Kindred (44 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

BOOK: Kindred
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Yeah, birthdays aren't big in my life, especially since I moved to Auckland and found out so much about who I am. Part of me is unbelievably happy that I did make the move. Country Hick to the big city. If I hadn't have, I would have simply fallen over dead in the paddocks with the lambs one day, a full moon cycle after turning 25. My Aunt and Uncle would have had no idea why. I would have simply just ceased to exist. I didn't want to die. I love life. Despite how crazy and out of control my life has become, I am glad I moved to Auckland.

I changed into some black leggings and a loose T-Shirt after work, getting ready to jog home. The lowering sun was making shadows dance along the tall buildings on the street when I came out of the bank, changing the the façades from grey, to gold, to a soft red. I was greeted with a whoop of delight and suddenly ensconced in the arms of Rick.

There she is! My favourite vampire hunter.”

I couldn't help it I laughed, he was laughing and spinning me around, making a right scene on the side walk. An over exuberant Taniwha was exactly like a big puppy, you just couldn't contain them. Finally, he got himself under control.

I'm taking you out on the town, girlie. Just you and me. We need to catch up, just like old times”

Yeah, it hadn't been like old times for a while now, we used to hang out regularly, but lately things had changed. I understood what Rick was saying, he wanted his friend back too.

Where's Celeste?”

She's working late tonight, I'll catch up with her later. So, what do ya think? Shall we
start at the
Red Hummingbird
and move on from there?”

OK, but I've got to change first.”

No worries, I'll race ya home.” And with that he was off.

Taniwhas are all speed and grace, even in their human form. It has always been fun training and running with Rick. I don't have to hide who I am, I can run fast and hard and know he won't be surprised or judge me. He's not a push-over either, he's got his competitive side, so what should have been a ten to fifteen minute jog, turned into a six to eight minute sprint. We'd hardly broken a sweat by the time we arrived.

I had a quick freshen up and then changed into my uniform for the night, you know, the short black skirt and top, with a light weight black jacket on the top, stake and knife secured, ID and credit card in a pocket, some flat black slip-ons on my feet - I may be short, but I never feel the need to wear heels, who could possibly outrun a vampire in heels! - and I was set.

The sky was still clinging onto its blue and indigo and crimson glow, steadfastly refusing to let the night in, so it was a pleasant walk back into the city and towards the Sky Tower where the
Red Hummingbird Bar
is. It's at the base of the Tower, so there's no need to go up the escalators and pass near the casino. And it's also decked out in a lush and extravagant setting, all deep rich reds and golds, purples and greens. There are different areas to sit, stools or the bar, chairs and padded bench seats with tables or circular seating with cushions like something out of an Arabian palace. We chose a corner hidden by deep, thick green foliage in the largest indoor garden setting in a bar I had ever seen. The seats weren't super comfortable here, but the sense of privacy was always nice. I'm not too good in large crowds.

Rick went and got our drinks, he's a
Rum & Coke
kind of guy, me, I like
Bacardi & Coke,
but tonight I was having wine. A nice chilled, crisp and slightly fruity
Sauvignon Blanc
. Bliss.

So, only a couple of days to go, what's it like to be getting so old?”

Ha, ha! You're older than me, Rick. You tell me?”

My kind don't age as quickly as humans, so I couldn't tell ya.” He winked at that, then sobered, probably suddenly realising I wouldn't age at all from now on either. It did kind of make me stop and consider too, come to think about it.

We both fell silent for a bit then, but I didn't want us to be talking about all that today, I was here with my best mate, I wanted to just enjoy myself, enjoy his company.

So, how's it going with Celeste?”

It was obviously the right thing to say, because his face lit up and his eyes shone brightly. I could suddenly see the younger Rick, the Rick I knew but had not realised had been missing of late. I guess it went into hiding at the time of the battle at the docks, when Rocky was killed and Celeste got hurt. I couldn't blame him, I had changed a little too since then.

Pretty good really.” And then he blushed slightly. “Um, I think... I think I might ask her to marry me.”

His head had ducked down, the flush deepening, he clearly wasn't sure about what I would say. Me? I just squealed and wrapped my arms around him.

That's fantastic news! I couldn't be happier for you both. Have you got it all planned, the proposal? The Ring? Oh, what ring will you get her?”

Calm down, Luce, calm down!” But he was grinning, grinning like the cat who had got the cream. “I haven't got the ring yet and I've got no bloody idea how to ask her. I was hoping you'd come up with something.”

Oh, no way! This has to come from you, from your heart. You know Celeste, you know what she would like. Anyway, I'm too much of a practical person, for me it doesn't have to be wine and roses, romantic candlelight settings with a string quartet in tow, I'd far prefer an intimate moment, a private place, somewhere that means something to both of you and a proposal from the heart. Nothing fancy, just the honest to goodness truth of how that person feels. That's what I'd like.”

Well, for someone who didn't want to offer any advice, that's pretty good and thorough. You've thought a lot about this haven't you?”

Had I? I didn't think I had, I mean I am only 25 and I have a career and a hobby that keeps me fairly busy, a deadly dangerous hobby, but still, it does take up a lot of my spare time. So no, I didn't think I had put much thought into it, don't all girls just naturally know though? And then of course, I'm immortal now, how could I ever think of marrying someone in the same light again? No human marriage would work, they'd grow old, I wouldn't, they'd have to know what I was, which isn't too scary a thing, well, maybe just a little. But, it just wouldn't work. And vampires? Well, they don't marry, do they? It's not like I'd seen a lot of couples in my somewhat limited exposure to their kind.

But, it did make me pause for breath, yet again another perfectly normal part of my future that had now been turned on its head. I really am a freak aren't I?

I didn't tell Rick any of this though, I just said, “Every girl's dream, isn't it?”

He looked at me a bit funnily then, I'm not sure if he believed me or not, but he just smiled and took a sip of his drink.

So, any idea when you'll do it?” I asked to break the silence.

Soon. I don't think I can contain myself much longer. It's making me jumpy and she's picked up on it. Hey! I don't suppose you'd be my best man, would ya?”

I laughed out loud at that. “Jeez mate, you'd better do better than that when you do ask Celeste to marry you!
I don't suppose
is not a good way to start it off. But, yeah, I'd love to be your best man.”

I felt all warm and glowy inside. This was great. My best friend was getting married and he wanted me there with him, right there. I'd thought maybe Rick and I were growing apart. He'd started dating Celeste and I, well I had started getting involved with a vampire, even if I didn't have a choice. Right then though, I couldn't have felt any happier, being here, having fun with my best friend.

Anyway, that's enough about me, what about you? You haven't told me how every thing's going with the Nosferatin thing. We didn't get much time the other night at
, I had to leave.”

He looked a little puzzled then and I'm not surprised. A deep glaze from a vampire can do that to you and as it was Bruno who had carried out the glazing, I'm betting he planted it deep.

It's OK. A bit crazy at times, but what can I do? I've just got to get on with it, haven't I?”

You're not scared? At all?”

I thought about it then, was I scared? Hell yes, you don't just stop being scared, do you? It's not like you wake up one day and say all those evil dark horrible things that keep happening to you are just a phase, they'll pass, it'll be all right. Even if I am a Kiwi and our perpetual saying is:
she'll be right, mate
. I knew this life I now lead would never be right again, but being scared was not going to change a thing, other than make me jittery and unable to protect myself when needed. So, no, I was still scared, I just wasn't going to let it rule me.

It's not like that, you don't stop being scared, but you do have to face that it's there and then not let it take over your life. I'm still scared, Rick, I just work my way through it.”

How can you be around them, Luce?”

The question took me by surprise. What on earth could he mean? I had to be around them, I'm a vampire hunter by birth, I don't have a choice. It calls to me and I have to answer. I thought Rick knew that.

What do you mean?”

Well, they're evil, aren't they? And yet you seem to be spending more and more time with them. Aren't you worried?”

About what, Rick?”

I didn't like where this was going, he had that look in his eyes again. That wild eyed look of someone on a mission, I just wasn't sure I wanted to know what mission Rick was going on right now.

About being hurt! About being their food! About becoming one of them!” He'd really raised his voice on that last one, a vein had started throbbing in the side of his head, I couldn't take my eyes of it.

You know it's not like that, Michel is not like that.” I tried to keep my voice soft and level, non-threatening, trying to get a bit of cool back into the heat of the moment.

Does he feed from you?” His eyes bore into me as he asked that.

That's none of your business!”

So, that's a yes then. Jesus, Luce! You're just dessert to him. Something to keep him alive, if you can even call what he is
.” The last was delivered with grimace and spit.

I am not dessert.” My soft and non-threatening voice had vanished. I was all low and barely contained fury now.

Oh come on. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way they all look at you. Like you're dinner, or a particularly tasty pudding. They devour you with their eyes, Luce and if you can't see it, you're blind.”

It's not like that, Rick, you don't know.”

Then try and explain it to me, Luce, because I'm having a real hard time understanding how you can be so close to a thing that kills, that controls other people against their will with just a look, that takes what he wants and never lets go, that walks all over you and then sucks from your vein. Tell me, because I just don't get it. He is not alive, Luce, he isn't even human!”

I was shaking, I could feel it, a small shudder through my entire body, but my voice was still even and low. “I'm not human either, Rick. I kill. I can control others with just a look. I'm not sure I can let go of something that is mine and who knows, when I come into my powers in a few days time, maybe I'll suck from a vein too. What does that make me? What do you think of me?”

He looked at me in a mixture of shock and disbelief and could it be? Disgust? He was trying to hide that last one, but I saw it, I know I did. Then he simply downed the last of his drink and headed to the bar.

My heart was stammering in my chest, my breathing was uneven, I'd fisted my hands and could actually feel my nails digging into them. Small tears had filled the corner of my eyes and I dashed them away angrily. Of all the people to turn from me I had not expected it to be Rick. Sure, I could stay here and try and win him back, butter him up, tell him lies. Tell him that I wasn't going to see much of Michel again, that I wouldn't let Michel feed from me, that I wasn't changing, becoming more supernatural than human, that I was still me. I could have done all of that. He was a friend after all and you fight for your friends and their friendships, don't you?

But I didn't. I just picked myself up and walked out the door, straight through the busy atrium of the Tower and out to the night. My night. The darkness wrapping around me like a familiar friend, one who didn't judge, one who didn't ask those difficult questions, one who just said,
hey, I'm here for you and always will be.

So much for getting my friend back.

Chapter 31
Party Time

I hadn't been aware of where my feet had taken me, I thought I'd been heading in the direction of home. But when I came to an intersection and looked at the street signs, Mayoral Drive and Queen Street, I realised I'd been heading towards
without even knowing about it. I hesitated. Did I really want to go up Queen Street? I could just turn around right now and head home, curl up on the couch and pretend this night never happened.

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