Kiss of Heat (8 page)

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Authors: Lora Leigh

BOOK: Kiss of Heat
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Kane grimaced as pleasure, hot and destructive, raced straight to his cock. It swelled, pulsed, as he felt his pre-come seeping from the small, slitted eye in the center of the bulging head.

Drawing in a hard breath, he trapped her fingers against his chest, stilling them.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, a whimper of need and denial that broke his heart.

“Sorry?” he asked her softly. “Oh no, baby. I don’t want to hear sorry. I want to hear you purring while my tongue fucks so deep and hard up your tight little pussy that you scream with it. After I’ve eaten my fill of you, then I want to feel those sharp little nails scratching down my back as I fill you with every hard, aching inch of my cock. That’s what I want to hear, Sherra.”

Her eyes widened further, shock glittering brightly in her gaze as her head raised, her tongue flickering over her lips.

“Uh uh.” He shook his head, applying a bit of pressure to hers as he pressed her to his chest. “Don’t lick those pretty lips, baby. Lick that mark you left me. Taste me, Sherra, before I do something we’ll both regret.”

His control was at its weakest point. His body was in full, overwhelming riot. His cock ached like an open wound and the mark on his chest was burning like a flame.

“Kane.” She rested her forehead against him, her breath whispering over the sensitive brand.

Her hands clenched at his waist, holding tightly to him as she struggled for breath. Her small body trembled, nearly shaking as she fought both of them and the hunger raging between them.

Kane tightened his grip on the silken strands of hair at the back of her head before he flattened his palm, pressing again.

“Now,” he groaned. “You know what I fucking need, Sherra. Give it to me before I take something you’re not ready to give me.”

The thin, desperate moan that echoed from her chest had him tightening, waiting. It wasn’t a sound of protest or of fear, but of hunger. A second later his harder, male groan echoed around them when her tongue peeked over, swiping against the mark slowly, the slightly rough rasp tearing through his nerve endings and drawing every muscle to a breaking point as his head fell back, grimacing in an agony of sensation.

As delicately as a kitten she tested the taste of his flesh, tempted the control he was exerting over the ravenous need rising inside him. She licked the hot little mark with a sensuality that destroyed him as she tasted his skin, each small caress making her move against him with more demand, the heat between them rising.

His jeans were a restriction he could no longer bear. With one hand at her head, the other moved between their bodies, his fingers struggling desperately with his belt as he fought to release his agonized flesh.

“Oh God! Kane, please…” Her hands were tight on his waist, her voice thin with denial and protest despite the hungry licks against his flesh.

“Sherra, baby.” He jerked his shirt from his pants before returning to his fight with the belt. “God, touch me. I’m burning alive.”

The belt came loose and a second later her hands were there with his, dragging open the snap to this jeans as he fought to release his cock. Her lips covered the mark she had made so many years before, suckling at it hesitantly, her tongue flickering teasingly now despite the mewls of protest vibrating against his skin.

A second later, he was free. Kane’s rough shout of pleasure shocked him as Sherra’s hand attempted to wrap around the thick stalk of flesh. The wounds to his shoulder were forgotten. Reality no longer existed. Kane could feel the blood pumping hard and heavy through his veins as pleasure became a firestorm, searing every cell in its wake.

Her hand moved on the sensitive flesh of his cock, flexing, caressing, driving him insane with sensations as he fought to hold back. He couldn’t throw her to the shelf and fuck her like the animal he could feel rising inside him. But he wanted to. God help him, he wanted to taste the sweet juice he knew flowed from her pussy and then he wanted to fuck her. So deep, so damned hard she would never deny him again.

“Yesss…” He hissed out the word as he felt her moving lower, her breath moist and hot as she sought out each sweat dampened area of sensitivity. Across his chest, down his abdomen. His cock throbbed eagerly. Lower…if he didn’t get the bulging head of his erection in her mouth he was going to go insane. If he did get it in there he would go insane.

He groaned heavily when her tongue touched him. He could feel it, blistering hot and so damned good he barely restrained the release he could feel boiling in his balls.

“Damn you,” he panted, lost in the haze of lust filling him, one hand gripping the base of his cock, the other tightening in her hair. “Suck it, Sherra. Wrap your mouth around my dick before I lose my mind.”

But he was losing it anyway. He heard the small, strangled moan from her throat, felt it as he surged hard and heavy past her lips. His eyes opened as he stared desperately at the racks of weapons on the wall in front of him. He wouldn’t look down. He wouldn’t tempt his control…

Her hands were wrapped above his, gripping his dick, milking it as her lips, reddened and full, stretched around the engorged head. Her tongue flicked over the tight flesh, her moans rising as a small amount of pre-come ejaculated into her hot mouth.

He was close, too close, and she was pushing him to the final edge. He shook in the storm surging through his body, the lust, the emotion, the need and pain that had built through the years. And he knew, no matter the demand of his body, this could never be enough. He could come in her mouth forever and he’d still be hard, furiously erect and dying for the liquid heat contained within the snug grip of her pussy.

His hands were hard, perhaps too hard, he feared as he pulled back, dragging her against him. He lifted her to the shelf that placed the honeyed entrance to her body in direct alignment with the rock-hard flesh aching to sink into her.

“Kane, no…” She whispered the words, but she was weak in his arms, her head falling back as his lips moved to her neck. “Don’t do this. Please.”

“Fuck it,” he snarled, his hands framing her head, his gaze centering on her lips. “Kiss me, Sherra. Give it to me, baby. Now.”

Her hands gripped his wrists; her lips trembled.

“I can’t,” she cried out weakly. “You know I can’t.”

Her eyes were nearly black with lust now, the hunger eating at her, destroying his control.

“Deny it’s killing us both, Sherra,” he snapped, lust and anger unfurling inside his mind until he didn’t know if he should fuck her or spank her first. “Deny my right to this—to your kiss. Deny I’m your fucking mate, damn you.”

She opened her mouth, whether to deny him or to agree he would never know. All he knew was the hunger, the rage, the need sending spikes of agonized demand through his balls and into the tormented shaft of his cock.

His lips covered hers, his tongue plunging deep. His woman. By God, his mate.

Chapter Eight


The kiss destroyed her. Silent screams of protest, of fear, ricocheted through her mind, but her body, her flesh, ignored every wailing demand that she stop. His tongue swept into her mouth, a cooling relief against the fiery ache of hers, so tempting, so soothing she was lost.

It was like nothing she had known before; even the first shattering kiss they had shared so long ago was only a weak variation to this one. It weakened her, sent her senses screaming with the building heat that raced through her body, pooling in her womb and growing ever brighter.

A conflagration rose inside her as his lips and tongue combined to drive her insane with the ravenous carnality that slammed into her body. She couldn’t fight him as well as herself. Not while his lips covered hers. His tongue tempted and stroked, driving her mad with the need to feel his lips twisting over hers, drawing on the swollen flesh of her tongue, relieving her of the hormone that now pulsed and throbbed within their swollen glands.

Years of need, of brutal demand caused by the very nature of what she was rose to the surface. The battle for supremacy began then. His tongue tangled with hers, but this wasn’t what she needed. It stroked and cooled the burning flesh of her own, but again, she needed more. She fought to push past it, to gain control, to attain the victory of having his lips enclose it, sucking it into his mouth, easing the torturously swollen glands that seemed to fill further now.

His hands were tight in her hair, holding her to him, though there was no longer any need. Her arms twined around his neck, holding him close, her nails biting into his scalp as sanity slipped further and further away.

Her craving for him built. His taste, his touch. It became a raging tempest, sweeping aside fears, objections and reason as incandescent heat exploded through her body.

With a victorious cry, she pushed her tongue past his lips and dissolved. Instantly Kane was there. His lips trapped her, his mouth drawing her. The hormone trapped within the swollen glands poured free as his hips jerked, his cock pushing hard and insistent against the damp fabric of her thin pants, the bulging head parting the lips of her pussy as it nudged in as far as the material allowed.

Sherra was trying to crawl into his body now. The rapturous pleasure spreading through her as Kane suckled at her tongue was nearly more than she could survive. Her cunt spilled its thick essence against the cloth-entrapped head of his cock. Her hands held him to her, her head falling back as he fought to gain every drop of the aphrodisiac from her.

In the back of her mind she knew the terror would come later. The fear for Kane and his safety would send her past every fear she had ever known. For now, though, there was only his kiss, his rumbled groans of growing male arousal, his cock rocking against her pussy, his hands pulling at her top, the pain easing in her tongue but growing in her womb.

Her eyes struggled to open as his head jerked back from her. A whimper escaped her, fear pricking at the heat building between them. His face was flush, heavy with lust now, his eyes nearly black, dilated with the instant effect of the hormone absorbing into his system.

“Kane.” She whispered his name with an edge of desperation as he forced her arms down then jerked her top over her shoulders. The spandex material stretched tight, trapping her, hampering her movements as her breasts cleared the edge of the straining fabric.

“Don’t talk.” His hands lifted the swollen mounds. “Every time you talk you think. Don’t fucking think, Sherra, just feel.”

“What have you done, Kane?” She shuddered as his tongue swiped over a hard, riotously sensitive nipple.

“What I should have done six months ago,” he snarled, surprising her with the anger behind his words, the need that vibrated in his voice. “Damn you, Sherra. How did you survive this alone, baby? Sweet baby… If I don’t have you I’ll die from it now.”

She cried out as the hunger became ravenous. His lips surrounded her nipple, drawing on it strong and deep as his hands tore at the waistband of her snug pants. His cock was throbbing, the head literally pulsing as it tried to bury deeper in her pussy, to defy the material of her pants between them, threatening to rip past the threads as her cunt heated destructively.

The hormone. Sherra whimpered as the pleasure screamed through her body. His mouth drew on her nipple, his teeth rasping, tongue licking, as the brutal fist of sensation tightened in her womb.

How would he function? How would she? The heat was pronouncedly stronger in her than it had been in Merinus. The agonizing pain would soon be ripping through her womb as her body fought to conceive. It was a useless void, and no matter how fertile the hormone wanted to make her, it could never support life.

The thought of the life she could never help create was shattered by his touch, though. He was out of control. They were out of control. His hands were hard as he fought to get her pants off her hips while keeping her locked to him, a hard, fierce growl tearing past his throat.

Kane held her secure, his mouth, teeth and tongue tormenting the hard flesh he held captive. Her nipple was becoming so sensitive, so enflamed that the pleasure was almost a pain, pushing her higher as it overwhelmed her.

She could feel her heart racing, the blood surging through her veins as his teeth scraped over the pointed crest before gripping it gently, holding it captive as his tongue flicked over it with hungry demand.

Sherra twisted in his arms. She needed to be closer. She could feel the swirling mass of sensation growing in her womb, pulsing with a demand she couldn’t deny. Not any longer.

Her upper arms were bound to her body by the taut fabric of the sleeves of her top, but her hand reached out, gripping Kane’s muscular forearms as he consumed her breasts.

He drew the hard point deeper into his mouth, sucking it with strong, hungry movements as his tongue continued to flay it. She could feel each rapid flick of his tongue throwing her closer to oblivion. She was helpless to fight it. Helpless against it.

“Please…” she whimpered, but didn’t know if the plea was for him to cease or to take her deeper.

Her head fell back as she gasped for breath, shuddering as his teeth raked the tender tip, sending white-hot flames licking from her breast to her womb until she convulsed in heated, agonized ecstasy. Her cries echoed around her as she tightened, shuddered, her nails biting into the hard arms she held as bells and sirens began to wail around her.


Kane’s mouth released her nipple with a slight popping sensation as his head raised, a snarl drawing his lips back as Sherra suddenly realized the sirens were coming from outside. Warning, strident, the alarm system wailed through the compound, shrieking around them as the raised voices from outside the shed finally penetrated the haze of lust enveloping them.

Her gaze flew to his, her hands trying to reach for him as her brain processed the fact that there was now danger surrounding them. Danger to the occupants of the house, Cassie, Merinus and Roni and their unborn babes. Her mind fought to accept the sudden switch, the need to protect rather than to fuck, the need to fight rather than to touch.

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