Kindling Flames: Smoke Rising (The Ancient Fire Series Book 3) (21 page)

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Darien held his breath, waiting for Vicky to recover enough to reply to his request.

“What?” Vicky was finally able to ask after a few attempts at talking.

Clara rested her hand on Vicky’s shoulder. “The man just asked you to marry him.” She smiled. “Are you going to leave him hanging?”

“Of course I will.” Vicky shook her head at Clara. “I’m just shocked.” She turned back to look at Darien. “Why so suddenly?”

“Is that a yes?” Darien asked, his voice flat toned and serious.

Vicky surged forwards and wrapped her arms around Darien’s head. She pulled him in to rest against her chest and leaned her head over on top of his.

I will marry you!”

Darien slipped his arms around her. He let out a sigh of relief that was lost under the cheers of the lesser fay.

“Congratulations, Kian Dubhlainn,” a soft voice broke into the excitement of the fay.

Vicky dropped away from Darien to look up at the tall woman with long, black hair that had joined them.

“I am glad that you found that which you were missing in your life.”

“Good evening, Lady Aine.” Darien took up Vicky’s hand and held it tightly. “Cailín has done me the honor of accepting my hand.”

Vicky could feel the tension in his grasp and knew that something was going on that she did not understand. Clara and Dakine stepped back as the fay queen moved around Vicky and Darien.

“Such a pity.” The woman reached out and rubbed a finger along the upper edge of Vicky’s wing. “She would have made a lovely addition to my court.”

Vicky trembled at the touch.

“Did you know about this?” Darien asked in an unusually even voice.

Vicky could tell he was angry about something.

“Peace, Dubhlainn,” Lady Aine smiled at him. “I only found out after the little ones had made their move. I see that you’ve played their game well.” Lady Aine continued around the pile of pillows until she stood next to Darien. She bent over to whisper in his ear. “Keep your prize well, Kian. There are others that would gladly take it if you decide you don’t want it.”

Darien whipped his head around until he was staring into the queen’s dark eyes. “I will,” he said softly to the fay. They held the gaze for a long moment before the queen stood up, laughing.

“Come, my little ones.” Lady Aine turned away from the group. “Let Kian have a moment with his lady before their handfasting. I am sure cailín has some questions that need answering, and there are preparations to be made.”

Vicky stared in amazement as Lady Aine left in a swarm of lesser fay and a swirl of green skirt. “What just happened?” she asked, still stunned by everything.

Darien sighed and let the tension drain away from him. “It has been too long since I played these games.” Hanging his head, he rubbed Vicky’s knuckles with his thumb. “I had forgotten how dangerous they could be.”

“The lesser fay found a loophole in the enchantment tonight and decided to take advantage of it,” Elliot explained.

Vicky looked up at the blond vampire. “A loophole?”

“Apparently, since Master Darien didn’t formally invite you, you weren’t protected by the enchantments Lord Dakine set up to control the lesser fay.” Elliot smiled ironically at the folly.

“Had you not agreed to Master Darien’s sudden request, the fay would have seen it as denying him and claimed you as theirs,” Clara explained.

Vicky’s jaw dropped, and she looked back over the man holding her hand. “Darien,” her voice was a little breathy as her wings fluttered in anxiety, “is this true?”

Darien nodded his head without looking up from where it hung. “I would have asked you eventually, anyway.” His gaze shifted to meet Vicky’s. His eyes shimmered brilliant green as he spoke. “This just pressed the issue a little sooner than I would have liked.”

Vicky could see the truth in his eyes. “I already told you I would give you anything you wanted.” She squeezed Darien’s hand and paused as an odd thought hit her. “Vanessa is going to be pissed that she missed my wedding.”

Darien laughed, despite the fact that he felt abused. “We aren’t getting married yet.” He stood up and helped Vicky to her feet. “The fay want a handfasting.”

“Handfasting?” Vicky asked, unsure what that was.

“It’s a betrothal,” Clara explained as she straightened out Vicky’s dress. “A promise to stay together for a year and a day.”

“What happens after a year and a day?” Vicky pondered.

“You can either walk away from the union or be formally married,” Elliot added.

Vicky nodded her understanding.

“Come with me, Dubhlainn.” Arachne stepped up and looked over Darien. “I think we can do better than this.”

Darien looked down at the jeans and T-shirt he was wearing and chuckled. “Of course.” Stepping away from Vicky, he touched Elliot on the shoulder. “Keep her safe.”

“My pleasure, My Lord.” Elliot bowed formally to Darien.

“He doesn’t seem happy about this,” Vicky remarked as she watched her love disappear into the curtains.

“This means a lot more to him than you realize,” Dakine said from behind Vicky.

She turned to look at the silver-haired fay.

“He would have come to it in his own time, but for the winged ones to force it on him in such a way does not please him.”

“Will it be okay?” Vicky worried.

“It will be fine,” Clara soothed her. “Just give him a little time to get over being forced, and he’ll be happy about it.”

“He would be a fool to let it get him down for long,” Rupert growled from where he watched them.

Clara and Elliot agreed. They led Vicky over to the refreshment table so they could explain what to expect as they waited for Darien to change.




“That is truly Master Darien,” Sara whispered to Christian as they watched the man carry Vicky away from the columns. The energy rolling off him was even greater than any of them expected. It was all they could do to not respond to the call of his power.

“Yes,” Christian agreed. “He looks to be more formidable than we had first expected.” He pondered how this new information was going to change his plans. “We will have to do something about him before we can proceed.”

“What do you suggest, Master?” Aiden asked with his back to the scene. He was watching behind them to make sure they had privacy.

“I have a few ideas.” Christian’s eyes narrowed as he watched Dakine settle the rest of the room into the party and go check on the fallen woman.

“What about the man that runs the company?” Sara asked. “Is it him or a double? And do we need to do something about him, too?”

Christian smiled. “First, we find out if he is running his company himself.” An evil idea hit Christian as he watched Darien clamp down on his power and release the vampires he had unknowingly called. “Then, if we have to, we’ll take out the puppet so that the true master will have to come out to deal with things.”

“But even together, we would be no match for his power,” Sara informed her master. “What are we to do?”

Christian patted her on the arm and trained his eyes on the group across the room. “Leave that to me.” He stared at Darien holding the winged woman in the white dress. “I think I might be able to find a kink in his chainmail.”



Darien’s eyes sparkled in delight as he waltzed Vicky around the room. He had finally gotten over being forced into the handfasting. Once he had given up his irritation with the fay and thought about it for a minute, he realized how happy Vicky’s agreement had made him. It was akin to setting a starving man down at a full table and telling him to eat or die. Not exactly acceptable, but only a fool wouldn’t partake in the offered meal.

Sighing contentedly, Darien thought about how they looked together. His light blue doublet and white shirt complemented Vicky’s white gown beautifully. He had to hand it to Arachne; she really knew how to bring an outfit together. He was a little miffed, though, about the iridescent wings still on Vicky’s back. They should have melted away when Dakine bound their hands together in the age-old ceremony. What irritated him most were the giggles and the twinkle in Lady Aine’s eye when she told him that some magic takes more than a kiss to break. He was glad that he had Vicky clear his schedule on November first. This party and the private activities required to remove the wings would leave them both too tired for work tomorrow.

“Are you sure this is okay?”

Vicky’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts. Her gaze rested on the green band that wrapped around her left wrist and across the back of her hand. Darien had a matching mark where the ribbon Dakine had used to bind them sank into their skin. Normally, the tying was only symbolic, but Lady Aine had supplied the ribbon for the ceremony. Lord Dakine had been slightly surprised when the thin band had merged with their skin. Lady Aine had only smiled smugly at them.

There had to be an agenda by the gift of the marking, but Darien wasn’t sure what it was. Could it be a reminder that other things would be interested in Vicky if he let her go, or something more sinister? “Is what okay?” Darien asked, unsure what Vicky was worried about.

“The green line.” She looked up from her hand to face Darien. “Are you okay with the mark?”

He was taken aback by Vicky’s worry. “Of course I’m okay with the mark.” Darien held her closer. “I would gladly show you off to anyone. I’m not ashamed.”

Vicky giggled at his sudden defensiveness. “That’s not what I mean.” She sighed happily. “Although, I am glad to hear that you are not ashamed of me.”

Darien scoffed at her comment.

When her giggles subsided again, she continued her thought. “What I was worried about was your image at work. What will your people think about what looks like a tattoo on your hand?”

Darien gave her an offended look. “They can think whatever they like,” he said bluntly. “And if they have the gall to say anything to me, I can always tell them I’m nine hundred years old and can get a tattoo if I damn well please.”

Vicky giggled again at Darien’s attitude. “And I suppose you could always bite them if they give you too much trouble,” she teased.

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” Darien grinned broadly, showing off his fangs.

“Mister Ritter!” she gasped, slightly horrified.

Darien chuckled at her reaction. “Seriously,” he squeezed Vicky, “if this is like most fay magic, the line should fade once we get back to our normal lives.”

“Good.” Vicky nodded her approval. “I would hate to have to explain it to Vanessa. She has been trying to get me to get a tattoo for years.”

Darien laughed and spun her around on the floor. “Are you trying to hide me from your friends?” he teased.

Vicky snorted at him. “Like I could hide you from those girls.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m kind of surprised they didn’t find out about this party and crash it.” Vicky glanced around as if she expected Beth or Vanessa to come out of the crowd. “They have been spending a lot of time hanging out with this bunch at the clubs.” She knew for a fact that Vanessa had taken more than one vampire and werewolf home after their girls’ nights out.

Darien grinned. “There were a few here that were at Vanessa’s party,” he informed her. “But they knew better than to invite her to this.”

Vicky was surprised by that fact. She hadn’t seen anyone at Vanessa’s that she would have placed in this group. “Did they see us take you out?” Vicky whispered softly.

Darien smiled at her concern. “If they did, they’ve had the good sense not to say anything about it,” he reassured her. They danced on in silence for a few more minutes.

“You have had her long enough,” Rupert growled when the song changed. “Give her up so the rest of us can have a turn.”

Darien laughed and spun Vicky out of his arms so the alpha could take her up. “Be careful with what is mine,” he warned to the wolf and left Vicky to be led off. Darien made his way over to the refreshment table where Clara and Elliot were talking.

“You finally look pleased,” Clara remarked as he came close.

Darien smiled at her and picked up a glass of mead from the table.

Elliot grinned at his friend. “A lovely lady can do that to a man.”

Darien shrugged and took a sip from the glass. “It could have been much worse,” he admitted.

“Handfasted to the woman you love.” Clara raised the back of her hand to her head and feigned a pained look. “Oh, the agony.”

Elliot and Darien both laughed at her mock horror.

Clara glanced over at Rupert spinning Vicky in a fast waltz. “It’s those wings that worry me.” She turned her attention back to Darien. “I thought they were supposed to leave her when Lord Dakine bound you.”

Darien grinned as he thought about what Lady Aine had said. “I’m sure the little ones intend for me to work the magic out of her later.” He tried not to sound too suggestive about it.

“Oh.” Clara hid her smile in her glass.

“So what were we talking about?” Darien turned the conversation away from his personal life.

“I was just asking Elliot if he knew anything about the vampire attacks in the city.” Clara took the conversation back to pressing matters.

Darien looked at her, concerned.

“I thought the Masters were supposed to take care of that?” Darien’s brow furrowed as he thought.

“They were, but it’s still going on.” Clara sounded upset by this. “I’ve asked everyone, and no one has any idea who’s responsible.” She turned an accusing eye to Darien. “You aren’t attacking random people downtown, are you?” she asked pointedly.

Darien grinned at her. “No, but if I change my mind, I’ll let you know,” he teased.

“If the passing of Samhain doesn’t stop it, we will have to go hunting again.” Clara sighed heavily.

“Let me know if you need a hand,” Darien offered his help. “Random attacks downtown are bad for business.”

“So is getting married.” Elliot grinned, earning him more mirth from his friends. The music changed to something more befitting of a club, and Elliot looked out to the dance floor. “I think it’s my turn to go save your young lady from the clutches of that wolf.” Elliot turned his attention back to Darien and Clara. “Please excuse me.” Bowing his head, he left to claim Vicky for a dance.

“I’d almost forgotten how much fun he could be.” Clara smiled as she watched Elliot interrupt Rupert and Vicky.

“I remember a time when you couldn’t stand him,” Darien said thoughtfully. “You were so mad at me for bringing him home that you refused to talk to anyone for nearly two years.”

Clara chuckled at the old memories. “He did everything he could think of to get on my good side.” Clara’s eyes held a distant look as she remembered. “Flowers, gifts, the occasional peasant.”

“Which always caused me more problems than it was worth,” Darien laughed. “I never found out why you stopped hating him.” He raised an eyebrow, hoping she would fill him in.

Clara made a contented sound deep in her chest. “You remember that golden locket I use to wear?”

“Your mother’s locket?” Darien remembered the piece of jewelry that Clara carried everywhere.

“Yes.” She nodded her head. “The chain broke, and I dropped it into the river near the house one night.”

“I remember. You were so upset about losing it that you refused to eat for days.” Darien nodded.

“Elliot spent two weeks in the river looking for it.” Clara looked out at the man swaying Vicky around the room.

Darien couldn’t keep the surprise from showing on his face. “That explains why he kept coming in just before sunrise soaking wet.” He shook his head. “No matter how hard I questioned him, he refused to tell me what he was doing in the river.”

Clara let out another contented noise. “He can be a nice man when he wants to be,” she pointed out.

Darien agreed. “And, he can also be a real piece of work when he doesn’t.” Darien chuckled. “But can’t we all?”

Clara agreed. They watched the activity on the dance floor for a while longer.

“It’s getting late,” Darien pointed out. “I think it is time for me to take Vicky home and see to those wings.”

“Ditching your own party?” Clara teased.

“Hey.” Darien’s offended act would have been more convincing without the grin splitting his face. “It’s my handfasting; I can ditch it if I want.”

Clara giggled. “Go claim your bride and take her home.” She pushed on Darien’s arm lightly, heading him towards Vicky. “Have a good night.”

“I plan to.” Darien set his glass down and went out to where Elliot was sharing Vicky with someone else.

It took a while for Darien to extract Vicky from the dance floor. Everyone wanted to congratulate the happy couple once they found out that Darien wanted to leave. He had never been so happy to finally reach the door. Darien held on to Vicky’s hand and led the way out of the warehouse. He felt the barrier brush across his skin, but Vicky stopped just inside the door. “What’s wrong?” Darien turned back to see why she hadn’t followed him outside.

Vicky pressed against the hardened air in the doorway. “I can’t get through.”

Darien tried to pull her hand out of the building, but it wouldn’t pass through the doorway. Anger rose in him as he stepped back inside and led Vicky off toward the woman he was sure was responsible for this problem. “Lady Aine!” Darien called as he approached the queen sitting on a low stool that Vicky recognized from her first visit to Fairy. “What is the meaning of this?” he demanded as he stopped in front of the queen.

Her eyes twinkled dark before she feigned innocence. “My dear Kian.” The queen’s words were sweet. “What troubles you?”

Darien clenched his jaw and reminded himself that they were still in an extension of Lady Aine’s kingdom. Things could go very badly if he were not careful. “My dear Lady.” He bowed, playing her game again, “I have come to bid you adieu and to ask that you release my love from your realm.”

The queen smiled, seeing Darien had caught on. Had he been demanding, she would have made him do more than beg for Vicky’s release. “Remember this night, Dubhlainn,” the queen warned. “You must be more careful with your things. Cailín is more than half mine at the moment. If I were someone else, or if you were less respected here, she could have suffered more.”

“I will remember, My Lady.” Darien nodded. “May we pass?”

Aine raised an eyebrow at Darien. “You could always drive the magic from her here and go without my leave,” the queen suggested.

Darien chuckled at this. “I’m sure that Victoria would much rather deal with this in the privacy of our own home.”

“Such a pity.” The queen sighed. “I am sure she is as lovely as you are when lost in the throes of passion.”

Vicky’s eyes widened as she caught on to what they were talking about.

Darien wrapped his arm around Vicky’s shoulders and drew her closer to him without comment.

“Do you choose to deal with this on your own, without my help or hindrance?”

Darien paused on the verge of answering and thought about his options. Gauging the queen’s smile, he tried to determine if he were going to need her help, or if this was something he and Vicky would be able to take care of on their own. He looked to Vicky’s wide-eyed expression and back to the curve of the queen’s lips. “By your leave.” Darien bowed his head. “I think it would be better if I took her home.”

Lady Aine laughed at his choice. “As you wish, Kian Dubhlainn.” She smiled at them. “Take cailín and her sensitive morals home, but know that the costs will be higher if you have to come back for my help.”

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