Kiss and Cry (13 page)

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Authors: Ramona Lipson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kiss and Cry
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The next morning Ryan picked me up to take me skating and we drove in silence the entire way to the arena. I didn’t dare look at him. I felt his eyes land on me from time to time, but I didn’t acknowledge it. His cologne filled the air the way it always did, but I refused to swoon over him like all the other girls at school or pay him a compliment.

When we arrived at the arena EVERYBODY said we looked amazing together. Shying away, I said I better hurry to get ready for practice, leaving Ryan with the regular onlookers in the lounge. I quickly departed to change.

Ryan and Coach Hicks were talking rink side. Coach Hicks motioned for me to come over and join them. He was staring at me speechless for a second before he forced himself to go on, “As you are well aware competition season is well underway and I’m sure you’ve noticed we haven’t entered you in any this season. I’ve chosen to present you to the public in the new competition year which will give us enough time to work on lifts and throws.”

“We will focus on our throws until the club pool is open and then you can work on your lifts. I intend to have you ready for competition beginning November of this year. Any questions?” We both shook our heads no and waited for further instruction. “Go warm up,” he ordered.

I didn’t take Ryan’s hand. I stretched both legs and then began stroking around on my own. I started with an axel and then began working my way through my double rotation jumps. As I progressed, I went on to my triple rotation jumps excluding the one I injured myself on, the triple axel.

Ryan’s arm slid around my waist after I stopped to take a drink from the fountain, “Are you ready?” he asked me. He didn’t know I was in the zone, but Coach Hicks did.

“No,” I said.

Coach Hicks instructed Ryan, “Leave her.” A lot of skaters cleared a pathway for me, some stood rink side watching. Ryan was one of them. “She has to do this,” Coach said to Ryan with his eyes glued to me.

Determined to do this, I stroked the length of the ice, building up the speed and courage I needed to land the jump. I paused gliding backwards for a fraction of a second and then I stepped forward with my left foot while throwing my right leg fearlessly into the air as my body began to rotate on it’s axis three and a half revolutions before landing backwards on my right outside edge. I did it! Adrenaline was pumping through my veins and I felt exhilarated. Everyone in the rink clapped for me knowing I had just conquered the jump that injured me. Coach Hicks came running out onto the ice to hug me and shower me with kisses of pride, but it was Ryan who got their first.


That night, I had something good to tell my parents.








The month of June was the only month of the year that Ryan and I had no ice time. We trained off ice in the gym and worked in the pool on our lifts. Lifts in the pool was a much anticipated time for me, not so much for Ryan who had done this before.

The pool at the club was reserved privately for us. When I asked Coach Hicks why it was private, he said, ‘I don’t want you landing on someone’s head while they’re swimming.’ His comment snowballed my cowardice of being carried over Ryan’s head on the ice into a complete state of panic.

Tara loaned me her brand new bathing suit for my first day of training in the pool. Ryan and I left from school to meet Coach Hicks there. I had one thing going against me and one thing going for me: Going for me was that my monthly friend had already come and gone, so there was no chance of anything like that happening in the pool. Going against me was that I hadn’t checked the bag to see what Tara loaned me. If I had, I never would have borrowed it.

In the senior ladies locker room I pulled out the skimpiest black bikini I’ve ever seen in my life. It made Victoria Secret lingerie look conservative. Hicks and Ryan were expecting me. My car wasn’t here, so there was no chance of running home and grabbing something different. I was stuck and mortified.

I tore my clothes off racing to change into the strings to beat them out to the pool area so they wouldn’t see me get into the water. With any luck, most of what we were going to be doing today would be submerged. I could hope anyway.

I dashed out onto the club’s deck to find both men were present and waiting for me. Ryan was wearing a dark pair of bathing shorts that went down to his knee’s. His eyes that I found myself getting lost in from time to time pierced mine as they collided with each other. His perfect jawline tightened when he saw me. When my eyes reached his chest and six pack they wanted to hover their but I resisted temptation. I would have admired it for a second or too longer if I wasn’t so self-conscious and dying to get into the water.

I scurried towards the steps into the shallow end of the pool and walked quickly down them ignoring the frigid temperature. I acted calm as my body was reacting to the drastic temperature change betraying me. My nipples harden and immediately glancing in Ryan’s direction I noticed his eyes fixed on them. I covered my breasts with my arm and dove deeper into the water submerging my head. Ryan followed me in.

The coach distracted both of us with the instructions of our first lift. It took us multiple attempts before achieving the balance and trust needed for him to bring me up over his head.

When we did, I felt this rush of adrenaline wash over me again, just like when I landed the triple axel, and I glanced down at him in all my glory of conquering a fear and that’s when I noticed, IT, the great white lurking beneath the water in those innocent swimming trunks.

He saw me, see IT.

“Put me down!” I shrieked kicking and screaming, throwing his balance off, but he recovered and slowly slid me down his body until I was standing on my own feet pressed up against him.

Coach Hicks grinned knowingly before turning his back to us saying, “Resolve your issues!” Hicks walked off and I turned to Ryan, “What was that?” I insisted.

He tightened his grip on me and said in a lowered voice, “I think you know.”

“Since when?” I asked.

“Since the day I laid eyes on you,” he admitted. “That damned bikini is making it hard for me to ignore.”

His hand rested on the back of my neck and he guided my face to his. He kissed my forehead, and then my cheeks, my chin, and then finally my lips. His lips guided mine to open for him and then he filled me with his tongue, kissing me fully. I felt my heart flutter and a warmth that didn’t make sense in cold water.

He pulled my hips in to his and I could feel IT pressing hard against me and I wanted to beg him to take me right there and then, but my pride and most of all my body was continuously betraying me by shivering, forcing us to get out of the pool and end our moment.


Breaking the Rules


I showered and dressed in the change room before whipping out my phone. I had to text Tara:


Dalia: What the fuck did U loan me?

Tara: My bikini! Isn’t it gorgeous!

Dalia: Where’s the material?

Tara: Oh, that is sold separately, lol! Sierra bought 1 2!

Dalia: $?

Tara: $150.00

Dalia: U were so ripped off!

Tara: How did it go?

Dalia: Great, on the last lift I looked down, Alpha’s great white was lurking beneath the depths!

Tara: Oh my, U gave him a hard on? What did U do?

Dalia: Screamed 4 him 2 put me down!

Tara: & did he?

Dalia: He slid me down his body & then he kissed me. I would have been mad but it was so hot. He’s so sexy.

Tara: Sounds hot, did U kiss him back?

Dalia: 2 right! What do I do now? He’s waiting 4 me. I don’t even know if I can face him!

Tara: Apologize

Dalia: No! HE kissed ME.

Tara: Did U kiss him back?

Dalia: Ya

Tara: Then apologize! How was it?

Dalia: I’m shaking.

Tara: Don’t make him wait 4 U. Don’t 4get we’re getting 2gether 2 celebrate the last day of school @ my house.

Dalia: Looking 4ward 2 it. gg. :-)


He was waiting for me at the door in only his T-shirt and pants that barely covered his six pack. I took a deep breath and followed him out to his Mercedes. We sat in his car in utter silence until he broke it by saying, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

“So that’s never going to happen again?” I asked, really wishing it would.

“Never,” he reiterated.


“Promise,” he reassured.

I climbed over the gearshift and confidently slid onto his lap so I was facing him. All this time I wanted to touch his wisps and now he had gone and had them cut off. I wanted to run my fingers through what was left, so I did. His eyes darkened, but he didn’t stop me or say anything. I was being a naughty girl!

His short hair felt so soft, I kept my fingers in his hair. His eyes closed when I started making long strokes up and down his scalp. I leaned forward into him so my clitoris was rubbing him in the right spot. Suddenly my soft seat hardened and became solid. I liked teasing him. If it was never going to happen again, I wanted to enjoy this moment now.

He closed his eyelids savouring my massage leaning his head heavily into my fingers. I glided my fingertips down his neck wanting to touch every square inch of his body. When they reached his shoulders they lingered there, until my mouth took over for my fingers. I bent down to kiss the beautiful muscles that I trusted to toss me into the air or hold me high.

His breathing quickened and he started pushing up creating more of a friction between us, “I’m not going to be able to stop myself Patch. You’re not safe,” he warned.

“I don’t want to be safe,” I encouraged him. I pushed against him moaning loudly when a very sensitive part of ME rubbed IT. This excited him and it made me want to do more. I slid down while he moved his steering wheel for me and then I freed IT. I took him into my mouth while his fingers fisted into my hair and I pleasured him until he was satiated.

With his fingers caught in my hair, he pulled my head up and took me into this all encompassing kiss. I found myself needing the same kind of relief that I was just gave him for myself.

He came to my mercy and removed my panties before impaling me with one of his fingers. He slid it in and out trying to alleviate me but I was too wet for him and it wasn’t enough, so he used a second finger and my breath caught. He played with me until I was screaming, my body began shaking and I came around his fingers.

We kissed each other passionately and then I asked, “Never again?”

“No, never again,” he resolved.



He drove me home while I tried to recover from our lustful excursion. Justin Beiber’s song ‘Never Say Never,’ came on the radio and I had to chuckle at the irony.



Last Day of School


Knowing I wasn’t going to have to sit next to Adam in homeroom for at least a few months was a huge relief. I refused to look in his direction after finding out how easily he turned to another girl after me. Rumour had it that he broke up with her and chose to be alone for a while, because apparently he only had eyes for me. I was under the impression he was a player though.

Mrs. Uptite seemed to let loose on our last day of classes and marked everyone present even if they weren’t. The bell sounded and we all rushed to leave.

We met up for our last lunch together to finalize the plans for tonight. Sierra and Jeremy saved us a table in the centre of the cafeteria. They were discussing something quite heatedly when I approached the table, suddenly conversation stopped, fishy. They must have been experiencing more problems since the Harper fiasco.

“What’s going on?” I probed.

Sierra looked up at me, “Jeremy invited Ryan tonight and Tara told me Carter invited Adam.”

I shrugged, “Don’t worry about it, I’m not with either of them so it doesn’t matter. The more people at the party the merrier.”

Her eyebrows shot up, “Are you sure about that?”

“Positive,” I reassured her.

“Ryan hates Adam,” Jeremy commented.

“I’m sure Adam hates Ryan,” I added.

“Speaking of Ryan,” Sierra said looking past me.

Ryan chose the vacant chair next to Jeremy. He took the seat and spun it around so the back was pushed up against the table.

Sierra leaned in to Ryan, “You ARE coming tonight aren’t you Ryan?”

“Wouldn’t miss it, what time does it start?”

“Show up around six,” Sierra instructed. “Do you have the address?”

“No,” Ryan glanced at me, “Text me Tara’s address,” he ordered me.

“Sure,” I agreed.

“The food will be ready for seven.”

“Here’s the list and the money,” Jeremy handed the alcohol list to Ryan.

“Great, I’ll pick it up after school. You want to tag along Dalia?”

“I can’t, mom wants to dye my roots.”

“I’ll do it Sierra offered, come over to my place.”

“Are you sure?”

“Wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to do it!”


Carter and Tara joined us at the table choosing the seats next to me. She looked at Jeremy, “Did you give Ryan the alcohol list?”

Sierra answered, “Ya he did. Is the pool going to be ready in time?”

“Totally! What’s a pool party without the pool?” Tara squealed.

“Just a party,” I responded smiling.

Carter looked over at Ryan, “You know I invited Adam.”

“Jeremy told me.”

“I don’t want anything to happen between the two of you,” Tara warned. “My parents will never let me have a party again if there’s any fighting.”

Tara looked at me, “Do you still have the tinted water bottles to hide the alcohol in?”

“Ya, I can drop them by your house Ryan before Sierra and I go to Tara’s.”

Ryan glanced back at me, “No need, Jeremy and I will pick you ladies up at Sierra’s house so we can transfer the alcohol into the water bottles and we’ll all go together to Tara’s.”

“Sounds great,” Tara said happily. “It sounds like its all planned!”

“Too right!” I agreed.

The bell rang and we all went our separate ways.

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