King Cave (43 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Dawn

BOOK: King Cave
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I shook the garments. “Ezra wears pants just like these!”

“Ezra’s a guy!” Jack sighed, grabbing the jeans from my hands. “Jeans can, at times, be sexy on a woman, but they’re always hot on a man.” Frustrated, he tossed the jeans onto the pile in the closet. “You don’t want
at times
. You want

I chucked the shirt, enjoying the thud it made against the wall. “He said not to take it offensively, but how can I not!” I cracked my neck. “I like my damn clothes.”

Gently, Jack’s eyes closed, and he rubbed his temples. “He’s a full-blooded Vampire. He has different interests to you.” Brown eyes slowly reappeared, and he stared. “At least he was honest and man enough to tell you the truth of what he wants.” His gaze hit the pile of clothes on the floor.

I blinked, thinking I was missing something. “Jack, you doing okay?” He had been acting much better these past few weeks, so I had assumed he was, but now, I wasn’t so sure.

He rubbed his chin and sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine.” After another sigh, he looked at me. “I’m sure he won’t care if you wear your own clothes most of the time, he just wants to see you dress for him every once in a while.”

I watched him for another moment, gauging his honesty. I had sniffed the air, and he hadn’t
, but he hadn’t told the
, either. His scent was somewhere in the middle.

When it didn’t look like he was going to elaborate any, I grumbled, “Just tell me what guys like.”

He rested against the wall. “If you’re going for the fuck factor, you need a dress. Extremely short and showing lots of cleavage. But nothing too gaudy, so you can wear it anywhere.” His eyes skimmed me from head to toe, not sensually, his regard purely analytical. “Black. Or red, like the color of your hair.” A pause. “Vamps like hooded robes, so possibly add that for effect.”

I snorted. “I’m not wearing a damn hooded robe like his.” I tapped my chin, thinking this through. “But maybe I could come up with something a little Shifter-Vampire.”

Chapter Sixteen

Cursing my bad luck, I hurried through the maze of hallways for the noon meeting. King Kincaid had caught me as I had been heading outside for a private run in my wolf form to fully use my free time, informing me that my presence would be required for the gathering. All of the Prodigies were requested to be there. Not in the realm of normal, I had hurried my run, but I hadn’t been quick enough. A damn critter had chewed on my heels, wrecking them beyond repair.

I still wore my new outfit. Even shoeless. Oddly, I actually preferred it, but Jack had said the heels were sexy as hell. And now I didn’t have them.

I ran a hand over my outfit, trying to smooth away my nervousness as if it were a wrinkle in my attire. Ezra would scent that, and I wanted him to see me as confident in this outfit. Like all the other Vampire women that sauntered around in sensual clothing like this. I chewed my lip and slowed my pace so I could get it together.

Now minus my black heels, I wore leather and fur. The leather was the strapless dress, made of material so soft that it felt like butter. It skimmed in a straight line across my chest, revealing a goodly amount of cleavage, and hugged my body to right below my ass. No bending over for me. It was simple and sexy, as Jack had instructed.

The fur came into play with the soft, hooded jacket I wore. It was thin and its length barely skimmed the ground. Four buttons kept it closed, hiding my dress underneath. And it was the color of my wolf’s fur. In fact, it felt just like it because I had designed it that way.

Jack had approved with a whistle, although now he might scowl seeing my black painted toenails instead of sexy footwear. Oh, well. I had tried. If I could just focus on how comfortable the outfit was — because it was — I would be doing fine.

I sighed and rolled my head on my shoulders, hearing masculine voices drifting from the main conference room. I was a few minutes early, but it sounded like the majority of everyone was already in there. Running my hands over the soft fur again, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

It was show time.

Entering the room, I glanced around.


All the Kings were here. In fact, King Venclaire was pocketing a wad of cash. Antonio’s posse were also here, and Cahal was…
my God
…actually grinning. As in, a real damn smile. I couldn’t help but gape because he was handsome instead of so harshly imposing, with his pearly whites showing like they were. All eight of them stood on one side of the long conference table.

And Ezra was in here, standing on the other side of the table, lips lifting in amusement as he watched what everyone else was watching.

That being: a lion cub.

Specifically, a large lion cub with enormous paws that stalked back and forth on top of the conference table, hissing or growling while he eyed the Kings and Elders. The male cub already had muscle definition, even with its rounded, healthy belly, and his tail twitched in agitation as he moved. He held his head proudly, his chest puffed even though his gaze was watchful.

It appeared as if he were protecting Ezra, keeping the big baddies away. I couldn’t help but grin. He was damn adorable, though I knew full-grown he would be imposing even to a Shifter.

I strode forward, stopping at the end of the table. No one paid the least bit attention since the cub was at the other end. Honestly, I thought they didn’t even know I had entered.

Elder Merrick growled, “One out of two, Cahal. Not two out of two.” He glanced at Ezra. “At least it’s not damn eagles, like we got. Those fuckers shit everywhere they please.” He then glared at Antonio.

I was completely lost, but I didn’t miss how Ezra shot him an undisclosed look of aggression.

“I should probably ask for a cut since he’s my son,” Cahal said proudly to King Venclaire.

“You could ask.” King Venclaire shrugged. “I still won’t give you one.” He pointed at the cub. “He really is large for his age.”

“Hell yes, he is,” Ezra murmured, swiping his hand over the cub’s back as he passed, appearing just as puffed as the cub. His gaze — actually — moved from said cub, and he noticed me. He blinked slowly before his gaze traveled over my hooded red fur coat.

I watched in barely concealed delight as his breath hitched.


And he hadn’t even seen the dress yet.

My attention was jolted from Ezra when King Fergus asked, “What’s he doing?”

For a second, I thought they were talking about Ezra since his hood was down and he wasn’t exactly being discreet in his ogling, but a quick glance at the eight Rulers to my right and I saw they were all watching the cub. It had stopped directly in front of me and now sat on its haunches, staring up at me.

“I haven’t the foggiest,” Elder Jacobs answered.

Still lost at their commentary, I lifted a hand to pet him since he wasn’t growling at me.

“Don’t,” Ezra barked loudly, his eyes going wide.

I snatched my hand back. “What’s going on?”

The cub chose that moment to pounce. And he was damn quick. His front paws landed on my chest as he rose on his hind legs. His adorable face was now even with mine. He licked my nose.

I chuckled at the cub, even as I felt Ezra’s heat abruptly at my side. “Ah, you’re a charmer, are you?” He nuzzled his head against my face, his big paws beginning to knead, his claws briefly appearing before disappearing, but not hurting me. Tickled by his sweet antics, I rewarded him by scratching under his chin. He seemed to like it, arching his head back for me.

Ezra made an odd noise in his throat.

“What the fuck?” King Kincaid muttered.

“I bet it’s a surprise attack,” King Nelson stated. “He needs to get close to rip into her throat.”

I froze at that, and my face was bombarded with lion slobber as he licked all over my cheek. The cub made a noise, peering up at Ezra, who stood a breath away from my side, his hands raised almost as if they were frozen in mid-motion, aiming for the cub. My eyes followed the cub’s to Ezra. He was staring at the cub with what could only be called shock.

At that exact moment, I felt something slip under my coat.

Already a little freaked, I squealed and jumped.

Ezra unfroze, and in a blur, held the cub away from me, shouting in his furry face, “No!”

King Kincaid rushed to my side. “How badly did he hurt you?” His fingers began effectively unbuttoning my robe, his gaze intent on the action.

“He didn’t hurt me,” I squealed, bouncing on my feet. “Something’s under my coat!”

Everyone froze.

Except for the cub in Ezra’s grip, which batted at his hands, huffing at him. And me, as I continued squalling and bouncing. And then King Kincaid as he shouted, jumping away from me and staring down at the bottom of my coat.

King Kincaid blinked, holding up his hands. “Stop moving! You’re going to hurt her.”

Everyone in this damn room was acting crazy. I sure as hell wasn’t going to stand still and let a critter lie in wait to bite my ass. Quickly, I finished undoing the last button and yanked my robe apart, staring down at the ground. Within my wide stance was a small, reddish lioness cub.

She stared up at me, blinking innocently, even though her tail twitched in irritation.

“Fuck me, what a view she’s got,” Elder Merrick rumbled, his wolf growling low.

I glanced up and saw his eyes glow with craving. Blinking, I glanced down again, and realized what he meant. She was between my legs with an unfettered intimate view. I also realized I had revealed my attire not quite how I had wanted.

I couldn’t chance peeking at Ezra right now because that might be too obvious after Elder Merrick’s comment, so instead I lowered and picked the cub up. She instantly cuddled against me and hardly let me place her on the table, wanting to stay in my arms. Her ears instantly lowered when her paws touched the marble and she eyed everyone else warily, a bitty growl, which was barely distinguishable, vibrating inside her chest.

Slowly, she lowered and began creeping back in forth in front of me, her eyes not leaving the Kings and Elders. Goodness, she was really worked up, appearing to not like people much. Glancing at Ezra’s cub, which was having a fit to be put on the table, I reached over, plucked him from Ezra’s grip, and placed him on the table with an affectionate rub on the head.

“Go play.” I patted their rumps, pushing them. “And quit causing such a ruckus.”

Ezra made that funny noise in his throat again.

I chanced peeking at him as the large male cub began creeping in a circle around the small female cub, sniffing her. Ezra’s eyes were darting back and forth between me and the cubs, a mixture of shock and desire riding his features. I stood on tiptoe, asking him, “Now, what’s the matter with everyone?”

The room was mute except for the noises the cubs were making.

Ezra inhaled sharply, and his gaze darted to Elder Merrick, shooting him a poisonous glance, before his eyes returned to me. Actually, my cleavage. He licked his bottom lip, placing a hand high over the cubs, and said, “He let you touch him.”

I blinked. “And?”

His mouth opened again but his body stilled, his head snapping to the cubs. The female was raised on her hind legs and butting her head against his palm, obviously wanting him to pet her. Bit by bit, Ezra began stroking her head, bending at the waist with a look of awe as she nuzzled into his hand. He brought his face close to her, gazing at her watchfully.

Until the male swatted at Ezra’s hand and jumped, sitting right in front of his face with his furry back to Ezra’s nose. He puffed up his chest and growled once at the female. Ezra straightened as the male lowered his face and started nudging her with his head. She bit his ear gently, but moved when he kept pushing. When he stopped, she swatted at his face for his antics, but he ignored it and started circling her again, gradually lowering his body, his eyes avidly on her.

“What’s he doing?” I asked in fascination.

Antonio coughed hard, glancing at me.

My eyebrows came together as Ezra snatched the crouching male off the table, holding him against his chest. Before Ezra turned his back to everyone, gently scolding the cub, I saw that his cheeks were pink. Dazed and confused, I most definitely was.

I jerked and gasped as the female took a flying leap and bashed into Ezra’s side where he was resting his hip against the table. She didn’t claw him, but she most definitely batted at his arm before landing in a crouch, growling at him. Ezra stopped rebuking the male and peered at her. She sat straight and looked at him harmlessly, then made a whining noise, rising on her hind legs and placing her front paws on the male cub’s hanging limb.

Ezra’s lips twitched, and he said softly, “You can play with him later.”

And so help me if she didn’t actually listen to him. She dropped, and with one last glance at the male cub, she moved in front of me and started growling again, this time at the Kings and Elders.

“Maybe,” Elder Jacobs said into the quiet, appearing thoughtful, “they’re friendly when they know we mean them no harm.” A pause. “Not all of our eagles hated each other in the beginning.”

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