Kraken (11 page)

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Authors: M. Caspian

Tags: #gothic horror, #tentacles dubcon, #tentacles erotica, #gay erotica, #gothic, #abusive relationships

BOOK: Kraken
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“Sorry, just me.”


“Aiden?” Will felt his body relax, when he hadn’t even realized he was tense. He leaned back infinitesimally against his chest. Being this close felt very right, and Aiden’s warm smile told him everything was okay. “Nice books. It must have taken you years to collect them all.”


Aiden leaned forward, pulling a small paperback off one shelf and placing it in Will’s hands. He rested his chin on Will’s shoulder as Will rifled through the pages.


The Machine Stops


Aiden chuckled. “I know. The best thing Forster ever wrote. Can you believe it’s from 1909?”


The Brooklyn Project
! Have you read all these?”


“Sure.” Will could hear the smile in Aiden’s voice. “And I know


“Sorry, what?”




Aiden reached his arms around Will, trapping his body between his arms. He opened the book to the fly leaf. Ungainly penciled letters spelled out ‘William MacKenzie.’


Will ran his hands over the words.




“These are yours. Were yours. I’m sorry. I kind of stole them.”


Will swiveled his head to look at Aiden, unspoken questions in his eyes.


“They’re all from your old place. Looks like no one ever went back after your grandparents left. These were moldering away in a bookcase. Well, not literally moldering. Not yet. But even back then, the roof was starting to go, and there was a sapling sprouting in your old front hall. I could see it wouldn’t be too long before these were toast. So I rescued them. I hoped you wouldn’t mind. I kind of thought one day you’d come back for them.”


Will ran his fingers across the page of close type. It seemed like an old friend.


“We played together, do you remember?”


“I’m— I’m sorry, no I really don’t remember anything. I don’t understand—”


“My dad had a mulletty.”


“A what?”


“An old fishing boat he kept on a mooring just off your land. He only saw me at school holidays. Didn’t know what to do with me, I suspect. He’d start on the rum and cokes with his cornflakes.”


Will pulled a face. “So, we were friends?”


”Yeah. We fished together a bit. Explored. And read. You had all these amazing books. A whole lot of vintage
too. We devoured them all, one after another, the summer right before you left. We would pack our bags and head up into the forest. Your nan used to make us lunches. We’d lie on the moss beside this little waterfall and read them one after another. We had a stupid game where we would each read one panel out at a time, make a new story up.” Aiden snorted. “They were unbearably bad. But it never seemed to matter.”


Will could feel Aiden’s jaw moving against the side of his head, and he was conscious of the press of Aiden’s arms against his side. He felt peaceful and floaty.


“So, you knew Cy too?”


“Cyrus? Oh, well, yes. Well, not
. Knew


“He didn’t play with us?”


y with us?” said Aiden. “Why would— “


“You shouldn’t be up here, you know. This is Aiden’s bedroom. And you weren’t invited. Were you?”


Will felt Aiden’s jaw tighten.


Will pulled away from Aiden, turning toward Cy, climbing the stairs, arms held stiffly against his side.


“I’m sorry. We were just talking about my old books. Look,
’s End


“Books.” The disdain dripped from Cy’s voice. Will was about to protest, but he realized Cy was no longer paying him any attention. He was riveted on two large ornaments on a lower shelf.


“Oh my god,” breathed out Cy. He put out a tentative hand and gently touched the tip of one finger to one. “I can’t believe it. Fuck. I knew this would happen once you came back, Will. I fucking should have had more faith in myself.”


“Ah, my new treasures! Like ‘em?” asked Aiden.


“What are they?” asked Will.


“I have no idea. Pretty, though.” Aiden picked up the nearest ornament. It was dark stone, polished to a high gloss, and standing about eight inches high. He held it up to the light coming from the fixture hanging in the center of the bedroom ceiling, and light played across Will’s face, refracted through clear streaks in the stone. Will put the book he was holding back on the shelf, and held out a hand. “Can I hold it a second?”


The weight startled him as he ran his thumb over the cold surface. Lines were incised into it, encircling and bounding a shape he couldn’t quite make out. Knowledge fought its way to the front of Will’s foggy brain. “Obsidian. Must come from the mainland.”


Will heard Cy swallow. “Give it to me.” It wasn’t a request.


Will passed it over, and Cy cradled it in his cupped hands.


“Wh— where did you find them?”


“Oh, the earthmover had to cut its own path up from the beach. We uncovered a little cave, and these were inside.”


Will frowned. “So you found a pre-European site? You have to report that.”


Aiden shook his head. “No, I had to get a full archaeological report before I was allowed to get building consents. There’s no evidence of anything on this part of the island.”


“Kids, probably,” said Cy. His voice sounded strained.


Will looked at Cy. He was running his fingertips over the surface of the ornament.


“Just kids. Fooling around. Right, Aiden?” Cy replaced the stone on the bookshelf where it had come from. His hand trembled slightly as he pulled it back.


“C’mon, Will. We gotta get going. Thanks for inviting us, Aiden.”


Cy hustled Will away before he could say a word. Will looked back over his shoulder at Aiden. Unspoken words tumbled inside his head. Cy kept a steadying hand on Will’s should as they descended the steps, and out onto the porch. Will stumbled and Cy clutched him tight against his side, keeping him safe.


“Cy, wait. I haven’t even got my shoes on yet.”


“Don’t need ‘em. Come on.”


Now the forest floor seemed to be all angled twigs and rocks instead of the soft carpet of pine needles it had first appeared. When they got to the entrance of the fern forest Cy let Will stop and sit on a fallen log. He brushed the dirt and needles from Will’s feet, and Will lay back, giggling as he looked up at the swirling stars, while Cy laced up his shoes for him. Cy’s hands could hardly do up the laces, and Will realized Cy was shaking. Strange: it didn’t seem that cold.


Cy stood and held out both hands to Will. He tipped his head to the side consideringly, then gave Cy his hands and let himself be pulled to his feet.


“I’m so happy you came back, Will. Everything will be perfect now. It’s all falling into place.” Cy ran his hands up Will’s arms, slowly, from wrists to shoulders, then cupped Will’s head in his hands and kissed Will sweetly on the mouth. Will relaxed into his grip.


“Let’s go,” Cy said, and took off through the ferns, dragging Will behind him.


“Wait. What’s the rush? Cyrus? I can’t see.” Some hidden contour snagged his foot and tripped him. Cy caught him and spun him around, throwing him gently over his shoulder. Cy’s excitement and joy was contagious. By the time they could see the lights of Cy’s cottage Will was laughing.


Cy carried him up the last few steps, then swung him down and pinned him against the cottage wall. He leaned in to kiss Will again, his mouth pressing over Will’s, as Cy’s tongue darted in. Cy bit Will’s lip gently, pulling away and releasing it, then he nuzzled Will’s ear and started kissing down his neck. Will ‘s head swum, and he pressed his weight against the wall, grateful for the support. Will tentatively raised his hands to touch Cy’s biceps, unsure if he wanted to pull him closer, or push him away. Wait, Will thought, but his tongue was stilled. It was Aiden’s strong muscles he wished he could feel shifting and tensing beneath his fingers, but he could find no breath to call his name. Will inhaled deeply, trying to keep his composure. Cy’s lips and teeth nibbled at his collar bone, and Will shifted to keep his balance. The day’s warmth radiated from the dark olive siding, seeping into Will’s bones. As Cy pressed him firmly against the wall he realized the flesh under his hands was swelling and bulging.


Cy’s voice was strained. “I really want to fuck you, Will. I’ve waited so long.” Cy started unbuttoning Will’s pants, pushing his hand down the front.


Will held onto Cy’s wrist. He was feeling a decidedly unwell now: too much exertion and too much wine. Cy had waited so long? That’s couldn’t be right. He hadn’t known him since he was eight years old. “Cy. Stop. We only just met.”


Cy chuckled, murmuring soft words against Will’s skin. “No, we didn’t. You know me. We know each other. Deep down. That never changed. I’ll make it good for you.”


Tendrils were at Will’s back now, one squirming along the waistband of his pants, the other wrapping around his belly in a tight grip. Will shivered, as Cy bit down where neck met shoulder, his teeth sinking into muscle through the crisp fabric. Will’s thoughts were muzzy, and he shook his head, then paused, dizzy and sick.


Then Cy was lapping at his mouth, kneading Will’s upper arms with his human hands, and sucking Will’s tongue into his mouth. “I love kissing you,” Cy whispered. “I love your mouth.” He pressed another kiss against Will. “I love all your holes.”


Will turned his face to one side, as words of denial jostled for release. And then beside Cy’s soft lips a tendril was at his mouth too, playing over his teeth, flickering and stroking. Will tasted something sweet and sticky, and he licked at his lips, swallowing involuntarily. The tendril pulsed against his cheek, and he felt a wetness running down his chin. He turned his head, brought his hand up, and wiped at his face. A glistening juice was smeared on his skin, almost opalescent in the starlight. What was this? Will’s protest was muffled in the delicate touch of suckers and soft flesh.


“Shh, it’s okay, Will. Everything’s all right. You want to let me in.”


Cy’s arms were on Will’s cock now, the tiny suckers at the tips caressing him, holding then releasing in a rhythmic motion. The tendril at his back dipped lower into Will’s pants, questing downward, finding the soft skin between his balls and hole, the very tip moving and stroking, then moving up, tapping lightly against his entrance.


Will jerked and twisted away from the wall, putting one hand behind him and pulling to yank Cy’s arm away. The movement made him stagger, but the arm around his waist stopped him from falling.


“No, don’t,” he mumbled.


“Shhh, it’s fine. I won’t do anything you don’t want.” Cy turned him, encircled him from behind, kissing his neck. Will shivered. The tendril at his anus retreated, lightly stroking across the tender skin where his arse met his thigh. His jeans slipped a little lower, as Cy’s arms wrapped tightly around him, leaning him forward against the porch railing. Will tried to push himself upright, but the bright dancing motes in front of his eyes caught his attention, and he paused. The ripples in the harbor flickered and swayed as they caught the moon rising over the distant mainland.


Cy’s attention was on his neck now, stroking and kneading lightly, and Will leaned forward, his elbows on the railing, letting his head hang limply. Cy’s big hands felt amazing, and then Will shivered as Cy started gently, rhythmically stroking his hair with a myriad of arms. Tiny tendrils brushed over his face, playing with his eyelashes, stroking his cheeks. The lights played on the water for an audience of two, bringing Will to calmness.


Two tendrils danced at his mouth, and Will languorously angled his head away.


“Will, please,” said Cy. “Please, lick me. Please, love. It feels so good.”


The tendrils in his hair massaged his scalp, working down to his temples, holding his head firmly. Other tendrils burrowed between Will’s loosely-closed lips. His tongue flicked at them – curious, uncertain – and was rewarded with more sweet sticky fluid.


“You’re so lovely. And your mouth is so good. I love how you make me feel. You’re all I want, Will.”


Will opened his mouth to speak, and the tendrils pushed deep inside, one making him gag as it wriggled down his throat. There was a brief gush of thick syrupy fluid in his mouth, and Will swallowed reflexively, then coughed.

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