Kissed Blind (A Hot Pursuit Novel Book 2) (3 page)

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“It’s designed to blend in. You can put it in your wallet and forget it’s there.”

He contemplated it for a half a second. “Ah, what the hell. It can’t hurt, right?” He took his wallet from his back pocket and slipped it behind another card. He glanced up the staircase. “Cici! You coming down with the papers?”

“Yes! Be right there,” she answered.

“Before we go over all my ins and outs, I need you both to sign something for me.” Vance and I glanced at each other. “When people are behind the scenes, they’re privy to seeing and hearing things most people wouldn’t. I live in the public eye, but try to keep my private life private. I have everyone who works for me sign a nondisclosure agreement that bars them from repeating, or more specifically, selling anything they see or hear behind closed doors to the media.”

Vance gave a quick nod. “Of course, that’s no problem.”

He peered up the steps as Cici came down. “There she is. Finally.”

“Oh, stop.” Cici laughed and waved him off. “Here they are. Sorry, the fax machine was taking forever. I would have brought these with us if I’d known we were hiring extra staff this trip.”

Vance and I took the papers as they were handed to us. Vance sat in the chair and reviewed his documents, and I walked to a small wet bar off to the side of the balcony doors to review mine. It was pretty straight forward. Whatever I saw or heard, I didn’t see or hear. I signed the papers, and Vance did the same. Cici took Vance’s first and walked over to take mine.

“Here you go.” I handed them to her.

“Great. Thanks,” she said and leaned close to my ear. “I’m twenty-four, by the way, and completely legal.” My mouth fell open, but she held up her hand and smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Happens all the time. I have pretty thick skin. You have to in this biz.” As she passed Oliver on her way back up, she added, “Breakfast should be here any second. I’ll get out and grab some groceries sometime today too.”

“Thanks,” Oliver said. A phone rang in another room. “Can you get that, Cici?”

“Already on it.” She scampered away.

“So,” he said, dropping his voice. “I need to discuss something with you both.”

“Okay.” I laced my fingers together.

“Last night, as you know, I was in an accident. I was driving along after having checked out some of the sights and took a bend on the highway when my brakes went out.”

I drew in a quick breath; that detail hadn’t been mentioned on the news. “That had to be terrifying.”

“Yes, very.” He rubbed his hands up and down his thighs. “I found something else out that’s more disturbing though.”

I sat up straight, and Vance leaned forward.

“The police said someone may have tampered with my brakes.”

“Oh…” I said.

“Yeah.” He stroked his neck and tried to remove a crick. “For as long as I’ve been in this business, I thought I’d seen it all. I’ve had a few stark raving fans in my past and some probably teetering on obsessive, but I’ve never had anyone try to take me out of the game before.”

“You think someone really tried to kill you?” Vance asked.

“I’m not sure at this point. I’m having a hard time believing it. My wife has had her fair share of stalkers, but I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

“Was it your car?” Vance raised his brows.

“No, a rental. Cici had it delivered yesterday and she parked it in the garage. I’m just glad the brakes didn’t go out when she was driving it.”

“It would have been less dangerous if they’d gone out in the garage than on the highway,” I added.

His head teetered from side to side. “Probably, but at least Cici was spared the scare I had. Anyway, I gave the police a list of some superfans, but honestly, I can’t see any of them doing this. They’re supposed to be by some time this morning to ask us more questions.”

“Well, rest assured you won’t find yourself in that situation again,” Vance said.

“God, I hope not.” He continued to work his stiff neck.

“From personal experience, the day after is usually the worst. How’re you feeling?” I asked.

He blew out a big breath and dropped his arms. “My neck is a little sore, even after a massage, but that’s about it. My trainer and I worked through some exercises this morning and it loosened things up a bit. But like I said, I don’t have any time to be slowed down by something like this.”

Someone knocked at the door. Oliver looked around for Cici, but when he didn’t see her, he got to his feet and began walking toward the door.

Vance placed his hand on Oliver’s shoulder. “Why don’t I get that?” He glanced at me to back him up.

“That’s not necessary. The building is secure,” Oliver added, following behind us.

“After what you just told us, I don’t think we can be too cautious.” I smiled.

Vance opened the door.

“Well now,” a smoky female voice said. “Who are you?”





“Camille?” Oliver brushed by me and Vance to fully open the door. Camille Pierce stood in the hallway wearing a jet black wig covering her usual platinum locks, and big, Audrey Hepburn style sunglasses. “What’re you doing here?”

“Well, it’s good to see you too,” Camille said, pouting full red lips. “Is that anyway to greet your worried wife?”

“I’m just shocked. You were supposed to be in LA for the Lindy Hollon thing.”

It took me a second to place the name, but it quickly came to me. Lindy Hollon was an actress who’d died of a drug overdose many years prior. She would have become one of the great actresses of her time. Her death had rocked Hollywood, but her parents had devoted themselves to creating one of the most prominent anti-drug platforms in the United States in her name.

“It’s a ‘say-no-to-drugs’ event. It’s not a big deal.” Camille examined her manicure. “Oh shoot, I chipped a nail.”

“Camille.” Something flickered in Oliver’s eyes, like a flash of lightning in a midnight sky, but I’d missed it before I’d gotten to take a second glance.

“Relax, they’ll survive without me.”

“It’s a really important event.”

“I’ve been to it every year. Every single year.” She reached out and stroked his arm. “Besides, I wanted to surprise you.” She threw her hands up. “Surprise!”

He smiled. “You succeeded. I’m very surprised.” He ushered her in and shut the door. “Cici just ordered breakfast. It should be here any minute. If I know you, you haven’t eaten anything.”

“I hopped on a plane as soon as I could. I haven’t had an appetite.”

“I figured.”

“My God, if you’d been killed.” Her voice quivered. “I don’t even want to think about it. What happened?”

“I lost control of the car. You know how I am. I was looking at my phone and shouldn’t have been.”

She sighed. “How many times have I told you not to do that? It’s just as dangerous as driving drunk.”

“I know, I know.” He held up his hands in a slowdown motion. “But I’m fine.” He escorted her into the foyer, relieving her of a suitcase and a large Louis Vuitton duffle bag. “This is Diana and Vance, the bodyguards I hired.”

?” Her eyes narrowed as if she should have been furrowing her brows, but her Botox
injected forehead didn’t budge. “Why?”

“We can’t be too careful now that the entire city knows I’m here.”

Camille pursed her lips and slightly rolled her eyes. “I guess you’re right. Why didn’t you call Sean?”

“Sean’s wife just had the baby. He’s spending time with Kara for a few weeks. Vance and Diana work for the best agency in the city. I have no worries.”

Camille released a high-pitched groan under her breath and turned toward us. “I’m sorry our first introduction had to be like this.” She took off her sunglasses and fluffed her wig after shaking Vance’s hand. “It’s easier to travel when I wear a disguise. The lack of privacy we have is mind boggling sometimes.”

“I bet it’s a challenge to travel without being noticed when you have a face as recognizable as yours,” I said.

She released a light-hearted laugh. “You have no idea.”

“It’s really nice meeting you,” Vance added. “I loved you in
Acts of Desperation
. It was just amazing.” Vance grinned from ear to ear, and his eyes lit up like Charlie’s had when he unwrapped the last golden ticket. I stifled a laugh. And he said he wouldn’t be excited.

She leaned into a small mirror on the wall and smeared her lipstick with her fingertip. “Oh, thank you so much. That’s sweet of you to say.” She shrugged off a pale pink poncho and threw it on the back of a chair. “Where’s Cici? Cici!” She walked toward the living room.

“She’s upstairs handling some things for me,” Oliver answered.

“Puttering about like she always does? She’s overpaid, if you ask me.” She flopped down on the couch and took off her wig, shaking her hair loose. Somehow after having been squished under a wig for hours, her locks draped over her shoulders like pressed satin sheets.

Oliver glared at her. “She’ll be down in a second.”

“I’m having my bags brought up. I’ll need some help getting everything put away.”

“Who’s bringing them up? Did Brantley come with you?” Oliver asked.

“No.” She fidgeted with a diamond encrusted bangle bracelet. “That man at the desk, Brian or Brady.” She muttered, waving her hand.

“Barry, the security guard?” Oliver gaped. “That’s not his job.”

“Relax. I tipped him. Give a man enough money and he’ll do anything.”

“I’ll go and see if he needs any help,” Vance said.

“Thank you, Vance.” Oliver closed his eyes.

“Yes, Vince, thank you.”

“Camille!” Oliver barked. “His name is Vance.”

“I’m sorry.” She laughed, looking at me. “I’m tired from flying all night long and not the best with names.”

“I understand.” I nodded.

“Why don’t I show you the upstairs?” Oliver shot Camille a disingenuous smile. “Diana, would you excuse us for a second?”

“Of course.”

Camille huffed and lifted her delicate body off the couch with dramatic effort and followed Oliver up the staircase. I walked back over to the balcony doors to look outside for the lack of anything else to do. The barge I’d watched before had long made its way down the river, and the water’s surface was like polished glass. Oliver and Camille began shouting upstairs. Then, I did what any normal person would do—I eavesdropped. What
Hollywood’s hottest duo fight about?

Oliver complained about Camille’s general attitude and the way she treated people. She yelled for him to keep his voice down. He answered with more personal attacks, not lowering his voice, which pushed her buttons.

“The big actor needs two bodyguards to keep him safe,” Camille yelled. “Everyone look at the big actor. I bet you wrecked your car on purpose!”

“You’re only jealous about my career taking off while your scripts have stopped coming in. Isn’t that right, Cathy? Or is it Carmen? You’re so insignificant I can’t remember your name!” His footsteps paced above.

A door slammed, and I jumped. Their voices became muted, and I only caught every other word, if I was lucky. Oliver mentioned Lindy’s name again, and I took a couple of steps closer to the stairs. They were too far away for me to accurately hear what ammunition they were throwing at each other though, so I walked back to where I’d been. The fight continued for a few more minutes.

Vance returned with the rest of Camille’s luggage. He set down matching suitcases to Camille’s Louis Vuitton duffle bag, and a couple men walked in behind him, one held two large white paper bags under his arm.

“Hey,” Vance said, wiping a few drips of sweat from his hairline. “These detectives came to ask Oliver and Cici some questions about his accident.”

The shouting had died down a little, but there was still an occasional outburst. Cici had magically appeared behind me.

“Hello,” Cici said, walking up to the detectives. “We’ve been expecting you. Oliver is upstairs running some lines for his next movie. If you’ll wait here, I’ll go get him.” She smiled so sincerely you couldn’t have doubted her for a second.

“We have these for you, ma’am.” The huskier of the two men handed the bags infused with bacon and eggs to Cici.

“I’m so sorry. You didn’t have to grab these. I would’ve come down.” She tucked one under her arm and clasped the other in her hand. “Thanks.”

“No problem, ma’am. This gentleman looked like he needed some help. I’m Detective Rhodes.” He offered an extended hand. “And this is Detective Bradford.” His counterpart, although slender and blond, sported a similar look from his military haircut down to his sensible shoes.

“Cici Dawson, nice to meet you both. Thanks for coming by.” She shook their hands and deposited breakfast in the kitchen. She headed upstairs and called back over her shoulder. “Please have a seat on the couch, and we’ll be right with you.” Within moments, Camille and Oliver’s arguing ceased. 

Oliver descended the stairs, wearing his Hollywood smile, and Cici was right at his heels. The detectives, Vance, and I had scattered to different areas in the living room. Oliver grabbed one of the stools from the wet bar and brought it into the room, motioning for Cici to sit, and grabbed one for himself in addition to a bowl of cashews.

“So,” Oliver said, searching for the perfect nut, “what can we do for you?”

“We wanted to touch base again since you were a little shaken up last night. We picked up the surveillance footage from the garage. Hopefully something will turn up to explain what happened.”

“I really appreciate the amount of attention you’re giving this.”

“The Mayor called our Chief personally to investigate, Mr. Pierce. He wants you well taken care of while you’re here.”

“It’s not going unnoticed. Thank you.” Oliver nodded. “I’m anxious to hear what you find.”

Bradford retrieved a small notebook and flipped it open, pen in hand. “Now, it’s our understanding someone delivered the car here?”

Cici scooted to the edge of her seat. “Yes. I called around and arranged the rental. The car arrived yesterday, late afternoon.”

“Do you have a specific time?” he asked.

Cici thought about it for a moment. She took her phone from her pocket and scrolled through a few screens. “I got a call at four fifty-seven and went downstairs not more than five minutes later to sign the papers. After, I moved it to our spot in the garage below the building.”

Bradford jotted his notes as she spoke. “Great. I’d like a copy of the paperwork you signed, if you have it?”

“No problem.” She sprang up and found the rental form on the kitchen table and handed it to the detective.

“Did the car act properly for you at that time? Were there any odd noises, brakes not grabbing as they should? Anything like that?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t drive it all that far, but it seemed fine.”

He looked at Oliver. “About how long was Cici gone getting the car taken care of for you?”

Oliver halted halfway raising a cashew to his mouth and plunked it back in the bowl. “Am I missing something?”

“They’re just standard questions, Mr. Pierce. When we look at the video of the garage, we’ll see time stamps. We’re just making sure everyone’s stories match up. That’s it.”

Oliver blinked a few extra times and thought back. “I guess… ten minutes? I didn’t pay close attention. An appropriate amount of time though.”

Bradford scribbled away. “And you didn’t see anyone suspicious lurking around in the garage when you took the car out?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Cici told me where the car was parked, I took the elevator down and headed out. I didn’t see anyone.”

“Did the car service know who the car was for?”

Cici crossed her legs. “The rental was under my name, not his.”

After asking a few more questions, Bradford flipped his notebook shut. “This should do it. We’ll let you know when we finish reviewing the footage.”

“Thanks so much.” Oliver stood and shook the detectives’ hands and saw them out. When he returned to the living room, he picked a rogue nut from between his teeth. He rubbed his face with both hands and ran them through his hair, locking them behind his head. Even exhausted he was gorgeous. “Cici, would you mind seeing if Camille is through with her bath yet and telling her there’s food down here.”

Cici rose from her stool with a less than thrilled expression. Moments later, Camille glided down the stairs and greeted us with a glazed smile. Cici headed into the kitchen and took out several containers of food.

Camille approached it like it was going to jump up and bite her. She crossed her arms tightly around her midsection. “Are there any egg whites in here? I can’t eat any of this.”

“Yes, Camille,” Cici said. “I ordered basic egg whites with spinach and mushrooms, no cheese.”

“That’s Oliver’s. It’s his favorite.”

“There’s plenty here. I’ll have something else.” He took the container of eggs and spooned some on to a plate for Camille. “You have to eat something. You’re going to pass out if you don’t.”

Cici opened a container of mixed melon, strawberries, and pineapple. “Here’s a fruit salad too.” She pushed it into the center of the island and stuck a spoon in it.

Camille put her hand to her chest and shrank back. “What are you trying to do? Kill me?”

Cici glanced at the fruit. “I’m so sorry.” Her cheeks blazed. “I ordered it before I knew you’d be here. I… I wasn’t thinking.”

“That’s precisely what I was going to say,” Camille said.

Oliver shut the lid and pushed the fruit aside. “It was an oversight. She didn’t know you were going to be here. It’s out of the way now. Cici, could you take that and throw it down the garbage chute in the hallway, please?”

“Of course.” Cici picked up the fruit. “I’m so, so sorry. I just forgot.”

Camille remained cool until Cici walked out of the kitchen. “You’re always taking care of me. Thank you, darling.”

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