Knight (An Impossible Novel) (30 page)

BOOK: Knight (An Impossible Novel)
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With the pause, my attention was again captured by the vibrations against my clit.  They were still too light to allow release, but focusing on the teasing stimulation caused the burning in my ass to morph into a heated, erotic tingling.

At the sound of my lustful moan, Master’s hands closed around my hips once again, slowly guiding me back onto his hard cock until he was in me to the hilt.  My muscles tightened around him again as my orgasm neared, and he stilled. 

“Not yet, girl,” he ground out.

His hand cracked across my sensitive upper thigh, giving me enough pain to draw me back from the brink.  When he was satisfied that I wasn’t going to come, he began to ease in and out of me, pumping in slow, shallow thrusts.  The tingling within me shot up my spine, exploding outward to flood my entire body.  I bit into the gag with the effort of holding myself back.  I wouldn’t disobey Master.  I wouldn’t disappoint him.

With a satisfied grunt, he began to increase his speed until he was taking me in earnest, taking full possession of the only part of my body he had yet to fully claim.  Sharp cries escaped me with every jarring thrust, my ecstasy pulsing insistently within me.  My own will wouldn’t have been strong enough to contain it, but Master’s was.

He grew impossibly harder within me, and his hand left my hip to press against the vibrator, grinding it against my clit as his cock began to pulse.

“Come for me
,” he ordered, his voice harsh with his own release.

With his permission, my bliss erupted within me, bursting free of the bonds with which Master’s will had contained it.  The gag caught my scream, making it reverberate through my head as I came completely undone.  It went on and on as my orgasm shattered me with exquisite force.

Nothing existed in the world but Master and the pleasure he gave me.

Chapter 26

Master toyed with the tourmaline gem that rested at the hollow of my throat, idly flicking it as he watched the colors shift in its blue-green depths.  It caught the light, sending a small spark dancing across his face.  I watched in hazy fascination as my brain slowly re-formed.  When I realized that my wrists were no longer restrained, I touched my fingers to his, shaping them around the pendant.

“This kept me sane, you know,” I told him quietly.  “Whenever things became too much and I thought I was going to fall apart, I would touch this and feel safe.  I would think of you. 
Just like you told me to do.”

I thought back to the day he had given it to me, how he had kissed the nape of my neck as he had closed the clasp, how he had lovingly stroked the chain against my skin, as though he couldn’t help himself.

It had always been so much more than just a pretty piece of jewelry, but now that I better understood Smith’s nature, I came to a startling realization.

“You gave this to me to replace that Bastard’s collar.  Did you…  Were you collaring me that day?  Is that what this is?”

He blew out a long breath, and his eyes searched mine.  “I told myself that wasn’t my intention.  But I was too far down the rabbit hole by that point to see the truth of it.  Yes, Lydia.  I put this around your neck to mark you as mine.  I can understand if -”

“Thank you,” I cut over him before he could apologize for his actions.  “I love it, Master.”

His lips quirked up, and he traced a line across the front of my neck.

“I suppose it’s time I got you a proper collar then.”

My breath caught in my throat.  “Really?”

His eyebrows rose.  “You’ve moved in with me, I’ve claimed you as my
submissive, I’ve told you I love you, and I’ve just admitted that I collared you weeks ago.  Is it really such a stretch for me to get you a proper collar?”

“I…  No.”  I swallowed against the lump rising in my throat as intense joy overwhelmed me.  “Can I still keep my necklace?”

“Of course, sweetheart.  You don’t think I would let you go walking around without any sort of collar at all, do you?  You’ll wear it outside the apartment at all times.  That’s an order.”

I threw my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

“Thank you, Master.”

He returned my fierce embrace and kissed the top of my head.

“You’re more than welcome, little one.  I’m glad to see you so eager to follow an order.”

I gave a watery laugh and pulled back from him slightly, wiping the wet evidence of my happiness from my cheeks as I did so.

“Don’t get used to it.”

He tweaked my nose affectionately.  “You are such a little brat.  I’m going to enjoy coming up with some more creative punishments for you.”


My gaze strayed to his toy drawer that held the harsh implements that had terrified me on the day I first saw them.  I realized Master had never once threatened to use pain as a punishment.  He had used little sparks of pain to tease and torment, but nothing more.  He hadn’t even spanked me.  Not properly.

“You haven’t used pain as a punishment.”  I said the words aloud, letting him know I had come to the realization.

“I thought that was for the best, sweetheart,” he told me kindly.

“But…  You have all of that fancy gear.”  I gestured towards the chest of drawers.  “Don’t you want to use it?”

He eyed me appraisingly.  “Do you?”

I bit my lip, considering.  The array of Master’s collection would have been intimidating even before my abduction.  Many of those implements had never come close to my flesh.  Some of them fell within my hard limits.

But that was before I had been tortured.  During my imprisonment, I hadn’t had the luxury of safe words or limits.  Every boundary I might have once held had been shattered.

I lifted my chin, defiant in the face of those memories.

“Yes,” I said firmly.

“Aren’t you afraid of being hurt?”  He asked carefully.  “You’re doing so well, sweetheart.  I don’t want to take you back to a place that’s traumatic.”

“I trust you not to hurt me, Smith.  There’s a difference between receiving pain and being hurt.  I used to understand that.  I used to enjoy it.  I want that back.”

He grinned at me.  “I love how fierce you are, but there is a nicer way to ask for what you want, little one.”  He sighed as though he was very put-upon.  “I thought we had just finished that lesson.  Will you ever learn to be a good little sub?”

I giggled and slapped his chest playfully. 
“Probably not.”

He did his best to arrange his features into a forbidding mask, but he wasn’t fully successful in concealing his amusement.  I shrugged.  “Well, that’s the truth.  I’m not allowed to
lie to you, Master.  See?  I can follow orders.”

The corners of his lips twitched.  “You seem to be under the impression that you can follow orders selectively.  The choice is yours, of course.  You can choose to be good, or you can choose to be punished for disobedience.”  It was his turn to shrug.  “I’ll enjoy myself either way.”

Temptation tugged at my gut.  I had enjoyed all of the punishments Master had meted out thus far.  They had all involved mind-melting orgasms.  But the taunting light in his eyes told me my next punishment wouldn’t be so pleasant now that pain was back on the table.  There was a difference between pain administered for my pleasure and pain wielded as a reprimand.

“Sorry, Master.  I’ll be good.”  I shot him a sly smile. 
“For now.”

His hard expression finally cracked, and the sight of his dimple deepening in his cheek made my heart give a funny little flutter.  God, he was gorgeous when he smiled.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart.”  He brushed a kiss across my lips, communicating his pleasure with my irrepressible impertinence.  I sighed into him happily, elated that the resurfacing of my defiant side only seemed to further endear me to him.  He had been fascinated with me when I was in my unquestioning slave mindset, but he loved my true personality.  He loved

Decadence was eerily silent when we entered the club that evening.  Our footfalls echoed loudly throughout the bar area with no pulsing music to swallow the sound.  Smith tucked the key he had used to get us into the club back into his pocket.

“Why are we here?”  I couldn’t keep the nervous quaver from my voice.  “It’s closed.”

“The owner is in the process of re-applying for all of his operations licenses.  The club was shut down after the drugs bust.  I agreed to help make the process smother for him if he loaned me the space for the night.” 

Smith’s arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my body up against his.  “I know this is scary, Lydia, but I want to replace your ugly memories.  You said you want to take the pain aspects of BDSM back, and I want to give that to you.  We’re going to face it head on, sweetheart.  Your safe word is ‘red.’  Say it, and we’ll walk out of here right now.”

His eyes were like twin moons in the night sky: calming and peaceful, yet powerful enough to control the ocean’s waves.

“I don’t want to use a safe word,” I said softly.

He smiled as his thumb brushed across the stubborn set of my chin.

“That’s my brave girl,” he said proudly.

After kissing me swiftly on the lips, he led me deeper into the club, towards the theme rooms in the back.  He watched me carefully as he opened the door to the room at the end of the hall.

A chill swept over my skin when he flipped on the light, and I froze in the threshold.  The room was far too familiar.  It held a St. Andrew’s Cross, a spanking bench, and a bondage table.  Chains hung from the ceiling.  Although the walls were a grey stone façade rather than concrete, they gave the same oppressive sense of impenetrability. 

No one would hear me scream.  There would be no hope for rescue, for escape.

I didn’t even realize I was backing up until Master’s hand ensnared my wrist, stopping me short.  Reflexively, I jerked against his hold, but he resolutely pulled me into him, caging me in his strong arms.

“It’s me, sweetheart.  I’m right here with you.”  He cupped my chin, lifting my gaze to his.  “Breathe.”

I drew in a shaky breath and nodded.  Master would help me through this, just like he had helped me get through all of the seemingly insurmountable challenges I had faced since he had found me in this club.  I had been a wasted, shattered wreck, but he had taken me in and forced me back together.  Master would never do anything to harm me.  Even if he did give me pain, it would only be meant to help me.

“I trust you, Master.  I love you.”

“I love you too, little one.”

He set his gear bag down and led me to the center of the room, never releasing me from his calming gaze as we walked.  When he was satisfied with where I was positioned, he pressed his lips to mine.  His kiss was soft, coaxing, as his hands found the hem of my dress and eased it
up over my body.  All of his movements were careful and controlled, yet fluid.  His easy grace was hypnotic.  I allowed myself to sink into him, surrendering to his touch, his will.

By the time he was sliding my dampened panties down my legs, my breaths were calm and even, my mind going blissfully quiet as all of my worries evaporated.

Master still held me trapped in his gaze as he crouched before me.  Whatever he saw in my own eyes elicited a small, pleased smile, and he planted a soft kiss low on my belly.  My clit pulsed as though his lips had brushed against it instead.  Master’s smile widened at my gasp, and he dipped two fingers between my labia, swirling them in the wetness he found there.

“Good girl,” he rumbled as he played through my soft folds, teasing, exploring.  At the sound of his approval, I sank a little deeper into his power, longing to give him more of myself.

He stood, shifting away from me.  I followed automatically, not wanting any distance between my body and his.  His hands closed around my waist, directing me back to where he had originally positioned me.


I hated the loss of his heat, but I didn’t protest when he stepped behind me.  A brief rustling sound let me know that Master was retrieving something from his bag, followed by a metallic clanking that I didn’t quite understand.  Despite the disconcerting setting, the flutter in my stomach had nothing to do with fear.

“Give me your wrists, girl,” Master commanded as he re-appeared before me.  The familiar leather cuffs were buttery soft against my skin, the buckles clinking faintly as he secured them around my wrists.

He reached up, and the metallic sound rang out again as he pulled down a length of chain.  Fear sparked in my chest when he clipped the end of it to the rings on my cuffs.

“Breathe, girl.  Look at me.”

As always, his commands grounded me and kept me firmly tethered to the present.  God, I loved him so much.  He gave me everything I needed.  The Lydia Chase he had helped bring back to life was even more complete than the woman I had been before I was abducted.

Something soft touched my belly, trailing upward to tease across my breasts.  My nipples tightened as the supple falls of the suede deerskin flogger brushed across my flesh.

“We’ll start slowly, sweetheart.  If it becomes too much, I want you to say ‘yellow.’  If you want to stop altogether, say ‘red.’  Tell me you understand.”

His tone was gentle, yet deep and authoritative.  He didn’t want me to simply take anything he chose to give me; he wanted me to honestly communicate my needs to him.

“I understand, Master.”

Satisfied that I was calm and unafraid, Master kissed me fleetingly and disappeared behind me once again.  My chest tightened briefly as the chain began to slowly draw my arms up above my head, the metal clanking as it passed through the ringbolt in the ceiling.


I forced my lungs to expand as my body was stretched taut, forcing me up onto the balls of my feet.  The position was horrifically familiar, and I couldn’t help flinching when something touched my back.

The flogger.

My mind quickly processed that the man standing behind me was Master.


His hands brushed the nape of my n
eck as he moved my hair so it hung over my shoulders, ensuring it wouldn’t obstruct his access to my back.  Cool air filled the space behind me as he stepped away, but the shiver that ran through me was the result of anticipation, not cold.

The flat of the flogger’s falls lightly hit my upper back with a sound like pattering rain.  Automatically, I arched away from the blow.  But Master didn’t back off.  A few seconds passed as he gauged my breathing, and then the flogger hit again, with a bit more force this time.  His pace steadily increased in speed and intensity.  A warm, wonderful tingling arose on my upper back, spreading further throughout my body with each
of the flogger.  By the time the delightful little sparks had reached my fingertips, the falls thudded across my flesh with definitive force.

Master began to work his way down my back.  When the soft tendrils hit my ass, I registered the hits as light pain.  He hadn’t warmed up this area, and my skin smarted at the impact.  My answering moan begged for more.  I completely embraced my trust in Master.  I craved to ride the edge of pain, welcoming it as I reveled in the resultant endorphins.

BOOK: Knight (An Impossible Novel)
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