La Famiglia (11 page)

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Authors: Sienna Mynx

BOOK: La Famiglia
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Rosetta walked over and sat next to her. “
, it’s okay. You will like it in Sicily.”

“Oh yes. I know.” Mira wiped away her tears and forced a smile. “I’m fine.” She tried to wave off Rosetta’s concern.

“I heard from Renaldo that Catalina will be here tomorrow. Isn’t that great? She is going to give us all the updates on the latest in Milano.”

Mira rubbed her temples. “That’s great.”

,” Giovanni said.

Mira glanced up at the sound of his voice. He stood there, filling the inside of the door with his hands in his pockets. Rosetta left without another word. Giovanni closed the door behind her. Though Mira didn’t want to argue she forced herself to meet his stare and hold it. It was her husband who blinked first. He wiped his hand down his face in an effort to choose his words wisely. “
Che cosa
? The things you say to me, Bella—”

“I don’t think it’s wise that we talk right now,” Mira said.

Che cosa desidera?
Why aren’t you happy?” he demanded. “I’ve done everything in my power to make this special.”

“I need a minute. Space!” she shouted.

“Mira.” He pointed a warning finger at her. “Enough of this bullshit. You hear me?”

She wept.

Giovanni stood there watching. He didn’t speak.

“I can’t help it. I can’t control it.” She put her hands to her face. He walked over to her. She felt him standing in front of her. He stroked the back of her head. “I love you, Giovanni. You’re the closest to me, the dearest to me, and you piss me off. I hate myself for these childish tantrums. It’s not normal. My pregnancy is no excuse.” She lifted her head and looked up at him. “Some days I just don’t feel like myself.”

“Everyone is ready to have lunch. Can we try civility with each other?” he asked.

“You forgive me?” she sniffed. “For being a bitch?”

“You’re my bitch, so what’s to forgive?” He lifted her chin and she looked up into his caring eyes. “I can take it,
. I’ll give you a little space before we take a tour of our new home. We’ll take a trip down to the beach. How does that sound?”

She blinked. He pinched her chin then let his hand fall away. Before he turned she tossed another question at him. “Who is
to you, Giovanni?”

. Carmella has been a part of this family for many years, Bella.”

Mira held back the urge to challenge his answer. For all she knew the woman was family. He never wavered in his devotion to her. And she’s weathered the glares, and snide comments from women outside of the family who didn’t like the idea of his black American wife. But Carmella felt different.

He extended his hand. “Lunch?
Cara mia Mirabella
, you are the only woman for me.”

“I’m better,” she said softly. “It won’t happen again.”

“We need to celebrate not argue.
Per favore

Tears blinded her eyes and choked her voice. She swallowed, and then forced a smile. “I feel better. Really.”

He kissed her brow. “That’s my girl.”

They rejoined the family together. The meal was served out under the noonday sun on the terrace that faced a garden. The coastal winds flowing in over them kept the temperature of the day mild and cozy. Giovanni pulled out the chair for her. Mira’s gaze swept all that were gathered. Carmella wasn’t among them. 

“Cin Cin!”
Giovanni said with the raise of his glass. Everyone silenced for the announcement of a toast. Glasses rose. Giovanni turned his attention to her. “To my Bella, at last she returns to

The toast felt odd as did his insistence on her loving Sicily. He acted as if the island, the culture, the people were a part of her. Why would that be so important to him? She had her own identity, and she was proud of who she was and where she was from. First he wanted her kids born here, and now he tried to force the same connection on her.

Mira smiled at her husband and blew him a kiss to appease him.

Sophia served them from the kitchen with the help of Rosetta. Before long Mira had all but forgotten her anxiety, and the ache in her heart for Fabiana subsided. She fed Eve and listened to Giovanni and the men swap stories of their childhood or family memories. Every man in Giovanni’s inner circle was Sicilian or so they claimed. Mira had no real way of knowing.

After an hour of celebrating she felt the need to walk not sit. She scooted her chair back and stood to go help Sofia in the kitchen. She figured she’d make peace with Carmella being in the house. Besides the woman was of no threat. However, in the kitchen she found Sophia with Cecilia fixing pies. Carmella wasn’t present. Sophia looked up and smiled. She came over to her. She wiped her hands on her apron and her eyes shifted from Mira to the door she entered.

? Do you need anything?”

“No. I just thought I’d offer to help,” Mira said. Zia always encouraged Mira to join her in the kitchen. And when Zia left Mira oversaw every meal served to the family. Giovanni wouldn’t eat unless she prepared his plate herself.

. We will have the desert out in a moment,” Sophia said. Mira liked the kindness in her eyes. But she sensed a tense weariness in Sophia’s tone.

“Oh no worries. The men are still feasting on what you prepared. It’s really good.”

“Go join them,” Sophia shooed her to leave.  “We have it.”

Mira turned to leave. She stopped and glanced back at Sophia. “Where’s Carmella?”

Sophia refused to look at her when she answered. She busied herself at the stove. “Giovanni sent her back to Palermo. She’s to not return while you’re here.”

“He said that?” Mira asked.

Non problemo
. She has work to do at home. I apologize if she did anything to offend to you.” Sophia glanced up. So did Cecilia. The women stared at her, reading her discomfort. Mira felt a hot flash of shame raise the temperature in her neck and cheeks. She didn’t mean to banish the woman.
Or did she?
When she pushed her husband he pushed back at anyone standing between them. She nodded her head at Sophia and walked out. When she returned to the table Giovanni was caught up in another tale again. She sat next to him and smiled. It was true, she felt better already.

* B

To set aside his business responsibilities was not easily done. Upon his arrival to Sicily he received three requests from local men of importance to meet. Giovanni would see no one. It was customary that he pay a visit to the Mancinis. That tradition would be abandoned as well. He closed his mind to the matter. He was in Sicily to help his wife, and every sacrifice along the way was worth it. Helping her regain control of her emotions and to relax during the final stage of her pregnancy would be his top priority.

Time ticked on. Giovanni sipped his wine and stared out at the garden. The villa had settled into the calm that typically crept in over the island at sunset. Dark shadows stretched about him and he relaxed in the shade. He felt soul weary the past few weeks.

“I’m ready,” she said from behind him.

Giovanni turned his gaze back over his left shoulder. She stood there smiling. She had changed into a maternity dress with soft pink, lavender, green, and yellow colors connecting in intricate designs. She made these dresses for him and her. The low cut front tied around her neck and separated her enlarged breasts, giving a lift to flatter her expanding curves. The hem was long but an opening along the right revealed thigh and leg when she moved.

Mira lifted a pair of flat thong sandals with one hand and fancy high-heel shoes in the other with a sweet smile. “Which one?”

He stood and pointed at the flats.

“I should have known you would make this choice. You don’t like me to wear heels anymore.”

“I want you comfortable. Those look comfortable. I’ll be barefoot.”

“Huh?” Mira laughed.

Giovanni kicked off his loafers. He knelt and folded his pants just above his ankles. “There! Now I’m comfortable!” He stood and threw up his hands.

Mira shook her head with a smile that melted his heart. It was too easy to get lost in her smile.

“I see.”

“What do you see, Bella?” he asked.

“We must not be going far.” She dropped her thong sandals before her feet and tossed the other pair of shoes aside. She eased her foot in one then the other. And then she extended her hands to him. He walked over and captured her hands, bringing them both up to his mouth to kiss.

“Where are we going? To the beach?” she asked.

“We’re going somewhere more private,” he replied.

“I guessed that,” she chuckled.

“My wife is so smart.”

“Yes I am, thank you very much. Plus you mentioned it earlier remember?”

“I did. Why did you pretend to not know?” he asked.

“To keep you on your toes. Besides you also mentioned making love under the stars. I figured we’d go somewhere to make that happen instead of the lumpy sand on the beach. You know I’m not as limber as I once was.”

“Let me worry about how limber you can be. Come.” He pulled her behind him with her hand in his. And he was careful of his pace. He’d learned to shorten his stride and choose his steps where she could follow him. They walked out of the east side of the villa. There was an open trail that went downward toward the gates of the property. He could see his men in the distance. He could hear the sea in the wind and the sea birds as they sailed across a sunset sky. He glanced back at her. She smiled with bright enthusiasm glittering in her eyes.

“This end of the beach is private. You want to take walks? Bring Evie out here, you can. I have men covering it,” Giovanni boasted. He glanced back at his man posted. Maybe he’d bring in a few more of the men to ensure the beach stayed cleansed of Mancini vermin.

“This place is beautiful,” she said.

He slowed so she could walk at his side. Once they passed Renaldo they started left. He felt her hesitation.

“I thought we were going to—”

He stopped. She looked out of the clearing to what was before them.

“This is my surprise, Bella.”

A wooden square shaped house with a flat roof. It stood three feet off the sand by the aid of wooden posts. The front of the beach house had a wide plank, which stretched out to the lapping waters of the shore.

“It’s a beach villa?” she asked.

“My father and Rocco built it when they were kids. There are other smaller villas closer to Villa Mare Blu where the men will sleep. But this is the only one sitting on the edge of the sea. They used it as a fishing house. Lorenzo and I renovated it years ago. It’s my escape.”

“So it’s abandoned?” she asked.

“Nothing we own is abandoned. It’s ours for the night. I’ll take you there next,” he replied.


“Let’s walk on the beach. Are you up for it?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said.

They strolled for a moment before he pointed out to the ocean. “Look.” The sun was a huge orange globe. She’d noticed it before. However, it now slowly neared the edge of the sea. Light faded from the sky. Darkness descended on them fast. The remaining light streaked across the heavens with vibrant colors of magenta and purple. Its reflection shimmered across the rolling waves of the ocean. The sun eased into the water and the day was extinguished.

“Wow. That is something. It’s really beautiful,” she said.

They continued to walk in the sand, feet sinking with each step. When they got as close to the waves to rush in over their feet he stepped behind her and held her belly with one hand while squeezing her breast with the other. The round cushion of her thick ass brushed up against his groin. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent. He felt his arousal quicken over the touch and smell of her. He knew to reign in that urgent lust. “I’d come here with my mother and watch the sun set when I was a young boy.”

“She liked this beach?” Mira asked. She moved his hand down from her breast so they both could hold her belly. Immediately he felt one or both of his son’s kick. They stilled when he applied a little pressure like good babies. Mira relaxed into his frame. Sometimes at night he’d experience a little bump or tap to his back as she slept with her belly pressed into him. He’d turn over and touch her. Make her comfortable. He’d whisper to his sons to give her a break. And they always did. He relaxed and gave in to his deepest feelings for her.

I love this woman. A lifetime of bullshit and finally I have what I never wanted since the loss of my sweet mama. The purest love. What if I had never met her? What if our fathers hadn’t commited their sins? I’d give it all up for her, for my children, without hesistation.

“Tell me about your mother. Why she liked this beach,” she asked and his thoughts blew away with the sea wind. He was with her again. Focused on the moment and not the emotion. He had to firm his voice when he spoke to keep from her how enticed by emotion he was to be weak.

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