L. Ann Marie (17 page)

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Authors: Tailley (MC 6)

BOOK: L. Ann Marie
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"Permission for me and Darren to carry while we're in the yard and at the compound."  Little Ben says.

VP stands up.  I look at him.  He's watching Pres.  "How come only you two?"

"Jessie is always with one of us, he doesn't want to carry because of the smaller kids.  If we all carry, they would want to.  They can shoot as well as us; Jeremy and Jacob better than us, but the consequences of that are too big for them to deal with.  If he doesn't carry, he's showing them there is a purpose for us to carry based on our positions and the threat; it's not just for fun or status."  VP sits down.  Pres looks at him then Danny.  They both nod.

Pres looks at me, "Are they proficient with the pop ups?"

I nod.  "All five aced them within time.  They're better than most of the Brothers.  I didn't put them on the board because I didn't want to advertise their ability."

"You have our permission for you and Darren.  It's not given lightly; protect the respect we’re giving you with the responsibility it carries."  Little Ben throws him chin.  Fuckin little Badass.

"Anything else?"  No one has anything.  "Two days we meet right here, same time.  I don't want the kids out of the backyard.  Tiny, take Little Ben to Evidence and find him and Darren holsters, make sure it fits them snug.  You use the guns you've been training with."  Little Ben nods and stands, leaving with Tiny and Jessie.

"I know what you're going to say.  They're responsible; they've got a proven track record and they understand the consequences of pulling the trigger.  They're always guarded and the threats we're talking about involve them.  They deserve the same respect we'd give the women.  Anyone else's kids I'd think twice before allowing them to open carry but you taught your kids that responsibility yourselves."  Danny and VP nod.

I look around.  "I agree; they aced the course.  They're able to guide and police themselves and do it logically and with thought.  Nothing is taken lightly with Little Ben, Jessie and Darren.  Jessie sees five steps ahead of them; he's able to keep them on a good path.  Little Ben recognizes it and uses his advice to make good decisions."

VP throws me chin, "I'm good with it."  Cloud and Danny agree, then everyone does.

"How long is your appointment?"  Pres asks me.

"I never got a robotic leg, I have no idea.  With the braces, it was forty-five minutes."

"I need to see you when you're finished.  Come up to my office."  He waits for me; I nod and get my papers straight sliding them into the folder Ed gave me.

I stop Danny at the door.  "Mandy is calling Kate about the apartment."

He smiles, "Good, one less thing I need to worry about."

I get in my office and hear a chopper.  What the fuck now?  I look out the window and see the Baxter's chopper set down at the back of Security.  Four BS get out with Jamie, Mitch the doctor and Max following.  Two BS are behind them.  Fuck, that's a lot of Security for a leg.  They're an hour early and they arrive by chopper?  We're only fifteen minutes from their compound.  This can't all be for the appointment.  Ed calls me on my speaker to go to the meeting room.

CJ and Joey are sitting when I come in.  I nod to them both.  CJ smiles.  "Congratulations, Bob.  I've heard you talk to Amanda; I know you have it in you to do more than nod and smile."

"Hi, CJ and Joey and thanks."  I smile at her.

They laugh, "Someday I'll get a whole paragraph out of you."

I have no idea what to say to that, "Ok.  That might not be today, though."

Joey laughs; CJ shakes her head smiling.  "We were told to be here early."  I nod.

Mitch and the doctor come in with a guard.  I see a guard outside the door.  What the fuck is going on that she needs guards in the building?  We're fuckin Security.

Mitch looks around at us.  "Sorry we're early; some things got changed around because of security."  She makes me laugh, rolling her eyes.  "Joey, the doctor can see you in the room next door.  I have to stay in this room or I'll turn into a frog or something."  She smiles.  Joey laughs and stands up; she's a cute kid, always laughing and smiling.  The doctor, Joey and CJ go next door.  Mitch takes the case from the guard.  "You are going to love this one, Bob.  Trey wants one now."  She puts the case on the table and opens it up.

"Sweet!  I was hoping it wasn't a fake looking plastic leg.  This is fuckin awesome.  Thank you."  I can't believe she made it like the brace but better.  This is like a 3-D web.  The knee is like a cap but the web is engraved into it.  The leg is shaped right but hollow inside the web.  Fuckin Badass.

I finally look at her.  She's beaming, holding her hands together, looking like she's trying hard to contain herself.  She's just like Tess.  She takes the leg out, telling me to sit.  "Titanium, it's reinforced, twelve hundred pounds of pressure.  We have everything encased in rubber but you can't submerge it."  She's getting it ready for me.

I sit and unstrap the brace while she's talking.  "I had a question about the sand when we're done here."

She nods, handing me the leg.  "The extender goes high but Trey says they're easier to work the feet; I think he means he has more control.  He rides a motorcycle and doesn't have a problem with the pedal shifting."

I nod and strap the flat band on; it has some give to it.  "Does this need to be tight?"

"Snug is the word I'd use.  Too tight or too loose will alter the way the sensor responds.  It's built with some elasticity for that reason."  I nod and she sticks her finger under the band.  She nods and puts her arm out.  "Feel what it's supposed to be like so you know the next time you put it on."

I slide my finger under her band, then under mine.  "Got it."

"The wire running through the sock is always on the outside.  Try to keep it centered; if the extender isn't placed right you'll get different responses."  She pulls a sharpie out and makes a small line on my leg and the extender.  "You'll need to make the mark again in a day or so but it's important to keep it straight.  You'll be training your muscles to control the foot and ankle.  If the band is wrong, you'll lose that control."  I nod.  "Go ahead and strap it up.  The band is already marked for the extender."

I look for the mark and match it up.  Pulling it tight enough to hold, I wait for her to check it.  "This is heavier than the brace, so it will take some getting used to.  The ankle swivels; you'll need to remember that.  Right now, you're used to flat footed, no ankle movement, walking.  This will feel more like a real foot.  Picture pointing your toes up with the heel on the floor."

I do and my foot lifts a little.  Fuckin crazy.  I smile.  I use both feet and lift it higher.  She bounces and claps.  I laugh.  "Thank you!"

"Try to take a step.  You have to be deliberate with the movements.  It takes some adjustment on your part."

I nod and stand.  "It is heavier."  I step with my left foot first and pull my right forward.  It drags on the floor.

"Close your eyes and try it again, picturing the movement before you make it."  I do, stepping slowly.  "Keep going, you have four steps before the wall."  I take three.  "Now try it with your eyes open."

I walk around the table with only one scrape of the foot.  Fuckin unreal.  "This is unbelievable!  I'm walking and talking!"

She laughs.  "There are shocks in the foot; close your eyes and lift up on your toes."  I do but feel that I'm off, so I try it again.  "Perfect, try a little jump.  Start from flat, lift up on your toes and jump."  I do and feel the foot lagging; after three tries I've got it.  "Good!  You learn quick!  Try a side step, then backward."

I almost fall; the guard puts his arm out to steady me.  I throw him chin and try it again with my eyes closed.  Stepping back is easier; I get it in the first try.

"Nice, Bob.  You'll have it down in no time.  You can work on pulling your toes up while you're sitting anywhere.  That's your shift movement.  The rest is practice.  The best way to get all the movements is dancing.  It requires all the movements and it's fun."  She's smiling big.  She's beautiful but when she smiles it's like the world knows she's happy.

"I will, Amanda likes dancing.  Thank you for getting me walking again.  It feels good."

"You're like Max, the best.  You take care of the families, the kids.  You need to keep doing that.  We tried to get everything done as quickly as you were able to handle them.  This is the first robotic for you; the other will be ready on the regular timeline, that's about two months.  The extender and bands can be changed out if they start to get worn.  They will wear out faster than the steel.  When that starts to happen, switch the legs and send the worn one to Red at the lab."  She takes my shoe off the brace and packs the brace in the box.  When she flips the case, she pulls out a square of plastic; lifting the back piece, she slides it into the base.  It looks like a flagpole.  "You put the leg on the charger overnight.  It will last for twenty four hours.  You don't have the second to switch it out with, so make sure it's charging each night."  I nod.  "Do you have any questions?"

"How long before the movements are natural?"

She smiles, "I'd say two or three days for you.  You're determined and willing to work at it.  I mean all the movements.  You'll be doing all the basics by the time I'm home.  Stairs, side to side, jumping, will all take some thought and practice."  Fuckin nice!

"Am I able to wear the brace in the sand?"  My question from a few weeks ago.

"The lightweight brace was made with you living on the beach in mind.  Our engineer made sure it could withstand the sand; that one can also go in the water. You'll have to clean it thoroughly, drop it in a tub of water to get the sand and salt out, then make sure it's hung to dry.  When you need to, use WD-40 at the knee and ankle joints."

"Wow, thanks."

The door opens and the doctor comes in.  "I love the design.  How does it feel?"

"It feels like the brace on my leg.  Walking feels good, more natural on my hips and back.  The knee is moving normally but I have to think about the foot movements."

He smiles, "Not for long.  Most people get basic movements within an hour.  Practice the other movements for a couple of days and it will be your new normal."

"Thank you doesn't seem good enough here.  I went from amputee to walking at warp speed.  I appreciate your time and effort getting me here."  I have no fuckin idea what to say, I don't think they can imagine how this feels.

Mitch waves her hand like it was nothing.  The doctor shakes my hand.  "I hear you're the guy that keeps the kids safe.  We'll let you get back to that.  If you have any problems or need adjustments, call me.  We'll get it taken care of."

"Thanks, doc, Mitch."  I kiss her cheek.  She laughs.  Just like Tess.  The doctor walks back out;  I watch Mitch.

"I have to wait here until the guys are ready."  She sits.

I put my shoe on and stand.  "We have a few threats going on; I need to check on the Little Brothers.  They're running computer Ops with one of the Officers."  I lift the case.

She stands up.  "Can I help?  I'm pretty good with computers."

I bust out laughing.  She's 'pretty good'; she's a fuckin genius that can get anywhere on the computer.  "The kids would be ecstatic."  I bring her over to the console and get the Kids Club up on the screen.  "Bull, Mitch Baxter's here; she asked if she can help with your leads and interference."

Bull is shocked.  "Hell yeah.  Where is she; I'll send what we have."

"First floor Meeting room at Security."  I tell him, Mitch is already typing.

"I'm with you, Bull.  What are we looking at?"  She's off in computer land.  I walk out with the case and realize I'm walking without thinking about it.

Tiny comes out of surveillance.  "That's fuckin nicer than the other one."

I smile. "Yeah.  Thanks."

"I need to check on Mitch for Jamie."  He says walking by.

"She's helping Bull on the computer."  He turns around and follows me into Surveillance.

Jamie looks at us.  "Glad it works, I love the fuckin design.  She's incredible with the robotics."

"Yeah, thanks.  She's on the computer with the kids and Bull.  She said she was 'pretty good' with computers.  I had to laugh."

He chuckles.  "As smart as she is, she has no fuckin clue.  I'm glad, this is going to take longer than I thought."

VP and Pres are sitting with him.  Pres tells me to sit.  I sit.  Tiny sits in the last seat.  I scan the boards and look at tracking.  Everyone is in the yard.   When I look back, I ask where Max is.

"He went with Driscoll, Cloud and the boys.  He's meeting with Jeremy's crew."  Pres says.  I wonder if anyone else finds this to be odd; Max went to be healed by the Little Ninja.

VP laughs, "Is fuckin weird but he does it.  He did you."  I smile and nod.  "Max's not healing right."

Fuck, "I hope Jeremy can fix that."  He nods.  I wait.  I'm here for a reason.

"To get you up to speed, Baxter's have the threat of the Bosses son for political reasons.  They're opposed to the backing of some candidates and can sway that on a national level.  Mitch is on high alert because of local chatter.  Our name is linked with that.  Kate and Jess are high dollar payoffs too.  As of today, they're locked to the yard with double coverage."  I nod.  I need to remake the fuckin schedule I just handed out.

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