Killing Me Softly (33 page)

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Authors: Leisl Leighton

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Killing Me Softly
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Lexi loosened her hold. ‘I’m sorry. Hang on, I’ll just find something to use as a bandage.’ She scrambled over to Lyall’s bags and pulled out a tie and a shirt. Making a pad out of the shirt, she used the tie to secure it as firmly as possible against Cat’s wound. Cat winced as Lexi pressed hard. ‘I’m sorry. But I have to slow down your blood loss.’

Cat’s eyes widened. ‘What about yours?’

Lexi looked down and saw the knife cuts above her breasts and the scratches and bruises Lyall had inflicted. She was covered in blood. ‘Most of the blood’s his.’

Cat closed her eyes against the pain. ‘Did you know you are naked?’

A bark of laughter broke from her lips. ‘I did notice that. It’s bloody freezing out here.’

‘Yeah, well, I think you should put something on. I didn’t save you to then lose you to pneumonia.’ She laughed and then coughed, wincing.

Lexi looked away. ‘He almost killed you.’

‘But he didn’t. He didn’t get either of us. He and his brother have taken too much of our lives already, don’t you think?’

Lexi gripped her sister more tightly, stunned for a moment. If Cat could move forward after what had happened to her, then what was she if she didn’t do the same?

The coward Daemon had called her?

She shook her head. She wasn’t a coward. And she wasn’t going to live her life as if she was. She’d already made that choice before Lyall had grabbed her today. She wasn’t going to step back from it.

Cat’s hand went limp in hers.

‘Cat? Cat! Please don’t leave me. Don’t die.’ She grabbed Cat, shook.

Cat took in a painful breath. ‘Fuck that hurts.’

A hysterical hiccup of sound escaped Lexi but she reined it in. Cat wouldn’t die. Like Lexi, she had found purpose in a new life, with new hopes, new dreams. And now she’d had her revenge and laid her past to rest.

Lexi had felt her sister’s determination. It echoed hers.

The warmth of her sister’s blood seeped through the makeshift bandage. Lexi pressed down harder.

Cat closed her eyes against the pain. ‘I meant what I said before about putting something on. You’ll catch your death out here if you don’t.’

‘I don’t want to leave you.’

‘Stop being so bloody pig-headed. You are allowed to think of yourself, you know. Now, go and do what I tell you. I am the elder.’

‘By two whole minutes!’

‘It still counts. Now do what I say.’

Lexi blinked back the tears. She grabbed Cat’s hand. ‘Here, press down hard. I’ll be right back.’

Lyall had cut her clothes into shreds to get them off her body so she put on a sweatshirt and tracksuits pants she found in his bag in the jeep. They were better than nothing. Returning to her sister, she knelt down by her side. ‘How did you find me?’

‘I felt something was wrong. Billy and I went to find you. We found Nigel instead.’

‘Nigel! Is he . . .?’

Cat shook her head. ‘I don’t know. He was still alive when we found him. He said enough that I knew who had taken you and had a good idea where you might be. So, I picked up the gun Lyall had dropped and came.’

Lexi sobbed out, ‘You idiot. You could have been killed.’

Cat shook her head. ‘I had to come. I had to face him. I had to save you.’

Lexi hugged her sister, kissing the top of her head. ‘I will always need you.’

‘As I will always need you.’

Lips trembling as she held back the tears, Lexi leaned back. ‘Can you sit up? We should try to get you into the jeep and to the hospital.’

‘I’ll try.’

Daemon, Karl and Billy thundered into the clearing to find Alexia trying to help Cat to her feet. Relief washed over Daemon as he hastily dismounted and rushed over to Alexia’s side. Billy rushed forward to grab Cat. Karl secured the horses, his gaze flitting around the scene, rifle cocked and ready.

Daemon took Alexia into his arms and pulled her hard against him. He was trembling, couldn’t stop trembling.

‘Where is he?’

‘He’s dead.’ She pulled back, pointed. He glanced aside, saw the body lying on the ground. ‘Cat shot him.’

Daemon looked down at Alexia, his eyes raking over her as if he couldn’t get his fill.

She was alive.

She was . . . covered in blood. It was matted in her hair, splattered across her face and down her neck. ‘You’re hurt.’ His hands ran feverishly over her.

Alexia took his hands in hers and looked him in the eye. ‘Most of the blood is his. And Cat’s. He knifed her. We need to get her to the hospital. Now.’ He held her for a moment, wanting to say so much, but realising this was not the time. They were all still in shock.

Just then, Craig arrived. Police sirens sounded in the distance. In minutes, the scene was secured, the horses were being taken back to the stables and they were driving to the hospital.

He held Alexia in his arms, unable to let her go. She didn’t seem to object, snuggling into his chest and holding him close.

She was safe.

He intended to keep her that way for as long as he lived.

Longer if possible.

Chapter 27

‘Thank you, Brian,’ the reporter said as Brian Barrowman, anchor of
In Britain Tonight
, threw to her. The screen split in two, their faces side by side. ‘I am here in Fellhaven, a small village nestled close to Hadrian’s Wall. Once a quiet farming community, this small hamlet has recently been rocked by a series of events including rape and murder, and a motive that spans eleven years.’

‘Is it true, Nola, that Lord Spencer James’s nephew is involved?’

‘Yes, Brian. I can confirm that the late Lyall Carruthers James is at the centre of this bizarre tale.’

‘Thank you, Nola. Stay tuned until after the commercial break for more of Nola Somerton’s exclusive report including the breaking news of Daemon Flagherty’s involvement and the identity of reclusive producer AJ Denholm.’

An advertisement flashed onto the tiny hospital television screen as Daemon mumbled, ‘They make me sound like I’m the murderer. Why do you want to watch this?’

Lexi shrugged and glanced at her sister who sat in a wheelchair beside the bed. For the past week and a half she’d been holed up in the hospital. Her injuries, unlike Cat’s, were not severe enough to keep her hospitalised, but Daemon – and her doctors – had insisted on bed rest. Lexi hadn’t minded. While Cat was here she didn’t want to leave anyway. But today they were both being released. And today, the world would find out exactly what happened, courtesy of
In Britain Tonight,
the industrious Nola Somerton and her ‘Deep Throat’ informant in the police.

‘I just do,’ she finally answered him.

‘It’s closure,’ Cat added.

He opened his mouth to protest, but she shushed him as the music for the current affairs program came back on.

‘Welcome back. For those of you joining us, we are going live to Nola Somerton in the Cumbrian village of Fellhaven. Please tell our viewers what you have discovered so far.’

‘This reporter can confirm that Lyall James, nephew of Lord Spencer James, was not only responsible, along with his brother, Lyndon, eleven years ago for the kidnap, rape and torture of Catriona Deningham, but is also responsible for the rape and murder of Jenny Harrison, a young woman who lived right here in Fellhaven, and for the shooting death of Nigel Harris, manager to world-renowned band The Sidhe.’

Lexi squeezed Daemon’s hand and leaned against his shoulder. They were all in shock over Nigel’s death. He’d died on the way to the hospital. The ambulance officers had tried to revive him, but his injuries had been too severe and he’d lost too much blood.

The funeral had already been held – a quiet affair with just Daemon and Craig and Phil and a few people from the industry Nigel had so loved.

‘I’m sorry I missed the funeral.’

Daemon kissed her temple and whispered. ‘When you, Cat and Lis are better, we’ll have a proper send-off.’

‘We can have the wake at StormHaven.’

Daemon nodded. ‘He’d like that.’

He shifted away, although he still held her hand.

She understood. He’d been pulling away over the last few days. Distancing himself. She wanted to shout at him, tell him not to let this come between them, but she couldn’t have that discussion with him now, not with Cat and Billy here. She’d have to wait for later.

Pain digging its claws into her chest, she returned her attention to the report.

‘ . . . the whole area is still reeling from the events of the past few weeks.’

‘That is quite a story, Nola. Have the police confirmed what you have discovered?’

‘They don’t have to. I have in my hands a copy of Lyall James’s diaries.’

She held up a ream of photocopied pages. ‘While full of the ramblings of a madman, these diaries explain Lyall’s actions and the reasons for going after Alexia Deningham, aka renowned producer AJ Denholm, and her sister, the involvement of The Sidhe and their manager. Please stay tuned for this exclusive report on the case that has rocked London.’

Lexi held her breath. This was what she needed to know. The detective in charge of the case had told her what they’d found in the nearby rundown house Lyall had used as a base. But that information was dry and clinical compared to what the reporter had found out. How the reporter had got her hands on Lyall’s diaries was unclear. What was written in those diaries was not.

‘Lyall was abused by his older brother, Lyndon, from the age of five. The abuse – sexual and physical – created what can only be described as a psychotic sociopath far worse than his brother. Lyall’s parents have been questioned by the police about their knowledge of the abuse at his brother’s hands but I have been unable to gain access to that interview. My source informs me, though, that due to their religious beliefs they had refused the help of modern psychiatry and medication, just as they had with their elder son Lyndon. But after Lyndon’s conviction, they sent Lyall to Europe, where he was to stay in seclusion. Mr and Mrs James refused to comment when I contacted them, but my source tells me that he escaped after a few years and disappeared. Despite hiring private detectives, they never found him.’

As old images of the Jameses entering court with Lyndon flashed on the screen, Lexi swallowed hard, holding Daemon’s hand tight in hers.

The report continued. ‘In the meantime, Lyall had begun his search for Alexia Deningham without any luck until he happened to see footage of the band, Temptation’s Fool, leaving a gig, and Alexia was with them. He discovered then that she had changed her name to AJ Denholm and he began to follow her career through the papers. Miss Denholm’s notorious love of privacy and secrecy frustrated his efforts to find her address or the studio she worked at. In the diaries, he mentions sending letters to her, care of her manager. He managed to insinuate his way into The Sidhe’s management company because he knew Craig’s brother had been friends with the Deningham twins. He worked his way up to personal assistant to Nigel Harris with the object of finding Miss Denholm’s whereabouts from Craig. But when it became obvious Craig was keeping her secrets, he manipulated Daemon Flagherty so he would demand to work with the best producer in the business, AJ Denholm. His plot worked.’

Lexi’s stomach twisted as Daemon’s hand jerked in hers. The report continued, images of Fellhaven, the church hall, the tree where Jenny was found, the road where Melissa was forced off the road, spliced together in a gruesome montage.

‘Turn the damn thing off.’

Lexi blinked as the room fell silent.

‘I shouldn’t have let you listen to that.’

Daemon’s hands chafed hers, bringing warmth.

‘I wanted to. I had to hear. I had to understand why. Now I know that there was nothing I could have done to change what happened. There was no reason apart from insanity.’

‘Are you okay?’ Daemon asked.

She looked across at her sister who looked as pale as she felt. Cat nodded slowly, her eyes meeting Lexi’s in silent agreement, understanding. ‘We’re going to be okay.’

‘Yes. We are.’

‘But don’t you want them to pay?’ Billy asked.


‘The Jameses.’

Lexi frowned. She felt his rage, shared it even. But she shook her head. ‘A long time ago I would have said yes but now . . . ’ She shrugged. ‘I feel sadness and pity for them. They have suffered in their own way.’

‘But they did nothing,’ Daemon said. ‘They knew what their son was and did nothing.’

‘You’re right, Daemon,’ Cat said. ‘They ruined our lives and the lives of countless others with their mistake.’ She paused. ‘But I think Lexi will agree with me when I say pursuing the parents will not change anything. It will only dredge up the past. I don’t want to keep reliving that nightmare.’

Lexi nodded, her eyes on Daemon. ‘A part of me wants revenge. But Lyndon and Lyall are dead. They can’t hurt us any more. Reliving what’s happened can. I want to start afresh. I don’t want to think about the past any more.’

Cat nodded, looking at Billy. ‘Can you understand that?’

Billy shook his head, rubbed his jaw, then dropped his hand to his side with a sigh. ‘I suppose you’re right. Besides, I don’t think the Jameses will get out of this scot-free. The media have got their teeth into this now. Leave it to them to savage those who need to be savaged.’

‘As long as they don’t turn their teeth on Alexia, I’ll be happy,’ Daemon muttered, looking down into her eyes. ‘Do you think you can handle them?’

Hope kindled inside her. It was the first time he’d looked at her like that since before Lyall had taken her. ‘If you’re with me, I can handle anything.’

Cat smiled as she squeezed Billy’s hand. ‘Ditto.’

Billy returned her smile, kissed her and then pulled back. ‘Let’s get you out of here.’

‘Yes please,’ Cat said. As Billy began to push her to the door, she turned and winked at Lexi. ‘A prince pushing my chariot – what more could a girl ask for?’

‘A prince, am I?’ Billy asked, leaning down to whisper something else in her ear as he pushed the wheelchair out the door.

Her laugh chimed through the room.

Lexi smiled. Cat was on her way to recovery, both physically and mentally. Knowing that made what came next almost bearable.

Turning back to Daemon she raised her brow.

It was time. She couldn’t continue on without knowing if he was going to walk away or not.

The thought hurt.

‘We need to talk,’ she managed to say.

He sighed, dug his hands into his pockets and looked away. ‘I guess I knew this was coming. You want me to go.’


‘You blame me for bringing Lyall to your door.’


Daemon turned his head so she couldn’t see his face. ‘How could we have missed what Lyall was? How could Nigel have been duped?’ His voice cracked.

Tears welled up in her eyes. This wasn’t how she thought this conversation was going to go at all. ‘I don’t blame you for that. I thought you blamed me for Nigel’s death.’


‘Well, if it weren’t for Lyall coming after me, Nigel would still be alive.’

‘You don’t really think that’s true, do you?’

She shook her head. ‘In the past I would have taken on that guilt as if it were my own, but I know now where the blame belongs. So, no. I don’t think I’m responsible, but I’d understand if you felt that way.’

‘That’s bullshit.’ He grabbed her hands. ‘I don’t blame you for that. It’s not your fault. However, you have the right to blame me.’

She looked up.into his brilliant blue eyes. They swam with emotion and she grasped his hand. ‘Why would I blame you?’

‘You have every right to hate me for what I put you through. For bringing him to your door.’

‘I could never hate you.’ She stroked his face with trembling hands. ‘Never.’ She touched his lips and then let her hand drop away. ‘But if you don’t blame me, why have you pulled back from me in the past few days? It feels as if there’s a chasm between us and I’ve been figuring out how on earth I can cross it.’

‘You want to cross it?’

He tipped her chin up when she didn’t answer. ‘Alexia?’

‘Please don’t touch me if you’re going to go away.’ A tear fell from her eye, followed by another. ‘I couldn’t stand it.’

He pulled back. ‘You want me to go away?’

‘God, no! That’s what I was coming to tell you when Lyall found me. But then he took me and I was so afraid I’d never get to tell you, but when you came and then later in the hospital, you were so distant. I couldn’t bear it. I thought you’d changed your mind; I thought you’d given up on me. I understood why you would, but it hurts.’ She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, fingers clenched at her sides. ‘It hurts.’

‘Alexia,’ Daemon whispered. His fingers slid across her cheeks. ‘Alexia, look at me.’ She opened her eyes, gazing right into the depths of his. He smiled, that crooked smile she loved. ‘What were you coming to tell me before Lyall took you?’

Her lips trembled and the words sighed out of her. ‘You’d asked me to let you love me, but I ran after you, trying to find you, to tell you, you’d got it wrong. I needed to let you know I wasn’t scared any more. I needed you to give me another chance. I needed . . . you. I need you. You are my heart, Daemon. I love you. More than I ever —’

Her words were cut off as his lips took hers in a kiss that spoke of hunger and need and passion and joy.

‘Daemon,’ she gasped when he let her mouth go to kiss her eyes, her cheeks, her forehead, his fingers cupping her face as if he was afraid to let her go.

‘Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that?’

She shook her head, a laugh bubbling in her throat that quickly turned into a moan as he tipped her head back and sucked on the pulse point at the base of her neck. ‘Daemon.’

‘I love it when you say my name like that.’ He kissed and licked up her neck and then drew her earlobe into his mouth.

‘I don’t understand, Daemon. I thought . . . ’

He kissed her lips, then her nose, his mouth curved into a smile against her jaw. ‘I know what you thought, but you were wrong. I was holding back because I didn’t know if you could bear for anyone to touch you or be close to you ever again after what Lyall had done. When I heard that he had you, I was so afraid. I’ve never been so afraid in my entire life. I could have lost you. But even after we found you, and Lyall was dead, the fear didn’t go away. The void of my life spread out in front of me because I was so afraid that I’d pushed too hard and driven you from me with my bullshit even before Lyall took you. I was afraid you would never forgive me for not being there when you needed me the most. I wanted to show you how much I love you, but I didn’t want to make it worse for you than it already was. I failed you and I —’

‘Shh.’ She touched his lips, silencing him. ‘You never failed me. Never. You made me fight harder when I was in that clearing. Just the thought of you waiting for me gave me strength. And now you’re here.’ She took his hand from her face and placed it over her heart. Then placed her hand over his. ‘Just as I’ll always be here.’ She looked deep into his beloved blue eyes. ‘I love you.’

Daemon pulled her to him, sliding her onto his lap, hugging her tightly. ‘I love you, Alexia. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. You complete my heart and soul in ways not even my music does. I don’t know where I end and you begin. I can’t live without you now I know what it’s like to have you in my life. Don’t make me live in that void again. Marry me. Complete me.’

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