KissedByASEAL (20 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

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I’ve said it before—it takes a village to write a novel and that was true for
Kissed by a SEAL
as much as any other.

Thank you to the many who helped in a multitude of ways from proofreading to fact-checking to research, from story details to retailer listings, for answers to questions and for listening to me bitch. The list is long but just to name a few my gratitude goes to Lt. Ryan Wright, Eliza Gayle, Lael Telles, Sean Fitzgerald, Mom, and all those of you behind the scenes who are my rock.

Finally it should be noted that the information in the book
American Sniper
about the life of Chris Kyle was invaluable in immersing me into the world and mind of the Navy SEAL.


Cat Johnson

Copyright © 2015 by CAT JOHNSON

All Rights Reserved

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