Read Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 Online

Authors: Marie James

Tags: #Romance

Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1 (27 page)

BOOK: Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1
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I close my eyes and hum my bliss as he pushes in and out of my mouth indulgently. Once or twice he goes too deep but backs off immediately when the first sign of gagging shows. My hands are gripping his thighs, loving the rigid feel of his muscles as he glides himself in and out of my mouth.

“Em,” he moans roughly, and I raise my gaze to his. I know what he’s asking, and I nod slightly. “Oh fuck,” he gasps reverently. “Perfect,” he praises just as the first jet hits my tongue. I repeatedly swallow as he orgasms, and I have to smile as his eyes become glassy from his release.

He falls from my lips, and I smile up at him. His thumb runs along my lower lip collecting a few escaped drops, and he dips it into my mouth. I watch his eyes roll in his head when I suck the tip of his thumb, removing his offering. It’s not the greatest taste or texture in the world, but knowing how much it pleases him makes me want to do it daily.

“I hope it was as good as your other blowjobs,” I tell him.

“What other blowjobs?” he asks dismissively. It brings a smile to my face knowing I can please him.

He pulls me up by my arms and turns me toward the back wall of the shower. He grips my hip and pushes on my upper back, folding me almost in half. I place my hands on the bench I just stood from and gasp when I feel his hot mouth on my pussy.

“You don’t seem nearly dirty enough for a shower,” he says between hot swipes of his tongue. “Let’s remedy that shall we?”


“What do you mean we can’t stay here?” I ask him as we dry off and dress.

“I know I wasn’t the best company yesterday in Colorado.” I huff at him because he was pretty much an asshole. “I got a text from Wrench.” I stiffen as he continues. “He pretty much indicated that your husband knew you were back in Colorado. It set me on edge, and all of my focus was on making sure we made it safely back. Now Wrench is pissed, and I think he and Bobby are going to try something. I don’t have all of the information yet.”

“Where will we go?” I bend over and tie my sneakers.

“Back to the clubhouse, Em.” I frown up at him. “I know you don’t want to be there, but it is the safest place for you.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to be there…” I trail off because I have to keep in mind that the shit Bunny has pulled has nothing to do with Diego.

“I told you, Em. Bunny is gone. She’s been told she’s not welcome there, and she won’t be back,” he assures me.

He walks up and places his hands on my hips. Kissing my neck, he calms my frazzled nerves. I have no idea how long it will take me before I’m over the shock of seeing a naked woman in his bed.

“Thank you for coming after me and explaining last night,” I say into his chest.

He laughs like I left him no choice. “I’ll always come after you, Em. I just hope that it was the last time. I don’t like you running from me.” He leans in close to my ear and whispers, “but I love the make-up sex.”

I pull away and slap his chest playfully, but then settle my hand against his chest and look into his eyes. “You’re an amazing man, Diego.”

He just nods at the compliment and pulls me to the door.

“Kid is going to grab Ollie from Doc’s, but we need to get to the clubhouse. We’re going on lockdown, and until we settle this shit with Bobby and Wrench, I don’t want you off the premises.”

Chapter 38

Emmalyn seems to have settled back into the clubhouse nicely. I’m certain removing the threat of Bunny and her inappropriate antics is a huge relief for her. There has been no backlash because of her exile from the club like I had originally anticipated. The guys and other women here grew fond of Em in my absence, and they were actually pissed that Bunny pulled the shit she did. Not one of them has said an unkind word about me forcing her out.

Several days have passed, and we’re still on lockdown. I can’t complain as we’ve spent as much time as possible wrapped around each other. It’s been blissful and makes me want to completely forget the outside world altogether. I know we can’t, and I anticipate some news soon from a few outside sources we have looking into the connection between Wrench and Emmalyn’s husband.

“What are you thinking about?” Em’s soft voice pulls my attention back to her. She’s gently stroking my chest, and I smile at how easily I’ve grown to love her touch. I cherish every one of them.

“Nothing,” I answer.

“Don’t lie to me Diego Anderson. Your brow is pulled in, and you’re all broody.”

“Broody?” I chuckle.

She just continues looking at me forcing me to answer. I love this woman, and I love how she’s growing more comfortable with asking me what she wants rather than just letting things go. She’s growing surer of her opinions and is slowly voicing her concerns now that she knows I respect what she has to say, and there won’t be any form of violent consequence for voicing it.

I pull her head back down to my chest, suddenly missing the feel of her warm breaths against my skin. “I’m thinking about what happens next.”

“Next?” I can feel her smile against my chest and her hand wanders down my stomach.

“Not that kind of next.” I groan when she cups my heavy sack in her tiny hand. “”You said you want a divorce. How soon?”

“As soon as possible,” she says without hesitation. “I want that chapter of my life closed forever.”

“And family?”

She sighs against my chest. “I doubt they want anything to do with me.”

“You need to reach out to them, Em, but that’s not what I meant. Do you want a family, with me? Do you want children, I guess is what I’m asking.” He clears his throat. “Would you consider having my babies?”

She lifts her head and looks me in the eye, and I swear on everything holy she looks elated and heartbroken at the same time. She shakes her head slightly and her lip quivers.

“I don’t know,” she begins.

“I was just wondering, Em. It’s not a decision you have to make today.”

She lays her head back on my chest. “Do I want to have your babies? Of course. I can see us being a family in the future.”

I squeeze her against me tighter.

“I have the implant because Bobby never wanted kids. He said they would cramp his style.” She shifts her weight and buries herself deeper into my side. “I’m grateful he felt that way because I couldn’t handle bringing a child into our lives.” She grows silent for a long minute. “My life before you was… full of pain and abuse, Diego. He’s hurt me pretty bad before.”

I kiss the top of her head and stroke her back gently even though the anger I feel for her husband is at a fucking boiling point.

“I don’t know if I can have kids.”

And that rage tips over. I vow to myself to make sure the man pays for every second of pain he caused this woman, and every minute of heartache she will have to live with even now that he’s gone.

I stay silent because what can I say? Everything will be okay? I don’t know that. I can’t imagine what it would be like for a woman to want something so bad and because of reasons beyond her control, she never will. I know the level of pain I have in my chest, and I imagine it is hundred fold for her. Not seeing this woman carrying my child will be heartbreaking, but it pales in comparison to what a woman would feel.


I might have saved such a serious conversation for a different time had I known the direction it would turn. Emmalyn was extremely quiet after our discussion, and as much as I wanted to sink into her as a way to take her mind off of it, the idea just felt wrong.

I didn’t know what to do and had no words for her. I was completely unprepared for her answer. My heart lit up the second she told me she wanted to have my babies, and I was crushed the next second when she told me she might not be able to. I held her to my chest and died a little inside. She mentioned later that it was something a doctor told her in passing after a brutal attack by Bobby. I can honestly say I hate him even more than some of the terrorist bastards I’ve been hired to seek out and destroy.

I left her sleeping in our bed because I have a meeting with my guys to discuss what our game plan is going to be from now on.

Sitting at the head of the table where I’ve always felt the most power and control has a different feeling when the person we are trying to protect is the woman I love with my entire heart. This isn’t close to home; it’s literally in the middle of my house.

This feud started years ago with Wrench and it’s just festered like a disease every minute he was here. This is the point of no return. He was lucky he was able to walk away after he tried to rape Emmalyn. He wouldn’t have if the other guys hadn’t come in and pulled me off of him. I wish we were alone that day because he wouldn’t even be an issue right now.

The only other time I’ve had the urge to kill on domestic soil was my father and the acts of terrorism that have been committed heinously in the United States. Never once, until Wrench, have I not had the control to just walk away from something that I’ve been forced to deal with.

I should feel bad. I should be ashamed of the horrendous things I’ve imagined doing to him when I play back the different ways that day with Emmalyn could have gone, the way I wanted them to go. I don’t. Not one ounce of remorse, and I only pray now that when he makes his move on me that I have the opportunity to spit on his dying body.

Wrench’s betrayal, in my eyes, is much more reprehensible than Bobby’s. He was in my house when he tried to assault her. He wronged me personally for trying to take something of mine, to hurt the woman I love. It won’t be tolerated. My only worry at this point is one of the other guys getting the shot at him first.

“We have some decisions to make,” I tell the group of guys in front of me. Every patched member of the Cerberus MC is here. Their families, all of which are here at the clubhouse, are in tight quarters and uncomfortable.

They turn all of their attention to the head of the table.

“As much as I would love it, I’m not looking for vigilanty justice here. We don’t move on Wrench and that other piece of shit until they move on us.” I want to grin at the grumbling I hear from a few guys. I’ve already had to shut down talk of a few of the guys going out and taking care of the husband before he can make a move on the club.

“That being said, I think we need to bring in local law enforcement. These two assholes aren’t worth going to jail or even being indicted over.” I watch as heads nod in agreement.

I turn my attention to Shadow. “What have we found out?”

He clears his throat. “Wrench was stupid enough to continue to use his MC cell after he left. We know he contacted the husband in Denver, but must have realized his mistake and he’s stopped using it.”

I smile at several comments about Wrench being a fucking idiot. “Kid?”

“We have several Renegade MC members coming in later today,” Kid says. “They were more than happy to help.”

Shadow cuts his eyes to me. “I don’t know how well that’s going to go over when the local police get here.”

I smile at him. The Renegades are just that, renegades. They have some questionable ethics, but for the most part, they’re good men.

“I talked with Scorpion,” Kid interjects. “He’s aware of who will be here. He just asked to be housed on the other side of the clubhouse.”

I chuckle. “We can accommodate him, but I’m pretty sure the local guys we bring aren’t going to care about a couple bikers smoking weed.” I look at Kid. “That being said, he has to understand that when the families are here that shit happens outside.” Kid nods. “That goes for the women as well. I don’t want the couple of kids here to experience anything they shouldn’t.”

I cut my eyes to Snatch. He holds his hands up like he’s an innocent man. “I got it. Keep my cock in my pants in the living room.”

A couple of the guys chuckle because they know how much of a struggle that may be for him. He’d never do anything vulgar or questionable, but he doesn’t always think before he pulls his dick out. The man is a stallion and a favorite with the club girls.

“Any other business?” I ask looking around the room, realizing that every one of them are here to help because we are a family and not just because I’m the President.

We may end up in a violent situation with Wrench and Bobby and the common factor in all of it is Emmalyn. Each one of these guys is willing to take a bullet, not only for me but for my girl, and that makes my heart shine.

BOOK: Kincaid: Cerberus Mc Book 1
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