Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers (22 page)

BOOK: Koran Curious - A Guide for Infidels and Believers
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[20:87] They said, “We did not break our agreement with you on purpose. But we were loaded down with jewelry, and decided to throw our loads in. This is what the Samarian suggested.”
[20:88] He produced for them a sculpted calf, complete with a calf’s sound*. They said, “This is your god, and the god of Moses.” Thus, he forgot.
[20:89] Could they not see that it neither responded to them, nor possessed any power to harm them, or benefit them?
[20:90] And Aaron had told them, “O my people, this is a test for you. Your only Lord is the Most Gracious, so follow me, and obey my commands.”
[20:91] They said, “We will continue to worship it, until Moses comes back.”
[20:97] He said, “Then go, and, throughout your life, do not even come close. You have an appointed time (for your final judgment) that you can never evade. Look at your god that you used to worship; we will burn it and throw it into the sea, to stay down there forever.”
[20:98] Your only god is GOD; the One beside whom there is no other god. His knowledge encompasses all things.
Verses 99 – 114

Muhammad warns those who reject the Koran.

[20:99] We thus narrate to you some news from the past generations. We have revealed to you a message from us.
[20:100] Those who disregard it will bear a load (of sins) on the Day of Resurrection.
[20:114] Most Exalted is GOD, the only true King. Do not rush into uttering the Quran before it is revealed to you, and say, “My Lord, increase my knowledge.”
Verses 115 – 135

Muhammad urges the Meccans to turn to God.

[20:124] “As for the one who disregards My message, he will have a miserable life, and we resurrect him, on the Day of Resurrection, blind.”
[20:125] He will say, “My Lord, why did you summon me blind, when I used to be a seer?”
[20:133] They said, “If he could only show us a miracle from his Lord!” Did they not receive sufficient miracles with the previous messages?
[20:134] Had we annihilated them before this, they would have said, “Our Lord, had You sent a messenger to us, we would have followed Your revelations, and would have avoided this shame and humiliation.”
[20:135] Say, “All of us are waiting, so wait; you will surely find out who are on the correct path, and who are truly guided.”
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

A Meccan sura containing one hundred and twelve verses, Muhammad makes the point that the biblical prophets before him preached the same message, to serve God. He summarizes the respective stories of Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Job, Ishmael, and Solomon – and how it was they there were saved by God from falling to idolaters and unrighteous people.

Verse 1 – 29

Muhammad denounces the paganism of the Meccans and the blasphemy of Christians.

[21:2] When a proof comes to them from their Lord, that is new, they listen to it heedlessly.
[21:3] Their minds are heedless. And the transgressors confer secretly: “Is he not just a human being like you? Would you accept the magic that is presented to you?”
[21:11] Many a community we terminated because of their transgression, and we substituted other people in their place.
[21:15] This continued to be their proclamation, until we completely wiped them out.
[21:16] We did not create the heavens and the earth, and everything between them just for amusement.
[21:17] If we needed amusement, we could have initiated it without any of this, if that is what we wanted to do.
[21:18] Instead, it is our plan to support the truth against falsehood, in order to defeat it. Woe to you for the utterances you utter.
Verses 30 - 47

Everyone faces Judgment Day. Muhammad warns the Meccans that while they might ridicule him now, they will pay dearly later.

[21:34] We never decreed immortality for anyone before you; should you die, are they immortal?
[21:35] Every soul will taste death, after we put you to the test through adversity and prosperity, then to us you ultimately return. 
[21:39] If only those who disbelieve could envision themselves when they try to ward off the fire - off their faces and their backs! No one will help them then.
[21:40] Indeed, it will come to them suddenly, and they will be utterly stunned. They can neither avoid it, nor can they receive any respite.
[21:41] Messengers before you have been ridiculed, and, consequently, those who ridiculed them incurred the retribution for their ridiculing.
Verses 48 – 71

Muhammad discusses Abraham’s battle against idolatry

[21:51] Before that, we granted Abraham his guidance and understanding, for we were fully aware of him.
[21:52] He said to his father and his people, “What are these statues to which you are devoting yourselves?”
[21:53] They said, “We found our parents worshipping them.”
[21:54] He said, “Indeed, you and your parents have gone totally astray.”
Verses 72 – 92

Muhammad provides a summary of a host of prophets who battled with the unrighteous people of their day.

[21:74] As for Lot, we granted him wisdom and knowledge, and we saved him from the community that practiced abominations; they were wicked and evil people.
[21:75] We admitted him into our mercy, for he was righteous.
[21:76] And, before that, Noah called and we responded to him. We saved him and his family from the great disaster.
[21:77] We supported him against the people who rejected our revelations. They were evil people, so we drowned them all.
[21:79] We granted Solomon the correct understanding, though we endowed both of them with wisdom and knowledge. We committed the mountains to serve David in glorifying (God), as well as the birds. This is what we did.
Verses 93 – 112

Addresses the Meccans for ignoring his message.

[21:98] You and the idols you worship besides GOD will be fuel for Hell; this is your inevitable destiny.
[21:99] If those were gods, they would not have ended up in Hell. All its inhabitants abide in it forever.
[21:100] They will sigh and groan therein, and they will have no access to any news.
[21:101] As for those who deserved our magnificent rewards, they will be protected from it. 
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Containing seventy-eight verses, the “Pilgrimage” is a Meccan sura. Its central theme addresses the issue of the Meccans denying the Muslims access to perform pilgrimage in Mecca. Bearing in mind Muhammad banned non-Muslims performing the pilgrimage after he had seized control of the city in 622.

Verses 1 -24

Muhammad prophesizes the Day of Doom, end times, is coming. It is a warning to bow before God and to forego the Devil.

[22:7] And that the Hour is coming, no doubt about it, and that GOD resurrects those who are in the graves.
[22:9] Arrogantly he strives to divert the people from the path of GOD. He thus incurs humiliation in this life, and we commit him on the Day of Resurrection to the agony of burning.
[22:10] This is what your hands have sent ahead for you. GOD is never unjust towards the people.
[22:19] Here are two parties feuding with regard to their Lord. As for those who disbelieve, they will have clothes of fire tailored for them. Hellish liquid will be poured on top of their heads.
[22:20] It will cause their insides to melt, as well as their skins.
[22:21] They will be confined in iron pots.
[22:22] Whenever they try to exit such misery, they will be forced back in: “Taste the agony of burning.”
Verses 25 – 41

Muhammad addresses the ban against the Muslims.

[22:25] Surely, those who disbelieve and repulse others from the path of GOD, and from the Sacred Masjid that we designated for all the people- be they natives or visitors- and seek to pollute it and corrupt it, we will afflict them with painful retribution.
[22:26] We appointed Abraham to establish the Shrine: “You shall not idolize any other god beside Me, and purify My shrine for those who visit it, those who live near it, and those who bow and prostrate.
[22:27] “And proclaim that the people shall observe Hajj pilgrimage.* They will come to you walking or riding on various exhausted (means of transportation). They will come from the farthest locations.”
[22:28] They may seek commercial benefits, and they shall commemorate GOD’s name during the specified days for providing them with livestock. “Eat there from and feed the despondent and the poor.”
[22:29] They shall complete their obligations, fulfill their vows, and visit the ancient shrine.
[22:30] Those who reverence the rites decreed by GOD have deserved a good reward at their Lord. All livestock is made lawful for your food, except for those specifically prohibited for you. You shall avoid the abomination of idol worship, and avoid bearing false witness.
[22:39] Permission is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and GOD is certainly able to support them.
[22:40] They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, “Our Lord is GOD.” If it were not for GOD’s supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and masjids-where the name of GOD is commemorated frequently- would have been destroyed. Absolutely, GOD supports those who support Him. GOD is Powerful, Almighty.
Verses 42 – 56

Muhammad reminds the Muslims that the prophets who came before him were equally denied.

[22:42] If they reject you, the people of Noah, ‘Ad, and Thamud have also disbelieved before them.
[22:43] Also the people of Abraham, and the people of Lot.
[22:44] And the dwellers of Midyan. Moses was also rejected. I led all those people on, then I called them to account; how (devastating) was My requital!
[22:45] Many a community we have annihilated because of their wickedness. They ended up in ruins, stilled wells, and great empty mansions.
Verses 57 – 62

God will reward those who accept Muhammad as a prophet.

[22:57] While those who disbelieved and rejected our revelations have incurred a shameful retribution. Striving in the Cause of God
[22:58] Those who emigrate for the sake of GOD, then get killed, or die, GOD will surely shower them with good provisions. GOD is certainly the best Provider.
Verses 63 – 78

Muhammad warns Muslims not to second-guess God.

[22:65] Do you not see that GOD has committed in your service everything on earth? The ships run in the ocean by His command. He prevents the heavenly bodies from crashing onto the earth, except in accordance with His command. GOD is Most Kind towards the people, Most Merciful.

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