Knight of a Trillion Stars (7 page)

BOOK: Knight of a Trillion Stars
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He acknowledged her words with a murmur of agreement. Rubbing his eyes, he said, “This is not a world known for its comforts.” He looked at her. “Come, let us retire. I am tired. It would be better for you to have more rest as well.”

Deana put her hands on her hips. “And where am I supposed to sleep? That’s a twin slab you’re stretched out on.”

“There is plenty of room here.”

“There is no room there.”

He sat up. “Adeeann, come to bed. I am weary and I am not going to argue with you over this.”

“Fine, then we won’t argue. Besides, I might as well just sleep on the floor. They both share the same mattress filling.”

Before she could lower herself to the floor, Lorgin stood up and scooped her in his arms, carrying her to the platform. He talked over her objections.

“I have said I will not argue about this. I will be your mattress tonight.”

Deana’s mouth fell open.

He stretched out on the slab placing her on top of him, then covered them both with his cape. Placing an arm at her waist, and the other cupping her head, he whispered a firm good night to her.

Deana nuzzled the warm skin beneath her cheek as she opened her eyes. This is getting to be a habit, she mused. Naturally, she had managed to find the vee of his shirt in her sleep, and her hand had slipped inside the shirt looking
for warmth. Knowing Lorgin, she didn’t doubt for a minute he was already awake.

She raised her sleepy eyes. He looked down at her lazily.

“I bet I’m more comfortable than you,” she said smugly.

“Of this I have no doubt,” he answered her wryly, adjusting his position on the rock.

It wasn’t only the rock that was causing his discomfort, and as soon as Adeeann was more awake she would realize this. At that moment her eyes widened as she moved, making her own discovery.

Oh dear.

She looked at his eyes. Lazy pink sparks were appearing intermittently in the amethyst irises. She let out a sigh of relief. At least he didn’t look like he was going to nuke. He spoiled that safe thought with his next words.

“Come,” he murmured, placing his hand behind her head. “Give your mouth to me.”

She thought of refusing for all of a nanosecond. He looked so damned sexy lying there beneath her, his hair spread out over the rock, his eyes so sparkly and slumberous.

Oh, what the hey, one kiss won’t kill me.

Unable to help herself, she leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips across his. Lorgin hit critical mass immediately.

A strong surge of current passed from him to her, causing her to gasp. His hands clamped on the back of her head as he used her surprise to deepen the kiss. His fiery tongue expertly swept inside her as his fingers threaded caressingly through her hair.

Even though Deana knew what to expect this time, the tingles that coursed through her still shocked her. Only this time was different. This time she enjoyed it. More than enjoyed it.
She craved it.

When he removed his skilled mouth from hers and started to trail a molten path down her neck, she actually
those shivers of current from him. Her breathing accelerated as his scorching lips, tongue, and—my, oh my—teeth feasted on her throat.

Yes. Oh yes.
Oh yeah…

Her hands clutched his broad shoulders as Lorgin caught her earlobe between the edge of his teeth and gently tugged it, leaving a trace of special tingle there as well. She moaned softly.

Moving along her jaw line, he found her mouth again, kissing her with commanding skill. One of his masterful hands cupped her head, while the other moved to her buttocks, bringing her closer to his heat, his desire, his manhood. Deana shivered at the sense of being held captive against such raw power. Suddenly he was a favorite dish that she just couldn’t get enough of. Her breathing became shallow as pulses of electric longing coursed through her.

The room was going strangely dark.

Lorgin blinked and pulled himself back. Like an unschooled youth, he had almost lost control, even though he had warned himself to limit the flow of his power to her. Such was his desire…

He cursed his lack of control, something that had never happened before. Even though he had taken the Oath for her, now was not the time or the place for this to happen. He wished to initiate her slowly into the joining, although he knew it would not lessen the impact of the Transference for her. In any event, he doubted he would be able to wait much longer as his need burned ever hotter in his blood.

It took a few moments for Deana to be able to focus again. She gazed at Lorgin blearily.
What had just happened to her?
She raised shaky fingers to her lips—lips that still hummed from the silky taste of his. Odd; she seemed strangely disoriented.

Lorgin sat them both up and, noting Deana’s state, helped to rearrange her caftan for her.

“We must be up now, Adeeann. Yaniff will arrive soon.” He gazed down tenderly at her confused expression. “Not that anything is liable to shock Yaniff at his years, but I think you would prefer to meet him on your feet. Am I not right,
?” He raised an eyebrow as he awaited her answer. He could not help but feel a little pride in her response to him. Not that he ever doubted it.

Still slightly confused, she replied, “Yes, of course.” Then belatedly wondered why she was agreeing with him on anything, especially when he had a look of arrogant mischief about him.

One kiss, she told herself. What had happened to her? Whatever it was, she couldn’t let it happen again. My God, what must he think of her, losing control like a love-starved old maid? He probably was shocked at her exuberance, and backed off out of self-preservation.

She would put his mind at rest. “Lorgin, that will never happen again.” His head whipped around.


Deana looked down at her clasped hands. “That won’t happen again. We—we can’t allow that to happen again.”

He was stunned. Did she not like the feel of him? She did and by
, he knew it! He stormed at her. “Whatever are you talking about?”

She drew back at the vehemence of his response. She hadn’t expected him to react like this. “Just what I said. That can never happen again. When I leave here—”

“It can and will.
” He towered over her, furious at her insult. “You are not going any—”

His words were interrupted by a glowing light at the end of the chamber. The brightness grew and grew, forming the now familiar circular passage that was used by these beings as a means of transport. Deana was almost becoming blasé to the event, except she was curious as to what Lorgin had been about to say. Never mind, she could always
argue with him later. This promised to be very interesting. She had to wonder why this Yaniff dude was coming to talk to her.

Out of the light walked the strangest menagerie she had ever seen.

The focal point was a very, very old man. His silver hair hung down his back; his crimson robes hung to the floor. Like Lorgin’s cape, his robes were covered in strange golden symbols. In his right hand he carried a long scepter, the end of which glowed iridescent. On his left shoulder perched a huge winged animal. The bird’s head resembled an eagle’s, but not quite; its body resembled an owl’s, but not quite.

As the old man approached her, Deana noted that his eyes were pure black, neither giving nor receiving light, and she couldn’t discern any pupils in them. She was startled as the bird thing on his shoulder turned its head to her and it had the very same eyes, black as night and just as fathomless.

Something about the man seemed vaguely familiar. Then it hit her. He looked just like numerous artists’ renditions she had seen of Merlin.

Next to the man prowled an extremely large cat. Its fur was black, long, and fluffy; its eyes were quite strange, as one was ice blue, the other amber gold. The animal moved with a grace and beauty exceptional even for a feline. As the beast got closer, she wondered if it truly was a cat. It captured her in its hypnotic dual-colored focus and simply stared at her. Deana discreetly edged closer to Lorgin.

The old man spoke in a quiet but commanding voice.

“Lorgin, your…
emanates to me. Endeavor to control it.”

She would have expected Lorgin to bristle at that remark, considering the way he reacted to her statements to him, so was surprised when he only nodded curtly.

The strange cat jumped up on the slab and swished his tail, as if he were enjoying Lorgin’s set-down by the old man.

Deana wasn’t at all sure she liked this Yaniff dude with the stern voice, until she caught his gaze and he winked at her. She smiled tremulously back at him. Damn if he didn’t look like Merlin!

Lorgin’s eyes flicked to the cat. “So, I see Rejar has come.”

Yaniff noted the cat on the rock platform. “Yes. It was his desire to aid you in your quest.”

More likely his desire to bedevil me,
Lorgin sighed to himself.

Yaniff smiled, for he had heard Lorgin’s thought. “Who was I to stop him from this noble gesture?”

Lorgin responded wryly, “Who, indeed?” As if Yaniff did not have the power to do as he wished.

Yaniff’s eyes twinkled. “Have a care, he understands the words you speak.”

It was not hard for Lorgin to figure out how the cat had acquired this power. Out of respect to Deana, they were conversing in her language; Yaniff would have learned the language from him telepathically, and then transferred this ability to Rejar. As a seventh-level mystic such abilities were commonplace to Yaniff.

The old man turned to Deana, holding out a withered, ancient hand to her. His eyes briefly fell to the torque on her neck. “Come here, child, let me look upon you.”

She felt Lorgin’s strong hands on her shoulders, propelling her forward. When she stood in front of him, he took her hand in his. Yaniff stared intently at her for several moments, sort of giving her the willies. Finally, he released her.

“You have done well, Lorgin ta’al Krue.
I add my seal to this oath, born of yesterday and tomorrow.

Lorgin seemed pleased with that statement, whatever it meant. People sure talked strange around here, Deana
thought. Why didn’t they ever say what they were really saying?

Yaniff chuckled, an ancient, rasping sound. “Because, child, it might give you the willies.”

Deana gasped. How did he…

Yaniff clasped Lorgin’s arm. “Come, Lorgin, we need to speak together. There are developments that have occurred since last I saw you.”

“Very well.” He faced Deana. “I will be back shortly. Rejar will stay with you.” He turned to leave, then stopped as if something important had occurred to him. He turned and spoke to the cat.

behave yourself.

The cat swished its tail as Lorgin left.

Deana looked over at the strange cat. He seemed harmless enough at the moment. She decided to go over and try to befriend it. Sitting down next to the beast, she said, “Everyone is talking to you as if you understand, kitty. Do you understand?”

The cat swished his tail.

“You’re awfully pretty; would you mind if I pet you?” The cat rubbed his face against her hand.

Deana began petting him, realizing he really was just a puss, no matter his great size. She began stroking the soft fur on his head, then scratched behind his left ear.

Rejar began a deep, contented purr.

Lorgin led Yaniff through one end of the main cavern to a private area where they might converse without being overheard. Placing one booted foot on a ledge, Lorgin leaned over his bent knee and waited for Yaniff to begin.

“You have not told her about the Shimalee.”

Lorgin looked surprised. “Have I not? With all that has happened it is no wonder. Besides, that woman has a way of shifting my focus. I begin to tell her something, and before
I know it, she has changed the course of the conversation. In any event, perhaps it would be best for me to retain this information for the time being.”

“That ‘woman’ is
your wife
, Lorgin. Another fact you have neglected to inform her of. While you might be right in withholding information on the Shimalee, I cannot condone the other. She has a right to know. Even now, she expects to return to her world.” Yaniff stroked his chin and looked slyly at Lorgin. “Due to the circumstances, I am not at all sure if this constitutes a proper union.”

Lorgin relinquished his relaxed pose, standing in front of Yaniff with his fists clenched. “The oath was given and taken. She returned the Cearix to me in the time-honored manner.” His eyes narrowed. “She is mine and I will hear no more on it.”

Yaniff chuckled to himself, having accomplished what he set out to do. Lorgin, usually so much in control, had little where this woman was concerned. The old mystic decided to fuel the fire.

“Perhaps…perhaps not. In order for the oath to be
, you must complete the Transference This you have not done.”

Lorgin’s gaze flicked to Bojo, who peered at him from Yaniff’s shoulder like a nosy old woman. “She is not ready yet. She needs more time.”

Yaniff sighed. “Time, my friend, is something we do not have.
her ready. We cannot risk her falling under the power of another. She was meant for you, but destiny can play tricks on the unwary.” Yaniff’s eyes suddenly gleamed with humor. “Do not hesitate; I have complete confidence in your abilities in
area, Lorgin.”

Lorgin grinned sheepishly. Yaniff could be embarrassingly direct at times. He decided to sidetrack the old mystic. “What was this development you spoke of earlier?”

Yaniff was not sidetracked, but he knew Lorgin had
heard his words and would act accordingly. He answered the question put to him. “There is a man here on Ryka Twelve who recently returned from a journey to the far sector. Information was given to me that he might have some knowledge which might be of value to you. He resides in Pod 25.”

Lorgin raised his eyebrows. “That is a long journey from this cavern—on the border of what the inhabitants here call the Wilderness Reaches.”

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