack. She motioned to him to join her at the railing of the barge.

With great reluctance he finally agreed to let her go.

The moon shone brightly on Hildy and Jay as they walked along by the canal. The crickets were chirping, the frogs were croaking, and the stars looked down on them and twinkled their magic message.

Hildy breathed deeply, almost afraid she would wake up and find it was all a dream. She looked at Jay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more handsome man, she thought. She shivered.

“Are you cold?” Jay asked her. He started to remove his coat.

“Oh, no,” she assured him. “It’s just - “ She gestured, arms outstretched. “It’s all so beautiful!”

* * *

Jay gazed at her. I can hardly believe she’s real. She looks like an angel, walking here beside me. He could almost swear he saw a halo about her head. His sudden insight as to his true feelings for her hit him with a shock, and he finally faced the fact that he was hopelessly in love with her.

They stopped to enjoy the balmy evening breeze as it caressed their faces. The lights of the canal blended with the stars and the moon, as though they were all part of a magnificent plan put in motion just for them.

Instinctively, Jay reached out and took her hand.

* * *

At first Hildy was surprised, but she couldn’t help responding. Before she knew it she was in his arms. She turned her face toward him. Her heart pounded so loud she thought it would burst right out of her chest.

He looked down at her. No longer able to control himself he bent down and kissed her. Gently at first, then passionately, as though he couldn’t get enough of her. He pulled her closer - closer - closer - until it seemed they were almost one person.

Her arms twined around his neck as she responded with equal passion.

They stood there with the moonlight shining down on them, scarcely able to believe what was happening.

As she clung to him, weak with desire, she could feel his heart pounding against hers.

Their lips parted, and he gazed into her eyes. He tightened his arms around her. “I love you, Hildy,” he told her. “You must think I’m crazy. This has all happened so fast. All I know is I’ve never felt like this before.”

Hildy was no longer able to fight her strong feelings for this man. She finally found her voice as she looked deep into his eyes. She nodded, all the time trying desperately to hang on to her newly acquired accent. “I love you, too, I can’t believe it! I thought I’d never trust any man again after - “

She stopped. How can I explain about Greg? If he finds out I’m the one who accused Greg back in Boston, he’ll confront him with it. Greg will know who I am, he’ll convince Jay again that I’m the culprit, and then he’ll come after me. No, now is not the right time.

“After what, Hildy?” he asked.

“Oh - - nothing,” she said. “It’s not important.”

She smiled a brilliant smile that took his breath away. Nothing seemed to matter except the magic they had discovered in each other.

He smiled down at her. “Hildy,” he said, “I have a great idea. I’ve been thinking of taking an extra week or two and going to Scotland to see my parents. It’s been a year since I visited them, and it seems foolish not to take advantage while I’m here.”

“Jay, that’s a wonderful idea!” she exclaimed. “I’m sure it will mean a lot to them.” She looked wistful and turned her head away for a moment.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I’ll miss you,” she whispered.

“Come with me,” he begged. “Surely Peter can spare you for a week or two. He’s fully capable of carrying on without you for a short time. We’ll come back here in a couple of weeks, and you and he can put the finishing touches on the picture then.”

At first Hildy hesitated, but Jay continued to press his point. “I’d really like for you to meet my folks,” he said. “I know you’ll like each other. I want to show you what a beautiful country Scotland is. Especially at this time of year.”

The full import of how wonderful two weeks with him would be swept over her. I’d be perfectly safe as long as Greg is still in France, she reasoned. Maybe this is a good excuse to get away from him while he’s still here looking for me. But how will I convince Zack and the others?

“Oh, surely Peter can spare you for a short time,” Jay urged. “I know how important this film is to you, and it’s right that it should be. But why don’t you ask him when we get back to the barge and see what he has to say? I’m sure we can work this out. Honey, I want to show you Scotland. The Highlands, the Moors, the Lochs, the customs - “ he gestured - “and you haven’t lived till you’ve tasted the Haggis and Neeps!”

“Haggis and Neeps? What’s that?”

“See!” Jay laughed. “You need to go to Scotland and find out! Hildy, promise me you’ll think about it. We could leave as soon as we get back to Paris.”

Hildy relented, no longer able to fight her desire to be with him. “I’d love to go with you,” she said. “I’ll speak to Peter as soon as we get back to the barge.”

* * *

Back on La Litote, Zack watched Hildy and Jay disappear into the night. He could see how much she wanted to go for that walk with Jay, and he didn’t want to stand in the way of whatever might make her happy, but at the same time he knew her safety had to come first.

He was torn. Jay knows nothing of the circumstances. But that’s the whole problem in a nutshell! What if Greg suddenly realizes who Hildy is and comes after her? Jay wouldn’t know enough to protect her. He hasn’t a clue as to Greg’s intentions. Zack retired to his cabin and tried to calm down. He had always trusted his intuition, and he felt the need to be quiet and get in touch with it again. After meditating for a few minutes, he came to a decision.

He picked up the phone in his cabin and dialed the inn where Greg was staying. After a couple of rings Greg answered.

“Mr. Wilcox?” Zack said, disguising his voice. “It’s Dan. I have a slight cold,” he lied, “so I’ll make this brief. I’m still looking for Hilary. There’s one more town I want to check out. If I don’t find her there I’ll go back to Paris in a day or two.” He thought for a moment, trying to decide the best way to stave off any possibility of Greg finding her in Paris. “I’ll be staying at another hotel when I return,” he told Greg. “La Grande Veue Hotel is all booked up.”

“I know,” Greg answered. “Jay told me he got the last two rooms when he called in for reservations.”

Zack’s heart sank as he realized Greg would be staying at the same hotel where he and Hildy would be.

“What about Hilary?” Greg asked. “Do you think she’ll be staying there?”

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