Knowing You (The Jade Series #2) (35 page)

Read Knowing You (The Jade Series #2) Online

Authors: Allie Everhart

Tags: #New Adult Romance, #College romance, #Contemporary romance

BOOK: Knowing You (The Jade Series #2)
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“Jade. Did you hear me?”

“No. I’m sorry. What were you saying?’

“I said that Garret is coming home tonight. I talked to his doctors and they said the procedure to remove the bullet went perfectly. No problems. And there was minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. So he’ll be fine. Of course he won’t be too happy that he has to sit out the rest of swim season but—”

“Garret is okay?” The news finally hits me and I jump up from my chair.

“Yes. He’s doing even better than expected. He’s a strong boy, though. Always has been.”

“And he’s coming back tonight? What time?”

“I’m not sure yet. A nurse will arrive with him. She’ll be staying here a few days for his follow-up care.”

I wrap my arms around Mr. Kensington and hug him. I didn’t mean to. It just happened. Another side effect of hanging out with Garret so much.

I realize what I’ve done and let go. “Sorry. I was just so happy about Garret.”

He smiles as he pats my back. “It’s okay. His mother was a big hugger. I always loved that about her. She hugged anyone, even people she just met.” He goes back behind his desk and sits down. “Why don’t you have some breakfast? If you’d like to go somewhere later I can get you the keys to Garret’s car.”

“I think I’ll stay here. But thanks.”

I eat breakfast, then go to the game room and call Ryan. Mr. Kensington said I could call him today and I can’t wait any longer. I have to make sure he and Frank are okay.

“Hi, Jade. I’m at the hospital visiting Dad.” Ryan sounds good. Almost happy.

“How is he?”

“He’s good, but bored. He’s sick of being in here. We’re playing cards. Chloe’s here, too. She’s winning.”

“Can I talk to Frank?”

“Sure.” I hear Ryan hand over the phone.

“How’s it going, honey?” Frank’s voice sounds stronger.

“Everything’s fine,” I lie. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. But they say I’ll be in here for at least a week. Maybe more. Just a second, Jade.” I hear him mumble something to Ryan, then it gets quiet. “Okay. I’m back. Ryan and Chloe stepped out for a minute. So did you see the news?”

“Yes.” I’m sure Frank expects me to say more, but I’m afraid to even talk about Sinclair for fear that I’ll let something slip out.

“It’s sad for his family, but now that he’s gone, you’ll be okay. You won’t have to worry.”

“Yeah. I know.”

“What’s wrong? I thought you’d be relieved that this is over.”

relieved. I’m just a little shocked. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news this morning.”

“Yes, well, sometimes things have a way of working out. Now that this is over, I want you to relax and have a nice Christmas, okay?”

“I will, but I wish I could be home with you guys.”

“I do, too, but I think you’ll have a better time out there with your boyfriend.” Frank pauses. “So did you ever end up talking to his father?”

“No. He was busy at work and then this happened so we didn’t need to.” I hate lying to Frank but he can’t know the truth.

“Jade, my doctor just walked in. We’ll talk later, okay?”

“Yeah, bye.”

I spend the next few hours watching the news coverage about Sinclair. It’s the top story on every channel.

That night, Mr. Kensington and I eat dinner together. It’s very strange. We have nothing to talk about. Just as we’re done eating, the doorbell rings.

“That’s Garret,” he says, getting up.

“I’ll get it.” I race out of the dining room with Mr. Kensington trailing behind. When I open the door, there’s a man standing there but no sign of Garret.

“Dr. Cauldwell,” Mr. Kensington moves past me to shake the man’s hand. “How’s my son doing?”

“Excellent. But if he needs anything, Ms. Driesen will take care of it.”

An older woman shows up behind him with Garret right beside her.

“Garret.” I move past everyone to get to him. His arm is in a sling, but other than that he looks healthy.

“Hey.” He takes my hand.

Mr. Kensington puts his arm around Garret. “You’re feeling okay?”

“Yeah, Dad. I’m fine.”

His dad turns back to the doctor and nurse. “Let’s go inside to my office. Let these two be alone.”

Garret and I go into the living room. I’m afraid I’ll hurt him if I touch him, but he hugs me with his free arm. “I was so worried about you, Jade. My dad said you were okay, but I had to see for myself.”

“I’m fine, but how are you? Are you in pain?”

“No. They loaded me up with stuff.”

“Were you hurt anywhere else?”

“No, just the shoulder. Well, right below it.” He points to the spot where I held my hand trying to stop the blood. “If I’d been just a second faster it wouldn’t have hit me at all.”

“So did anyone tell you what happened? I mean, what happened with Sinclair?”

Garret nods. “Yeah. I know the story. I know both stories.”

“Don’t you think it’s weird?” I whisper. “It’s like your dad knew exactly what to do and then these people just showed up and—”

“Jade, we shouldn’t talk about it. It’s over now.”

By his tone, I can tell that he’s witnessed something like this before. Maybe more than once. That must be what he meant when he said that his family has ways of covering up secrets. If he’d told me this before, I never would’ve believed him. I had to see it for myself.

“You seem really tired, Garret.” His eyelids look like they could fall shut at any moment.

He rubs his eyes. “It’s the painkillers.”

“Let’s go upstairs so you can sleep.”

We go to his room. I lie down next to him and we both fall asleep.

His dad stops by around 9 to check on him. “How’s he doing?” he asks me as Garret continues to sleep.

“He seems okay. He’s been asleep for hours.”

“The nurse is staying in the fourth bedroom down. She’ll leave her door open slightly, so just go get her if you need her.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I guess Mr. Kensington assumes I’m spending the night in his son’s room, which is good because it’s what I was planning to do.

The next few days I keep Garret company while he recovers. We watch movies, play games, and veg in front of the TV. We don’t say a word about what happened, which is still strange to me, but I guess I just have to accept it.

I ask Garret if he thinks anyone will come after me to get revenge for Sinclair. He assures me they won’t but doesn’t go into details, so I’m not sure I believe him.

On Christmas Eve morning, Katherine and Lilly return. Katherine must know what happened because she doesn’t act surprised to see me there.

Garret and I spend the day with Lilly. It’s fun to see her so excited about Santa coming. I never believed in Santa or the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy or any of those holiday-related characters.

Lilly tells us she’s being on her “best behavior” so Santa won’t skip her house. She’s hoping for a dollhouse this year.

That night, we sit around the giant Christmas tree while Mr. Kensington reads
Twas the Night Before Christmas
. Garret said it’s one of their family traditions.

After what I saw, I find this whole scene completely bizarre. A man was killed in their house just a few days ago. And not just any man. A man who could’ve been president of the United States! Yet they continue on like they’re just this normal family.

It’s so weird hanging out with them like this. I feel like I’m intruding on their holiday. But surprisingly, none of them are making me feel like I shouldn’t be there. Even Katherine is playing along. Garret’s dad must have had a talk with her.

Christmas morning everyone is expected to show up at breakfast all dressed up for the day. I always thought people just got up and opened presents in their pajamas, but Garret’s family doesn’t do it that way.

Garret arrives at breakfast in dress pants, a shirt, and a tie. I’m wearing a dress that Katherine left in my room. It’s a nice dress but it’s red, a color I normally wouldn’t wear. Lilly shows up in a pink dress, of course.

Garret’s grandparents are there, too. I hadn’t met them before today. They’re very formal. After meeting them, I understand why we had to dress up for breakfast.

After we eat, everyone heads over to the living room to open gifts. The tree is overflowing with presents. More than anyone would ever need.

As people are opening them, Garret leans over to me, placing his hand on my leg. “Merry Christmas, Jade. You look gorgeous, by the way.”

“Thanks.” I feel like everyone’s watching us, but they’re not. They’re all focused on Lilly.

“I miss you,” he says quietly by my ear.

“I’ve been here with you all week,” I say quietly back.

“That’s not what I mean. I miss
with you. And seeing you in this dress is driving me crazy.”

He squeezes my leg and I take his hand off it and hold it mine. “We can’t do anything with your injury.”

He smiles. “There’s ways. My room. Tonight.”

“With your parents just down the hall?” I whisper.

He sits back again. “Midnight. And I’ll give you your Christmas gift.”

“Jade, you’re next,” Mr. Kensington says.

Everyone watches as Lilly comes over to me holding a present.

She hands it to me, then stands there anxiously waiting. “I hope it’s a doll with really long hair. Then we can do our dolls’ hair together.”

I hear Garret laughing next to me.

I open the box to find a pair of bright blue and orange running shoes. They’re really lightweight. Way lighter than my current running shoes.

Lilly looks disappointed that I didn’t get a doll. She runs off.

“These are great. I’ve never seen ones like this.”

“They’re not out yet,” Garret says. “Katherine has a friend who’s a designer at a shoe company. You got one of the first pairs. They’re supposed to make you run really fast. Not like you need that. I can’t even keep up with you.”

“Thank you,” I say to his parents. “I can’t wait to try them out.”

They really are cool shoes. And a great gift. Obviously Garret’s suggestion.

The present opening continues and I end up getting several more gifts; a couple cashmere sweaters, a long sleeve athletic shirt, and a sports watch that measures race time, pace, distance, and other running stats.

“I told you no presents,” I whisper to Garret.

“They weren’t from me,” he says, trying to play innocent.

After we eat a big Christmas dinner, Garret and I watch a kid movie with Lilly in the theater room. In the middle of the movie, she runs out.

“What was that about?” I ask Garret.

“Kids that age have a short attention span. She’s probably in her room playing with her new dollhouse.”

When we’re finished watching the movie, she runs back in, comes over and hugs me, then drops a piece of paper on my lap.

“What did she give you?” Garret asks as he turns on the lights.

I look at the paper. It’s a drawing of Lilly and me. My hair is in two braids and I’m in the red dress I wore earlier in the day. I’m holding her hand and the words “Lilly’s Big Sister” are written above my head.

“Garret, did you put her up to this?”

“Why? What is it?” He takes the paper, then laughs. “I swear I had nothing to do with this.” He gives it back to me. “But you know what this means.”

“No. What does it mean?’

“It means that someday when I ask you to marry me you’ll have to say yes. Lilly wants you to be her big sister. You can’t disappoint her. She’d be crushed.”

“Okay, now I totally think you put her up to this.”

“Sorry, but I didn’t. Although that’s a good idea, using Lilly to get you to do something.”



At midnight I meet Garret in his room, hoping and praying that everyone is sound asleep. At least his room is at the end of the hall, far from Lilly’s room and his parents’ room.

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” I say as I crawl into his bed. The blue lights are on, filling the room with their soft glow. “We’re totally going to get caught.”

“I’m not making you do anything. If you want, we’ll just go to sleep. Is that what you want to do?”

“Yes. I can’t do this with your family down the hall.”

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