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Authors: M Mabie

Tags: #A Wake Family Novel, #Book One

KNOT: A Wake Family Novel (57 page)

BOOK: KNOT: A Wake Family Novel
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My fingers passed over his warm skin, and he was where he belonged.

His scent in my lungs. His taste on my lips. His strong hand on my breast, the other behind my head.

His voice gruff and full of that perfect masculine timbre I adored.

“I love you. God, I love you. I’ll never let you go, Nora. I’ll never leave you,” he roared.

I believed him and nothing else mattered.

Reggie—Wednesday, September 22, 2010


’ll never leave you. I love you, too,” she moaned as I felt her tighten around me. “I don’t want to live without you ever again.”

Fuck, those were perfect words. I pushed with my knees into her as far as I could. Her legs wrapped around me, and she arched her back into my every thrust as they became more fevered and rushed.

I didn’t hold back, I fucked her without a care in the world. I didn’t have worry. I didn’t have stress. There was no anxiety or room for debate. We would make it.

So many times over the years, I’d wanted to slow down and hold us there—but I knew in that bed in Switzerland, without uncertainty, there’d always be a next time. There’d sure as fuck be a least one more time that night, and probably a few in the morning.

Most of all, there were more chances for me to tell her I loved her and prove it.

“I’m coming, Reggie,” she panted and held on, her eyes on me. “I’m yours. All of me.” Then, they flickered closed, and she was lost to her climax. She was beautiful, and I came from the sight of her alone.



“If last night was your interview, Mr. Warren, I think we’ll have to go over a few of those things again,” she said laying on my chest the next morning.

I rolled on top of her and pinned her hands over her head. Her grey eyes caught fire.

You like that, baby?

“I’ll try to keep my resume updated. Actually,” I added kissing her neck, “there are a few things I may have left off.”

She laughed a little then quickly stifled it. “Really? I think you’re already overqualified.”

“Well then, Ms. Koehl, please hire this poor fucker already, and put me out of my misery.” My free hand moved between her legs, and her mouth fell slack. She fought to hold onto her train of thought as I distracted her.

“Um. Don’t you want to talk about your

“We already talked about my salary. You’re good for it.” My tongue licked up her neck to her ear, and I bit at her lobe until she moaned.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Yes, what, baby?” My hips rolled into hers, my dick hard and ready.

“You’re hired. You can start tomorrow. We’re taking today off. I need to feed my bear.”

Reggie—Monday, December 16, 2013


ora and I took many vacations to see my family, but they were visiting us for the holidays that year, and she didn’t book anything for the house for their two-week stay. My brother and sister were coming, too.

We couldn’t wait to see Wake, Blake and Casey’s toddler, and spend the holidays with our loved ones.

Even Vivian was coming. Nora always went on about how her mom was a snob, but I liked her.

Her brothers were still distant, but they were beginning to come around more, too.

Nora wiggled her toe at the end of the couch, as she watched, for the first time, the greatest holiday movie ever—
Die Hard
. It had taken a while to convince her it wasn’t scary.

I loved her more and more. I held her tighter and ran my hand over her ring, thinking about how blessed we were for our life.

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d counted backward from ten—if you excluded when we did it together to ring in a new year. Sure, I still had anxiety, and sometimes I had to take my medication, but it was back to a stable, as needed basis.

She never called it her money or her company anymore. It was all ours.


Surprisingly, she was easy to work with. She stayed focused on what she loved—the hospitality side of Koehl Worldwide—and I did my thing. I was a king who loved increasing my queen’s empire.

We’d taken many trips, and from time to time we’d discussed marriage, but it never fit
just right. When we were in San Tropez the past spring—looking at a property for Koehl Worldwide, which later we named
Le Freesia
—we’d bought rings. That night, sharing an expensive bottle of wine, we told each other how much we loved each other and exchanged them.

that simple. We’d made the mistake of complicating things that didn’t need it. We’d learned our lessons.

She’d said in one of her emails, which she eventually read to me—along with hundreds of others—she didn’t know if she liked the idea of a wedding because it seemed so temporary to her. She thought if people were meant to be together forever, they simply would be.

After everything we’d been through, I agreed.

However, it felt almost matrimonial when she slipped a titanium band over my finger, the smell of fresh freesia in the air, and said, “You’re my last lover. I don’t need anyone but you. Forever.”

When I slid her ring along her long finger, I replied, “You love me better than anyone else can. You are my happiness. You are my love.”

We were
. No more singular labels. No more insecurities. No more painful goodbyes.

Our hearts were tied together with a knot so tight even we’d never get it apart again.




Fade In
—Romantic Comedy, Standalone


The Wake Series—Trilogy full of angst.





The City Limits Series—Small-town Romance, Series of Standalones

Roots and Wings



Coming Soon

The Very Second Time
, Standalone

, a Wake Family Novel, #2

City Limits Series
, #2



My beta team. They, in their own specific ways, contribute selflessly to my work. Bianca’s motivational daily texts. “You better be writing.” If she had Rachel’s stalking skills, I’d be in trouble. I let Talon beta because she frightens me. Thankfully, no
in this book or she’d murder me—in real life, not fictionally. Natasha lets me know what is inside my novels with pure reader’s insight. All of them add something unique.

Megan Cooke. I’ve said this before, but it needs repeated.
I cannot write a book without you.
For those who are unaware, Megan sends me tens of thousands of notes. From what she’s feeling while reading to where she wants
, her attention to the fine minutia of my writing is vital to my stories and characters. Her purple words make black ones better. The time and dedication she devotes her beta process is uncanny.

If you love my books, then thank them.

Thank you to all of the honeybees in my Take the Bait reader’s group. You keep my life interesting and fun, which is needed when you write angst. This shit makes a girl crazy, and you’re always there to make me smile. I can’t wait to meet and squeeze every one of you. It’s a personal goal of mine.

FTN ladies, you are my tribe.

JJL ladies, I can’t do shit if you’re not around to tell me if I’m doing it right. None of this would be any fun if I was experiencing every day in this crazy world without you. You cry with me. Laugh with me. And love me for me. I love you for you, too.

Aly is my aggressive top, but she gives damn good back scratches from her roost.

Chelle, you rock. End of. I want to be you when I grow my hair out.

Bloggers, your support and general enthusiasm for my books still shocks the hell out of me. Every share, every review, every comment I receive from you makes me want to do better and please you more.

I love my readers like I love each page in this book—
. You and these pages are my dreams come true.

Hang Le, Stacey Blake, and Skye J. Callahan, working with you ladies is a blessing. You’re professional and top shelf in our industry.

To Danny, my friends, and my family you never fail to cheer me on, even when I’m a total pain in the ass. Even when writing and the book world is all I can think about. Even when I stink, I’m hungry and tired, and when I neglect you. You always let me know how proud you are of my books, and it means the world to me.



M. Mabie writes unconventional love stories and tries to embody “real-life romance.” Author of Fade In, the Wake series (Bait, Sail, and Anchor), and Roots and Wings, Mabie lives in Illinois with her husband.


She cares about politics, but will not discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne’s World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. She has always been a writer. In fact, she was born with a pen in her hand, which almost never happens.


M. Mabie usually doesn’t speak in third-person. She promises.


Connect with M. Mabie




BOOK: KNOT: A Wake Family Novel
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