La Famiglia (34 page)

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Authors: Sienna Mynx

BOOK: La Famiglia
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Giovanni wiped his hand down his face and exhaled to quell some of his anger. He was tired of the discussion. He let his gaze sweep the faces of the men gathered. His inner circle stared back. “If we cut off the head of the snake it still lives. We will need another to reign in and organize what is left of the Mottola clan.”

“And you think Giuliani Mottola is the man for this job?” Dominic asked.

“If I put him in power he’s mine.” Giovanni drummed his fingers on the desk surface. “But is he strong enough to control the Mottolas? That is the real question.”

“What about Santo?” Lorenzo interjected.

“At the very least Santo shouldn’t be over the triangle any longer,” Carlo added.

Giovanni looked over to Dominic who shook his head no. He returned his gaze to Lorenzo and then Carlo before he answered. “Santo is another matter. I need to see him. Then I will decide on the triangle.”

“They wait for you. I made sure Giuliani was well received.” Dominic said.

“Boss?” Renaldo charged inside. “It’s the
, she’s not well.”

Giovanni was up and around his desk in seconds. He and the others walked down the hall to the stairs and up. He met Catalina on the step.

“How is she?” he asked.

“She’s had some bleeding. I’ve already called the doctor that she told me. He said he’d be here within the hour. I think we should take her to the
Giovanni. Blood? What the hell is going on?”

“Is she cramping?” he asked as he rushed with hurried steps to her room.

“I don’t think so, not anymore.” Catalina glanced back at Dominic and then looked at her brother. “Why aren’t you listening to me? We need to get her to the

Giovanni rushed inside the room. At her bedside was Marietta. He paused a second at the sight of the woman comforting his wife. Marietta stepped aside and he went to Mira who was upright and resting against a stack of pillows.

“I’m fine. The doctor will be here and he can decide if I go in. The cramps stopped,” she said with tears in her eyes. “This is normal right? I mean it’s part of it right? Nothing is wrong right?”

Giovanni wasn’t sure. Was this like before or something worse? Did he rush to the hospital or wait and ride it out? How was he to know for certain?

“We need to get her help. A doctor’s home visit isn’t right,” Catalina said, and he could hear the fear in his sister’s voice.

“Everyone leave. Bring the doctor when he arrives. Get out.” Giovanni told them. Lorenzo led Marietta out the door. Dominic touched Catalina who snatched her hand away and marched out. He closed the door behind them.

Giovanni put his hand to his wife’s belly. He bowed his head. “Let’s take you to the hospital. We can’t take any chances. It’ll take us thirty minutes to get to Palermo. What if… we need to take you there now.”

“Giovanni, look at me.” She lifted his chin. “I’m fine. You told me today what this meant. The bleeding has stopped. The cramping has stopped. I’m fine.”

He stood. He stood and paced. He checked his watch over and over until finally he relaxed as Mira did. He sat back on the edge of the bed and held her hand. “No cramps? No blood?”

“None.” She smiled. “I’m fine.”

She pulled his shirt and drew him over to kiss him. There came a knock at the door and she let him go. The doctor was escorted in. The wait had been too long. Giovanni shook his hand and silently vowed the next incident they’d take her in if he had to drive her to Palermo himself.

“How are you
Mirabella?” he put his bag down and approached the bed.

“Better. The cramping and bleeding has stopped,” she said. The doctor removed his equipment to check her pressure. Giovanni was the only other person in the room. He asked Mira a few questions and did a very quick exam and feel of her. “I suggest we take you in to have another ultrasound, we should run some additional tests. Your pressure is elevated.”

“I feel fine!” Mira said.

“Is something wrong doctor?” Giovanni asked.

“Not from what I can tell. There’s a hospital in Mondello. I’ve already called ahead. We can get her there and do a thorough exam. I’m sure she’s okay. But with her condition,” he lowered his voice.

“Speak up,” Mira said. “Giovanni told me about my condition. I want to hear it.”

“Of course. Well you are carrying twins. The pressure on your cervix presents a problem. Were you doing anything strenuous when the cramps began.”

“No. Just walking on the beach.”

“Let’s take you in be safe.” The doctor said.

“Okay. I agree.” Mira wiped at her tears. “Giovanni, can you help me change? Get ready?”

“We’ll meet you there, Doctor.”

The doctor walked out. Giovanni went to Mira’s side and helped her stand. She seemed to weaken and sadden over the news. “I guess I thought if I denied it the babies would be okay. They aren’t ready to be born, Giovanni. It’s too soon.”

“They’re okay, Bella,” Giovanni reassured her.

“I should have stayed in bed. I don’t want to do anything to make this worse for our children.”

“Hey, look at me. The babies are fine. And so are you. Let’s get you changed into something and then go to the
. Okay?”


* B

“Stop pacing.” Rosetta said.

“Shut up!” Catalina hissed.

Marietta observed them both. She said nothing. Though she barely knew Mira the thought of her miscarrying brought her inexplicable anxiety. No woman should have to suffer that amount of pain. The door opened. A man entered and Catalina rushed into his arms. Marietta watched.

“How is she, Domi? Is she okay?”

“They will take her to the
. Gio is going with her. She’s okay.
just to make sure nothing is wrong with the babies.” Dominic turned his gaze to Marietta. “Thank you for helping her on the beach.”

“She didn’t do anything.” Catalina walked away. Marietta smiled at the diss. She nodded to Dominic that he was welcome.

“As soon as Gio knows more he will call us and let us know,” Dominic announced.

Marietta stood. “Where’s Lo? Is he going to the hospital too?”

“No. He and Carlo had a meeting. He told me to tell you he will join you for dinner.” Dominic cast his gaze to Catalina once more. They exchanged a look and then he left. As soon as he was gone Catalina began her worry routine again.

“Would you stop pacing?” Rosetta said. “You’re making my headache worse.”

“Shut your fucking mouth,” Catalina hissed.

Marietta decided she’d had enough of the drama and started for the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Catalina asked.

Marietta paused. She looked around the room to be sure she heard her right. “Are you speaking to me?”

“I saw how you treated my sister in-law at brunch. What happened on the beach? She was fine a few hours ago.”

Marietta stepped to Catalina. “You accusing me of something?”

“Should I be?” Catalina dropped her hands to her hips.

Marietta looked her over. “Bitch please. I suggest you be careful of your step around me. I’m not a fan, a friend, or a person on your staff. Bite and I bite back.”

Catalina frowned. “What the hell does that mean? Is that supposed to make sense to me?”

“I wouldn’t suggest you push me is what it means. I’m not your enemy, Catalina. I did nothing to your precious
. But if you get in my face it’ll cost you your ass.”

Catalina laughed. “
I can give a damn about your tough girl act. This is my family. You’re a stranger. Be careful where you step, Marietta.” She took a step toward her. “Because if you get in my way or do anything to hurt Mirabella it’s you and me.” Catalina looked her over and then marched out of the room.

“She’s a royal bitch,” Rosetta said.

Marietta cast her gaze over to the other one. “And you’re not?”

Rosetta’s smile faded.

Marietta shook her head. “You’re all crazy.”

* B

Mira had to show a brave face. The more her husband became agitated the more he paced the floor and barked at whoever entered. Two tests had turned into six different tests the doctors needed to run. And now two different doctors were consulting on her case. The small
had a polite staff who showed respect toward Giovanni. But even she had to wonder if they needed to leave this one and head to the bigger
in Palermo.

“Are you okay, Bella?” Giovanni’s head turned when she let out an exhausted sigh.

“I’m okay. What do you think is taking so long?”

Giovanni wiped his hand down his face. “I’m not sure, possibly the
lab work. That would take a while in this place, don’t you think?” he looked around at the minimum equipment and rudimentary tools.

“Can you stop pacing please? It makes me nervous,” she smiled.

“Yes, of course, Bella. I wish, the doctor would tell us something.” Giovanni stared at the door. “Maybe I should find him. Get some answers.”

“No! C’mere, Giovanni.” She extended her hand to him. “Come.”

He walked over and she took his hand, kissing his ring. “You need to relax. I have no cramping, no bleeding. The worst is over for now. Let them do their job.” She put his hand to her belly and he spread his fingers as he held the swell. She pushed at the side of her belly to cause the babies to wake. One gave a powerful kick to his daddy’s hand. Giovanni laughed. “He’s a strong boy.”

“A soccer player,” Mira chuckled.

Giovanni leaned in and kissed her belly. The door opened and the doctors entered. Dr. Buhari was the first to speak. “How do we feel

“Better. I haven’t felt a single cramp since we arrived.”

“Good. Very good.” Buhari looked to Giovanni.

“Go ahead, Doctor. My wife can hear her diagnosis,” Giovanni said.

“This is Doctor Pallario. He has joined me to make sure I’ve missed nothing. We are still dealing with a partial Placenta Previa. Which is good. If we had complete Placenta Previa we would need to take the babies.” Mira squeezed Giovanni’s hand and listened intently. “However, because of the size of your uterus and the bleeding, we suggest full bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy.”

“Really?” Mira asked alarmed.

“And…” The other doctor spoke again. “An ultrasound must be done weekly. Must.”

Mira nodded.

“What are the risks?” Giovanni asked. “What does this mean, will she have the babies naturally or will you have to operate when it is time?”

“I have to be honest with you both, her pressure is increasingly high. If the bleeding becomes worse and the placenta shifts lower we risk her hemorrhaging. Worst case scenario is death, best case scenario would be a full hysterectomy to stop the bleeding. Keeping her calm and in bed is important. It is the most important thing for the health of the babies as well.”

“Oh my God.” Mira said. “You’re telling me that besides losing my children, my life, if I survive this I might not be able to have anymore children?”

“It’s a risk we intend to avoid. We have the best specialists in Palermo. You will be in capable hands.”

She glanced over to Giovanni and he paled. Sick. He squeezed her hand and tried to reassure her with a smile. Mira nodded to her husband that she was okay.

“The good news is the twins have strong heartbeats, they are growing adequately. You should be able to carry them for a few more weeks if we are careful.”

“I want Zia. Can you send for her, Giovanni? I want her to come as soon as she can.” Mira said through her tears.

He kissed her. “Of course. I’ll send for her immediately.” He walked over and shook the doctors’ hands. “Grazie to you both. I will bring her to the appointments myself. Personally.”

Mira began to cry after the doctor’s left. Giovanni returned to her side and held her. “No worries, Bella. We will get through this. We will do as the doctors ask.”

“I’m so scared.”

“Shhh, with me you should never be. I will protect you and our children. Always.”

“Yes, Giovanni. But some things even you can’t prevent.”

* B

Giuliani smoked a cigar. Santo sat in a chair across from him, watching him as if bored. The Mottola rat glanced up in surprise when Lorenzo walked in. “Where is Gio? I demand to see him now! I came here as a courtesy and you’ve kept me here for four hours!” He pushed up in his chair. “What the hell is going on?” Giuliani demanded.

Behind Lorenzo entered Carlo, Dominic, and Nico. Santo slowly stood. He parted his suit jacket and eased his hands into his pockets.

“Is Giovanni ready for him now,” Santo asked. Shock registered on his face at the sight of Lorenzo.

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