King of New York (22 page)

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Authors: Diamond R. James

BOOK: King of New York
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“Let’s go,
baby,” he says, as he gently takes her hand in his.

As they head out
of the hotel, there is a stunning old-school, but very expensive, Bentley
parked and waiting for them. Chad holds her hand and escorts her into the car
as the driver holds the door. He makes his way to his side and once inside they
are driven away.

They arrive at
the Bolshoi Theatre. It is grand and stunning as they make their way inside.
The Russians look admirably at the handsome and beautiful American and British
guests. They are escorted to the area of the theatre that is usually reserved
for dignitaries and the wealthy. Chad has not told Sierra what they will be
watching because he wants it to be a surprise.

More and more
people enter the theatre until it is packed to its maximum. The guests all look
distinguished as they wait for the show to begin.

Vladimir comes
to their seat and greets them. His bodyguards surround him as he speaks with

“Mr Perry, it seems
we have the same taste in the arts.”

“So it seems,
Vladimir. Glad to know we have something in common.”

Vladimir laughs
and Chad follows suit.

“Yes, yes,” he replies
as he leaves Chad and Sierra to continue with the performance.

The announcer
comes to the stage and introduces the ballet in Russian and then English to its
eager audience. The lights dim as the dancers come on stage.

“What are we
watching?” asks Sierra.

“We are about to
watch Aram Khachaturian’s
, one of my favourite ballets,” says Chad

The show starts.
Chad is in his element as the swords fly and the underdogs reign supreme, even
if for a short while. His eyes spark with excitement as Spartacus shows his
might and cunning in evading the Roman consul, Crassus. The scenes are dramatic
and exciting and Chad’s heart rate quickens with each thrust of the sword.
Finally his breathing slows down and he has a sad look in his eyes as Spartacus
is found and impaled. The dancers perform the scene poignantly and it almost
pains Chad as he gazes upon the fall of a king.

The ballet comes
to a close and a rapturous cheer flows through the theatre. The dancers take
their bows and exit the stage.

“Did you enjoy
it, princess?” he asks Sierra with excitement in his voice.

“I loved it,
baby.” He is happy with her answer and kisses her cheeks softly.

“I’m glad you did.”

They head out from
the theatre. Vladimir is waiting for Chad.

“May I borrow
him for just a moment, Sierra?” he says.

“Yes, please do,”
Sierra answers.

The men walk to
a secluded area of the theatre. They discuss dark and grave matters concerning
money in the absence of Vladimir’s bodyguards and Sierra.

“This deal is
between us, Mr Perry. I hope we have a deal, because there is plenty of money
at stake.”

Chad does not
verbally answer, but he shakes Vladimir’s hand and leaves. He goes to Sierra
and puts his arms around her as they head back to their car.

The driver takes
them back to their hotel, and as Chad had said before they left, he lays her on
the dining table and fucks her hard in her silk dress.

They decide to
spend their remaining time in Moscow in their hotel suite making love until
their bodies felt tired from pleasure.




It is the final day of their
weeks’ vacation, which started in Hawaii and now ends in Moscow. Sierra gives
him a warm massage all over his body before massaging his cock and causing him
to have an orgasm.

“I just want to
satisfy you,” she whispers.

“You’ve truly
treated me like a king, my queen.”

She packs his
bag and takes it to the door, while the concierge takes their luggage into
their waiting vehicle.

They are driven
to the airport and then they get into Chad’s private jet as they fly back to
New York.

“I hope you
enjoyed Moscow, baby, because I sure did with you in my bed,” he winks.

“Oh you bet I
did, baby,” she replies, as she lies in his arms and falls asleep.

Chad stays awake
throughout the flight as he thinks about the deal he had made with Vladimir.
His thoughts are dark and grave, but the sweet and innocent look on Sierra’s
face as she sleeps puts a smile on his face as they fly back to his kingdom in
New York.


After a few days back in New
York, a letter comes through Chad’s door. He is shocked because it’s evening
and letters do not usually come at this time of the day unless it’s an
invitation that’s left at reception for him. He walks over to the door and
picks up the envelope. It has his name written in bold with fancy gold writing.
“Yup, it’s an invitation,” he says. New York has private parties or fundraisers
almost every single day of the week, and once the money is flowing people are
always willing to go. Since he’d returned home from his vacation with Sierra he’d
not had the strength to go anywhere apart from work, so he is quite happy at
the thought of going out into the spotlight of New York’s elite. The invitation



Mr Chad Perry,

The Organisation
of New York Cancer Research alongside Michael Mason would like to kindly
request your presence at our annual ball and fundraiser for the support of cancer
research. There will be an auction of the world’s most exotic cars as well as
the finest jewellery and paintings. All profits will go to the foundation of cancer
research worldwide.

We hope to see

Thank you.


Michael Mason is the second
wealthiest man in the United States after Bill Gates, and his events are always
top of the social list among high society.

If there is one
thing apart from his love of money that Chad is known for it would have to be
that he is a very generous giver to numerous charities all over the world, and
he is particularly passionate about helping find the cure for cancer as his
uncle Frank had passed away from the disease a couple of years back, so there
is no way he is going to miss the fundraiser, he thinks to himself.

“Count me in,”
he says excitedly. He calls his stylist and tells her to find a dashing and
elegant tuxedo for him as he has an important gathering to attend the next day.

He calls Sierra.
The phone rings just once and she picks up.


“Hi baby, I’ve
missed you, what’s up?”

“I just got an
invite for a cancer fundraiser, and I want you to be my date for the night.”

“I would love to
be your date, darling.”

“Great. I want
to show you off to the world, let them know that you are mine.” Sierra laughs
and he hears the excitement in her voice.

“Wow, thank you,
babe. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”

He smiles to
himself as her voice brings warmth to him.

“I will get a
whole outfit sent to you by tomorrow morning. If you don’t like it you don’t
have to wear it.”

“I’m sure I’ll
love it.”

“I hope so too,
see you tomorrow evening, princess.”

“I love you.”

Sierra,” he adds, before hanging up.

He laughs half-heartedly
at himself. He is almost shocked by the fact that he will be taking a woman to
a public function where everyone will see the woman of his desires. Never has
he taken a woman to an event where all the elite and the most influential
people of the city will be. He may leave with a woman but he never brings a
woman. But now he feels a temptation to take Sierra everywhere he goes. He
knows that in his city one should show no love, because love will endanger your
empire and all you’ve worked for.

“She has
corrupted the very foundations of the principles that I follow. I always said
show no love, gain no loss. Then she comes along and I find it hard to follow laws
that I had made.” His voice is solemn, almost as if he regrets ever meeting
her. A man like Chad has always maintained that only in love does a man lose
himself, and to lose oneself is the greatest loss. His mind is tortured at the realisation
that he is gradually changing and possibly losing himself in Sierra’s world.

“Ahh,” he
screams, as he smashes the phone on the floor. He knows that he is a man
consumed by his own idiosyncrasy, even the way he refers to himself as king is
unique to him.

“I am king,” he
says, and immediately laughs at himself at the distinct way he says the words,
unique only to him. His voice is indignant, with a commanding and authoritarian
tone in it. He knows that such uniqueness is what Sierra craves and loves about
him, the fact that he can say words such as “fuck”, yet make it sound like the
most romantic word is unique only to him. Everything he does is controlled and
calculated. He thinks about a reaction before he commits to an action. But
Sierra has begun to change the rigidity of his ways. His hard and cold exterior
has somewhat turned lukewarm and soft towards Sierra and he hates the fact that
she is able to do this to him. Yet a part of him wants to be with her and see
if she is truly able to awaken a dormant part of his being.

The thought
tortures him. He needs to release his anger and forget about Sierra. Even if
just for the night, he needs to teach himself to not let her consume his world.
It should be his choice, not something beyond his control.

Chad Perry
always needs to be in control.

Calmly, he
leaves the room and goes to his private gym. He does a bit of solo boxing. His
speed and might is brilliant, for a slim guy he certainly packs the punch of a
heavier man, as he continues to hit the punch bag with ferocity. His body
sweats profusely as he allows his anger and frustration to be released upon the
bag. After winning the bouts against the punch bag he decides to lift some
weights. With every movement he makes, the muscles on his body become more
defined, his six-pack hardens like rock, the veins in his pecs protrude, as do
the veins in his hands and neck. He grimaces as his body becomes accustomed to
the heavy weights. His body aches but he pushes himself to lift further than he
can take. He shouts and shakes as he fights to do one more lift of the heavy

“I can do it,” he
says through gritted teeth. “I am Chad Perry, and I can do anything I set my
mind to!” He shouts as he lifts the weight and holds it motionless in the air
for a good few seconds. He smiles through the pain as his hands shake. He
breathes quick heavy breaths as he laughs at the pleasure of the pain. Calmly
he puts the weight back in its original place. He takes off his sweat pants and
is only left with black boxers. He walks to the mirror and his body drips with
sweat. He resembles a gladiator, fearless at the challenges a man must face. He
is a beast, but also a man.

As he walks from
the gym, he immediately forgets Sierra and fixes his thoughts on the
fundraiser. He is in control, and as he walks to his apartment he smiles

“I am king, the King
of New York and I am always in control.”




The following morning he gets his
assistant to deliver the outfit he has picked out for Sierra.

He calls her.

“Did you receive
my gift, Miss Malcolm?” he says, with a sly smile on his face.

“Yes I did, Mr

“Do you like

“Much to my
surprise, I must admit that I love it.”

“I’m glad you
do, princess.”

“Thank you,

“You are welcome.
Now get some food and some rest, and I’ll pick you up this evening.”

“I love you,
Chad,” she says softly.

He smiles, waits
for a second, and replies, “Likewise, Sierra,” before hanging up the phone.

He decides to go
for a run in Central Park. The morning is a bit cool and he wants to feel the
breeze on him. It is a rare sight for people to see Chad Perry, but since he
met Sierra he seems to have become more acquainted with the world. He starts
running at a slow and steady pace, his heart rate mirroring his running. Then
he catches a quick glimpse of a pair of green eyes watching him and a quick
chill runs down his spine; instinctively he starts to run faster, not because he
is afraid, but because he loves the thrill of danger and knows that if someone
is pursuing him they too will run to keep up with him. He is a man that lets
the kill come to him, then pounces on it. He looks back in the direction of the
green eyes and it seems the faster he runs the closer they appear to be watching

As he continues
running, he bumps into an old man with green eyes. He doesn’t see the man’s
face properly as his hands partially conceal his face, but he cannot hide his
eyes and they almost resemble the eyes he’s just seen. He blocks the thought
and apologises.

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