Kiss of Fire (St. James Family) (15 page)

BOOK: Kiss of Fire (St. James Family)
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I came to the city when I was eighteen to join my company.” She smiled. “What about you?”

We came over from Ireland when I was 7 or so. We stayed up in Inwood first, then moved to Queens.”

I love that little bit of an accent you still have. It's sexy.”

That's what all the girls say,” he said. She laughed, the sound light as air.

You're breaking your own rule, you know,” she said. “About not talking.”

Yeah, yeah I know,” he said, pulling his face into a scowl. “Not like the fish are biting anyway.” She laughed again, uncrossing and crossing her legs again, the simple movement drawing his eyes to her thighs like a magnet.

So did you always want to be a fireman?” she asked, leaning her head back against the edge of the chair.

No, actually. When I graduated high school, I moved to Manhattan and got into finance.”

Finance?!” she exclaimed. “I can't imagine that at all.”

Yup, believe it. I was a Wall Street douchebag in a designer suit with gelled hair and a rolex. It was before 9/11, there was money to be made, and I didn't want to go to college. I didn't want to work for the city like my father either. I thought I was destined for greater things.” He snorted out a laugh, remembering how stupid he'd been as a kid. “But then one day I woke up and realized that although I was making a shit-ton of money, I was doing it by robbing people just like my old man, who worked their whole life for their little slice of the pie. So I woke up, quit finance, and became a firefighter.”

And you were in the city on 9/11?”

Yeah. That's when I knew I'd made the right decision. Being a firefighter just felt right. I like helping people.” He shrugged.

And you like the danger and the adrenaline rush?” Toni said with a smile.

Maybe.” O'Donovan looked out over the water, trying in vain to suppress a smile. “What about you? You always wanted to be a dancer?”

I think so, yeah. My first dance class, I was hooked.” She lifted her arms above her head in a stretch. “It's funny because my sister is a lot older than me. My parents had her when they were teenagers. So when she was growing up, life was always a struggle. There was never any money, my mom worked odd jobs and my dad was in school. But by the time I came along, my father was a doctor and my mom stayed at home. I got expensive private lessons, and was I sent to the best schools, and got the early training I needed. If I had been born closer to my sister, I wonder if I would have had the opportunity to be a dancer.” Toni looked off, her face concentrated. But then she smiled brightly. “However, I am a firm believer that life always works out the way it's supposed to. Since it was meant to be, the planets would have aligned no matter what, so that I could dance.”

That's one way to look at it, lovely,” O'Donovan said.

I'm sure you have a more pessimistic worldview.”

Nah. I just think that sometimes shit works out, and sometimes it doesn't. No rhyme or reason.  You don't really have control over it, one way or the other.”

The crate chose that moment to start wobbling. “Oh!” Toni jumped up and grabbed her pole and tried to reel in the fish. The line darted back and forth, as her catch tried to get away. She jumped when O'Donovan's arms slid over hers as he helped her reel in the fish.

“The bastard doesn't want to be dinner,” he said, his voice was low and husky in her ear. Her back was against him, her body molding against his.. He was so close to her, his body was responding, most definitely. But he would be damned if he was going to let go of that pole, even if he would rather have his hands elsewhere. They worked together to pull in the fish, which swung over the railing of the boat  and dropped onto the deck. The large flounder flopped around on the deck.

Woo hoo!” Toni whooped. “Look at him!” 

Well, I'll be damned.” O'Donovan stepped away from her and grabbed the slippery fish to unhook it. “The little girl in the white bikini bags a big one.” He dropped the fish in the cooler at the foot of his deck chair. “You keep surprising me.”

“I told you I can rock a pole,” Toni giggled, her chest heaving with excitement. “I'm sure you believe me now.” She swooped up his beer, and took a big swig. Sebastian leaned against the boat railing and watched her, suddenly horny as hell. He crooked his finger, beckoning her closer.

Come here.”


Cuz I said so, that's why,” he said, reaching out and grabbing her. He pulled her against him, sliding his hands up the smooth skin of her back. Goosebumps broke out on her skin and he smiled, loving that he was affecting her just as much as she was affecting him.

What else don't I know about you?” he asked.

We don't really know each other that well at all,” she said, eyes on his mouth. “Do we?”

No. I guess we don't.” He wet his lips with his tongue.

But I have a feeling we're going to get to know each other really well,” she murmured, leaning in to brush her lips against his. He wasn't interested in a soft kiss though, and he went in hard, sliding his tongue between her lips. She responded immediately, her hands moving up the side of his face and holding him against her. His cock was hard between them and every move she made against him only turned him on more. But he refrained himself. He held back because it was all moving fast. If he didn't watch himself, Antoinette St. James was going to be keeping his balls in her fancy leather purse, and he couldn't let that happen.

Pulling away from her, he turned and sat back down on his chair. She followed him, perching her perfect ass on his knee.

“It's really beautiful out here,” she said, looking out at the water.

I love being out here,” O'Donovan said, following her gaze to the ocean.

Thanks for letting me come with you,” she said. “I needed it.” He smiled, and pulled her down into his lap, not able to resist.

You needed a day away, or you needed my dick?” he asked.

Um. Both,” she said, giggling. She settled against him with a sigh, and he let his arm drape over her thighs, holding her there. Toni snaked her hand out and ran her fingertips up his forearm, lightly, over all of his various burns and scars from over the years. He snuck a look at her, realizing she was the first person he had gone fishing with in a long time. He couldn't ignore how it just felt right. He had gotten used to being alone, he realized. He wasn't used to sharing time with someone, especially someone so damn charming and so damn pushy. She'd pushed her way into his life, and he'd let her. However, he wasn't going to let himself get caught up in her. No matter how much she tempted him, he wasn't going to jump off that cliff. Christ. He knew wholeheartedly that that would be the biggest mistake he could make.



Chapter 10




O'Donovan opened the door to the beach shack and flicked on the first lamp by the door. He stepped out of the way to let Toni in and took the grocery bag from her. They stopped at the grocery on the way, to get vegetables for a salad to have with her fish. He couldn't believe she had caught the only fish of the day. He didn't know if his male ego could take it, he thought with a smile. He headed for the kitchen and started unpacking the bag. There was something comfortable about bringing her back to his dad's shack, far from the city and any distraction. Toni stood in the middle of the tiny living room. It was very sparsely decorated. Wood-paneled. Perfect for any bachelor. One old plaid recliner pointed at a small TV in the corner. A rosewood dining table and chairs, picked up in a garage sale years ago, sat next to the kitchen. There was a full bed in the small bedroom, covered in ancient linen sheets and a quilt that used to belong to his grandparents. That was it. Sebastian popped a beer and held it out for her.

She took it, smiling. “Five gallons of white paint would do wonders in here,” she said, taking a small sip. “But it's cozy.”

Cozy? Is that code for shitty?”

No, it's code for small,” she said, with a giggle. She wandered to the wall, where a few O'Donovan family pictures hung. He turned back into the kitchen, turning on the water and waiting for it to run clear.

Are you going to clean and fry up this fish, or what?” he tossed over his shoulder.

I don't eat fried food, I don't cook, and you look pretty comfortable in that kitchen, Sergeant O'Donovan,” she said, as she stooped to look at an old photo on top of the TV. “Is this your dad?”

Yup, that's him,” O'Donovan washed his hands with the bar soap by the sink.

He looks like a less scowl-y version of you,” she said, taking another sip of her beer.

What do you mean you don't cook?” he asked, annoyed because his dad always scowled, without fail. “You bake but you don't cook?”

I only bake pies. And no, I don't cook.” She shrugged her shoulders, like it wasn't a big deal.

Christ.” He shook his head, feeling like he'd been tricked. “You little tease.” He closed the space between them, tired of holding back. He wanted another go at her. His cock had been ready for it all day, and was already at attention. She giggled as he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest. She batted her eyes up at him innocently.

I couldn't believe the peach pie defense worked,” she said. “My granny always said her pie recipe would drop a man to his knees, but I never quite believed her until now.”

You want me on my knees?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, a visual forming in his mind that made him completely forget about dinner. “You have your secrets,” he said, pulling her shirt up to reveal her midriff. She raised her arms above her head and he pulled it off and tossed it across the room. “But I know something you don't know.”

What's that?” she said, untying the strings of her bikini top and letting it drop to their feet. He lifted his hands slowly, cupped her soft breasts, and she shivered into his touch.

Your body is so...” he trailed off, circling her dark nipples with his thumbs, remembering how she looked riding his cock in the truck. He'd been more turned on than he'd ever been in his life. Her body was all dark smooth skin, taut muscles, and graceful movement. Her mouth was hot and responsive to his. And her hands. Her hands running through his hair sent sparks shooting down his spine. Her hands on her cock were like magic. The orgasm she'd given him had snuck up on him like a slow burn, then exploded in his brain. He was still feeling the aftershocks. God, he wanted her.

My body is what?” she asked, lightly, her breath catching in her throat as he strummed her hard nipples.

It's okay.” He shrugged nonchalantly, even as his erection felt like it was going to explode out of his jeans.

Yours, too,” she said, lifting his shirt over his head. He tossed it against the plaid chair. Her warm fingertips traced up his abs to his ribs. He was suddenly very fucking glad he spent so much time in the damn gym. “Totally average, but it'll do,” she said, unbuttoning his jeans and working them past his hips. He let them fall to the floor, and kicked them off. The look in her eyes as she took in his erection was priceless.

Average, huh?” he said.

Mmm-hmm.” she mumbled, licking her lips.

Are we done playing around?” he asked her, and she nodded so eagerly that he laughed. Without warning, she hopped up against his chest, tightening her legs around his waist and hooking her ankles behind him. He tightened his arms around her, holding her up, his heart pounding like crazy. She attacked his mouth, kissing him hard and fast. How hot was Antoinette St. James? He should have known how passionate she would be, but the extent of it caught him totally by surprise. He heard himself moan, deep in his throat, as he ground his erection against her ass. She snaked her arms around his neck, rolling her hips against him.


If he wasn't careful, he was going to come before he even got inside of her but he had every intention of finally getting a taste of her, so that just wouldn't do. He carried her to the dining room table, sweeping his hand across the surface, old mail and papers flying every which way. She giggled as he set her down on her ass, wriggling against him as he yanked her jeans down her thighs.

“Lay back,” he said, harsher than he intended. She didn't take offense, just dropped back onto her elbows, staring at him like he was a piece of meat she wanted to devour. He loved it when she looked at him like that, he realized. He freed her legs of the denim and took her in. She stretched out before him like a lamb to the slaughter. He ran his hands up her thighs, hooking his two index fingers on the strings of her bikini bottoms.

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