Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1)
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“Well, it wasn’t exactly the most graceful meeting, but it was memorable,” Luca drawled as he finished his champagne and placed the flute back on the table. “I frankly didn’t care if you were my date or not tonight, I was going to have you one way or the other. Lucky me, you were her.”

Heat pooled between her legs, and she clenched them together, hoping to quell the ache at his words.
I was going to have you one way or another…oh, sweet baby Jesus.
Lily chugged back her champagne and was grateful for the waiter coming back to their table.

“Are you ready to order?”

Luca took command of the situation. “What would you recommend? Lily, is there anything you don’t like?” He paused, waiting for her response.

“Escargot is a no,” she replied.

“Your recommendations, please?” Luca asked the waiter.

“I would recommend a lovely steak with bleu cheese and a scallop risotto.”

“How does that sound?”

Lily felt her stomach rumble, and she licked her lips. “Sounds delicious.”

“Then make that two of those,” Luca ordered. “Thank you.” As the waiter walked away, he poured them both more champagne. “Thank God you didn’t order a salad.”

Lily patted her rumbling belly. “I didn’t get this sexy just eating salads.”

“Well, you’re certainly sexy, there’s no denying that,” Luca agreed. Lily flushed again, and she sipped at her champagne, eying him over the rim of her glass. “You’re even sexier when you’re blushing,” Luca continued, running the tip of his finger around the edge of his flute. “Because it makes me wonder what else I can do to keep you blushing.”

“Blushing is close to nervous, which is close to puking.” Lily reminded him.

“Ah, good to know. Maybe we should steer back to safer waters. So tell me more about yourself. I believe there’s a lot more to Lily Halloway than just being a sassy mouthed klutz.”

Lily shifted in her chair. “Well, my parents are socialites. They are horribly offended because I didn’t go to college.”

“Why?” Luca wondered.

“I was dating a guy at the time and chose to travel instead. Did I mention I was headstrong?”

“Headstrong is a good quality.” Luca assured her.

“Mmm, so a sassy mouthed, headstrong, klutzy woman is what you’re after?” Lily giggled, the two glasses of champagne already going to her head.

“Sounds perfect to me.” Luca’s gaze bored into her, and she swam in the whiskey colored depths.

Gulping nervously, she sipped at her champagne.
Oh boy.


Chapter Nine


The Date (Part Two)




Their food came a few moments later, and Lily was grateful to be spared from embarrassing herself further. The steak was a perfect medium rare, with a thick pat of butter and bleu cheese on the top. The risotto was creamy and perfect.

“It looks incredible!”

Luca opened his napkin with a flourish and settled it across his lap. “It does.” The waiter paused at their table.

“Will there be anything else?” he asked.

“Yes, can I have some water?” Lily opened her napkin and placed it on her lap, mimicking Luca’s motions.

“Absolutely, one moment.” The waiter seemed flustered as he hurried away.

“See, even the waiter thinks you’re stunning.” Luca pointed out.

“Oh, stop. You’re just trying to win points now.” Lily giggled.

“See, if you were with a normal guy, he might be trying to ply you with pretty phrases to get in your pants, but you’ll come to understand, Miss Lily Halloway, if you stick around me too long, I’m not most normal men.”

Lily lowered her lashes and stared at the plate of food in front of her. “Tell me, Luca De Soros, what kind of man are you?”

“I’m the kind who knows what he wants, and like I said, I wanted you, whether you were my date tonight or not.”

Lily gasped and flicked her gaze back to his. “I knew you were dangerous.”

“Kind of, I guess.”

“Explain that to me.” Lily took the glass of water the waiter brought her and took a sip.

“It’s hard to explain, Lily. What if I told you I can read people?”

Lily cut into her steak and popped a bite in her mouth. “So you’re a psychic FBI agent? That should be a TV show.”

Luca’s eyes twinkled as he cut his steak. “Not quite like that. But I watch people. It’s fascinating to watch how people give themselves away. Even right now, as much as you’re trying to control yourself, I know you want me.”

“Cocky, aren’t you?”

“Tell me I’m lying. You’re flushed, your pulse is fluttering in your throat, and your nipples are delineated against the front of your dress. I’d even be willing to bet that your panties are wet right now. But if I’m wrong, please correct me.” Luca picked up a sliver of steak with his fork and slipped it between his lips.

Lily reached for her water and drained the glass dry. She held it up and shook it at the waiter. As it was refilled, she drained it again. “More.” The waiter filled it, and she placed it back on the table, ignoring Luca’s words.

But Luca seemed hell bent on not allowing her to forget his smoky, sensual words. “Tell me I’m wrong, Lily.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Ah, another tell, your voice just got high and shaky. Your pupils dilated in your lovely eyes and you bit your bottom lip. You’re a terrible liar, Lily.”

“So? You’re an attractive man,” Lily admitted.

“And I get under your skin. I make you nervous.”

“Because you’re dangerous,” Lily lied.

“I’m probably the safest guy in here tonight, sweetheart.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means a lot of things. I’m the safest guy in here tonight. I won’t hurt you.”

“Well it’s not every day I go out with an FBI agent. I mean what if you’re on some kind of mission and I mess everything up by telling someone the wrong thing?” Lily giggled.

Luca coughed, spluttering on a sip of champagne. He daubed at the corner of his mouth with a napkin and smiled tightly. “You keep your secrets locked up tighter than Fort Knox. You’re constantly on guard, I see it in your eyes. I’m not afraid you’ll spill my secret.”

“I’m not guarded.”

“You are. You keep looking down at your plate, you don’t want anyone to get a chance to figure out what’s going on in that pretty head of yours. It’s like you know those bedroom eyes give you away even when your mouth won’t.”

Lily ate in silence, her emotions in an uproar. Luca wasn’t a safe kind of man, he was the best kind of bad boy, and she loved it. Loving bad boys had gotten her in trouble before, and a fleeting thought coursed through her mind.
What if loving him gets me in trouble? Wait, whoa, no one is talking love yet. I’m just lusting after him. Maybe if I take him to bed just one time I can get him out of my system.
Even as the thought went through her mind, she knew it was a lie.
One time of Luca De Soros would never, ever be enough.

They finished their dinner, and Lily wiped at her mouth and finished her water. “Dinner was lovely, thank you.”

“Is the night over?”

“Ah, what did you have in mind?” Lily asked, her mind instantly going to the gutter.

“Feel up to a movie?”

“Sure.” Lily watched him pay the bill and leave an exorbitant tip. She stood and picked up her purse, tucking her hand in Luca’s elbow as he offered it to her. They walked through the restaurant, and she felt him stiffen slightly as they passed a table. “Is everything okay?” she whispered, her voice low so only he could hear.

“It’s fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry. What movie do you want to see? Want to ride with me?” Luca patted her hand.

“There’s a new horror movie out…sure, I’ll ride you…I mean with you.
you.” She was grateful they were stepping out into the dusk and her crimson cheeks were disguised by the night.

“Well, the other could be arranged too,” Luca murmured.

“I bet you’d like that.”

“Oh, I can guarantee you would too, princess. My car’s this way.” Luca pointed to a simple black Buick. He opened the door for her, and Lily couldn’t stop the thrill of desire that coursed through her.

Sexy and chivalrous? Be still, my heart.
Luca slid behind the wheel of the car and the engine purred to life at the turn of his key. They drove to the theater and parked. Luca came around to the door and opened it for her. Lily held his hand as they walked into the theater. It felt good to hold his hand. It was unnerving, for sure, but she liked it anyway.

“Are you sure you want to see the horror movie?”

“Are you going to keep me safe?” Lily asked.

“I’ll do my best.” Luca assured her.

“Then let’s watch the horror movie.”

Lily regretted the decision to watch the horror movie an hour into heads spinning, bad fake blood being spewed on the walls, and teenage girls screaming as a man with an obviously fake sword chased them. She sighed and drummed her fingers on the seat.

“Are you bored?” His mouth was barely half an inch from her ear, and she closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip at the shivers that coursed through her.


“Do you want to go?” Luca murmured, his lips closer still to the shell of her ear.

“Oh, yes.”

“Then let’s go.” He withdrew suddenly, and Lily groaned softly. Leaving the theater they went back to the car, and Luca drove them back to the restaurant. As he parked, Lily looked at him curiously.

“What are we doing?”

Luca seemed to be ignoring her as he came around to her door and helped her out. “Where’s your car?”

“Over there,” Lily pointed. “Why?”

“Mmm.” Luca hummed and took her hand.

They walked across the parking lot and as they came to her car, Lily paused. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh, sweetheart, nothing is wrong.” Luca turned to her and his roughened palm came to cup her cheek.

“Then why is the night ending?” Lily pouted, trailing her fingertips up his muscular chest. A gasp escaped between her lips as Luca pulled her into him, his grip rough against her hip.

“Because it has to. And because I want to kiss you,” he warned, his voice a rumble in his chest she could feel. Her nipples tightened painfully.

“Then kiss me, Luca.” Lily stood up on her tiptoes, trying valiantly to get closer to his perfect mouth.

“But if I kiss you, I don’t know if I can stop.” He lowered his head until only breath separated them.

“I don’t want you to stop.”

Luca groaned, and Lily forgot to breathe as his mouth touched hers. If his hand touching hers had infused him in her DNA, his lips against hers wiped out any other kisses she’d ever had. His lips were firm, yet soft, tender but demanding, and she was a woman lost. Her hands came around his shoulders, and she ground her body into him, greedily seeking more. She tangled her hands in the soft wisps of hair that brushed his collar and moaned as he pulled her in tighter.

His erection was hard against her lower belly and all she could think about was laying him in the backseat of her car and riding him until she was too sore to walk. As he pulled away from the sordid kiss, Lily heard herself mewl. “Don’t stop.”

“My mother would kill me.” Luca chuckled, pressing a kiss to her ear. “Goodnight, Lily. I’ll be thinking of you until I see you again. And I
see you again.” He kissed her heated cheek and whispered softly, “Goodnight.”

Lily instantly felt bereft as he walked away, and she contemplated running across the parking lot and slamming him against a car and begging him to have sex with her. Instead, she opened her car door and started the engine, her hands trembling as she put it into drive. The drive home was long, too long, and Lily was cranky with desire. The throb between her thighs was unbearable and each thump of her blood sang Luca’s name.

Stumbling into her apartment, she locked the door and leaned against it.
Oh Luca De Soros…
She realized with horror she hadn’t gotten his number and panic skittered through her until she remembered she could just get the number from Olivia.
If he wants to see me again, that is…he ended things abruptly. I wanted more, so much more. My God, I would have screwed him right there in the parking lot.

She kicked off her heels and started upstairs. A knock at the door took her by surprise, and she hurried back to the door to peek through the hole. Luca stood there, his jaw clenching. Lily opened the door. “Luca?”

“I couldn’t stay away,” he whispered, barging into her tiny apartment and seeming to take up all the room. “Tell me to go, Lily. I’m no good for you.” His hands cupped her face and his thumbs brushed over her cheekbones. “Tell me to go.”

Lily stared at him, ready to bare her soul to the man she barely knew. “No.”

He kicked the door shut and it reverberated on the hinges. “I’m going to make love to you, Lily Halloway. I’m going to make your body never forget I’ve been there, and that you’re mine. Tonight, you’re mine.” His mouth crushed against hers, and Lily gripped his shirt as her knees wavered.

“Yes,” she breathed between kisses.

His hands left her face and skimmed down her body. Lily pressed herself tighter into him, and she squealed as his big hands gripped her ass and picked her up suddenly.

“Don’t. I’m too big,” she cried.

“You’re perfect…” He insisted, his hands still holding her weight. “Wrap your legs around me, Lily.”

Lily wrapped her legs around him, and she cried out as he pressed her against the door and kissed her again. His tongue tangled with hers, darting and dancing, teasing and suckling. Lily held onto him for all she was worth, her nails digging into his back, even through his shirt. His hips rocked into her, and she dug in harder.

“Where’s your bedroom?” he asked, his hands still gripping her ass.

“Upstairs.” Lily panted. “I can walk.”

“For now. Show me your bedroom.”

Lily led the way upstairs and pointed into her room. “There.”

“Get undressed and lie on the bed,” Luca demanded.

She shook her head, suddenly nervous around the incredibly beautiful man. “I can’t.”

“You can, and you will. I want to see every inch of your body. Then I’m going to touch you. Every inch of you. Until you’re begging my name,” Luca murmured, his mouth against her neck.

Lily gulped and her fingers skimmed the edge of her dress as she stepped back. “I’m not skinny.”

“So?” Luca shrugged and pointed at her dress. “Take it off.”

Lily was grateful that she’d actually remembered to wear her nice bra and panties today instead of her granny stuff. She slowly peeled the dress up, sucking in her soft stomach as she did so. Tossing it to the floor in a black puddle, she lowered her eyes to the floor and stood before him in her underwear.

“Look at me, Lily. You’re beautiful, and I want you, so badly right now. All I can think about is laying you back on that mattress and making you come.”

Lily looked up at him and shivered at the intensity of his darkened gaze. “You want me?”

“Do you need proof?” Luca’s hand came to the fly of his pants. “I’m happy to show you.”

“I need proof.” Lily salivated at the thought of seeing all of Luca.

Luca popped the button of his trousers and her eyes were greedily glued to his zipper as he inched it down slowly. The man didn’t bother with underwear, and his cock sprang free from the confines of his pants. Her mouth fell open, and she clenched her thighs together. Luca was impressive, and he was definitely very hard, just for her.

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