Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1)
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“It was nice to work with you too,” Luca replied.

“I’ll give you a letter of reference. Be in DC Monday morning.”

“Sounds great. I look forward to it.” Luca opened the door of the van and stepped out into the night. “Take care.”

Striding back into the hospital, he couldn’t stop a smile from crossing his lips.
It’s time for a fresh start.


Chapter Sixteen


Pride Cometh Before the Fall




Lily woke to find herself in a hospital bed, and she looked around quickly. Luca sat beside her in a pale pink chair, his mouth slack with sleep. A dull ache pulsed in her arm, and she probed at the ache, hissing as she made it worse.
I was shot. I’m in the hospital, and Luca’s here.
She reached over and nudged Luca’s cheek with her fingertip, the only thing she could reach.

His eyes flickered open instantly, and she melted as he grinned. “Hey, princess, how are you feeling?”

“I’m okay.” Lily insisted. “My arm burns a little. What happened out there? All I remember is you coming to me in the water and that’s it.”

Luca looked away, and she watched the muscles play in his jaw. “Why did you agree to be bait, Lily?”

She gulped as he looked back at her with smoky eyes. Anger burned in the dark depths, and she sighed. “They said the mob was going to come after me anyway. I figured this way was the safest. Why did you put me in danger in the first place?”

“I don’t know,” Luca groaned. “I thought it was no big deal us going out to dinner. I was not on duty that night. I nearly shit myself when I saw Caprice sitting at a table as we left, so I tried to convince you nothing was amiss.”

Lily shifted in the bed. “Okay.”

“Then I saw two guys at the movie theater, and they were packing heat. I had to get you out of there. I know things seemed abrupt, and I was trying so hard not to let you know I was freaking out. That’s why I kissed you. I know, it was stupid.”

“What? Really? I never saw them.” Lily gasped.

“I told you I watch people. I never, ever planned on coming to your apartment that night, but I couldn’t get you off my mind, and I was weak. I just wanted one time with you, Lily, I thought it could be enough. Then you sent me away and everything started falling apart. I knew you were in danger, and I thought that if I backed off them, they’d leave you alone. But what I didn’t know was that things were going on under the surface that I had no idea of. There were several men in there with Caprice, and they just freakin’ decided without me to put you in the middle of it,” Luca growled, standing suddenly and pacing the room. “You could’ve
, Lily.”

“You could’ve died too, Luca. I was terrified when I saw you on the pier standing in the light. What if they’d shot you?” she choked out, her eyes filling with hot tears.

“They did shoot you, Lily. You’ve been hurt because of me,” Luca groaned and covered his face with his palms.

“It’s not a big deal. I’ll have an awesome battle scar. Did they get Caprice?”

“Yeah, I got him. When he shot you, I saw red. I just remember running down the pier and shooting. If I hadn’t shot him I was going to strangle him. He hurt you.”

“Stop pacing. You’re going to rub a hole in the floor. Can you make some calls for me?”

Luca paused in his pacing and nodded. “Sure, who do you need me to call?”

“Mmm, first my friends Abby and Laura, then my parents. I’m pretty sure all of them are going to want to strangle us both, but they deserve to know what’s going on. Grab that notepad and—” She forgot how to speak as Luca leaned over and picked up the notepad from the table. The blanket he wore around his shoulders shifted, and she saw his bulletproof vest underneath, and a significant amount of skin. “And find clothes, because you’ll cause patients to have a heart attack running around here half naked.”

Luca chuckled. “Okay. Write down the numbers. What do you want me to tell them?”

“Tell them I fell ass over head off a fence and got speared by a rock.” Lily snorted. “Whatever you do, don’t tell them I got shot. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

Luca chuckled and took the paper from her. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“I’m accident prone, it’s the story of my life. Go away.” Lily smiled, pointing at the door.

As Luca left the room, Lily groaned.
The mob leader was killed…Luca is here with me…what now? Where do we go from here? Could there be a future between us?
She shifted in the bed and hissed as fiery pain shot down her arm.
Ow. Hey! I get to see my birthday! There will be birthday cake!

Her heart pounded as the door opened, and she blew out a breath of relief as she saw Luca. He’d procured a scrub top from somewhere, and she smiled as he came to sit beside her. “So, did you get the calls made?”

“Yep. Your family and friends are on the way. I called my parents too. My mother said she wants to meet the girl who made me give up the FBI.” Luca plopped down in the chair beside her casually.

“Wait, what? You-you gave up the FBI?” Lily stammered.

“I’m not going to be married to the job. I can’t do that. Not anymore.”

“What are you saying?”

Luca seemed to be grateful not to answer as a knock came at the door. “You have visitors. I’ll let myself out.” His hand cupped her cheek, and she closed her eyes against the emotion coursing through her. Before she could say anything, he opened the door and her best friends came in the door. He disappeared, and Lily felt lost.

Abby’s face was a mask of horror, and tears filled Laura’s eyes. “Oh my God!” they screamed together, and Lily winced.

“Shh. This is a hospital.”

“Where the hell have you been? I had to run the store by myself today! No one died, and the store didn’t burn down, but Paul is really freakin’ pissed. Then I get a call that you’ve had an accident and I should come to the hospital. You look like hell!” Abby railed, tugging at the ends of her blonde hair, a nervous habit she’d had since Lily had known her.

Laura sobbed and threw herself onto the bed. “Lily, are you okay?”

Lily sucked in a gasp at the pain ricocheting through her arm. “Get off!”

Laura scrambled off the bed and sobbed harder. “Are you dying?”

Lily gripped her arm and shook her head firmly. “No! I just got flippin’ shot!”

“Holy shit, so it
the mob! I told Paul that you were worried, and he told me I needed to stop watching so much TV.” Abby smirked.

“Yeah, it was. I don’t know how much I can say, but everything is over.”

“Oh, my gosh, and
was the coffee shop guy! That’s who you were seeing!” Laura squealed.

“Yeah. I don’t know what will happen between us, though.”

Abby plopped on the edge of the bed. “He’s obviously in love with you.”

Lily chuckled, grimacing at the pain in her arm. “You’re crazy.”

“Uh, hello, have you
read any romance books? Guy shoots up mob for girl. Girl better not be stupid and let him go. Kiss your frog, Lily, and find out if he can be your Prince Charming.” Abby swooned.

“You know something I thought about when I was sitting in the mobster’s house? I would’ve given anything to have that stupid book to read.” Lily giggled.

“See? Maybe if you’d just read it then your life wouldn’t be a mess and you wouldn’t have a new hole blown in your ass.” Abby threw her hands in the air and sighed.

“I’m so glad you’re gonna be okay,” Laura interjected. “We have a killer birthday party to plan for you now that you almost died.”

“Wait, you weren’t going to plan a killer birthday party before I almost died? What great freakin’ friends you are!”

“Well…I mean, now that you almost died, we realize how much you deserve a party.” Abby offered.

“You guys suck. If I wasn’t in agonizing pain, I would yell, but I am, so you’re getting a pass.” Lily pouted.

“Did he call your parents?” Laura asked, switching subjects.

“Yeah…this is going to be more fun than sitting on a porcupine when you squat to pee in the woods,” Lily complained.

“You’re so dramatic. It won’t be that bad.” Abby rolled her eyes in disgust. “Your parents are awesome!”

“Mmhm, that’s because you don’t have them as your parents. They think I should emulate the two of you. Well, the one of you, now that Abby’s working in retail hell with me.”

“Look, let’s not throw my mistakes up at me right now. This is all about Lily getting better!” Abby scolded.

“Fine. Well, you two better get out of here before Mom and Dad show up. I’m pretty sure you don’t want your awesome memories of them to be ruined by her dinosaur shrieks of anger.” Lily chuckled.

She jumped as Abby leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re okay, I kinda think I’d miss you if you were gone. I was really worried.”

Her eyes went huge, and she stared in shock at Abby. “Are you high? Did aliens abduct you? Where is this kindness coming from?”

Abby soughed and pursed her lips. “I can show emotion, dammit. My best friend got shot, and I’m a little shaken up.”

Lily turned her gaze to Laura. “Mark it on the calendar, the ice queen is friendly.”

Abby huffed and flounced off the bed. “Whatever, you guys!”

Laura leaned down and carefully hugged her, and Lily patted her back. “I’m okay.” She reassured her friend.

“I’m glad, ‘cause I would really hate to not have you anymore.” Laura sniffled.

Lily pointed at the door. “Go away. My spidey senses are tingling, and I think I hear my mother’s shrieks already. Better go.”

Abby and Laura waved awkwardly and blew kisses as they left her room, and Lily blew out a breath of relief. She dozed off and woke to find her mother standing over her with a disapproving look on her face. Lily jumped and squeaked, “What the hell, Mom?”

“Lily Audrey Halloway, what am I going to do with you?” Patty tapped her foot against the floor, the heel clicking with each motion.

“Mom, I’m fine,” Lily groaned.

“Well, according to the doctor you got shot out at the harbor. Your dad is outside talking with the FBI. I’m going to give you one chance to tell me the truth. I want it right now.” Patty insisted.

Lily smiled up at her mother. “Mom. I’m almost thirty.”

“Young lady, I don’t care if you’re eighty, I’m your mother, and I’m going to haunt you forever. So go ahead and tell me what I want to know, I’m not going to get off you about this,” Patty squawked, her pale cheeks flushing with anger.

“Okay, okay, Mom. The FBI needed my help to take out Lorenzo Caprice. I helped, I got caught in the crossfire, and all is fine.” Lily explained.

“So it’s true what the agent said, you’re a hero!”

“I don’t really consider myself to be a hero, Mom.”

“My baby girl helped the FBI!” Patty gasped. “I’m so proud.”

“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say that, Mom.”

“What? Lily I’ve always been proud of you! I might’ve been hard on you sometimes but it was because I love you! I’ve always,
been proud of you.” Patty perched on the edge of her bed. “And may I just say, that man out there is all kinds of yummy. Please tell me I’ll have grandbabies before I die.”

Lily smirked and shook her head. “I don’t know right now.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going to let him go!” Patty gasped in horror.

“Mom, if it’s meant to be we’ll work it out, okay?”

“Of course, but good Lord, he made my ovaries act like they wanted to work again. That man is a baby maker if I’ve ever seen one!” Patty fanned herself.

“Mother!” Lily shrieked, her cheeks flaming with color.

“Oh stop, don’t even pretend you weren’t thinking the same thing.” Patty chuckled.

Lily wanted to cover her head with the blanket and hide, but she was saved from dying of embarrassment by her father walking in the room. “Dad!”

“Hey, sweetheart.” Rodd Halloway bent and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“So you talked to the FBI?”

“They said my girl helped them capture mobsters. I never knew you had it in you, Lily-Pad.” Rodd ruffled her hair, and Lily grimaced at her childhood nickname.

“So, I’m not a total disappointment to you?” She muttered.

“What? You’ve never been a disappointment to us. Sure, we would’ve loved to see you go to college, and we still would, but you’ve made a decent life for yourself, Lily-Pad. We’re unconditionally proud of you.” Rodd insisted.

“Exactly. We just rode you about school because that’s what parents are supposed to do!” Patty straightened the blankets on the bed.

A knock came at the door and Luca peeked in. “I’m going to um, head out.”

“Oh,” Lily mumbled, her hopes dashed. “I see. Well, be safe, I guess.”

“I’ll see you soon,” Luca promised. “I just have some things to tie up.”

Lily grimaced as Patty looked between them and dimpled up at Luca. “Well, I know Lily will be right here waiting for you.”

“Mom!” Lily hissed. “See you around, Luca. Take care of yourself.”

“Bye, Lily. Mr. and Mrs. Halloway, it was a pleasure.” Luca smiled and left the room.

Lily groaned. “Don’t make this into more than what it is, Mom.”

“Oh, I’m not. That boy is crazy about you, that much is obvious. I don’t know why you’re being stubborn about this.” Patty huffed and looked at Rodd. “Isn’t that right, dear?”

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