La Famiglia (22 page)

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Authors: Sienna Mynx

BOOK: La Famiglia
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sent me to collect Eve. She sent Catalina but—well she needs me to collect her now.”

“Oh who cares,” Rosetta said. She pushed past Cecilia and started off. “Watch where you’re going next time.”

Rosetta had no worries that Cecilia would tell of her eavesdropping. If the stupid wench did she’d do far worse than push her down a flight of stairs. Rosetta smiled over the information she’d learned. Just as she suspected, Catalina didn’t appreciate Dominic. She wondered what Dominic would think of this news?

* B

“Something smells good?”

Marietta glanced back over her shoulder to the man who spoke. “Oh it’s you,” she said and rolled her eyes. Carlo stood at the entrance of the cramped kitchen on the ship. He wore swim shorts and no shirt. The sun had baked his skin to a deep olive tan. The man had more muscles, scars and tattoos on his chest than Lorenzo. The whole sordid story of his life could probably be told by the mean cuts and slashes she saw on his chest and side. Carlo stared at the frying pan with a wolfish grin to his face.

Earlier she told them both if they cleaned and gutted the fish she’d fry them up southern style. Lorenzo loved her fried fish. It was hard as hell to find anything equivalent to fishfry on the boat so she made her own batter, which turned out to be a good compromise.

“It’ll be done soon,” she said under her breath and wished he’d leave.

“It does smell good. Can I help?” he asked. From behind her she could feel him move in closer.

“Hell no.” She turned and stopped his advance with a glare. “In fact why don’t you go back up on deck and smoke your cigars or scratch your balls while
man keeps catching the fish for you to eat,” Marietta snickered. She turned down the heat on the simmering oil and then used the spatula to pick up the fish and drop it on a napkined plate with four others.

“I wanted to apologize, beautiful,” Carlo said. “I was a mean bastard earlier.”

“Don’t want, or need your apology, honey. We understand each other perfectly,” she answered.

“I don’t think we do.” Carlo touched her shoulder. She flinched and he dropped his hand. She glanced back at him. He was as tall as Lorenzo but even more muscular in the shoulders and arms. She didn’t like him standing so close. It made her feel funny. A strange mix of arousal and apprehension often overcame her. And his attention when they were alone, be it threatening or seductive, was unhealthy for her and Lorenzo. This she felt in her core.

“I was wrong to insult you,” he said in Italian. “To tell you that you shouldn’t marry him. He does love you. We’ve been friends since kids. He’s a brother to me.”

Marietta picked up the frying pan and moved it off the gas flame. “Alright that’s enough!” she turned and faced off with him. “I don’t give a
about your brotherhood. Lorenzo is
man. Mine! You have no say in what goes down between us. You got that?”

Carlo smiled. “I got it,

“Then go away. Leave us alone. Go back to wherever it is you came from. And don’t ever touch me again or I’ll kick you in the nuts.”

Carlo chuckled. He leaned in and his face was close. “Lorenzo didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“I’ll never go away. You marry Lorenzo, you marry me,” he kissed her forehead and she slapped him. Carlo chuckled. Marietta didn’t know what else to do. Her instinct said to hit him again, because the other instinctive nature in her, the one that was much more reckless said to do something else. He winked and then walked out. She exhaled deeply. After a few minutes she smiled. Carlo was a bastard. He was just messing with her head. No harm done. She shook her head and went to the fridge to make a salad. Carlo wasn’t a threat. And he wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. Marietta knew the secret that could blow Lorenzo and Carlo’s friendship apart.

“You’ll go away if I say so,” she said with a smile.

* B


Dominic found him. He was in the zen garden, sitting and smoking his cigar. It looked like he waited for someone. The sun had nearly set and Dominic made it just before dinner. He walked straight in.

“Sorry I’m late. Had a few stops to make,” Dominic said.

“Where?” Giovanni exhaled a thick stream of smoke.

“Mancini’s for one. I met with Armando.” Dominic took a seat. “He’s the same arrogant bastard.”

Giovanni nodded. “And what did the brat Mancini have to say?”

“He’s delusional. I informed him of our stay. He wasn’t pleased that you didn’t call him personally.”

“So?” Giovanni asked.

“He mentioned Mirabella.”

Giovanni looked over. “Did he? What did he say about my wife?”

“You do know bringing her here was a risk. I’ve advised against it. This isn’t our territory. The Mancinis could pose a problem.”

“What did he say about my Bella?” Giovanni asked.

“He asked if she was well. I don’t think he knows their connection. The inquiry was possibly to push my buttons.”

“He’s of no threat to her or us. Not even in Sicily. To be sure of it call in a favor with the Casalesi clan, I hear they have unresolved issues with Armando. The distraction should keep Mancini busy while my Bella relaxes and delivers our children.” Giovanni pushed up in the chair and stood. “I wanted to see you. We have real problems. Chiaiano is gone—the entire territory is now under Mottola’s control. Santo’s fuck up.”

“Mottola would never claim that region. I don’t believe it.” Dominic said.

“It’s true. Giuliani informed me by phone. I’ve summoned him to Italy with Santo. It appears Mottola believes I have gone soft. That our attempt to legitimize Battaglia makes us weak.” Giovanni looked at him. “And maybe he has a point.”

“A point?” Dominic stood. “What you are doing is more than making a point. You’re changing—”

“I’m losing sight of who we are. I’ve gone too far to forget what our legacy in the

“You have not, Gio. No one has ever betrayed you in our clan. You’ve taken the Neapolitan clans further than any other leader. You’ve brought in the discipline of the
. The rest of the clans are animals, tearing at each other’s throats. You’re a leader.” Dominic began to pace. “Since Tomosino died we have acquired 1200 properties in the
, 23 companies in Italy excluding
, and over 200 bank accounts.”

Giovanni exhaled. “That’s not the point.”

“Listen to reason. We shouldn’t go backwards. We can’t go on as just the
. We are bigger than that now.” Dominic pleaded. “
La Polizi di Stato
started investigating us ever since the Kei Hyogo and Fabiana incidents. I’m hearing that they have a new inspector who has an agenda. He works with the Americans. The next few years we need to remain above reproach.” Dominic stepped closer and lowered his voice. “We deal with Mottola. Yes. Swift and decisively we put him down. But we don’t stop moving toward legitimization of our assets. We don’t become the dogs of society because we fear walking upright on two legs. Your actions make you a different leader from Patri.”

Giovanni grabbed Dominic by the back of the neck and pulled him close. He patted his cheek. “You have always been a smart boy, like a son to me. But don’t tell me what to do. I don’t need a lecture.”

“I’m a man now, Giovanni. I’m your
. And I will never let them bring you down. Trust me. Let me do my job.”

After a pause Dominic wasn’t sure what Giovanni would decide. He then pulled him into a fraternal hug. Maybe the time of dissention between them was over. They let each other go. The hug was only brief and the words between them thoughtful, Dominic paused waiting for Giovanni’s decision.


Giovanni had come close to acting on his impulses. Dominic was a good voice of reason. And to think he had every intention of ending the life of his brother over loyalty. Who in his life had ever been more loyal than Dominic? His Bella knew this, and saved them both from the curse of their fathers. And now Giovanni understood why compassion and forgiveness is needed in their family. He released Dominic who rubbed the soreness form his neck.

“We do it your way, Domi. Let Francesco continue his exploits. Send word to Carlo and bring him back from France. We will decide how we remind the clans that I have not softened. So we can continue to be the dogs who walk on two legs!” Giovanni roared with laughter.

“Hi!” Mira said

Giovanni and Dominic both looked back to the door. His Bella stood there grinning at them both. In Sorrento they conducted business at
Villa Rosso
and never worried over an unannounced interruption.

He would have to be careful.

“Ciao, Donna.”
Dominic walked over to Mira and kissed her.

“We’ve been waiting for you to come home. It’s time to eat. You too, baby,” Mira said. “Domi, can you come with me. I want a word.”

Giovanni nodded and she turned and walked out. Dominic followed her. Giovanni stepped into the garden. Everything was manageable. And if it wasn’t, he knew how to make it so.

* B

Dominic found Mira in the billiard room down the hall. She stood there with her arms crossed waiting for him. He approached her and greeted her properly with a cheek kiss. “How are you?”

“I’m good.” Mira sighed. “And don’t worry I don’t want to hammer you with questions about the company.”

He chuckled. There was a chair close to her. He insisted she sit in it. He drew a chair over and sat before her. “Tell me what it is you want to talk to me about?”

Mira stared at him for a moment. She looked worried and that gave him pause. Did she learn the truth about her condition? A truth he told Giovanni he’d eventually have to share.

“He took me to see Esta and Fiona today,” she said.

“Oh?” Dominic sat back.

“I saw how they’re living. What Giovanni is doing to them. He pretends he’s honoring Esta’s wishes by locking her away in that village but I saw their meager existence. And… and the look in his eyes Dominic. He’s torturing those women. Esta is sick. She should have round the clock care.”

Dominic sat back with a deep sigh. He could give a shit about Esta. He remembered how cruel that bitch was to his madre Eve. But he masked his hatred for the sake of the conversation. “Esta is well cared for. You misread what you saw. She’s a stubborn old woman. She doesn’t want for anything.”

“Bullshit, Domi,” Mira chuckled. “I’m new to running a family like this but I’m not crazy. My fear is that this is unhealthy for him and you to treat her like this. My main goal is to protect my husband, even from himself if I have to.”

“Don’t worry about Esta, I’ll handle it,” Dominic made to rise.

“No.” Mira stopped him. “I’ll handle it. I want her moved to Bagheria. Where she has family, a better place for her. I want a nurse to tend to her round the clock. I want…”

“I have to advise against this, Mira,” Dominic warned. He glanced back over his shoulder and lowered his voice. “You need to discuss the matter with Gio. He would not be happy if you stepped in and did things this way.”

“Why?” Mira asked. “If what you say is true and he wants the best for Esta why would he care if I make sure that happens?”

Dominic slouched in his seat. He was tired. He had a lot to contend with, especially now that they had issues with the Mottolas. The last thing he needed was Mira’s crusade of justice. So he decided to give it to her straight. He sat upright. “Esta suffers because of the last insult she did to our mother. Do you know Eve is buried here?”

“Yes, I know.” Mira nodded.

“Well Esta could have shown kindness and allowed her to enter the family plot. The church would have granted it if Esta permitted it. But she refused. Giovanni also believes she convinced many people to stay away from our mother’s funeral. It hurt him deeply.”

Mira looked away. “He has to move on.”

“Does he? Giovanni has endured scorn and ridicule all his life. It’s part of him now. Those that took pleasure in the suffering of his mother earn no kindness in return.”

“It bothers me. Worries me. I saw the look in his eyes, and it scared me. I don’t want him to be a man that could torture an old woman no matter what her sins were,” she reasoned.

“But he is that man, Mira,” Dominic reminded her.

Her gaze returned to him.

“And you should realize that now.” Dominic warned. He then smiled. “How about a compromise?”

“I’m listening,” Mira said.

“I’ll hire a nurse to tend to her, to make sure her medicine is administered correctly. The nurse will give you regular updates on her health. But she stays where she is.”

Mira looked relieved. “Thank you, Domi.”

He winked. “
No problemo
. Let’s keep this between us. For now.”

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