King John & Henry VIII (48 page)

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Authors: William Shakespeare

BOOK: King John & Henry VIII
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The prologue tells the audience that they’re not going to see a comedy but “Such noble scenes” as may make them weep. Those who “can pity,” may “let fall a tear”; others may “find truth.” Those who come for amusement will be richly entertained in “two short hours.” Only those who have come “to hear a merry, bawdy play” will be disappointed. To present their show in that way would be beneath their intelligence and damage their reputation. Therefore the audience should be serious and imagine they see these characters “great” with many friends and followers and then “in a moment” see how soon they fall: “this mightiness meets misery.” If you can laugh at that, the Prologue will say “A man may weep upon his wedding day.”


Lines 1–82:
The Dukes of Buckingham and Norfolk discuss the meeting of Henry VIII and the French King François I (at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in June 1520). Buckingham was ill at the time so Norfolk describes the elaborate arrangements and the spectacle in detail. Every day was more splendid than the last as the two kings strove to outdo each other in pomp and magnificence. Buckingham asks who organized it all and Norfolk tells him it was “the right reverend Cardinal of York” (that is Cardinal Wolsey). Buckingham is dismissive of the Cardinal and the way he has “his ambitious finger” in every pie. He wonders why it was anything to do with Wolsey. Norfolk suggests through personal merit, since he’s not of noble stock, this merit must be a “gift” from “heaven.” Abergavenny says he doesn’t know “What heaven hath given him” but he can see his pride, which comes from the devil.

Lines 83–134:
They discuss their resentment of Wolsey and his position and influence with the king, asking why he should have had
the selection of those to accompany him to France, an expensive enterprise with “little honour.” Abergavenny has three relatives whose estates have been crippled. Buckingham knows many who had to sell land to pay for fine clothes and asks what was the point of such “vanity” except to impoverish their heirs. Norfolk doesn’t think the peace treaty concluded between England and France was worth it. The terrible storm that followed was an omen that peace wouldn’t last. That has now come to pass since the French have seized English merchants’ goods at Bordeaux. The ambassador is under house arrest. Buckingham says it’s all Wolsey’s fault. Norfolk warns him to be careful and advises him that the king/Privy Council know about the mutual hostility between the Cardinal and him, and that he shouldn’t underestimate the Cardinal’s power. He tells Buckingham to take his advice to heart and have nothing to do with him as the Cardinal approaches in person.

Lines 135–176:
As he passes, Wolsey asks his secretary if they have Buckingham’s surveyor’s statement. They’ll examine him in person and when they “know more” Buckingham won’t look so proud. Afterward Buckingham complains that Wolsey (“This butcher’s cur”) has a poisonous tongue but that he doesn’t know how to silence him so it’s best to let him sleep: a poor scholar’s worth more than a noble family nowadays. Norfolk suggests self-control (“temperance”) is the only remedy for his anger. Buckingham says he could see Wolsey was talking about him and has some trick to dishonor him. He’s convinced he’s gone to the king to complain. Norfolk again urges caution and not to let his anger get the better of him. Buckingham is determined, though, to complain to the king about Wolsey’s insolence. Norfolk again advises him not to make things so hot for his enemy that he himself gets burned in the process.

Lines 177–229:
Buckingham thanks him but says he knows Wolsey to be “corrupt and treasonous.” He’s convinced that Wolsey set up the whole costly affair (the Field of the Cloth of Gold) in order to show off his own power in France. Wolsey himself drew up the peace treaty but then “Charles the Emperor” (Charles V, King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor) “came / To whisper Wolsey” under the pretext of visiting his aunt, Katherine of Aragon. Buckingham’s charge is
that the emperor, fearful of Spain’s interest in a league between England and France, bribed Wolsey to change the king’s mind and break the treaty. Norfolk says he hopes Buckingham’s mistaken but Buckingham assures him that the evidence will prove him right.

Lines 230–267:
Brandon and a Sergeant-at-Arms come to arrest Buckingham on a charge of “high treason” and accompany him to the Tower (of London). They also arrest Abergavenny and have warrants for all those connected with Buckingham. Both men accept their fate, saying “the will of heaven be done.” Buckingham knows it’s pointless to plead his innocence, believing his surveyor has been bribed by Wolsey to lie.


Lines 1–31:
Henry thanks Wolsey for the discovery and prevention of Buckingham’s plot. He calls for Buckingham’s surveyor to be brought before the court to “justify” his “confessions” and go through Buckingham’s “treasons” “point by point.” The queen arrives with the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk and kneels before the king. As Henry raises her, she says she’ll remain kneeling since she’s “a suitor” to him. He places her beside him, saying half her suit is granted, since she has half his power, and the other half granted before asked, and tells her to continue. She thanks him and explains that she wishes the king to “love” himself and not forget his “honour” or the “dignity” of his “office.” Henry’s subjects are grieved by the taxes imposed on them, which are blamed on the Cardinal but that the king himself has not escaped reproach, and there is talk of rebellion.

Lines 32–75:
The Duke of Norfolk confirms all this, and explains how the cloth workers have had to lay off those who depend on them for work, who are now starving and desperate. Henry knows nothing of this and asks Wolsey to explain. The Cardinal claims that he’s only responsible for “a single part” of state business. Katherine argues that Wolsey is responsible for “fram[ing]” policies. The “exactions” (taxes) the king wishes to know about are an impossible burden to bear. They’re said to have been devised by Wolsey but if this is not the case he is blamed unjustly. The king again demands clarification.
Katherine apologizes for trying his “patience” and explains that commissions have been set up demanding one sixth of a subject’s wealth to be paid immediately, the money supposedly going to pay for the king’s wars with France. This is why the people are angry and she wishes he would consider the matter at once, since there’s no greater example of dishonorable treatment.

Lines 76–120:
Henry exclaims that this is not according to his wishes. The Cardinal explains that his was only a single vote in the Privy Council and that others are just as much responsible. Slander by those who don’t know anything about him or his deeds is the price virtue has to suffer. We shouldn’t fear to do what’s necessary because of those who always complain. Malicious critics often refuse to believe in or censure our best deeds while our worst are praised. If we’re too frightened to move in case we’re made fun of or criticized, we’ll take root and become no more than “state-statues.” Henry retorts that “Things done well” and with “care” will not lead to “fear.” Things done without a precedent will turn out badly. He asks if Wolsey had any legal precedent. Henry believes not and argues that people must be subject to the law, not the king’s will. Taking one sixth of people’s income is like hacking at a tree, which may leave it standing but will ultimately lead to its death. Henry orders letters to be sent to all the counties with free pardons. Wolsey tells his secretary to write revoking the tax, adding that he should imply that this has been through his intercession with the king.

Lines 121–244:
Buckingham’s surveyor enters. Katherine’s sorry the duke no longer enjoys the king’s favor. Henry’s sorry too: the duke’s an educated man with great natural gifts but his mind has grown “corrupt.” He invites Katherine to listen to the case against him. The Surveyor claims that Buckingham said if the king died without children, he’d seize the throne and revenge himself on the Cardinal. The Surveyor says Buckingham based this on the “vain prophecy of Nicholas Hopkins,” a Carthusian monk who was his confessor, that “Neither the king” nor his “heirs” would prosper, and the duke would govern England. Katherine points out that the Surveyor was dismissed because of the tenants’ complaints and warns him not to make these charges out of resentment and thus endanger
his “nobler soul.” The Surveyor claims he’d warned the duke but he took no notice, adding that if the king had died in his last illness, he’d have had Wolsey and Sir Thomas Lovell beheaded. Furthermore, Buckingham planned to assassinate him personally. Wolsey asks if it’s safe for Buckingham to remain free. Katherine responds only with the hope that God will put things right: “God mend all.” Henry is convinced of Buckingham’s guilt and refuses to show him mercy.


The Lord Chamberlain and Lord Sands are discussing the spellbinding effect of the new fashions brought back from France when Sir Thomas Lovell announces a proclamation against them. They agree that they’re glad to see the back of them, English dress and customs are better. All three are going to a great feast later that evening given by Wolsey and praise his generosity.


Sir Henry Guildford welcomes the ladies to Cardinal Wolsey’s feast as the Lord Chamberlain, Sands, and Lovell arrive and seat themselves between the ladies. Their conversation is filled with sexual innuendo. Sands sits next to Anne (Bullen), apologizes for talking “a little wild” and then kisses her. Wolsey arrives and bids all his guests be merry. Sands continues to flirt with Anne. A masque of shepherds (including Henry in disguise) arrive and dance with the ladies. Henry chooses Anne. Wolsey says if there’s one among them worthier of the place than he, then he would surrender it with his “love and duty.” They confirm that there is but he must guess who. Wolsey chooses Henry, who asks him about Anne. Henry proposes a toast and leads Anne and the others into the next room.


Lines 1–67:
Two Gentlemen discuss Buckingham’s trial. He pleaded not guilty and demanded to see his accusers face-to-face. His surveyor, chancellor, and confessor were brought before him, together
with the monk, Hopkins, and accused him. He was found guilty. When he came to the bar to hear the judgment, he was initially upset but recovered himself. They blame Wolsey, who had Buckingham’s son-in-law made Lord Deputy of Ireland so that he’d be out of the way and not in a position to help his father-in-law. They note that Wolsey sends away anyone the king likes and that everyone hates him while all admire “ ‘bounteous Buckingham / The mirror of all courtesy.’ ”

Lines 68–153:
Buckingham enters with officers of the court and commoners. He addresses those present, proclaiming his innocence and forgiving his enemies. He asks his friends to accompany him and, with their prayers, lift his soul to heaven. Lovell asks forgiveness, which Buckingham gives with “blessings” and his wishes for the king’s long life. He relates how his father was betrayed, whereas he at least had a trial, but, like his father, he was betrayed by servants. He warns them to be careful how they choose their friends. He asks for their prayers, then says “Farewell” and “God forgive me” before departing.

Lines 154–194:
The two Gentlemen are full of pity. One says he’s heard a hint of something even worse—rumor of a separation between “the king and Katherine.” The other didn’t believe it because Henry commanded the Lord Mayor to stop the rumor. The other replies that “it grows again”; it’s believed that the Cardinal or someone near him, “out of malice” to the “good queen” has planted a “scruple” in Henry’s head that will “undo” her. Cardinal Campeius, the papal legate, has arrived. They believe that Wolsey is punishing Katherine because her nephew, the Holy Roman Emperor, refused him the archbishopric of Toledo. They conclude that the place is too public and they should continue their conversation in private.


Lines 1–68:
The Lord Chamberlain is reading a letter that describes how his servant was bringing him some horses when one of the Cardinal’s men took them, saying “his master would be served before a subject, if not before the king.” He reflects that the Cardinal wants to
have everything. The Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk arrive and ask how the king is. The Lord Chamberlain replies that his “conscience” is troubled by his marriage, but Suffolk jokes that Henry’s “conscience / Has crept too near another lady.” Norfolk agrees and blames the Cardinal. Suffolk says the king will learn the truth one day. Norfolk accuses Wolsey of advising Henry to divorce Katherine who loves him and has been “like a jewel” around his neck for “twenty years” “yet never lost her lustre.” Wolsey’s plan is for Henry to marry the French king’s sister. They should pray for deliverance since he’d turn them all from “princes into pages” and he’ll do whatever he wants. Suffolk doesn’t care about Wolsey: he’ll leave him to the Pope to deal with. They go in to talk to the king.

Lines 69–162:
Henry appears sad but he’s angry with them for disturbing him. Wolsey and Cardinal Campeius enter. Henry greets them and dismisses Norfolk and Suffolk. Wolsey praises Henry’s moral scruples and the justice of his case before introducing Campeius. Henry welcomes him. Campeius says that he and Wolsey will judge the case between him and the queen impartially. Henry wants Katherine to have the best representation and sends for Stephen Gardiner, his new secretary. While Henry and Gardiner speak, Campeius asks Wolsey about Gardiner’s predecessor, the virtuous and learned Doctor Pace, saying that Wolsey is blamed for sending him away out of envy and malice. Wolsey replies that he was a fool, whereas Gardiner will do as he asks. Henry says that Blackfriars seems the “most convenient place” to hear the case, lamenting that he must leave Katherine according to his conscience.


Lines 1–60:
Anne is discussing Katherine’s situation with an Old Lady. She pities her and respects Katherine’s virtue, believing it better to be content to live humbly. She “would not be a queen.” The Old Lady disagrees and says she would and so would Anne: she’s being hypocritical since she’s an attractive woman and hence ambitious. Anne denies it—she wouldn’t be a queen “for all the riches under heaven.” The Old Lady says she would and asks Anne if she’d like to
be a duchess then; Anne says “No.” The Old Lady mocks her, saying she’s weak, she’ll never get anywhere with that attitude.

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