Knox (Sexy Bastard #3) (25 page)

BOOK: Knox (Sexy Bastard #3)
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Teaser of Luke’s Absolution
A Calloway Brother Novel by K.L. Kreig

Dear Readers:

I am thrilled to share a teaser from Luke’s Absolution by K.L. Kreig. I am loving this series, and I hope you check out this new book.

Eve xoxo

. Regrets. Absolution. 
Luke has lived on the wrong side of the law since he was seventeen. His hands are stained and his soul is black, but the worst sin he's committed is falling in love with his brother’s girl. Then he met her. Addy Monroe is pure, innocent and stubborn as an ox. Even though he doesn’t deserve her, Luke will stop at nothing to have her. But just when happiness is within his grasp fate rips her away, reminding him once again that there is no absolution for sinners. Will Luke be able to let color fill his blackened soul?
From the first time Addy saw Luke Colloway over ten years ago she wanted him. Addy has been attracted to rough, crude, inked bad boys with a bike planted securely between their thighs and wicked promises falling from their lips her entire life. Every one of them has let her down. Every one of them has broken her heart. Every one of them has put her second. She's never going to let that happen again. When Luke promises her a future, will Addy let him in only to have her heart broken again?


hanks again
, man,” I tell Bigs, picking up an end of the king-sized mattress and walking backward out of the U-Haul in tandem with him. Moving is a bitch, and doing it by yourself just plain sucks ass. We stop and close up the vehicle, not wanting the rest of my shit stolen. It may not be much, but it’s mine. I’d just as soon keep it that way.

“No problem. She know you’re movin’ in yet?”

I let a ghost of a smile turn my mouth. “What? And ruin the surprise? Not a chance in hell.”

We walk right through the ‘secured’ outer apartment doors that any idiot could prop open, leaving all the occupants of this fine twenty-eight-unit building vulnerable the minute they step foot into what’s theoretically to be their safe haven. The alarm that’s supposed to be attached to the outer door appears not to be working. My first order of business is to call the supe and get the damn alarm fixed, along with securing our apartment with locks that would keep even the most sophisticated burglar out, instead of the current ones any amateur could pick.

I’ve never liked where Addy and Livia lived. It’s not exactly in the nicest part of south Chicago, but when I moved Livia here, I wasn’t about to let her live alone. I needed to get away from her so she could heal. I couldn’t leave her completely alone either, so when I found out Eric’s sister lived in Chicago and was in need of a roommate, it seemed like the fates were on our side for fucking once.

“Somehow, I don’t think this is the type of surprise a woman likes.”

Somehow, I don’t think Addy Monroe would like
kind of surprise. She seems to have her little world in tip-top organized shape. Or so she wants everyone to believe. She needs it shaken up just a bit. And I’m a goddamned walking earthquake.

“She’ll deal.”

We navigate the flimsy piece up three flights of stairs, into my new digs and to the bedroom I’ll now be occupying. Flopping it onto the springs that sit on the floor because the bed frame sits in pieces in the corner, I take a look around at my new “home.” Unwelcome memories cause a little pang of hurt in the middle of my chest.

It’s been almost six months now that I was in this very room, holding Livia in my arms when she was such a goddamn mess over my twin that she couldn’t even function. I look toward the bathroom, where I can still envision her bubble-covered body. It was the first time I’d seen it without bruises or blood or broken bones. I remember the restraint it took to hold back from pulling her to my mouth, begging her to choose me instead.

I did the right thing, though. Livia clearly belongs with Gray, not with a man like me who has so many fucking ghosts in his closet, I’m surprised people can’t hear them howling.

My selflessness with regard to Livia is one of the only things in my life I’m truly proud of. I care enough about her to walk away and that was a damn hard thing to do.

Maybe moving in here was a bad idea. The shit of it is, I’ve actually been making progress in getting over Livia, too. Gray and I have been spending more time together, especially since I moved my business to Chicago six weeks ago, and our relationship is slowly improving. With each new story he tells me about Livia and the babies, strangely, the easier it gets to accept it,
, and the further I can put Livia in my taillights. God knows I don’t want her in my brights anymore.

Even though I’ve been quietly paying the rent on this place every month, I’ve struggled for the last few weeks with my decision. Is moving in here the right thing to do? Not only do I not need any reminders of Livia Kingsley/Colloway, I haven’t been able to get the mahogany-haired, hazel-eyed knockout—who will be sleeping in the other bedroom just feet away from me—out of my fucking head. All I’ve thought about is how she rebuffed me the night of the Livia and Gray’s wedding and how much I want to change her mind.

I want to tame the untamable.

And I shouldn’t, because Addy Monroe is the type of woman you marry, not the type of woman you just fuck and chuck, and husband material, I am not. Regardless of that fact, am I backing off? No. I’m not. I
. I can’t explain what I don’t even understand myself, but I’m irrationally drawn to her.

“How about a beer, then we’ll get the rest of the stuff?” I ask Bigs, needing to get my mind off what a stupid decision I’ve just made. I should have just cut bait and found a place of my own that held neither memories nor the woman I want to throw up against the closest wall and fuck into submission. But what can I say? I’m a poster child for self-destruction. Always have been.

“Thought you’d never fucking ask,” he replies, already headed toward the kitchen where I’ve stocked the fridge with a case of Heineken. Handing me one and taking one for himself, we pop the tops and clink before each taking a nice long gulp.

“You sure this is a good idea, boss?”

Ben “Bigs” Briggs is an old friend of mine and an employee I’ve had on the payroll of my private investigation company for two and a half years strong now. He’s also the one I sent to Chicago to keep an eye on Livia for a month until I could figure out the shit with the video that was leaked. We’ve been through hell and back together and I’d trust the man with my life. He’s my closest confidant and knows
everything about my past with Livia, and in one drunken night a couple weeks ago, I guess I mentioned my unholy attraction to her best friend. My new roomie.

“I’m sure I’m tired of listening to you and Hattie’s moaning every fucking night, so yeah.”

His grin is wide and shameless. “Walls are thin, what can I say.”

“Oh, I’ve heard plenty of what you’ve had to say. Even through the Kleenex I shoved in my ears. I now know things about you I would rather go to my grave not knowing.”

That draws a loud laugh from Ben. “Probably taught your sorry ass a few new things.”

“Yeah, a few new things
to say.”

“Asshole. Say, I got a tip earlier on the bail jumper. I’m headed to Kankakee tomorrow to check out a lead.”

“Take Stucky with you. This guy’s bad news.”

“Lucky for him I’m his worst fucking nightmare.”

“Bigs, I mean it.”

“Worried about lil’ ol’ me, are you?”

“No, I just want Stucky out of my hair.” I laugh, taking a long pull of the bitter hops.

“I don’t want to be stuck with that whiny bitch any more than you do, LC.” Hence, why we call my newest employee, Jason Stark “Stucky.” He’s proven to be a brilliant investigator, but he’s a bitch baby no one wants to be around for long.

“When you own your own business, then you get to make the assignments.”

“Fucker.” He slams the rest of his beer and sets down the empty bottle on the pristine counter before heading toward the front door. “I’m going to grab the last couple of boxes.”

“Thanks, man.”

I look at the clock to see it’s after eight and I wonder when the hellcat will be home. I know she owns her own painting studio, although I have no idea what hours she keeps. I have to imagine owning her own business like I do, means she puts in a lot of time. I half expected her to be here when I pulled up in the truck but was kind of relieved when she wasn’t. I didn’t want to get into a pissing match in front of Bigs. He’d never let me live that shit down since he tried talking me out of moving in with Addy in the first place.

“Never shit where you eat, man.”

But I already had one father, thank you very much, and God knows I’ve lived under the boot of too many people for too many fucking years, so I’m not about to let anyone hold me back from doing what I want to do when I want to do it.

And, right or wrong, over these last few months what I’ve decided I want to do is Addy Monroe. Repeatedly and wickedly until I’ve had my fill of her. Wooing a woman like that from afar will never work. She’s going to need constant, daily convincing of the reasons she needs me to explore every inch of her sexy temple.

I inanely wonder if she’s dating anyone. Guess maybe I should have thought about that before I moved in. Oh well, far as I know, she’s got no ring on her finger and until she does she’s fair game.

I’m just finishing my beer when I hear a commotion in the hallway. I step out of the kitchen into the living room to a shrill voice yelling, “What the hell?”

I don’t see her because Bigs takes up the entire doorway with his bulk; I sure do
her, though. Bigs catches my eye. With a shit-eating grin on his face, he shakes his head and steps to the side, heading down the hallway with two big boxes in hand.

Watching the space Bigs just vacated, I lock eyes with the woman I’ve ached to see for nearly three long months.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” she shrieks. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing here, Luke?” I’m sure her arms would be flailing if they weren’t filled with folders. I almost wish they weren’t; I’d love to watch her indignant display.

She opens and closes her mouth several times, no more acidic words falling. The barely leashed fire shooting from her eyes would singe me if I actually gave a shit. As it is, I don’t, so I lean against the counter and drink in my fill of the stunning spitfire I
stop thinking about. I let my gaze slowly roam down her tight body, which is sadly hidden underneath a light pink spring jacket.

Jesus, she is something else. No wonder she’s haunting me. Addy Monroe is the only woman I’ve met in the last five and a half years who has eclipsed all thoughts of Livia, so if I’m honest with myself, that’s the main reason I need to be here with her. She does so many things to my body, to my emotions, but giving my heart and soul a little bit of peace is probably the single biggest one. And while I feel like a rat bastard taking something that she’s not freely offering me, I fucking
that peace like I need air. If only for a little while.

When my eyes finally collide with hers again, I let a broad, cocky smile turn my lips, as fury further turns down hers. It’s quite apropos, I think. For some reason, we seem to bring out the worst in each other. All that fire will make for one hell of a good fuck, though. She can say otherwise, but she wants me. Plain as day.

Bigs was probably right. Never shit where you eat. But hell if I care at this particular moment. All I’m doing is planning the hundred ways I’m going to make her moan, scream, and sob my name in pleasure…and maybe even a little in pain. I do keep my promises, after all.

“Hello, dear. How was your day?” I finally retort sweetly.

Her eyes light in fury.


This is gonna be fun.


f all the
romance genres that I read, sports romance is probably my favorite. I grew up either playing a sport or watching my brother play. I was dragged from a young age all over the state to fields and watched him become an incredible athlete. He, like Knox’s dad, had to realize in college that his dream of playing in the big leagues would never come to fruition. It always amazes me that my brother could walk away from something that he and our family had dedicated so much of our life to. But he did, with his head held high and hopefully no regrets. He is now a very successful businessman with a wonderful family. Being the little sister of an athlete, especially one as revered on the mound as he was in high school, I know all too well the feeling that Shelby had. My brother was not so fiercely protective of me, but he did make sure that I knew football and baseball like the back of my hand. Where my mother taught me the importance of having southern ladylike manners, he taught me the importance of knowing every penalty in football, every type of pitch in baseball, and the names of every college football team in the SEC. As I grew up, this trivia might have gotten me further in life. LOL! At least I never have felt stupid watching a game with my husband and his friends. So at the end of the day, Knox was a personal book for me. I loved writing this sports romance and I hope that you enjoy it too. No matter if you pull for the Braves, the Yankees or even the Giants, baseball season is just about to begin…and as the saying goes, “Let’s play ball!”

here are so
many people who I want to thank for helping get this book off the ground. First and foremost to my husband and kids, who once again gave me the space and time to create this world where another Sexy Bastard has been birthed. My agent, Rebecca Friedman who is the most supportive person in this industry. Jenn Watson, my publicist who not only makes me look good in the social media world, but is also one of best people to have in your corner. Abby S., my editor, you simply rock. Thank you for your patience and for understanding what I mean when what I say doesn’t sound right. You always fix it so it does.

o the Gossip Girls PR
& Give Me Books … thank you so much for taking Knox and helping me get him out into the world. To all the bloggers who post about me, email me, support the Sexy Bastards and daily just comment on some of my posts that make me smile… thank you from the bottom of my heart. To Ashley Scales, Rose, Jo, Heather (and of course Mikey who now is a strength coach for the Braves), Melissa Johnson, Nic McCurdy, Aussie girl Lisa, BSG, Jen, Emily, Irene, Nina, Laurie, Candi and so many others, thank you for always showing my Sexy Bastards what amazing readers look like! And finally, to my Favorite Girls… Kendra, Hilary, Liz and Sam… when I think of the four of you, my heart swells with joy.

Eve xox

BOOK: Knox (Sexy Bastard #3)
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