Kyle’s Bargain (22 page)

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Authors: Katherine Kingston

BOOK: Kyle’s Bargain
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Rick threw her a crooked smile. “Uh-uh. Now you’ll never
know for sure whether it’s the real me or all pretend.”

“Right.” Meg picked up a card. “
Hand, paddle, cane or
” Her eyes widened. “Yeesh. I don’t know. So far I’d have to say
hand, but that could change.”

Kyle’s next card said, “
How often do you have sex?

and he answered “I think I’ll take a dare on that.” He picked one, and read, “
your shoes and socks if you’re wearing any and one additional piece of
” He looked at Meg. “Didn’t we do that one already?”

“I’m betting there are a lot of them in the deck,” she

Kyle kicked off his shoes, got rid of the socks and
unbuttoned his shirt. Meg raised her eyebrows as he took it off and gave him a
smile so sexy he had to fight the urge to drag her off and take her right then.

Lindy took another card. “
Clamps on nipples or labia
(women), balls (men)?
Oh dear heaven. I think I’m taking a dare on this
one.” She reached for a card. “
If you’re a woman, kiss the cock of each man
in the room.
” Color flooded her face and she took a moment to debate her
options. Finally she shrugged. “Well, it’s not like I haven’t done it before.”

She leaned over toward Kyle first but couldn’t reach that
way so she got off the chair and knelt beside him. Before she leaned down,
however, she turned to Meg. “Is it okay with you?”

Kyle held his breath while waiting for her answer. He still
wasn’t quite sure how she felt about all this.

Meg nodded. “Why not? We’re all friends here.”

Air whooshed out of him on a relieved sigh. Kyle stared at
her for a moment, trying to read what was below the words. But then Lindy
unzipped his pants and reached in for his cock. He jolted when her hand closed
around it, blotting out thought. Lindy’s hair brushed the sensitive tip right
before her lips did. He almost jumped up from the chair. His eyes met Meg’s
again, who watched his reaction with curious satisfaction.

Lindy withdrew and he sucked in a long breath. His cock had
risen in response to Lindy’s touch. Meg’s smile made it harder still. Kyle
drank in the satisfaction he saw on Meg’s face as she demanded and got his
attention even while Lindy went over to Rick and crouched in front of him. The
buzz of Rick’s zipper was background noise. He couldn’t tear his gaze from
Meg’s eyes. Her expression intrigued and puzzled him. The smile was hot, arch,
sexy and something more. Possessive, maybe. Possessive was good. He hoped that
was it. If the game and the sharing with Rick and Lindy bothered her, he
couldn’t see any evidence of it.

When Rick groaned, Lindy drew back and laughed. It pulled
both him and Meg out of the spell, drawing their attention to the other couple.
Showing no mercy, Lindy looked at Rick, and said, “Your turn.”

“Shit.” Rick said it quietly as he pulled the next card. “
one thing do you do that you don’t want anyone to know about?
” He rolled
his eyes. “Talk about a loaded question. I’m taking a dare on this one.” The
card was another remove clothing one, and like Kyle, after taking off his shoes
and socks, he pulled the polo shirt over his head and off.

Meg looked, of course, and he had a moment’s misgivings
about that. Until she turned to him and gave him a tiny smile with just the
merest curl of lips at the corners. It was both knowing and reassuring. It
He’s good but you’re better
. At least he thought that’s what it
said. Hoped that’s what it said.

By the end of three more rounds, he and Rick were down to
their boxers in his case and briefs on Rick. Meg was topless but still had on
her panties while Lindy still wore bra and panties. He, Rick and Lindy had all
seen each other nude before. Meg accepted it more easily than he expected. She
looked her fill at each of them, but only he got that secret smile from her.

He’d also learned that Lindy disliked answering the phone,
Rick had a phobia about elevators and Meg hated tea and had a secret addiction
to cookie dough ice cream.

In the next twenty-some rounds before they quit, Kyle
learned several surprising things about both women and even one or two about
Rick, though the latter came mostly from questions he declined to answer, like
the one about the worst thing that had ever happened to him. Lindy had a phobia
about bees, visited BDSM sites online, refused to say whether she’d ever had
phone sex and had never traveled outside the country.

Meg hated wearing shoes with high heels, would rather spend
a quiet night at home with a few friends than go to a party and went for long
rather than thick when it came to cocks. She declined to say whether she’d
masturbated as a teenager.

Rick didn’t mind admitting that he’d masturbated to
videotapes and his favorite beverage was beer but he declined to answer a
question about the first girl he’d had sex with.

Enough Dare cards demanding clothing removal had come up to
leave them all totally nude by the time they were done. There was something
almost unnerving about answering personal questions naked as a newborn.

They had each endured the Wuss paddle at least once. Meg had
taken it twice, though Rick used it with much less force on the girls. She’d
also been tied to the chair for a round, licked strawberry jam from a nipple of
each of the men and stood on her head in a corner for one round. He thanked
heaven he hadn’t gotten that one since he doubted he could do a headstand at
all. He had taken three lashes with a switch from Meg, however, and had worn a
nipple clamp for five nightmarish minutes.

Lindy had taken half a dozen swats on her bottom over Rick’s
knee and drank a shot of straight Bourbon—which left her gasping.

Rick had endured the most daring dare of all and taken a
swig from a bottle of hot sauce. Kyle had a fresh bottle of cold brew ready for
him after that and Rick swallowed down more than half of it right away. The
three swats with Kyle’s belt had likely been a tickle in comparison.

When he and Rick went upstairs together in the midst of the
game, they thought up one last dare for the women, though they didn’t tell them
about it until they’d finally called a halt to the game.

“One last truth question for Meg and Lindy,” Kyle said.

“And one last dare for them also,” Rick added. “With a nice
reward for doing both.”

“Oh?” Lindy gave him a questioning look. “What’s the

“Just like the game, you don’t find out yet.”

She shrugged.

“What’s the question?” Meg asked.

“The question for each of you is, ‘Are you comfortable
enough with this group to allow both of us to be your Masters for the next

Lindy let out the breath she’d been holding. “You know I am.
I’ve done it before.”

Meg hesitated for a moment. Hers was the vote that counted.

Rick touched her cheek softly. “We’ll understand completely
if you’re not,” he assured her. “And we’ll just change the way the final dare
works a bit.”

Chapter Twelve


Meg had to think about it for a few seconds, weighing whether
she was really ready for this. She glanced up at Kyle. Something in his
expression reminded her that she’d be doing it for him as part of her
submission to him. “Okay. Yes. I’m not sure about everything, but I trust all
of you enough to try this.”

“Good,” Rick answered. “You and Lindy go over to the couch
and lean over opposite arms, facing each other.” He waited for them to do it.
Meg stared across the leather cushions at Lindy’s slender figure and
apprehensive face. “We’re going to blindfold both of you then you’re going to
lean over the arm and reach out for each other. Kyle and I will take turns
spanking each of you. You two will hold hands the entire time. You don’t let go
of each other. Understand?”

They both nodded at him. For a man who normally radiated
good humor, Rick could manage an astonishingly stern look. He wore it right
then as he waited while Kyle tied a soft length of silk around Lindy’s head and
then around hers.

Kyle had never done that to her before and already she could
tell it would change the experience. The leather felt cooler and slicker
beneath her when she couldn’t see it and the sound of Rick’s voice saying,
“Clasp hands” made shivers run down her spine. She groped until her fingers
brushed Lindy’s. Her right hand found the other woman’s left just before
Lindy’s right hand found her left.

The muffled shushing of footsteps on the carpet and the
clatter of the closet door preceded a pause several minutes long. Something
whizzed through the air with an evil, ominous sound, but the impact that
followed moments later was more sensual caress of several tails than painful
slice. She barely felt the first two strokes, but on the third a faint sizzle
of grated flesh had a sweet burn that worked its way down into her core.

The burn got hotter as the flogging continued. After a few
more strokes she heard a pause and the shuffling of feet. Kyle and Rick
changing places. Which one had been behind her initially? Which one was there
now? It was disturbing not to know and exciting at the same time.

It started again, but the instrument was different this
time. Single lash, stiffer than before. A switch or light cane maybe.
He—whichever he it was—started lightly again with a couple of strokes that were
gentle caresses. Then it got harder and began to burn. The tap of the switch
against her skin turned to smacks. She squirmed but Lindy’s grip held her in

A few moans leaked from her as the fire in her bottom flamed
and sent its heat straight to her swelling pussy. When she thought she couldn’t
stand it anymore, it paused. Feet shuffled again. Lindy’s harsh breathing
echoed her own pants.

Then it started again and it was back to the flogger.
Harder. Hard enough to make her wince and almost jump a couple of times. Still,
the more it burned, the more it sank into her and fired her pussy until she
felt the moisture on her thighs, probably leaking onto the couch as well. Again
it went on until she could barely stand it and was groaning aloud. At one point
Lindy screeched and almost pulled away from her grasp. Meg tightened her hold
on the other woman and used that clasp to keep herself in place as well.

A feeling of unreality engulfed her even as her bottom
smarted. A few weeks ago she couldn’t have even imagined anything like this
happening, and if she had, she’d have been horrified. Now she submitted to it
voluntarily and found it…satisfying. There was pain, but it brought a new level
of arousal, magnified in an unnerving way because it was endured for Kyle and
shared with the others.

Her body blazed, the fire in her bottom spreading out until
she felt the tension of need in every sinew. Once again the men changed places
and the switch painted its slashing fiery ribbons across her buttocks. She was
groaning and sobbing, her sounds echoed from across the couch as Lindy
apparently suffered the same treatment and the same reaction. How much longer
would it go on?

Though the pain of each strike still transmuted into heavy
pleasure, she doubted her bottom could take much more as the grated skin
rebelled against the kiss of the switch. One harsher strike laid such a streak
of fire across her lower butt, she squealed aloud and lifted her legs to kick
out. A heavy hand pushed them back down and then an even harder lash made her

And it stopped.

“You can release each other.” Rick’s voice came from
somewhere between the two of them. “Leave the blindfolds.”

After they let go each of each other, for a few moments the
only sound in the room was Lindy’s sobbing breaths and her own low moans.

Then gentle fingers stroked her bottom, soothing the fiery
flesh, rousing the flame of desire even more. She was so tight, so tense, so
hot and ready it wouldn’t take much to tip her over into orgasm. It seemed like
the man behind her intended to provoke it. Without knowing exactly how she
knew, Meg was sure it was Kyle behind her, touching her.

He moved closer, pulling her up and against him so that he
could work his arms around her and reach her pussy with his fingers. His cock
nudged its way between her legs and found entry into her womb. Pubic hair
brushing against sore spots on her bottom served to rouse the fire inside her
even higher, sending her teetering onto the edge.

Hands moved up to find her breasts and tweak the nipples
until she moaned and wriggled against him. From nearby, the sound of squeals
from Lindy and a sort of growl from Rick suggested they were doing something
similar. Despite the gasping need pulling all her muscles tight, she had a
moment of disorientation. Unable to see, she heard and felt more vividly. It
brought home to her that she was actually having sex with another couple
present, though she couldn’t see them. If it had been anyone else, it would
probably have turned her off completely. But she was learning to like both Rick
and Lindy, and Kyle had strong feelings for them. This was part of her
submission to him and that made it not just right but wonderful.

He rammed into her hard, driving deep and fast. At the same
time he pinched her nipple hard with his left hand and his right slid down to skim
her abdomen and dive into her labia. He found her clit and stroked. It only
took a few brushes over it, combined with his cock filling her and ramming
against that spot inside to send her over the edge.

She screamed as she came, something she almost never did,
but with others present she wanted to share the joy and triumph of it. Kyle’s
throaty roar joined in. They stood, locked together for a few moments as the
tide of release rocked her. Then they collapsed together, back down to the
couch, gasping and panting as aftershocks rolled through her. Kyle’s weight on
her back was warmth and closeness and pure, sheer joy.

Her gasping breaths hadn’t even started to slow when Lindy
let out a thin scream of ecstasy. Not to be left out, Rick trumpeted his
achievement with a rolling growl that echoed around the room. As Meg lay, she
felt Lindy’s hand brush hers again. She reached out and clasped it, feeling
closer to the woman than she had to anyone beside Kyle and her sister in a long
time. Lindy squeezed an acknowledgement.

Meg felt muscles flex and the warmth of his arm reaching out
when Kyle closed his larger, stronger hand over theirs. A fourth hand joined
the clasp and they held that pose for several minutes as the meaning of it—the
sharing, the promise it contained—sank in.


It took a while to untangle themselves and straighten up.
Kyle suggested that they all dress again before the blindfolds were removed.
Meg appreciated the subtle reassurance of that.

Rick and Lindy took off for their place shortly thereafter
but not before a round of hugs and thanks made Meg feel as though she’d been
accepted into their small, closely knit group.

She and Kyle shared cups of hot chocolate after they’d gone.
They sat quietly in the kitchen for a few minutes before Kyle asked, “Was it

Meg met his gaze, read the anxiety there and gave him a slow
smile. “You know it wasn’t. It was… I’m not sure I know how to describe it.
Almost like I was having sex with all of you. Extended somehow, and enriched
because there were two more people involved. People you cared about a lot.
People I’m starting to care about too. Strange. I wouldn’t have thought it
could be like that.”

Relief spread across his face. “It was a bit of a revelation
to me too, the first time I did it with others.”

“I don’t recall that came up in the game. So when did you do
it with more than one person for the first time? I’m betting Rick and Lindy
weren’t your first.”

“I’d take a dare on that one if we were still playing. But
since we’re not… No, they weren’t. Even before Rita I’d occasionally Master
more than one sub at a time at the clubs. It’s a bit more routine there. There
are always more subs than there are Masters, so we’d double or even triple up
sometimes. I suppose it does make me a bit of a slut in some ways.”

Meg stared at him, startled. “More generous than slutty, I
would think.”

“Thanks for the defense, but I’m not sure it totally
applies,” he admitted. “I won’t say I didn’t enjoy having two or more fawning
subs completely at my command.”

“You’re a man. Hell, you’re human. Of course you enjoyed it.
How did Rita feel about it?”

“You go right for the jugular, don’t you?” He shifted and
swirled the dregs of hot chocolate in his cup. “She wasn’t into sharing. So I

“Of course.”

He shrugged. “Are you ready to go?”

Meg nodded.


The rest of the week went pretty normally. They did their
usual Saturday night routine and spent Sunday afternoon at a different park.

On Tuesday she got a nice surprise in the mail—an invitation
to Rick and Lindy’s wedding three weeks from the coming Saturday.

Unfortunately Meg had to turn down dinner with Kyle when he
called on Wednesday because she had meetings with Laurie’s teachers to talk
about her progress and the next phase of her development plan.

“Thursday then?” he asked.

“I’m afraid not. I’ve got to make a presentation to a client
on Friday and I’ve got to keep Thursday open to work on it. You might want to
keep your fingers crossed for me. This could lead to a really nice contract.”

“You’ve got it, love. Fingers and toes crossed, though I
doubt you need it. You’re competent enough to do fine.” He paused and sighed.
“I can’t do Friday. I guess we’ll just have to wait for Saturday for—”

“Oh drat!”

“What?” he asked.

“I almost forgot. Laurie’s school is doing a program on
Saturday night. She’s part of it, so I really need to go.”

He was silent for a moment then said, “I don’t have plans.
Mind if I tag along?”

to go?”

“Why not?”

“It won’t be the most…polished of performances. You’ll
probably be bored silly by most of it.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I’ll hold your hand during the boring
parts and think outrageous, sexy thoughts.”

She laughed. “Better share them with me, then. But quietly.
Very quietly.”

“I’ll whisper them directly in your ear.”

“Sounds good. Any word on financing for your project?”

He hesitated for a much longer time before he said, “No.” It
wasn’t a very convincing denial.

“Nothing? That’s not good news, is it?”

“It’s not good or bad.”

Again his tone didn’t convince her, but she didn’t think
pushing it would be a good idea when he obviously didn’t want to talk about it.
Even to her. It stung a bit, though she recognized that nothing about their
relationship obliged him to tell her everything about himself. They said
goodbye finally with him promising to pick up both she and Laurie on Saturday.

Laurie whooped a huge shout of joy when Meg told her Kyle
would be coming to their show.

The rest of the week passed almost in slow motion. She
missed Kyle fiercely when she wasn’t with him. It seemed like something was
gone from her life. The sun was a bit dimmer, the flowers not quite so bright,
music less enchanting. She pulled herself up short. Damn! She was mooning like
a love-sick teenager. Stupid. Stupid! And what if this didn’t work out? They
still had issues. He didn’t yet understand the full impact of living with
Laurie. And it was pretty obvious he was keeping something from her.

It left her confused and dubious. Everything he
did—introducing her to his family, getting her intimate with his
friends—suggested he wanted to build a future with her. The things he didn’t
say made her wonder if there was some obstacle she didn’t know about. The one
roadblock she did know about worried her enough to give her a headache.

The meeting with her client on Friday went well, so well
that she returned in a really good humor, feeling sure she would get a contract
that would keep her financial ship steady for at least a few months.

All day Saturday Laurie could barely contain her
anticipation of the performance that night and had to try on her costume at
least half a dozen times. She walked through all three of her lines in the
little play and stepped through the dance routine multiple times. By the time
Kyle arrived at seven she’d worked herself up into a desperate state of nervous

She chattered all the way to the school, egged on by Kyle’s
occasional responses and good-natured smiles. They had to leave her at her
classroom and went on to the auditorium. Several parents stopped Meg to say
hello, forcing her to introduce Kyle as “a friend”. That went fine until they
ran into one of Laurie’s teachers.

When Meg introduced Kyle, the woman shook his hand warmly,
and said, “You’re the Mr. Harrison she’s been talking about! I’m so glad to
meet you.”

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