Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down (16 page)

Read Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down Online

Authors: Lisa Olsen

Tags: #vampire, #Vampires, #New Adult, #strong female heroine, #paranormal series, #paranormal romance

BOOK: Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down
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I was so busy poring over boring reports, I missed the sound of the French doors opening and closing.  The footfalls were too stealthy for me to pick up either, until I felt a shift in the air, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention. 

I was no longer alone. 

A ribbon of panic sliced through me, but it was quickly replaced with the sure confidence that I could handle almost anything that snuck up on me, thanks to my training.  My head shifted the tiniest bit, and I caught the reflection in my monitor, too indistinct to pick up much more than the shape of my intruder.  It was enough to gauge his general position though, and I started to formulate a plan of attack.  Seconds before I was about to make my move, I caught the waft of a familiar scent that had my muscles relaxing before I was even fully aware of it. 


“You shouldn’t sit with your back to the door,” he said softly, hands coming to rest on my shoulders.

“Why not?  That’s what I have security for.”

“They didn’t stop me from coming in here.”

“That’s because everybody knows you, you dope,” I grinned, turning to see him.  Bishop was dressed for work, in a slim fitting, long sleeved shirt and black cargo pants that I knew held a myriad of weapons.  I spent an extra few seconds admiring the way his shirt stretched across the bulge of his biceps, and his calloused hands as he folded his arms and leaned on the edge of my desk.  Okay, so maybe that makes me shallow, but damn, he was distracting! 

“To what do I owe the honor of this visit?” I asked, unable to keep from reaching out for his hand, which he readily accepted, threading his fingers through mine.

“I know Lee’s been busy with hiring, so I came to check up on Carter’s security arrangements.”

Uh oh.
  “I’m sure he loved that.”  And I was bound to get an earful about it later.

“I was discreet,” he insisted. “Your safety is important to me.”

“And what did you find out?”

“The main house seems to be fairly well covered, but you shouldn’t be out here by yourself, Anja.”

“Why not?  I’m well within the perimeter, and the only people who know I’m out here are people I trust.”

“I found you out here.”

“And I trust you.”

“You’re deliberately missing the point,” he grumbled, brows drawing together with concern.  “I didn’t have to be told you were out here, it wasn’t all that hard to track you down.”

“I know, I just like to see you get all protecty,” I smiled, giving his hand a squeeze.  “Bishop, I’m sure I’m perfectly safe here, but if you want, I’ll keep Gunnar by my side.  Will that make you feel better?”

“It would,” he allowed, the frown giving way to a faint smile.  “Where is Gunnar, anyway?”

“Carter’s got him coordinating the expanded security staff, and he’s having a great time of it.  I never knew he liked to boss people around so much,” I laughed.  “I can ask him to work out of here though, if it makes you feel any better.”

“It does.” 

“Good.”  I stood, sliding my hands up the planes of his chest.  “Because I’m all about making you feel better.” 

“I like the sound of that.”  His hands settled on my hips, fingers curling as he drew me closer.  “Any chance of stealing you away for an hour or so?”

“Possibly.  Why, what did you have in mind?”

“Date number four?”

“And you only want to spend an hour at it?”  I cocked a brow at him, and he gave a half shrug. 

“Beggars can’t be choosers.  I figured that’s all you’d be able to spare.”

My hands stole up around his shoulders, thumbs stroking the sides of his neck in a soothing manner.  “I know, I’m sorry, I’ve been so wrapped up in this stuff lately.  It’ll ease up after the new year, I promise.”

“It’s okay, I know you’re busy, I have been too.  I’m willing to take what I can get.  Besides, there’s a lot we can do in an hour,” he added, the corner of his mouth tugging up into a slow grin before his lips covered mine in a hungry kiss. 

An hour?  That was definitely more than enough time for the scenario that started to unfold in my fevered imagination when he kissed me like that, but the good girl part of me still insisted on hitting the brakes.  “I’m pretty sure that’s a date six or seven kind of thing,” I protested weakly, distracted by the feel of his lips brushing along the side of my jaw. 

“What about the cup of coffee we grabbed the other night?  Doesn’t that count as a date?”

“I suppose it could,” I allowed, my head canting to one side to give him better access as he nibbled and sucked his way to my neck.  “That would only bring us up to number five though.”

“I seem to recall something about sharing a taste on date five.”

His voice rumbled through me, sending a shiver dancing along my spine.  “I did say that, didn’t I?”  I felt the sharp points of his teeth as he dragged them across my skin, obviously excited by the notion, and my fangs came out to play in response.  Just a small shift and they’d burst through the salty-sweet temptation of his skin to the bliss that waited for me.  It was enough to make me moan in anticipation, and his hands clutched at my hips tighter when I gave my breathy response.  “Not here, too many interruptions.”


I could hardly think.  He was right there for the taking, barely leashed need overwhelming my problem solving skills.  “I don’t know.  Lee and Tucker are back at the house.”

“There’s nobody at my place.” 

All of a sudden, I got scared.  What were we talking about, really?  A quickie?  I dragged my lips from his neck and pulled back to look at him.  “Wait... I’m not sure this is the right way to do this.”

Bishop’s jaw worked as he forced himself to ignore the call of the blood, and he gave a slow nod, taking a moment before he spoke.  “You’re not ready.”  He pushed at my hips, leaving a foot of space between us.  “I understand.”

There was no anger or even frustration in his voice, and I loved him all the more for it.  “I didn’t say that.  But you know exactly what will happen if I taste your blood or you taste mine.”

“I’m hoping I do.”  The half grin was back.

“So that’s the kind of thing I don’t want to rush, and that’s exactly how I’ll feel if I sneak away for an hour.  I won’t be able to relax with you if I’m on the clock.”

“I get it, work comes first.”

“When you say it that way, it sounds awful,” I scowled, desperate to make him understand I wasn’t as cold and unfeeling as that.  “It’s not that work is more important than you are...”

“No, it’s fine.  Believe me, I understand.  Duty and responsibility have been my bread and butter for a long time now.” 

“It’s just that we’ve waited for so long, and I want it to be special.  And I think we both know there is no
just one taste
for us.”

“No, you’re right.  Once we open that door...”

“Things will never be the same again.”  I looked down at the promise ring on my finger.  He said he’d given me his heart.  Before I gave him mine completely, I wanted to make sure the timing was right. 

“It’s okay, Anja.  I want it to be special too,” he smiled, picking up my hand to kiss my knuckle above the ring.  “And you’re going to need much more than an hour to recover from what I’m going to do to you.”  His smile turned wicked, and boy howdy, did it suddenly get hot in there!  In the next instant, that scorching look was gone, replaced by a boyish smile.  “Want to go get an ice cream or something then?  We still have thirty flavors left to go.”

It took me a few extra seconds to switch gears like that, and I think he enjoyed my discombobulation, knowing exactly what he did to fluster me like that.  “I, um... ice cream sounds... sure,” I started to say, but my phone rang, and from the ringtone I knew it was Maggie.  “Hold that thought.”  I held up a finger.  “Hello?”

“Anja, we’ve got a bit of a situation here.”

With all the dignitaries filling up the house, the mind boggled.  “Uh oh, why does that sound like code for everything’s falling apart?”

“Not everything, but um... Bakareh is requesting your presence, most urgently.”

“Why?  What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.  He says he won’t speak to your underlings, he’ll only deal with you.”

Then there definitely
something wrong.  “
Wode tìan
...”  He hadn’t even been there for more than a couple of hours!  “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

“Thanks, Anja.”  Maggie hung up sounding much more relieved, and I couldn’t blame her.  Bakareh sounded like a grade A pain in the behind. 

“Want some company?” Bishop offered, and I gathered he’d heard both sides of the conversation just fine. 

“No, I can handle it.”  I wasn’t afraid to face the other Elder, I just wasn’t looking forward to dealing with a guy who thought of himself as a living god. 

“Of course you can, but a little muscle never hurt anybody’s position.”  He waggled his eyebrows playfully.

“We can test that theory later, but for now, I have to get to work.”

Bishop laughed, the sound making me look up from where I was slipping on my shoes.  “I love you, Anja.”

“What makes you say it like that?”  Like it was unexpected.

“Nothing, I just do.”  He shook his head, pushing away from my desk to kiss my cheek.  “I’d better get back out there.  I’ll take a raincheck on that ice cream for now and as for that taste...”  His eyes dipped to my lips.

“Soon, I promise.”

“See you soon then.”

Chapter Sixteen

s I walked up to the main house, I wished I had something more pretty than the button up blouse and slim fitting skirt on.  I looked more like a secretary than the Elder of the West.  But whatever, it was my house, I could wear a robe and fuzzy slippers if I wanted to and get away with it. 

Maggie and Felix met me in the hall by the main staircase, his grim expression reflecting my mood.  “I’m glad you’re here,” he said, as they flanked me going up the stairs.

“That’s what Maggie said.  Do we have any idea what’s wrong?”

“No, only that there’s something displeasing His Majesty,” Maggie replied.  “I couldn’t see much, but I heard breaking glass.”

“Breaking glass?  What the heck, is His
having a temper tantrum or what?” 

“I dunno, boss,” Felix shrugged.  “When I tried to go up and handle it, he pitched a vase at the door.  Said he only wanted to talk to you.”

“This place is insured, right?”  I turned to Maggie, but Felix cut her off. 

“That’s the least of our problems.  Diplomatic issues aside, if you tick off Bakareh, there ain’t nobody this side of the Atlantic can stop him.  Especially since you booted Jakob out of the West.”

And I’d thought a rogue
was a handful.  “Noted.  Don’t worry, I’ll play nice.”

The doors to the suite opened without knocking, and a pair of girls dressed similarly to Amunet’s boys greeted us, each looking as though they might be no older than fourteen or fifteen years old.  Without a word, we were ushered in to a sitting room that I barely recognized.  All of the furniture had been moved and laid out as a throne room of sorts.  The Child King himself sat nestled atop a small mountain of ornate pillows, reclining majestically.  Dressed even more elaborately than Amunet had been, with golden cloth so ornate, it must have weighed a ton, he sat perfectly still.  His chest was bare save for an abundance of jewelry, revealing smooth skin that matched his clean shaven head, his dark eyes lined heavily with kohl, making them seem huge.

Felix dropped back to stand slightly behind me and to my right, clearly I was to be the focus of this visit.  Unsure if I should speak or wait until I was spoken to, I waited long moments as the silence stretched before I couldn’t stand it any longer.  “Greetings, Bakareh of the Desert Lands.  May your tribes prosper under the Sister Moon.”  I inclined my head gracefully, remembering the way Amunet had greeted Jakob. 

“Yes, yes.” He waved away the formal words, either annoyed with the formality or in too pissy of a mood to stand on ceremony.  “I came to see Jakob.”  Bakareh spoke English flawlessly, his accent slight and hard to place. 

“Well, he’s not here,” I replied, trying hard to keep my voice civil in the face of his petulance.  “Is there a problem with your accommodations?” I inquired politely, sticking to safe subjects when he didn’t offer any explanation as to why I’d been summoned, other than looking for Jakob. 

“I do not like it here,” he replied in a bored tone, his voice high like the child he’d been when turned. 

I bit back the urge to tell him to go back home then.  “I’m sorry to hear that.  What is it that you don’t like exactly?” My smile stretched wider.

“Your people taste strange to me.  The blood is impure, I do not like it.”

Well, of all things.
  “Uh, sorry about that.  Maybe some bagged blood will tide you over until we can send out for something else?”  It appalled me to talk about human beings like take out, but I wasn’t sure what else to say.  Was that why he’d summoned me?  To complain about the food?

“No.  I will not drink that vile substance,” he retorted, doing his best to look down his nose at me, even though I was still several inches taller than he was, despite his mountain of pillows.

“You can always eat your own people then, if you’re concerned with the purity of our blood.”  There were at least four humans in the room that he’d obviously brought with him.

“They are servants, not feeders,” he sniffed.

“Then maybe you should have packed something from home if you’ve got particular tastes,” I replied hotly.  Honestly, he was like someone who ordered fried food and then complained that it tasted greasy.  With everything else going on, it pricked at my temper.  What did he expect me to do, kneel before him and offer up a vein?  If so, he had a long wait coming to him.

Bakareh’s brows drew together.  “I am not a child, do not be fooled by my appearance.”

“Then don’t act like one,” I scowled crossly, instantly regretting the outburst from the way Felix gasped beside me, but there it was.  I wasn’t his subject and he was in
lands.  I wasn’t about to be treated like the hired help.  “Eat your own people if you don’t like mine.  In fact, I’d prefer it.”

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