Knightly Bonds 1: Their Majesties' Knight (4 page)

BOOK: Knightly Bonds 1: Their Majesties' Knight
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Lan gasped. His body arched, pressing insistently into Arin’s.

“Not so soon, darling,” Arin murmured, “but soon.”

Lan wanted to be offended, but it was hard when he was trying to rub against the muscular thigh wedged between his legs. He clenched his teeth.

Arin chuckled then pushed his robe out of the way, raising it slightly to completely bare Lan’s body. Lan bit back a protest when the delicious friction stopped. It morphed into a moan when a strong hand found his cock and wrapped around it, giving it a good squeeze. He gasped.

“You like this, don’t you?” Arin asked. Without waiting for an answer, he continued stroking him, his thumb sweeping over the flushed, leaking tip and smearing pearly liquid all over its length. It made it easier for Lan to push into his fist, so that was what he did. Exquisite pleasure flooded his body. He let his head fall onto the bed. Then something penetrated his lust-filled brain. He blinked, turning his head. His eyes widened. The sword leaning on Arin’s dresser was glowing. The light was soft and pale blue, its intensity wavering, but there was no doubting its glow. The faint taste of magic emanated from it. It zeroed on Lan and pushed into him, heightening his arousal. Too late, Lan tried to fight it. His blood heated.

“Arin, your sword—” he said.

The hand on his dick slid down to tease his balls. Arin turned his head toward the sword. “Never mind it.”

Raising on his elbows, Lan frowned at him.

“But it’s not...”

Giving him a smile, Arin slid down his body. His dark head bent over Lan’s belly.

He licked Lan’s cock.

“Mm. Nice,” he commented, licking his lips.

“Wait.” Lan’s hand landed on his shoulder. “You shouldn’t—you wouldn’t—”

Arin threw him a wicked glance. “Giving me orders now?”

“No, I just—”

“Good,” Arin purred. He spread Lan’s thighs, the cool surface of his rings pressing against Lan’s heated skin.

He opened his mouth and swallowed Lan’s prick, all the while staring into Lan’s eyes.

Lan’s head fell back, his fists clenching in the bedsheets. He wasn’t used to someone doing this. And even when it’d happened before, he didn’t remember it being this exciting. His thighs trembled. Tingles of pleasure raced up his skin as Arin’s tongue teased his slit.

A whoosh of air left Lan’s mouth. He watched Arin suck him, watched as his dark head bent further to take more of his length in. He cried out when Arin swallowed.

Arin instantly released him. Cold air tickled the damp skin of his cock.

“Don’t come yet,” he warned before he went back to sucking.

Lan bit into his lip.

Recognizing how close his lover was to the edge, Arin satisfied himself with just sucking on his tip, one hand reaching up to play with and fondle Lan’s balls. Lan felt like he was going to explode.

Arin had warned him not to come yet, and Lan found himself yearning to obey. It wasn’t easy, though.

Arin paused for a moment, putting two fingers into his mouth alongside Lan’s dick. Lan’s heart skipped a beat. Surely he wasn’t going to…

Yes, he was, he thought as two fingers found their way to his hole. He yelped, disliking the feeling, but his ass opened, swallowing the teasing digits greedily. It might have been helped by his complete concentration on his dick, which was still being expertly worked by Arin’s mouth.

“Please, I can’t—” he begged, only to gasp when those fingers found and rubbed something inside him. An electric jolt of pleasure surged through him, burning away any remaining resistance. His muscles clenched, his balls drawing up high. He yelled, his ass clamping on Arin’s fingers, his cock starting to spurt madly.

Arin didn’t release him, though, continuing to suck until he swallowed the last drop. It only served to prolong Lan’s orgasm.

Exhausted and sweaty, he collapsed on the bed.

“Damn,” he said, his voice hoarse. That surprised him.

Chuckling, Arin crawled up to drop a kiss on his shoulder. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” he asked. “Hadn’t expected you to yell.”

“I did not!” Lan protested, then winced, realizing that was why his voice was breaking.

“Oh, hell,” he muttered, closing his eyes in mortification.

“It’s all right,” Arin said soothingly. “I’ll take it as a compliment to my skills.” He patted Lan’s belly.

Lan refused to answer.

“Turn around,” Arin said.

Glancing at the not insignificant bulge in Arin’s pants, Lan did as he was told.

He hated this position. Truth be told, he disliked the part that was to come in general, preferring to avoid it. It always hurt and left him wanting for something. He tended to avoid penetration when he was with his lovers, preferring to give and take pleasure with hands and mouth. However, he didn’t think Arin would listen to him, so he did as he was told.

And there was that sudden wave of pleasure that Arin’s fingers coaxed, his treacherous body reminded him. His face heated, but there was no denying that he had enjoyed Arin fingering his ass.

He got rid of his robe and positioned himself on his hands and knees, letting his forehead drop onto his arms.

“Very nice,” Arin commented, the bed dipping under his weight. His leather pants brushed against Lan’s ass.

“You should be ready for me,” he added, then grunted, no doubt as he freed his cock. Seconds later, the broad head pressed at Lan’s anus.

It hurt, just as he had expected. Arin gripped his hips and pushed.

The big dick slid inside like it was home. A twinge of pleasure followed Arin’s movements, making Lan blink in surprise. He had not expected that.

Arin retreated.

This time there was no denying it as the resulting surge of pleasure made Lan yell. The broad head passed just over the small gland inside him, sending an electric bolt of pleasure down his body.

His dick twitched.

A growl emerged from Arin’s chest. His fingers dug painfully into Lan’s hips. He slammed back.

“Wanted to do this since I had you pinned down in the practice room,” he growled.

Lan shuddered at the thought. He hadn’t quite disliked it.

Arin started fucking him in earnest, and soon Lan was writhing under him in a torrent of delicious feelings. He was gasping, pushing back at Arin and spurring him on with cries of delight. He couldn’t believe he was acting this wanton, but it was hard to think with that big dick lodged inside his body, sending waves of pleasure through him.

Arin’s grip on his hips tightened, and he pushed deep inside one last time. Surprised, Lan tried to twist away. He hadn’t let anyone spend inside him, but the position was awkward, and Arin’s greater strength prevailed. He held Lan still while he emptied into his ass. Startled, Lan realized he was coming, too, his cock spilling his release on the sheets under him and his chest.

Arin sighed, his weight coming to rest on Lan once again. He kissed Lan’s shoulder then gently extracted himself, rolling on his back onto the bed. He tugged at Lan, forcing him to come down and lie next to him.

Lan let himself rest for a moment, the strong body next to his luring him to sleep. He extracted himself reluctantly.

“I should go,” he said.

Arin snorted. He raised his arm, and Lan felt magic brush over both of them. He tensed, then relaxed as he recognized the cleaning spell. Well. That was handy, he thought drowsily. Another thought rose in his mind.
Is he a mage then?

Arin’s arm tightened on him.


Chapter 3

“You should come back,” Moira said almost as soon as her face appeared in a magic mirror hanging on the wall. Galena stared at her in disbelief. Moira’s face was calm and collected as always, as if she hadn’t just asked Galena to do something profoundly stupid. For a moment, she was tempted to break down the mirror. Since that wouldn’t deter Moira if the sorceress really wanted to talk to her, she refrained.

“Are you nuts? I’m not coming back. I just escaped.” She added as an afterthought, “And it’s getting harder to get away, you know. Arin is getting better at predicting what I’m going to do.”

“Well, he is not stupid,” Moira replied, “and you do know that you just irritate him when you leave without his permission.”

Galena grinned. “True. But I so enjoy myself when I come back.” She shivered as her pussy dampened at the delicious memories. Mmm. Arin was a magnificent lover, especially when he was angry. That unbridled passion...

Moira wrinkled her nose in distaste. “Please. I did not need to know that.”

Galena rolled her eyes. Like the whole palace didn’t know what the king and his promised queen were doing behind closed doors. Then again, maybe not.

“The thing is, Arin has a new toy.”

“And?” Galena snorted, sitting down in her armchair and crossing her legs. She suddenly wished this conversation was over. Her body was humming in anticipation.

“I think you are going to like him.”

Galena raised her brows. She was intrigued against her will. Moira never said this about any of Arin’s previous toys.

When Galena accompanied her father, a minor baron whose land’s lay high in the mountains, to Hearthstone to swear his fealty to the new king, she hadn’t expected to have a one-night stand turn into a marriage contract. She enjoyed big, strong men in her bed, and Arin fit the bill. He was also the king, and no two ways about it, an arrogant jerk who thought she was supposed to flutter her eyelashes in luxurious rooms in his castle all day long. As the only child of her father, Galena was trained as any of his men. She could track and shoot arrows with the best of them. It irritated her to be treated like some fragile flower, good for nothing—outside of bed, that is. Arin had no compunction being a wild and passionate lover. It hadn’t occurred to him that flowery-type women rarely were that interested in sex.

Her nipples peaked. Damn it, was she missing Arin already?
Uh-oh. Better leave this for later.

“I am?” she asked.

Moira grinned. “Oh, yes. I think you are going to like him very much.”

“And why is that?”

“He is an attractive man, Galena. Tall, slender, and blond. A little taller than Arin, actually, although I wouldn’t be telling that to Arin.”

Galen humphed. “And?”

“And you are going to like him.”

“Looks,” Galena said dryly, “aren’t everything.”

“I know. I can’t explain it otherwise. You will have to come and see.”

“Hm.” Galena watched the mirror go blank until it reflected Galena once again. She stared at it. It showed a young woman with long brown hair, slender limbs, and a pale face. She grimaced as her gaze landed on her breasts. They were gently rounded, but that was all. Not that Arin had any complaints about her breasts. Actually…She shuddered as she remembered the way his mouth would latch onto them, sucking gently while his fingers slid down between her legs. Galena whimpered. Her hand slid under her belt, finding the warm and damp curls. She touched her swollen flesh. She shuddered when arousal spread through her body and bit her lip.

Maybe she could go back

just for a time

to take a look at the toy.

And Arin will be there.

Her breath left her lungs in short gasps. The tips of her fingers found the small, already peaked, nub. She started rubbing it, imagining Arin’s hands on herself. Oh yes, that was nice.

Her body went taut as a small orgasm went through her. She stiffened.

Blond, hmm? She had nothing against blonds. Her lips curled in anticipation.

* * * *

Lan easily blocked the sword that was coming at him, redirected it, and brought a tip of his own blade to his opponent’s chest.

“Draw!” barked the voice of the weapons master, and two knights broke apart, breathing heavily.

“Damn it, Lan.” His hands on his knees, trying to hold himself upright, Val shook his head like a dog would after an exhausting run. “No one is that good.”

Lan used a towel to wipe the sweat from his forehead and then started doing the same with his naked chest. Val might grouse and complain, but he did put Lan through his paces.

He grinned. “Wrong. I am.”

Val muttered something under his breath. Lan arched his brow and threw a towel at him. “I’m thirsty,” he said. “Wanna join me?” He sheathed his sword then stepped out of the marked circle to put it back in the chest standing next to the wall. They weren’t, by any means, alone in the practice room, as many knights came here to exercise and test each other’s skills. There were many that were here just to watch him. He could feel their surreptitious glances on his back. Lan picked up a pitcher filled with water and brought it to his lips. The first gulp of water brought an instant relief to his overheated body. From the corner of his eye, he could see Val doing the same.

“Just where did you learn to fight like that?” Val asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Not even Teres of Ciar would be a match for you.”

Lan hesitated, but he had learned to respect Val in the last couple of days. So, he answered with the truth. “You wouldn’t have heard of the place. It’s a small island on the sea, mostly inhabited with magicians. It’s fairly isolated. I didn’t have any magic ability,” he continued, “and was always interested in weapons. My brother fostered that interest and brought me the best teachers. I learned a lot.”

BOOK: Knightly Bonds 1: Their Majesties' Knight
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