Kindred of the Fallen (50 page)

Read Kindred of the Fallen Online

Authors: Isis Rushdan

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Kindred of the Fallen
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From that day forward, she would be forever bound to Cyrus. She was marrying the most amazing male. He was stubborn, bossy and completely infuriating at times, but he was also exactly what she needed.

Spero removed the cord and Cyrus kissed her, enveloping her in his arms.

This moment was worth more than anything else in the world, worth more than knowing the truth about her parents and that fateful night. Taking in the smell of him, she embraced the sanctuary of his arms and relinquished thoughts of House Aten.

One week of this, she promised silently, and she would face the future with courage and concern for the collective. She would find a balance between what she wanted and the sacrifices that had to be made, if they could only have a few precious days of this.

“I know you changed your mind about having a human wedding,” Cyrus said. “But I researched the custom and I’d like to exchange vows and rings.”

“I don’t have anything prepared.” She glanced away embarrassed. To express what she felt for Cyrus, what he meant to her, she needed days or at the least a couple of hours to come up with something eloquent.

Talus handed her the wedding band. “Just speak from your heart.”

Beaming, Cyrus gave her his left hand. She held it nervously, her hands trembling.

Her thumb grazed his knuckles and bare ring finger. He had removed the Herut crest. She peered up at him in surprise, sliding the ring on him.

“Thank you for finding me and for awakening my soul which was asleep. Thank you for your patience and your friendship. I never knew love could fill me with such extraordinary wonderment and joy. I would do anything for you. I would give up anything for you. No matter what the future brings, I will never stop loving you.”

Tears of happiness blurred her vision. He wiped them away and kissed her damp lashes. He pulled a ring from his pocket and held her hand. His signet ring now rested on his right hand. He slid the wedding band on her finger, and her eyes widened as a smile spread across her face.

The ring had two overlapping eternity bands. One made of diamonds and the other sapphires. It was ideal.

“All of the stories I heard about what others felt when they found their
or the bond they experienced didn’t prepare me for what I feel. I was raised to believe I could do anything and instructed not to use the word
. But it wasn’t until I touched you that I actually felt like I could do anything, felt capable of accomplishing anything. Loving you has given my life new meaning. You have reshaped and redefined the world as I know it. There is nothing in this universe more important than you. You are first in my heart. And I will love you faithfully in this lifetime—beyond death—and into the next.”

Cyrus cupped her face and gazed at her. Then he kissed her hard, his mouth on fire with passion. She threw her arms around his neck and did her best to memorize his words and the feel of his arms around her. She wanted it etched in her mind and heart. He whisked her in a hug, lifting her from the floor, his warm breath brushing her ear.

All of the warriors approached them with smiles and words of felicitation.

All except Abbadon.

As they left the gazebo, Cyrus curled his arm around her shoulder. She brought him even closer, wrapping hers about his waist.

With a cloudless azure sky, a brilliant sun shining down on them, and a warm gentle breeze, it was as close to a summer’s day as possible for mid-October.

Decorated with fresh cut flowers strewn everywhere, including the fountain, the courtyard had a timeless beauty. Platters of sumptuous food and pitchers of lemonade covered the stone table adorned with fragrant blossoms. An additional table had a decorated two-tier cake. Every time the wind blew, it stirred the sweet perfume of flowers in the air.

“Do you like it?” Talus asked.

Serenity hugged her tightly. “Thank you.” She looked back around at everything. “I’ll always remember this. Thank you so much.”

Jazz music flowed while everyone ate and celebrated. Talus convinced Micah to dance with her. Mrs. Carter drank wine and talked excitedly to Spero.

Soaking in the happiest day of her life, Serenity’s gaze fell to Abbadon. He stood off to the side—not eating, not drinking—a pensive expression on his face. He had been an excellent mentor. If she had bothered to listen to him, she would have given up everything in the human world sooner, and Evan and that psycho Artemis never would’ve had a chance to ruin her happiness. Just like in the dream, he had tried, but failed.

Serenity loaded food on a plate and went over to Abbadon. She stood beside him, gazing out at the lake as he did. “I thought you might be hungry.” She waited for him to acknowledge her with a glance or some dark lecture about the fate of Kindred, but he remained quiet and still.

“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” she said, “and how hard you’ve worked to teach me. I’m grateful to have you as family. You’re the closest thing I’ve had to a father in a long time.” Gripping his forearm, she continued, “I won’t take Cyrus from Herut. On my life, I swear it. And I won’t disappoint you.”

As he turned to her, a haunting look filled his eyes and deep creases carved his brow. Emotions threatened to shatter his impassive mask, but he held tight to his composure. He opened his arms and embraced her. His hug was tender as if he worried he might break her.

“Thank you,” he whispered. Then he stepped back, taking the plate she offered.

His affection said more than his words, and tears laced her eyes.

Abbadon joined the group. He spoke little, not once looking at Cyrus, but at least he ate.

The rest of the food went quickly as everyone chatted. Ptolemy and Amon told stories about Beset. It didn’t make anyone sad. Dying a warrior’s death was honorable to them, preferred over withering in old age. The soldiers grew more animated as they shared great anecdotes about her, celebrating her courage and life.

Mrs. Carter spoke of Cassian and his inquisitive nature as a child. Talus listened intently. A smile crept up on her face at moments, but the story of Cassian healing Mrs. Carter’s cancer and how he’d been weak for days afterwards seemed to be too much for her.

When her eyes began to water, Micah sat beside her and handed her a glass of lemonade.

“Although your brother was not a warrior, he died a warrior’s death, and we shall honor his memory,” he said, resting a hand on her shoulder. “We shall celebrate him.”

And with that small gesture of compassion, new life kindled in Talus’s eyes and she shared stories of her brother without shedding a single tear.

There was even a little laughter.

After Serenity finished two plates of food, they cut into the moist, decadent cake. Covered in luscious buttercream frosting, one tier was a coconut cake that had been soaked in rum filled with light chantilly cream and the other was dark fudge layered with Kahlua-flavored chocolate ganache. Serenity hugged Mrs. Carter for outdoing herself on the homemade cake.

It was almost too lovely to cut into. Cyrus had two pieces. Talus had three. Some of the warriors indulged, but only with slivers of the dessert. And Serenity loaded up on sugar until her stomach ached.

Cyrus sat, pulling her down onto his lap, and licked icing from her fingers. His tongue tickled and she tossed her head back with a chuckle. Stuffed with incredible food, brimming with happiness and overflowing with love, she let out a satisfied moan and played with his hair. It had grown out and she liked the extra length.

Giving her body a squeeze, he ran his hand along her spine. Desire for him flared once more, intense and insatiable.

In her heart, she knew fate, the Creator, or some other force had accepted her bargain. They’d have their week before tough choices had to be made, and then she’d have to keep her end of the deal. She didn’t know exactly what the future would bring, but she had an inkling that whatever was in store for them wasn’t going to be easy.

From the first taste of his lips, she loved him, and no matter the danger, always would. In her new world, where blessings were a curse and fate was fickle, only one thing seemed certain. The greater the love between Kindred mates, the sweeter the pleasure—and higher the price that must be paid.

Pressing his cheek to hers, he whispered as if reading her mind, “Everything will be all right, my love.”

As long as they were together, they could face anything…the politics of Houses, a legion of warriors, even Paladins.

Smiling, she turned his chin up and kissed him deeply, willing the world to a standstill.

“I know.” She brushed a wavy lock of hair from his face. Their love was far more powerful and would give them the strength to prevail.

Together, nothing could stop them.


Kindred raised outside of a collective amongst humans; this is extremely rare and has only been known to happen once.

: first season of the ancient Egyptian calendar, a time of inundation, when the Nile flooded.

Kindred’s life force, energy stream, or pool of energy.

higher level warriors with years of specialized training called to safeguard and defend their House from all threats.

: a reincarnation of one of the Fallen—the original ancient beings who were cursed; bears a mark of the Fallen. Only a Blessed couple can break the curse.

: a formal invitation to serve a House in an official capacity, such as battle-guard; extended by a noble under the authority of the Triumvirate. It is considered a great honor.

: a group of Kindred sharing energy. The shared anima of the collective helps to delay the onset of the dark veil and
sangre saevitas
. It is highly encouraged to be a member of a collective if not with one’s
. Kindred sent away from a House to accomplish a particular mission are accompanied by others who make up their collective.

: a female or male companion, not bonded for life. Consorts, who are not one’s
, are common in House Sekhem and House Aten. Taking a consort when one has already been sealed has been known to create friction in households.

: a consort taken out of compassion or mercy. When one loses their
or sealed mate, the sibling of the deceased partner will often offer this. Most commonly practiced in House Herut as it is the only union not between
allowed within that House. Herut has forbidden offspring from such spiritually impure unions. Taking a
when one has already been sealed has been known to create intense friction in Herut households as one must now share their mate based on a code of honor.

dark veil
: severe melancholia with episodes of psychosis, increasing in frequency until there is a break from reality. The Psi class is usually afflicted and it hits earlier in life, often before the age of 100. In the later stages, a surge in their
can be expected. Only connecting to the anima or energy stream of one’s
can prevent the onset.

: offspring of
, often stronger with higher level

: a female’s time of fertility, occurs one to four times a year, decreasing with age; marked by heightened arousal and flashes of extreme yearning to couple. Males instinctually find females more attractive at this time. To any males she has bonded with, the allure is overwhelming. In order for a Blessed couple to procreate, more than their bodies must couple, their anima and souls must meld as one. The number of cases of unexplained infertility is growing.

: ancient beings who walked the earth before humans. The Creator cursed them for their wickedness and hubris, tearing them asunder and splitting them into two different bodies to reduce their power.

: a
whip with sharpened ridges. It is used by the
when trying to subdue one with
sangre saevitas

The Great Divide
: clashing ideologies over whether or not to break the curse and risk losing their
divided Kindred, and the era of Shabanu ended. From the ashes of their unity, three Houses rose.

: an enchanted statue used for protection and/or as a weapon.

: magic.

a large, formally structured collective, governed by a Triumvirate.


: preternatural gift or talent; Psi class and warriors. The degree and manifestation of lower level abilities varies. Full development of one’s
can only be triggered by completely merging with the anima of one’s
at least once.

: the current era of darkness and chaos, began with the Great Divide.

: soul mate, predestined partner; does not guarantee a harmonious or happy union, and not all choose to be sealed. Fully connecting to the life force of one’s
, at least once, will prevent the onset of
sangre saevitas
or the dark veil, sort of like an inoculation, and spark the emergence of latent powers. It is the only way for a warrior to get their wings. The sustained energy bond between
produces a kinetic boost extending one’s life span, and over a long period of time can induce a drug like effect.

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