Korean for Dummies (55 page)

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Authors: Wang. Jungwook.; Lee Hong

BOOK: Korean for Dummies
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body parts, 270–271

spoons, 287–288

describing ailments, 269–271

table manners, 98

diagnosis, 272

waitstaff, 106

finding, 267–269


getting medical help, 267–274

acceptable behavior, 284

hospitals, 263

body language, 21

medical history, 272

introducing, 58–60

medical terminology, 273

electronics shopping in Korea, 122

prescriptions, 273–274


dog, year of, 255

about, 263

dragon, year of, 255

body parts, 270–271

drama for improvement, 281

calling police, 264–265


describing ailments, 269–271

about, 107–108

diagnosis, 272

declining drinks, 176

finding doctors, 267–269

drinking politely, 175

getting medical help, 267–274

homes, 181–183

lost and found, 266

pouring shots, 175

medical history, 272

serving superiors, 175

medical terminology, 273

dying, expression, 296–297

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Korean For Dummies


fast, 289

prescriptions, 273–274

good, 291

reporting accidents, 264–265

hurry, 289

shouting for help, 263–264

I don’t know, 291

English verbs and adjectives, 34–35

like that, 292

essential words, conversation, 71–73

oh dear, 292

ethnicity, conversation, 77–79

okay, 289

exactly, expression, 290–291

one moment please, 291

expressions, common

really, 290

about, 293

that’s enough, 292

awesome, 297

turned out well, 292

dying, 296–297

what are you doing, 291

it’s annoying, 295

faxes, sending, 161

keep up good work, 299

fees, check, 201

a little, 295

films, 130–131

queasy, 297–298


refreshing, 298–299

accommodations, 218–220

resignation, 294

doctors, 267–269

by the way, 294–295

office items, 166–169

what a pity, 293–294

people in office, 170

expressions, favorite

phones, 152

about, 289

first names, 285

exactly, 290–291

fishing, 142

fast, 289

floor heating, Korea, 285–286

good, 291


hurry, 289

basic phrases, 18–20

I don’t know, 291

pronunciation, 17–20

like that, 292

puzzling words, 18

oh dear, 292

speaking rhythm, 18

okay, 289

stressed syllables, 17

one moment please, 291

syllable pronounciation, 17

really, 290

flying time, transporation, 238

that’s enough, 292


turned out well, 292

about, 93, 174

what are you doing, 291

acceptable behavior, Korea, 284

chopsticks, 288

• F •

cuisine, 98–101

declining drinks, 176

face, losing, 284

dining out, 101–107

fall season, 145, 248

drinking politely, 175

farmer’s market, 122

homes, 181–183

Fashion Street, 117

hunger, 95

Fashion Valley, 117

Korean cuisine, 98–101

fast expression, 289

liking and disliking with adjectives,

favorite expressions


about, 289

meal time, 94

exactly, 290–291

menus, 101–102

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ordering at restaurant, 102–103

goodbye, saying, 65–67

ordering at roadside shop, 103–104

Goodwill Guide Services, Korea Tourist

paying for meal, 106–107

Organization, 260

popular dishes, 99–100


pouring shots, 175

about, 5

restrooms, 106

speech parts, 28

rice bowls, 287–288

green, 119

serving superiors, 175


setting time for meal, 100

about, 49

sitting down to eat, 95–97

introductions, 50–51

spoons, 287–288

Gregorian calendar, 252

table manners, 98

grey, 119

waitstaff, 106

grocery shopping, 122

forests, 142

grooming, homes, 184


introductions, 51–55

• H •

Korean, 25–27

polite speech, 25–26

hand shaking, introductions, 51

usages, conversation, 71–73

handshakes, body language, 22


Hangeul, 10

house invitations, 136

hanging out in homes, 179–181

introductions, 57–58

health hazards, gaming, 148–149

office, 172

help, shouting for, 263–264

fun places

hobbies, 139–142

about, 129–135


bars, 134–135

Buddha’s Birthday, 253

clubs, 134–135

Children’s Day, 253

concerts, 130

Christmas Day, 254

films, 130–131

Chuseok, 254

galleries, 130

Constitution Day, 253

karaoke room, 132–133

Independence Movement Day, 253

museums, 130

Korean Thanksgiving Day, 254

performances, 130

Liberation Day, 254

theatres, 130

Lunar New Year’s Day, 253

future tense verbs, 33–34

Memorial Day, 253

National Foundation Day, 254

• G •

travel to Korea, 252–254

home community conversation, 74–76

galleries, 130


gaming, 148–149

about, 176–177

getting medical help, 267–274

accidents, 185


cleaning up, 186–187

directions, 210–212

drinking, 181–183

invitations, 135–137

eating, 181–183

thanks, 64–65

grooming, 184

goat, year of, 255

hanging out, 179–181

good expression, 291

hygiene, 184

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Korean For Dummies


• I •

smallest room, 177–178

staying over, 184–186

I don’t know expression, 291

touring, 178–179

II Mare,

trash, 176–177

immigration, going through, 238

visiting, 178–187

improvement tips

horse, year of, 255

CDs, 280

hospitals, 263

Korean dictionaries, 281

hostels, 217

Korean drama, 281


Korean movies, 280–281

about, 215, 238, 239

Korean restaurants and bars, 280

accommodations, 216

Korean songs, 280

bed and breakfast, 215, 217

Korean television, 281

beds, 216

Korean word and phrase lists, 282

broken machinery, 226–227

Koreans, 279

check out rooms, 224–225

language tapes, 280

checking out, 228–230

multimedia resources, 280

cleanliness, 228

travel to Korea, 282

complaints, 226–228

Independence Movement Day, 253

details, 223–224

informal introductions, 51–55

finding, 218–220

informal polite form, verbs, 32

hostels, 217

informal polite speech, 25–26

motels, 216–217

installment paying, 200

noisy neighbors, 227


public baths, 217–218

about, 161–163

reservations, 220–222

cyber cafes, 148–149

saunas, 217–218

interrogative pronouns, 29

temperature problems, 228

intimate polite speech, 25–26


about, 176–177

about, 49

accidents, 185

asking names, 61–64

cleaning up, 186–187

bowing, 51

drinking, 181–183

describing people, 62

eating, 181–183

formal, 51–55

grooming, 184

greetings, 50–51

hanging out, 179–181

informal, 51–55

hygiene, 184

introducing friend or peer, 57–58

smallest room, 177–178

introducing seniors, 58–60

staying over, 184–186

introducing yourself, 55–56

touring, 178–179

making, 49–60

trash, 176–177

office, 173

visiting, 178–187

parents, 58–60

hunger, 95

salutations, 50–51

hurry expression, 289

shaking hands, 51

hygiene, homes, 184

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• M •

about, 135–137

friends to house, 136

mail, 160–161

giving, 135–137


islands, 142

calls, 152–155

Itaewon, 112

directions flow, 211–212

it’s annoying expression, 295

introductions, 49–60

markets, shopping, 112–114

• J •


paying for, 106–107

jobs, 83–87

setting time for, 100

time, 94

• K •

medical help

about, 267

keep up good work expression, 299

describing ailments, 269–271

Korea House Handicraft Shop, 122

diagnosis, 272

Korea Tourist Organization, 260

finding doctors, 267–269

Korean-English dictionary, 307–329

medical history, 272

Korean script, 10

medical terminology, 273

Korean Thanksgiving Day, 254

prescriptions, 273–274

Korean wave, 130


Korean Web sites, 281

office, 173–174

speaking up, 173–174

• L •

members of family conversation, 87–90

Memorial Day, 253

landscape, nature, 144–145

menus, eating out, 101–102

language tapes, 280


last names, acceptable behavior, 285

at businesses, 157


leaving, 157–159

airports, 238

recorded, 158–159

messages, 157–159

at someone’s home, 157–158

messages at businesses, 157


messages at someone’s home, 157–158

about, 191

recorded messages, 158–159

ATMs, 196–197

legal help, 263, 274

banks, 192–193

legs, crossing while sitting, 286

cash, 197–199

Liberation Day, 254

changing, 192–195

like that expression, 292

check fees, 201

liking with adjectives, 100–101

checks, 201

listening, 5

conversions, 191–192

locations in conversation, 76

credit cards, 199–201

losing face, 284

debit cards, 199–201

lost and found, 266

paying in installments, 200

Lunar New Year’s Day, 253

personal checks, 201

purchases, 197–201

types, 191–192

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Korean For Dummies

monkey, year of, 255

waterfalls, 142

monsoon rains, 145, 248

wildlife, 142


New Year’s Day, 253

about, 125–126

no thank you, acceptable behavior, 287

conversation, 82

nodding, body language, 22

travel to Korea, 248–251

noisy neighbors, accommodations, 227


nouns, speech parts, 28

about, 215


accommodations, 216–217

about, 41

bed and breakfast, 215, 217

counters, 44–46, 45

beds, 216

native Korean, 42–43

broken machinery, 226–227

Sino-Korean, 41, 43–44, 193

check out rooms, 224–225

checking out, 228–230

• O •

cleanliness, 228

complaints, 226–228

occupations in conversation, 83–87

details, 223–224


finding, 218–220

about, 165

hostels, 217

asking directions, 170–172

hotels, 216

commenting about other people, 174

motels, 216–217

computers, 169–170

noisy neighbors, 227

finding items, 166–169

public baths, 217–218

finding people, 170

reservations, 220–222

introductions, 173

saunas, 217–218

meetings, 173–174

temperature problems, 228

peers and superiors, 172

mountains, 142

speaking up, 173–174

multimedia resources for improvement, 280

oh dear expression, 292

museums, 130

okay expression, 289

Myeongdong, 111

Old Boy,

one moment please expression, 291

• N •

orange, 119



at restaurant, 102–103

acceptable behavior, 285

at roadside shop, 103–104

country, 74

ox, year of, 255

National Foundation Day, 254

native Korean numbers, 42–43

• P •


forests, 142

packing for travel, 259

landscape, 144–145

parents, introductions, 58–60

mountains, 142


recreation, 142–147

about, 38

seasons, 145–147

common, 40

train rides, 144–145

dropping understood words, 39

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