La Bella Mafia (19 page)

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Authors: Ashley & JaQuavis

BOOK: La Bella Mafia
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Chapter 21
“I get everything I want.”
Miamor smiled as she danced with her baby boy, holding his hand as she bent down to kiss him on the cheeks. He was clad in a Ralph Lauren suit and as she turned her head to see Carter watching them closely, she realized that life could not get any better. She held out her hand for him to join them and Carter shook his head to decline but gave her a wink instead.
Carter had never imagined that the fruit to their street labor would be so abundant, but Vegas seemed to be the reward. For all the loss . . . the blood shed . . . the misery that The Cartel had endured, they had finally reached the ultimate goal. Legitimacy. As the live band switched tunes he checked the presidential on his wrist. It was almost nine o'clock. It was time to send the children home with Magdalena so that a night of true celebration could begin. He motioned for Miamor to come off the dance floor. She was now grooving with CJ and her nephews Tre and Monroe Jr. She left the boys to entertain themselves as she went to her husband's side.
“Have Magdalena take the kids back to the condo,” he said.
“Cool, you want me to send Aries?” Miamor asked.
“No, she needs to be here. She helped build this. The men, their families . . . the entire Cartel gets to enjoy this night,” Carter said. Miamor kissed his cheek, recognizing his nostalgia before walking away to dismiss the kids.
He watched Miamor hustle out of the room but tensed when the feeling of soft hands covered his eyes.
“Guess who Mr. Jones?”
He turned, stepping back to create some distance. “Yasmine? What are you doing here?” he asked. He was cool under pressure as he rubbed his freshly lined goatee.
“You think my father would invest in a casino without protecting his investment. I'm his eyes and ears,” she replied. “After hearing that you were out, I couldn't help but make the trip. We have unfinished business Mr. Jones.”
Carter smirked at her persistence. Even after five years Yasmine didn't give up. She was a lioness on the prowl and she was looking for a king. She was prettier, more mature, and more glamorous. In another lifetime perhaps she would be his lady, but in this one the competition for his heart had already been won.
“What business is that?” he asked.
She stepped close, standing next to him as she leaned into his ear. Carter kept his eye on the crowd, not even looking down at her as she whispered, “No one has fucked me quite right since you and I know that little ghetto girl of yours can't suck your dick like I can. She's trash.”
“Watch your mouth,” Carter warned, still keeping his eyes straightforward.
She cut her eyes at him. “You know you don't love her Carter. If you did, you would have never slept with me. Silly man,” she said with a mischievous grin. “If you think I came here to be turned away you're mistaken. We both know the connection we shared while you were in Saudi Arabia. If you like, I can refresh your memory.”
She caressed Carter's hand but he quickly gripped her wrist tightly and pulled her across the room until he found a corner of slot machines that was practically empty. He cornered her against the wall. “Look ma, this is my life. Shit was good in Saudi, I'm not gone play you like it wasn't but it isn't laying like that between us over here. I have a wife now . . . a family.”
Yasmine reached down and massaged his print, feeling his thickness through the fabric of his pants. He shook her hard, slamming her back against one of the machines. “What the hell is wrong with you ma? I said it's not happening.” He thumbed the center of her forehead. “Get that shit through your head.”
She reached out to him, grabbing at his lapel but he dusted her off of him as if he were removing a piece of irritating lint. He was trying to save her. The way she was acting she would blow up her own spot and get herself whacked.
My bitch ain't bout them games,
he thought, shaking his head as he walked away briskly.
He didn't realize that his face was scrunched until he found Miamor. “What's wrong?”
He straightened his brow and took a deep breath as he replied, “Nothing ma. Everything's good.”
“Good because it's time for the ribbon cutting ceremony and for you to make your speech,” she said.
Monroe made his way to Carter's side and they hugged jovially. “We made it bro,” Monroe said.
“We'll always make it,” Carter replied. He looked around. He had his left hand, now he was only missing his right. Zyir was his hitter and it wouldn't be right to bust this cherry without him. The casino symbolized their rise into greatness. He had helped to achieve it. It was important that he be a part of this moment. “Where is Zyir?”
“Breeze isn't going to let that nigga come up for air anytime soon,” Monroe replied. “We can get started without him.”
Miamor walked up on the small stage where the live band was playing and signaled for them to stop playing as she took the microphone.
“Good evening everyone. First I would like to thank you all for coming to the official grand opening of The Davinci Resort and Casino. I would like to introduce you to the owners of The Davinci, my husband Carter Jones, and my brothers Monroe Diamond and Zyir Rich. Let's give them a round of applause ladies and gentlemen.”
Miamor walked off stage as Carter and Monroe stole the spotlight. As she stepped off she was yanked into an empty broom closet. She protested, but her hands were held tightly at the wrists as a hand quickly covered her mouth to silence her scream.
“Chill Miamor, it's just me,” Fly Boogie stated.
Miamor snatched away from him violently. “What the fuck is up with you?”
“I had to talk to you ma,” Fly Boogie said. “You haven't fucked with me since Carter been home. It's been days Miamor. I've called you like a hunnid times ma.”
Miamor shook her head. It was now confirmed that she had him lovesick. He was handsome, paid, hungry, and she had trained him to be a killer but he wasn't for her. He didn't have enough teeth in the game to even look her way. Her resume trumped his. Even if she wasn't in love with Carter she didn't have time to grow Fly Boogie up. They weren't in the same league. “Fly, my man is home. My husband,” she said.
“I know and I respect big homie, but I'd be lying like shit if I told you that I haven't been thinking about you. I'm feeling you ma. I know it ain't supposed to happen like that but its true. Seeing you on this nigga arm is making me sick,” Fly Boogie stated as he cornered her. He reached down and seconds before his lips touched hers she turned her face, causing him to kiss her cheek.
“Stop, just stop Fly,” she protested. “Carter will murder you in this bitch. If you've never believed anything before please believe that. Just do your job Fly. Remain loyal. I'm not the girl for you and these are not the kind of problems you want.”
“Look at this shit ma,” he said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of her name on his wrist. “I'm riding with you Miamor. Everything I do is for you. I'm stacking my paper for you.”
“Have you lost your mind? What if Carter sees that? What does that mean ” she asked. “Fly, get a hold of yourself before you put yourself in a position you can't get out of.”
“You didn't feel nothing. When Carter was away and it was just me and you? Tell me I'm imagining it,” Fly Boogie challenged, wearing his heart on his sleeve. Over the years Fly Boogie had fallen for Miamor. She was the only type of woman he could see himself with. Carter coming home had thrown him off. He couldn't stand the sight of them together. It pained him greatly despite the fact that he knew what it was.
She looked into his handsome face and thought,
If Carter was any other nigga I would give you what you asking for little boy. But he holds the key to my heart.
Miamor didn't respond, she simply walked out of the closet while shaking her head in disgrace. She wasn't a liar and she didn't want to insult Fly Boogie's intelligence. They had connected. She even enjoyed his company. Many nights they had stayed up until the sun came out, talking about the game . . . about life . . . his presence had made things a little less hard. She couldn't tell him that she hadn't felt anything, but she wouldn't confirm that she had either. Even thinking it made her feel like she was betraying Carter. With her thoughts running rampant in her head, she bumped straight into Yasmine.
“I love your dress. What is it? Yves Saint Laurent?” Yasmine asked, playing nice. “I had one just like it
“I know one thing you didn't have last season,” Miamor shot back. She wasn't even going to pretend to like this girl. She had no time for games. Not when Fly Boogie had her flustered and bothered.
Yasmine pursed her lips as she waited for the punch line. Miamor pointed her manicured finger up at the stage where Carter charmed the crowd. “That's all mine,” she said. Yasmine rolled her eyes as Miamor joined her husband on stage. By the end of the speech and the ribbon cutting ceremony, Carter had made all of the attendees fall in love with him.
“What is Yasmine Baraka doing here?” Miamor asked, leaning into him so that no one could overhear her disdain.
“Her father sent her. She's here to stay so play nice ma . . . for me,” Carter stated.
“I don't play at all. The sooner she learns that the better. I have no problem shipping her ass back to the middle-east in a box,” she spat. Carter was already feeling the heat from the mistake he had made years ago. He only hoped that it didn't come back to haunt him. He had to make sure that Yasmine could keep a secret, because if his infidelity ever got out he could lose it all.
“Why exactly were the Italians brought in on the deal?” Carter asked. It was the first words out of his mouth as Miamor walked into their condo. She was carrying a sleeping CJ in her arms. It was the first day that she hadn't had to rely on Magdalena to play ‘mommy'. She had spent the entire day with her four year old and she was exhausted. In so many ways being a regular wife and mother was more taxing than running an entire staff at the resort and casino. The last thing she wanted to do was come home and go over every single move she had made while Carter had been away.
“That's the first thing you say to me? I haven't seen you all day!” she said as she pouted playfully. She carried CJ into his room and laid him across his bed before rejoining Carter at the dining room table. He had requested that every contract that had been acquired during his absence be copied and sent to him. It was all laid out in front of him as he tried to wrap his brain around the entire operation. He couldn't be a boss without knowledge. He didn't want to have to go to Miamor every time someone asked him a question. He was playing catch up and it was overwhelming.
“Okay Mr. Jones . . . the Italians?” Miamor said rhetorically. “Well Jim Salerno runs this town. He's old school. Mafia. I could not get the gambling commission to approve my license application unless I cut a deal with him. He has a ten percent stake in The Davinci. I'll make the introduction if you like?”
Carter nodded and pulled her into his lap as he kissed her shoulder. “I'll set it up for the morning.”
Carter and Miamor stayed up half the night as she filled him in on business. She was thorough and ran through it all, leaving no detail up in the air.
While she had him talking Miamor's thoughts drifted. She didn't like how Yasmine suddenly had a vested interest in The Davinci.
Where the hell was she when I was building it from the ground up?
“Can I ask you something?” she asked.
“Anything ma,” he replied, distracted. Miamor used her forefinger to turn his chin toward her.
“I need you to be honest with me Carter,” she replied. “And I need to see your eyes when I ask you this.”
Her tone worried him and he gave her his attention. “You ain't got to tip toe around anything Miamor. I'll tell you whatever you want to know,” he said seriously.
“Have you ever fucked with Yasmine?” she asked.
The question caused his heart to stop but his face remained the same. He wasn't one to lie but he couldn't admit to that. To dig up skeletons from years ago would only bring trouble. He didn't want to upset Miamor or give her insecurity about Yasmine. He had told himself that it would never happen again and he had meant it. “No, I wouldn't have her here, around you everyday, if I had. I wouldn't disrespect you Miamor,” he said. As he spoke he felt like scum because that's exactly what he was doing. Yasmine had an inside joke on Miamor and he knew how catty women could be.
I got to take care of that,
he thought. “You don't have to worry about that okay?”

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