Read King Cave Online

Authors: Scarlett Dawn

King Cave (16 page)

BOOK: King Cave
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Taking a deep breath, I crawled backward until I was sitting on my knees at the edge of the bed. I explained as quickly as I could. I wanted to jump him so damn bad I was trembling, but I was aware that if he didn’t know, he could get hurt, never mind about being freaked out. “I’m a Shifter. Alpha. My wolf doesn’t let a man take me unless he shows he can handle her.” There were times my wolf backed down when I pushed hard enough, so the man could win, but I had a sneaking suspicion my wolf wouldn’t be doing that for him.

“Ezra, I should have told you before, but I thought you knew about Shifters and sex.” His still-wide gaze explained he had not. “The first time with an alpha Shifter woman is always rough.” Until the wolf knew and respected him. I jerked my head at the door, breathing heavily through my mouth as I tried not to scent him. “You’d better run if you’re not into this.”

Instant. “I’ve never run away well.” He licked his lips, his eyes never once traveling to the door, even if they were still wide. “Is this like no holds bars? Or more of a petting?”

He got an instant answer, my wolf very much liking his cockiness, as my wolf’s nails instantly sliced through my fingers.
Fuck…that has never happened before.

Ezra froze.

Wolf riding my voice hard, I growled, “Run, Ezra.”

“No,” he whispered, a steady, relaxed grin spreading on his supple lips. He

My wolf snarled just as his shoulder smashed into my gut, propelling both of us off the bed and into a dresser, knocking it over. My wolf wouldn’t let me do anything but try my hardest, meaning my Shifter strength, so I shoved him off me and his body flew to hit the dresser next to us, bashing into it hard enough he — and it — went crashing to the floor. I rolled, pacing backward, knowing…

He blurred once more.

Barley able to track him, I leapt to the side, diving through the air.

Too damn swift, he flew with me. We collided against the back of the golden chair, the luxurious piece of furniture literally snapping in two pieces under us as we landed on the coffee table, the glass shattering beneath our bodies. I smelled both our blood on the air, but I rolled, kicking Ezra onto the couch. Watching as it tumbled over with his smashing weight, I hopped into a crouch, not hesitating to jump over the glass. Waiting.

I didn’t even see him coming.

Suddenly, I was pinned to the wall, my hands above my head, my wrists caught in his grip…and his teeth at my neck, an unbreakable bite. His fangs weren’t descended, but he was applying enough pressure that my wolf froze at the kill shot.

His Vampire growled, merciless and extended, containing a jagged edge of leashed dominance.

Chest pumping raggedly, my heart beat a crazy rhythm, which only escalated further when his Vampire quieted and his thumbs began a slow glide back and forth over the undersides of my wrists. He was still holding me captive, but adding a light touch to the fact he could easily rip my throat out.

My wolf didn’t fight, not ignorant, but she still snarled and my claws didn’t retract.

Ezra’s predator responded with another rumble before he yanked me from the wall, jerking my hands behind my back. His teeth were still hard at my throat, gripping so tight I could only manage to breathe as he started navigating me backward toward the bed.

Even while I trembled in arousal from his control, my damn wolf still wasn’t letting go of the reins, apparently
liking Ezra and enjoying the challenge. I understood it. Finn had definitely been a challenge, as had Felix, a previous bed partner, but Ezra was a different predator altogether and he was alpha strong in his own right. My wolf growled low when the backs of my knees hit the bed. Our powers were still whipping the air around us, carnal and physical.

The room spun as he tossed me onto the mattress with his speed, flipping me onto my hands and knees. I instantly bucked, arching back and trying to twist away, but his forearm slammed against my back from behind, crushing my chest to the fur cover.

Bending over me, he brushed my hair away and whispered, “Hello, little wolf.”

Said little wolf

Ezra chuckled deeply while nibbling at my ear, giving it a hard, reprimanding tug when I tried grabbing the headboard to jerk free. All I accomplished was putting huge slashes in it. His teeth grazed the side of my neck, fire flaming through my bones at the sensual touch, and he moved his brazen mouth back to my ear, purring, “You’re good, but I’m better.” His free hand slid around my waist to my stomach, gliding upward to cup one of my breasts.

I started panting while bucking viciously, almost managing to throw him off.

“Alright,” Ezra growled, shoving me brutally against the mattress. “Rough it is.” He bit into the strings on my bikini top with his fangs descended, slicing through the material. Yanking my ruined top out from under me, he didn’t loosen his restraining hold this time.

My wolf huffed as I kicked a leg out.

Ezra grunted a curse, and instantly, his legs were between mine, shoving my legs apart.

I managed a soft groan past my wolf.

Ezra stilled.

My wolf nearly caught him then, as I managed to hook my fingers beneath the underside of the mammoth headboard and tear it off the bed’s frame, heaving it over my back.

Ezra ducked, chuckling hard when my wolf howled in pissed-off fury. “Oh, little wolf, I think I like you.” He yanked on one side of my bikini bottom, ripping it. “Tiny you may be, but cunning you are.” My wolf puffed what almost sounded like a damn purr, enjoying the compliment…then I shoved hard, rocking us both up. Until Ezra grabbed my throat, squeezing. “Not happening.” My wolf froze as he pushed me back down. He held my throat for a full minute before releasing it, and then tore the other side of my bikini bottom and pulled the material out from between us.

I was now naked. Under him. While he wore only his bathing suit.

His forearm pressing rock-solid against my back, his other hand ran down my tender side. Licks of firestorms dragged along his touch, making me shiver under him. His hand wasted no time palming my most intimate flesh when my wolf snarled and tried to buck yet again.

Ezra’s breath caught, and he groaned, running two fingers along my slick folds. “God yes, sweetheart. You’re so wet.” Gently, he kissed my shoulder, and my wolf gripped into the mattress with my claws and jerked hard, bumping his face back.

The Vampire within him resounded quietly, a calculating rumble of seductive ferocity. Within a pounding heartbeat, his fingers were absent from my throbbing flesh, and I felt him slide his swim trunks down. Before I could blink against the fur cover, his teeth — no fangs — were at the soft spot between my shoulder and neck. He bit violently enough to draw blood, the scent faint on the air. Moving in a blur, one of his hands gripped both my wrists above my head, his other guiding the blunt head of his cock to my core’s entrance.

My wolf snarled furiously as I tried jerking out from under him, but Ezra pressed unbreakably, his searing chest to my delicate back and his bite drawing more blood.

He thrust his hips forward.

Or he tried to anyway.

Both of us halted, my wolf taking pause at this new development.

Ezra kept the pressure on me, but his teeth instantly left my shoulder. He rested his forehead against the back of my head and groaned as he drove his hips forward with more pressure. But without the anticipated outcome. “Fuck.” He exhaled harshly, his knees knocking my own further apart, before he pressed, sliding inside…maybe an inch. “Christ, you’re tight.”

He continued his determined drive, but it fucking hurt. My wolf backed away long enough for me to mumble brokenly, “Too big, Ezra. You’re too fucking big.” My claws dug into the mattress as pain rocketed through my needing flesh.

“Hush,” he panted, pulling back the barest bit before pressing again, advancing farther this time and stretching my channel to its max. Sounding like his teeth were clenched, he asked, “Are you back with me?”

“My wolf’s still here,” I gasped through the pressure as he retreated, and then thrust harder. “Waiting.”

A guttural groan vibrated against my back, the sound making me even wetter, and he plunged savagely. My breath faltered. His free hand slipped under me, cupping one of my breasts. He squeezed fiercely, and I felt my wolf recede a bit more. “Ezra…”

He licked across my shoulder, his breathing heavy against my ear before lifting so quickly a breeze blew against my back. Both of his hands were on my hips, and he withdrew so that just the head of his immense cock was left inside me, only to thrust so viciously, his cock slid all the way home. My scream was his name as I was filled completely with him, hearing my own name on his shout.

Breathing raggedly, I whimpered, my claws still digging into the cover and mattress.

Ezra groaned, “Little wolf?”

My wolf huffed, the sound short and ticked.

Ezra’s laughter was pure superiority. “Hang on while I take you for a ride.” His hips retreated, then drove flush against me, his victorious mirth altering to a covetous groan.

My moans joined his, the friction of his thrusts unbelievable. I tilted my hips so the head of his cock slid past my cervix, pressing inside me even further. Pure, carnal decadence had my eyes closing on a gasping cry.

His voice gruff, he rumbled, “Fucking shit, you feel so damn perfect.”

,” I demanded, bracing my hands against the wall. “Fuck me, Ezra.”

“With pleasure, sweetheart,” he purred on a groan. His Vampire growled as his steady, driving thrusts became more a pounding rhythm, and the sounds of our skin slapping against each other joined our cries of pleasure. “Harder?”

“As hard as you can do it,” I snarled, my wolf taking voice.

“I love your wolf,” he muttered breathlessly, gripping my hips with bruising force. He slammed his cock into me, and the impact made me light-headed as frenzied desire whipped out from my gut to my limbs, only my Shifter strength keeping me from shoving forward. Softly, he groaned, “Tell me if this is too much, sweetheart.”

That was his only warning before he was hammering into me, driving me between the point of pleasure and pain as he thrust his fucking enormous cock into me. His name on my lips, I cried out my fulfilled craving. “
,” I shouted, throwing my head back when he reached under me, two of his fingers sliding on either side of my clit, pinching and rubbing back and forth. My channel clenched even further, my breath choking in my tightening throat with the exquisite ache that was building like a volcanic explosion.

His cock pistoning inside me, Ezra ordered roughly, “Have it, sweetheart.”

Whimpering, I began undulating my hips against his fingers.

He shouted deeply, pleasure searing his tone. His fingers pressed firmly, working faster.

Jolting, I screamed his name. White-hot flames leapt from my core, spreading like wildfire to my limbs and mind. A sensual haze enveloped me as I shuddered under him, my channel’s pulsing muscles grabbing his cock tight. Drowning in a sensual haze, I could only convulse under him as he drove in and out of me relentlessly.

,” Ezra growled an extended groan that echoed inside the mist shrouding my bliss, and my wolf left me completely. My body relaxed under him, my muscles turning limp from my mind-blowing orgasm, but my vision spun as he pulled out and suddenly flipped me onto my back. He spread my legs and thrust his cock deeply into me, making me gasp at the overfull filling. “Is your wolf gone?”

I nodded lazily, my glowing eyes sluggishly blinking open.

“Mmm,” he purred, leisurely withdrawing. Only to plunge brutally. My eyes flew open at the rough intimacy while our power twirled around us, brushing against our flesh in intimate caresses. His wide lips lifted at the corners, his own flared eyes directly on mine and holding my gaze quietly. He gradually lowered over me, the muscles in his broad shoulders and pecs rippling at the sensual action, and pressed a bit of his weight, his body heat, onto me. Leaning on his elbows on either side of my head, his lips hovered over mine. “Kiss me.”

I hummed in sated contentment and gently grabbed his angular jaw, pulling his face to mine. Touching my lips to his, I kissed him softly as his plunges altered to a measured glide. Running my knees up his sides, I hooked my legs over his waist and lifted to meet his thrusts, the head of his cock rubbing deliciously deep within. His groan tantalized my lips as he tilted his head, and he fisted handfuls of my hair as his tongue invaded my mouth, sliding against mine. We both sighed at the dual contact, our tongues tangling with one another’s while his cock slid in and out of my sensitive channel.

“You taste so good,” he whispered, driving his tongue inside my mouth once more.

Our kiss slowly increased in urgency, my hips thrusting faster in time with his.

“Ezra, baby,” I panted, shaking my head back in forth in delirious pleasure. I groaned, feeling his lips lift into a grin against my cheek and his thrusts alter to press his pelvis against my clit. “Right there.” I gasped sharply when he did it again. “Right there, baby. Right there.”

His hands skated to my hips, and his thrusts quickened, continuing to hit all the right spots as his breathing hitched and turned to fierce pants against my ear. He groaned as I rocked against him harder, my nails digging into his scalp as I felt another luscious orgasm mounting. With both of us moaning, his plunges quickly turned into breath-shattering drives, pounding into me harder and more urgently.

BOOK: King Cave
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