Knight Takes Queen (10 page)

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Authors: Cc Gibbs

BOOK: Knight Takes Queen
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‘I’m sure.’ He glanced back at her. ‘Take off your pyjamas. Please,’ he added, a fraction of a second later.
Old habits
. ‘Or would you like help?’

His voice was softly appeasing, the momentary curtness removed. ‘I would,’ Kate said, lifting her chin so he’d know she’d heard him the first time.

He noticed the little stubborn set of her chin, had long ago learned all the conciliatory gestures women liked. He smiled. ‘My pleasure, baby.’ Turning to face her fully, he slid her opened top down her arms. Setting it on the table, he smoothly kneeled at her feet, eased her pyjama pants over her hips, watched them drop to the floor and brushed his warm palms up the sides of her legs and hips as he rose
from his knees. ‘You’re absolutely perfect,’ he murmured. ‘Thank you for indulging me.’

He’d taken her waist in his hands, his fingertips resting at the small of her back and she felt both captive and captivated by the splendid man towering over her. ‘It’s my pleasure too,’ she said in a covetous little whisper. ‘You have very large hands.’

‘I do.’

He spoke with the calm certainty and assurance, the arrogance that recognized what she was saying. ‘I hope this doesn’t take long.’ In case she hadn’t made it clear.

He smiled. ‘Some things never change. I just have to touch you.’

‘That’s it.’ She looked up a very long way, her green gaze warm, shimmering. ‘Old news. So?’

‘So it sounds like I’d better get moving,’ he said with a small smile, ‘or you might reach the finish line before me.’ Tightening his grip on her waist, he lifted her easily, swung her up on to the table and gently seated her on the footstool. Then quickly bending, he picked up her pyjamas and dropped them on the table. ‘See, I remembered. Happy?’

Since their first days in Hong Kong, Dominic’s casual treatment of his staff had been an issue. Kate smiled. ‘You’re on your best behaviour. Is this going to be super kinky?’

‘No such thing, baby.’ He slipped his hand between her thighs, slid his middle finger lazily up her cleft. ‘And you seem to be ready for just about anything,’ he said, his eyes fixed knowingly on hers.

She should resist that cool appraising look, but the delicious ache lingering in the wake of his finger was taking on a life of its own, settling in like accumulated memory, reminding her of the sweet violence, the unmerciful pleasure he offered. Then he lightly brushed her clit at the top of his stroke, reflection gave way to lust, she groaned through a fog of sensory overload and her legs parted in unconscious surrender.

Like any competent general he recognized victory. ‘A little more, baby?’ He pressed down on her clit with a nice blend of precision and force.

And a raw, raging delirium hurtled through her slick, pulsing sex, brought a cry to her lips – a small, choked bleat that quickly disintegrated into the vastness of the shadowed room. Her shudder was blatantly obvious though to her watchful partner, as was her blissful sigh that arrived in its own sweet time like her smile.

When she met Dominic’s gaze a moment later, they were both smiling. ‘Good so far. Not too kinky?’ he murmured, his brilliant blue gaze amused.

‘How do you do it?’ Her brows creased in the tiniest of frowns. ‘Stay so calm.’

An infinitesimal shrug. ‘Discipline. You, on the other hand,’ he said with a wicked grin, ‘are into reckless abandonment.’ Sliding his palms down her thighs, he gently spread her legs wider, grasped her ankles, crossed one over the other, leaving her sex fully exposed. ‘But opposites attract, right?’ Brushing his fingers over her glistening,
pink tissue, he drew in a small breath. ‘Jesus, baby, that is one fucking beautiful sight.’ Then he looked up, smiled an appealing smile and resumed his conversation. ‘I predict a rosy future for us.’

‘If we don’t kill each other first.’

‘That’s so cute, baby.’ He winked. ‘Good luck with that.’ He stroked her gleaming, pouty sex again, up one side, down the other, his fingers sliding languidly over her slick flesh.

She shivered as a sharp frisson of arousal spiked through her senses. Her heart started pounding, fierce desire commandeered her libido to take off the brakes. And grabbing the sides of the velvet seat, she steadied herself against her sudden nuclear level need.

He grinned. ‘You OK?’

‘I’ve been better,’ she muttered. ‘And don’t tell me to relax.’

‘Wouldn’t think of it.’ He ran his fingertips over her nipples, closed his thumbs and forefingers over the very tips and squeezed just hard enough to send a sharp, wild rush of pleasure streaking downward to her sex. ‘We both want the same thing, baby. We just get there different ways.’

She might have answered his goddamn casually disengaged comment if she hadn’t been acutely attuned to the lush, incredibly intense bliss melting through her body.

A stirring of his hair brushed her cheek, then his breath warmed her ear. ‘Take it easy, baby. I’m not going to fuck you right away.’

Kate slowly raised her lashes. ‘I don’t need you.’

‘Not even a little?’

Her sharply indrawn breath ended in a tremulous sigh as Dominic slipped first one finger, then another into her pulsing cleft, moving straight as an arrow to her G-spot.

‘Want to make a deal?’ he asked.

She slowly climbed back into the world, blinked. ‘What kind?’

‘You come once now. Then I get to play.’ He pushed his fingers in deeper, effectively forcing the answer he wanted. Offering her a kindness as well; it was always half-assed going it alone.

Her eyes had closed again, so he whispered, ‘Yes, no, maybe?’

‘Yes of course,’ she said in such an ordinary voice he glanced up in surprise.

Her gaze was half-lidded, only marginally focused, potent need blatant, tantalizing. ‘I’m practising cool insolence.’

But it took an effort to speak, her breathing erratic. ‘Very nice, baby,’ he said with a small smile. ‘But why not just enjoy yourself instead.’ He ran his fingertips delicately back and forth across her G-spot. ‘Are we on target?’ She gasped in answer. ‘Here too?’ Another light stroke that gave rise to her quiet groan. ‘How about here?’ He gently slid his fingers in palm deep.

No longer expecting an answer since she was feverishly panting, he gently flicked and feathered, massaged and stroked her clit, her G-spot, her slick, drenched pussy, deftly matching his fluid touch to the increasing rhythm of her
hips. Effortlessly playing the game he’d played a thousand times before. Until with her usual scorching response time, she was soon shivering helplessly, his fingers were drenched, and the pink flush of arousal was spreading up her throat to her face. ‘Not too rough?’ he whispered.

He knew the answer.

‘No, no … oh God, no,’ she breathed, feeling a weightless, stunning ecstasy, feeling as though she had only to stretch out her hand and touch the stars.

She was close. He could feel the initial little ripples sliding over his fingers
. ‘Want me to go further, baby? Scream if I go too far.’ He added a third finger. ‘There – still OK? How about right here?’

Her breath caught as his fingers touched the outrageous limits of sensation. ‘Yes, yes, oh Jesus, oh God, yes!’ Her first hard convulsion suddenly hammered every overdrawn nerve, the unstoppable tidal wave began to gather power and as the swirling rapture mounted, she quivered, whimpered softly, and tensed, waiting for the full orgasmic rapture to break.

Her abrupt scream was flawlessly matched by the momentum of Dominic’s fingers plunging deeper and as her cry ascended in shrill hysteria, Dominic dipped his head, covered her mouth with his and appropriated Kate’s orgasmic delirium as if he deserved it, as if she yielded all to him. As if he owned her body, soul and wild rapture.

A dangerous concept.

One he’d do well to stifle, if not conceal.

Neither, however, a natural fit for a man of absolute power.

As her tremors slowly calmed, Dominic held her in his arms, supporting her through her waning tumult, ensuring she didn’t slip off her small perch.

Her smile was a little shy when she opened her eyes and leaning back in Dominic’s arms she tipped her head up and held his gaze. ‘Thanks for being my eunuch.’

Laughter lit his eyes. ‘Temporarily. You’re just more impatient.’

‘Do you want me to apologize?’

She was serious. ‘Never, baby.’ He smiled. ‘I can take care of myself.’ Sliding his hands down her back, he took her hands in his and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘But if you could slow things down for a while.’ He kissed her lush pink lips. ‘I’ll have my dessert.’

‘That would be me.’

He nodded. ‘That would be you.’

Then he slid out from under her arms, smoothly, she thought, like he’d done it a hundred times before. Gracefully, avoiding controversy. ‘I don’t mind,’ she said. And when he glanced back from pulling a candelabrum closer, she added, ‘Playing games.’

‘Thank you,’ he said, instead of
I know
. ‘Are your legs comfortable?’

‘Everything’s comfortable now that I just climaxed. I’m in love with the world.’

He grinned. ‘You said that in Hong Kong that first night. I’d never heard that before.’

‘That’s because you only knew worldly women.’

‘I don’t know about that.’ His taste in women always had been democratic in scope. ‘But I certainly didn’t know any fresh-as-dew young ladies like you.’

‘So I was a novelty.’

‘In a thousand different ways.’ He framed her face in his large hands, leaned in close and said whisper-soft, ‘I started believing in miracles.’ Her wide-eyed innocence was even more enchanting in candlelight, her blooming ripeness more lavish, her lush curves gilded by flickering flame. ‘You have to tell me when you’ve had enough though because I’m in’, he softly inhaled, ‘a strange mood.’ He smiled. ‘Maybe it’s you as centrepiece on my dinner table.’

She grinned. ‘So at least I’m not the hundredth.’

Not here at least
. ‘No,’ he said. ‘You’re my virgin table ornament.’

‘Do I get to feel you inside me this time?’

He softly bit her bottom lip, then said even more softly, ‘As soon as we’re done playing.’ And at her small frown, he added, ‘It won’t take long.’

When he dabbed the first dollop of cream cheese frosting on her nipple, she instantly sat up straight, sucked in her breath.

‘Cold?’ he said without looking up. But he knew what that little breath meant. He felt her nipple lengthen and swell under his fingertip and looked forward to having his
dessert. Scooping up another little mound of frosting with his forefinger, he took his time covering her nipples, layering the creamy white frosting with exacting care, painting her areoles with the same deliberation, tidying up the borders of her areoles with warm licks of his tongue.

When he’d finished, he stood back to admire his handiwork, anticipating the pleasure in touching Katherine, exciting her, ultimately fucking her. Her skin was pale against the partial darkness of the room, the candlelight a golden sheen on her pale flesh, her large breasts larger now with pregnancy, her hips more rounded, flaunting, as if she embodied the glory of womanhood.

And this beautiful, lush woman was
: ripe, bellyful, replete. His own sumptuous fertility enchantress perched on blue velvet, waiting to be fucked.

‘How does that frosting feel?’ It was a rhetorical question; she was panting softly, little drops of creamy fluid had collected on her pussy. Her cheeks were flushed. ‘Be a good girl, suck this off first.’ He pushed his frosted finger in her mouth. ‘You can suck my dick later.’

His deep, low command spiked through her sex like a hammer blow, her tongue momentarily stilled at its task. She shifted restively on the footstool, moisture flooded her sex, and her body opened in welcome as if his dick already had entered her in one hard thrust.

‘You like that, baby?’ Her response had been immediate, blatant; he could smell her pussy, the heat, the instant need. ‘I won’t make you wait long,’ he said, withdrawing
his finger from her mouth and slipping it into her throbbing sex in a light teasing penetration, with only a soft flick on her engorged clit. ‘Jesus, that’s one stiff little clit. Think you can wait?’

She dragged in a shaky breath, shook her head.

‘Look at me, Katherine. Speak up.’

She met his bland blue gaze. ‘I can’t,’ she said, fretfully.

‘Can’t or don’t want to?’ he asked, amused.

‘Both.’ She was trembling faintly.

‘Sorry, baby, my turn first.’

She clenched her thighs against the warmth spreading between her legs. ‘Please, Dominic!’

‘Listen to me, Katherine.’ He took her chin in his fingers, lifted her head, leaned in close and whispered, ‘My. Turn. First.’

Shutting her eyes, she slid her hand between her legs.

‘Uh-uh, baby,’ Dominic murmured, jerking her arm up. ‘Do I have to tie your wrists? I will if you can’t keep your fingers out of your pussy.’ He cupped her hand, raised it to his mouth and bit one of her fingers. ‘Clear?’

She snatched her hand away. ‘That hurt!’

‘Then pay attention,’ he said, brusquely. ‘Now hold up one of your tits. Two hands, baby. There you go. Higher. Higher. I can’t reach it yet.’

Quickly sitting up straighter, she lifted her breast until she winced.

‘That’ll do,’ he said, smooth as silk, surveying her plump tit pushed up into a billowing mound, her hands barely
visible beneath the soft, flamboyant flesh. Then he smiled faintly. ‘Now look what you did.’

Although his coercion always had a predictable effect on her libido; she was quivering, her sex throbbing hard, hard, anticipation vibrating through her senses. She didn’t answer him.

‘Look,’ he said again. ‘Your nipples swelled when you lifted your breast. They’re showing through the frosting. You need a touch-up,’ Dominic murmured, smearing frosting over the portion of exposed nipple. ‘Lift your other tit now. That nipple’s visible too.’ A moment later the frosting was re-spread. ‘Now try to relax. If your nipples swell anymore I wouldn’t fuck you.’ He softly sighed as two pink tips appeared through the frosting. ‘Jesus, baby, you have zero restraint. What am I going to do with you? And don’t say fuck me.’ He sighed again as her nipples further enlarged. ‘Oh, what the hell,’ he muttered. ‘Put that nipple in my mouth, baby, and I might let you come after all.’

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