Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3) (12 page)

BOOK: Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3)
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“Please,” she begged.

“Please what?” he teased. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to put your mouth…there.”

“Uh-uh-uh. Better be more specific, or I might not get there at all.” As if to emphasize she was at his mercy, he flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit, her body jerking in response to the exciting caress.

Lexie wasn’t good with verbalizing during sex, but, at the moment, she was so aroused she’d make herself say anything. “Put your mouth on my…on my…pussy.” She nearly spit the word out.

“There you go.” There was his dark laugh again. “Ask and you’ll get your wish.”

He pressed open her labia, blew a stream of warm air on the sensitized skin, and drew a long line the length of her slit.

Oh god!

She must have shouted it because Killian placed an open-mouthed kiss on her exposed sex, licking her juices and sucking her skin. He took his time, lapping and licking and swirling his tongue, punctuating it with little nips of her clit. Every touch of his tongue and his mouth pushed her closer and closer to release, yet he kept her right on the brink, ready to fly into black-velvet space, yet not…quite…there.

Oh god, he had her teetering on such a fine edge here. Everything was open to him, even, she thought with sudden clarity, her soul.

“Please, Killian.” She cried out her plea, arching her hips up to him as best she could. Between the restraint on her arms and Killian lying between her legs, keeping them wide apart, she was going crazy. She didn’t remember the last time she’d been so on edge, so close to climax without release.

When she was sure she would really lose her mind if he didn’t let her come, he thrust three fingers inside her, sucked her clit into his mouth, and took her over the edge. She jerked and shuddered, quaking with the force of the orgasm, which seemed to go on and on and on. She was just coming down, slowly, body still quivering, when he abruptly eased his fingers from her, reached for a condom, and rolled it on quickly.

“Don’t think I can wait any longer, darlin’.”

Placing his hands beneath her buttocks, he lifted her body to him and, with one swift movement, drove inside her.

Lexie sucked in a breath at the sudden intrusion of the thick cock filling every inch of her.


Killian rose over her, locked his gaze with hers, and took her on the ride of her life. In and out, harder and harder, the restraints of the rope enhancing the eroticism and driving her right up that steep cliff again. In moments, she forgot everything except being in Killian’s control and his cock pounding into her. Everything faded away, the only thing that mattered, the climax hanging just out of reach while her body cried out for it.

Then Killian thrust once more, twice more, and took them both over the edge, his body stiffening as he pulsed inside her and her walls spasmed around him. They shuddered together as if they were one person, and, in that instant, she had the sensation they were. She clung to him as the tremors eased to aftershocks and the aftershocks finally subsided.

This time, when she came down, she was totally spent, limp, unable to move an eyelid. She could barely breathe, and her heart thudded so hard it echoed in her ears. What had happened here? In giving him total control of her body, she’d somehow given him total control of her heart. He’d touched the place deep inside her she’d kept protected for so very long. It thrilled and frightened her at the same time.

Killian gave her a gentle kiss. “That was amazing, darlin’. I hope it was for you, too.”

She wanted to tell him it was more than amazing. That she now felt this deep connection with him, a bonding. She could even see it in his eyes, despite the fact he’d never admit it. So, instead, she adopted a lighter attitude.

“Are you kidding me? Oh my god!”

His eyes darkened to obsidian. “Having your hands tied made it a little spicier, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did. I never knew…. Never imagined….”

“I wasn’t sure you’d want it,” he told her. Then he gave her a slow wink. “Maybe we’ll do it again sometime.”

“I’d like that.” She sighed. “But not tonight, okay?”

“Definitely not tonight.”

“I’m not sure I could even move an eyelash now.” She grinned.

His gaze bored directly into hers, flames dancing in those obsidian eyes. “Next time, darlin’, I might show you a few tricks with that rope. Let you see how you feel when I have those knots placed just so on your nipples and your clit, and in the cleft of that hot ass.”

Lexie trembled at the images his words conjured up. She wanted it all with him, everything. Could they cram it all in over the next couple of nights?

“Damn, I’m going to hate leaving you,” he murmured.

Then don’t
, she wanted to shout, but she pressed her lips firmly together.

She had no idea where Killian found the energy to crawl up her body and release the rope.

“Be right back,” he told her. “Don’t move.”

That was no challenge. She wasn’t sure, as she lay there waiting for him to dispose of the condom, if she’d ever be able to move again.

“I think those sore muscles of yours could use a good massage,” Killian said as he came back into the room. “He placed a soft kiss on her lips, sliding his own back and forth like the whisper of a breeze.

“Oh, that sounds like heaven. I’m ready”

She was surprised when he lifted her from the bed. “Wait. What—?”

“It’s better in the shower. All the hot water is good for your body.” He gave her a soft kiss. “I want to take good care of you.”

The shower was beyond heavenly, especially when Killian slowly soaped every inch of her body, rubbed in the rich lather, and massaged every sore area. By the time they had dried off, she felt she could at least serve them dinner before she collapsed on the bed again. She told him as much.

“You sure?” He lifted an eyebrow. “I’m pretty handy around the kitchen. I can probably figure it out.”

“Nope. Uh-uh. I invited you to dinner, and I’m going to serve it.”

“Okay, then.” He winked at her. “But the towel is all I’m going to allow you to wear.”

She had the food on the table in no time, the hot rolls and butter in the center. She poured a beer for Killian and wine for herself before she sat down. Dinner was relaxed and conversation between them easy and fun. She had never felt so fulfilled, so cherished, so at ease.

If only this could go on forever. You can’t have such great sex with someone if it’s just short term. Right?

How had that thought popped into her head? That wasn’t on the agenda, right?

She was about to take a sip of her wine when she realized Killian was staring at her, a tight expression on his face.

“What?” She frowned. “What’s wrong?” Then she realized she must have voiced her wish out loud. Oh god. Oh holy god.

“Killian, I—”

“You knew the situation from the beginning,” he told her in an expressionless voice. “You knew I wasn’t planning on staying. I can’t believe you said that.”

“Killian, I’m sorry, but…. What would be so wrong if you changed your mind and decided to stay in Red Creek? Would it be the worst thing in the world? Would staying with
be so terrible?” God, she hated sounding so much like she was pleading. But oh, how she’d love it if he’d change his mind.

He downed a long swallow of his beer. “You know I have plans that don’t include this town. I told you so from the gitgo. We agreed the first night we’d enjoy ourselves for this one week, remember?”

“I do, but who says things can’t change? And they did. You can’t deny it.”

“Say they did. There’s still that other thing. You know how I feel about a long-term relationship. I’m a bad bet for any woman, but especially one who has as much to offer as you. I’m trying to save you from disaster.”

“Save me?
Save me?
” Anger washed over her. She was so tired of him putting himself down that way, especially over something that did not have to be true.

“Yes. You should thank me. I’m thinking of you.”

“What a crock of shit.” She slammed her napkin down on the table. “You are your own person, Killian. It’s not as if you have some dread hereditary disease, for heaven’s sake.”

He glared at her. “It
hereditary. Or at least I feel like it might be.” He drained his beer and stood up to get another from the fridge.

Even in the midst of her anger, Lexie couldn’t help admiring the fine shape of his ass beneath the towel or the broad muscular back. What a waste of an incredible man if he let his opinion of his heritage destroy his life.

“So, you’re never going to fall in love?” she demanded. “Never get married? Do you know how stupid that sounds?”

“It’s not stupid at all. It’s the truth.” He uncapped the beer and took a long drink straight from the bottle. “What if I took a chance, and I was right? Someone like you can’t imagine what it would be like to make a mistake in a personal relationship.”


“Is that so? Someone like me? Well, I made a monumental mistake, and I’ve regretted it ever since.”

“Like what?” he challenged.

“I went to art school in Savannah. Yes, art school,” she repeated, when she saw his expression of skepticism. “Even people in Red Creek can love the arts.”

“I didn’t mean—”

“Oh, yes, you did. I saw it on your face. See? See what happens when you make assumptions?” She swallowed some of her wine. “So I met someone in art school, a very talented painter. His name was Rick.”

“Let me guess.” His mouth twisted in a grimace. “The two of you fell in love.”

“At least one of us did,” she snapped. “But he had an ulterior motive. I was in line for a prestigious award and the possibility of my own show. He made me feel so special about it, encouraged me, told me he was so happy for me.” She snorted. It had been a big fat lie.

“What happened?”

“Rick came from a very wealthy family. I learned afterwards he bought off two of the judges, including the gallery owner. My two closest friends, the ones who told me to dump him from the beginning, told me to fight for myself, but I didn’t have the heart.”

He scowled. “And Rick? What did he do or say?”

“Oh, he was all consoling and everything. Said he knew I really deserved it. But I knew he was lying. And it didn’t take more than a couple of days before he wasn’t even hanging around anymore.” She dashed a hand at her eyes again. “Can you imagine what a fool I felt like?”

He stared at her. “So, you packed up and came home? Why didn’t you stay and fight for yourself?”

“Why aren’t you staying and fighting for the person I know you are?” She drained her wine. “I know we haven’t been together very long, but you can’t deny there’s something special between us. You know, you can raise horses anywhere. Even here in Red Creek.”

His mouth tightened in anger. “Who told you? I only said I had no plans to stay.”

“That’s not important. Just someone concerned maybe you were going to throw your life away. Horses aren’t much company on a cold night. Don’t you want to find out what we’ve really got?”

“I know what we’ve got. At least what I’ve got. A bad family history. Anyway, speak for yourself. You ran home and left your art behind. Why aren’t you still painting if you’ve got that kind of talent?”

She jumped up from her seat and grabbed his hand. “Come with me.”

“What’s going on? Come with you where?”

“Shut up.” She was going to be sorry, but she was too angry to let it go. She opened the door to her studio room and threw up her arm in a sweeping gesture. “Here. Come take a look. I haven’t walked away from it. I’m trying to reclaim it.” She flipped on the light.

He walked into the room, looked around, and stopped, a stunned expression on his face.

. She had totally forgotten the portrait on the easel. She should have covered it, but she hadn’t planned to bring anyone in here.

“That’s me.” His voice was filled with awe and amazement. “You painted me.”

Lexie blew out a breath. Okay, in for a penny, in for a pound.

“Yes, I painted you. I painted the man I saw. The one I see right now. Look at him. Does he seem like someone who would cheat on his wife? Who’d be the kind of person you think you’re going to turn into? I’ll bet if I asked people who know you, maybe even your mama, they’d tell me they see the same person I do. Someone who’s good and kind and smart and faithful.”

Killian kept staring.

“Maybe you were brought here for a reason, however you got here. Maybe we were supposed to meet. And maybe this is the best place for you to raise your horses. Why can’t you give it a chance?”

Still, he said nothing.

“I painted you as I see you, Killian, strong and caring, and brave and honest. I saw you with an artist’s eyes. Why can’t you see the same things in yourself and get rid of this ridiculous notion about genes?”

“You painted all the artwork in Heart Starter.” Shock was evident in his voice. “You should try for another gallery showing.”

“I paint now for myself,” she told him. “That’s all I need to be happy. What about you? Have you figured out yet what will make you happy?”

She waited, holding her breath, to see what he’d do. When he walked out of the room and headed to the bedroom where he picked up his clothes, she knew she’d lost.

“Damn you,” she said. “Just damn you to hell. Go on. Live your miserable life. Hide away with your horses so you don’t have to be with people. Be sure to tell your mother you aren’t the son she thought she raised.” She waved her arm at the front door. “Go on, go. Get the hell out of here. Next time, I’ll find someone who really appreciates me.”

He stood in the bedroom, dressed except for his shirt. “Lexie.” He looked at her helplessly. “I never wanted to hurt you. You have to know that.”

“I know you’re a spineless coward, so maybe I don’t want you after all. Go on. Out. Right now.”

He was still struggling into his shirt when she pushed him out the door. Looking around the room, she spotted the flowers sitting on the little table where she’d placed them. Impulsively, she picked up the vase, opened the door and threw them, vase and all, down the stairs. They landed in the alley with a satisfying crash. Then she sat on the landing, still dressed only in a towel, and let the tears come.

BOOK: Killian (The Sons of Dusty Walker Book 3)
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