Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance
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Holding her makeup case out to the side like an artist's palette.

Oh, no.

"Chloe, what are you doing to Mr. Saint?"

"He said I could, mom." She doesn't turn around. Instead she finishes applying whatever she's putting onto Killian's face.

"I'm a girl dragon," Killian explains. "Who needed makeup."

"It's perfect," Chloe declares, turning around and stepping to the side.

Killian sits up. "How does it look? Am I pretty? I feel pretty."

"It's mah-velous," Chloe says, affecting an accent.

"Marvelous, right?" Killian asks, looking at me. Purple and green eye shadow is plastered up to his eyebrows and across his temples. His cheeks are an unnatural shade of pink and his lips are fire-engine red. The makeup makes him look more like a deranged clown than a girl dragon.

"That's one word for it." Laughter bubbles up in my chest at the sight of Killian - gruff, bearded, built-like-a-linebacker Killian - covered in Chloe's makeup, and I have to cover my mouth with my hand, my chest shaking so that Chloe doesn't see me laughing.

"It's beautiful!" Chloe decrees.

"At least someone appreciates the effort I've put into my appearance," Killian deadpans, and I actually snort, covering it up by doubling-over and coughing loudly. "Did you just snort?"

"Oh yeah, she does that when she sleeps, too," Chloe says.

"Oh, really?" Killian asks.

"Yeah, she's really loud sometimes."

"I do not snort! Or

"Your kid just ratted you out," Killian points out.

"Oh be quiet, fashionista."

"You're jealous of my beauty."

"The dragon needs her nails done too," Chloe interrupts.

I look at Killian, my eyebrows raised. "That sounds like a great idea. Nail polish would really tie the whole thing together."

"I don't know about that "

"I have all different colors!" Chloe exclaims. "They’re in my room."

She dashes off to her room and Killian looks at me. "Don't pretend you're not turned on, cupcake."

"I'll try to maintain control over myself." I pause for a second. "Thanks for letting her do that."

Killian shrugs. "What's a little makeup? It washes off."

I look at him blankly.

Now he looks worried. "It
wash off, right?"

Chloe bursts back into the room, two hands full of mini nail polish bottles in a rainbow of colors. "You can even use all of the colors!"

"All of the colors?" Killian asks. "Lucky me."


he's already asleep
." Lily rounds the corner from the stairs and stops short when she sees me. "It's been like two minutes since I said goodnight to her." She giggles. "You're still looking mah-velous."

"I tried to find something in your bathroom to clean up with, but all I saw were white towels." I suddenly feel awkward standing here in her house with her alone, despite the fact that I should have felt a hell of a lot more awkward an hour ago when Chloe was applying layer after layer of makeup on me.

"I should have told you where to find a washcloth. There are some in the linen closet."

I follow Lily down the hall. "I didn't want to go poking around in your stuff."

Lily opens the linen closet, turning toward me to raise her eyebrows. "I thought that's exactly what you wanted to do," she says, her voice laced with innuendo.

And there it is. The second she says anything remotely sexual, my cock twitches, reminding me of exactly what I want to do with her. "You know me well."

Lily laughs as she steps into the bathroom, holding the washcloth under the tap. "Actually, that's not true at all. I know you hate Brussels sprouts, do the crossword, and have three brothers. And that you’re not an ex-convict. And that you look good in lipstick."

"You know more about me than most people." That's the honest truth.

She looks at me over her shoulder. "Actually, I do believe that."

"I hate mushrooms, too. A lot." I reach for the washcloth, but Lily steps close to me. "And I like building stuff. And working with leather.”

She raises her eyebrows. “Leather, huh? I thought you said you weren’t springing any weird fetishes on me.”

“I said I wouldn’t spring them on you,” I remind her. “I’m going to ease you in gently.”

She touches the cloth to the side of my cheek. “I can’t tell when you’re joking.”

“I know. It helps me maintain an air of mystery.”

She goes silent, dragging the cloth across my temple. "Chloe really did a number on you."

I close my eyes as she wipes off the eye shadow that has to be caked on an inch thick. "She's a pretty alright kid."

Lily laughs. "Yeah, she's not so bad. I think I'll keep her." She pauses for a second. "You didn't have to let her paint you up."

"I know." I stand still as Lily wipes the other side of my face and my eyelid. When she finishes, I open my eyes to see her right in front of me, the edge of the cloth in her hand.

"I bet this is the last thing on earth you thought you'd ever hear someone say to you, but you have lipstick on your beard," she says, laughing.

“I’ve heard it before,” I deadpan.

“Are you just waiting for me to beg you to tell me about the leather thing?” she asks, putting the edge of the cloth to my beard.

“I’m waiting for you to beg me in general.” My hands slide around her hips, and I pull her against me. “I’ll show you the leather stuff. It’s less kinky than it sounds.”

“I don’t know whether to be relieved or disappointed.”

“I do leatherworking – custom saddles, that kind of thing. It’s always been a hobby. And, don’t worry. I don’t need leather to be kinky.”

“Oh, really?”

“Uh-huh.” I bring my lips down hard on hers, the way I’ve been thinking about nonstop since she left my cabin. Hell, I've been thinking about it pretty much nonstop since I met her, if I'm going to be honest about it. I haven't been able to get my mind off those lips.

Or the way her body melts against me. Or how her tongue responds to mine and she presses against me, her hips on my hardness.

When she moans, the sound half-muted by my mouth, it's my undoing. In an instant, I'm pulling her shirt over her head as her hands slip underneath mine. She yanks at my shirt, wordlessly demanding its removal, and I toss it onto the floor behind me. I slip off her bra, my mouth quickly replacing it as my tongue circles her nipples one at a time.

Her hands are at the back of my head and she moans softly as her nipples come to attention. When she pulls me up, demanding my mouth on hers again, there's nothing soft about it this time. I kiss her hungrily, my need for her unrelenting, and I have to tell myself to slow down because what I want to do is rip off her clothes and fuck the hell out of her right now.

Sliding my hands under her ass, I lift her easily, setting her onto the bathroom counter. She looks down at me, her hair tumbling forward and brushing against my face. Her face is flushed already, her lips smudged with bright red lipstick.

"I want you," she whispers, her eyes trained on me. The rumble that comes from my chest at her words surprises even me.

Those words. The ones I've been wanting to hear.

"Are you sure?" I ask, my voice clouded by my lust for her. I can hardly think rationally, but I know this girl deserves more than a frantic quickie in a bathroom.

But then she reaches for my jeans, pulling me forward as she flicks open the button and pulls. "I want you," she repeats.

"Here?" I should carry her upstairs and fuck her slowly on the bed in candlelight or some shit.


Hell. How am I supposed to argue with that? I slide my hands underneath her skirt, along the outside of her thighs until I find her panties. "Your panties are wet," I note, dropping them onto the floor. "If I put my fingers between your legs, how wet am I going to find you?"

"Very." She tugs on the side of my jeans, demanding their removal. "But I don't want your fingers."

"No?" I reach for a foil wrapper in my back pocket before yanking my jeans down my hips. We’re both clean, but I don’t ask if she wants me bare. It seems too presumptuous somehow.

"Now, Killian," she demands and I practically come imagining her speaking those words when I'm inside her. I roll the condom onto my length, my jeans pooled around my legs, and pull her to the edge of the counter, her skirt up to the top of her thighs, pussy barely visible under the edge of the fabric.

"Tell me what you want, Lily," I say, reaching between her legs. She's soaked, wetness on her inner thighs. "Not my fingers?"

When she speaks, her voice is breathy, her words punctuated by sharp inhales as she pulls me to her. When I bring my cock to her entrance, she slides her hands to the back of my neck, her forehead against mine. "I want your cock," she whispers. "I want you to fuck me now, and fuck me hard."

"Shit, Lily." My hand on her ass, I slide her toward me. I don't bother saying anything else, because I don't want to have a conversation with this woman anymore. I want to fuck her senseless.

So that's what I do. I enter her, slowly at first, until she angles her hips against me, demanding more. She's warm and wet and so tight that I think I'm going to lose my mind as I move inside her with long strokes that are harder while she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Killian," she moans, the sound low under her breath. Her pussy tightens around me as I bring her higher and higher.

"Is this what you wanted?" I ask. "You've been thinking about me inside you?"

"Yes," she breathes. Her nails dig into the back of my neck as she holds onto me, her thighs clamping me tighter as I drive into her over and over until she's panting. I talk to her, telling her all of the dirty things I want to do to her, until I'm too incoherent to form words any longer and she's only repeating my name.

"I'm going to co –" she whispers, but she doesn't get out the words before she does. I cover her mouth with mine as her pussy contracts around my cock, greedily demanding everything from me.

My balls clench and I let go, coming inside her in one furious thrust, letting go all of the pent-up frustration I've had with this woman. Her breath is short, her breasts still heaving when she looks up at me, hair disheveled, and grins. "I needed that."

needed that? Oh, hell. Just wait, darlin’. I just got started."


him upstairs and direct him to my room while I check on Chloe. She's curled up in her bed, her bedspread pulled up to her neck the way she always sleeps. I touch the back of my hand to her forehead. No fever. She doesn't stir; once the kid is out, she sleeps like the dead. But just in case, I flick on her white noise machine.

Then I tiptoe quietly to my bedroom where Killian is waiting. My heart pounds its rhythm in my chest, nervous anticipation overshadowing everything else. I shouldn't be nervous. All of my inhibitions should be gone after fucking him on the counter of the bathroom. And sitting on his face in my bakery. And wrapping my lips around his cock in broad daylight outside of his house.

Hell, I think I might have ditched inhibition a long time ago.

Still, when I see Killian standing there in my bedroom, his clothes discarded on the seat of the armchair by the window, my heart flutters. Having him in my bedroom is different than being in the bakery. Or at his house. Or in the bathroom downstairs.

This feels much more intimate. It is much more intimate. Killian Saint is in my bedroom, my personal space. This might be too much, too soon, for me.

"What's that look?" Killian asks.

"What look?"

"You had a look."

"This is my normal look."

"Nope. I've not seen that look before."

"Well, you just don't know all of my looks."

"I believe that." His eyes, dark and deep, search mine. "Is this too weird?"

?" My voice comes out an octave higher than it usually sounds. "What would be weird about it?"

“Are you okay with having me here?"

I exhale heavily. "Chloe is down the hall, and it's well, she hasn't met anyone. I mean, I haven't brought anyone home. Like a guy. She hasn’t met anyone I’ve been with. I mean, not that I’m
you. We’re not
or anything. We’re just friends. Kind of. I mean, considering you just had your penis inside me, it’s weird to say we’re just friends. Dear God, I can’t stop talking."

"Yeah, now it's getting weird," Killian says, his tone serious. But he steps forward, drawing close to me, his hardness brushing gently against my leg as he pulls me into him.

"Oh, shut up."

"And now we're back to normal."

"Not quite," I say, sliding my hand around his waist and over his muscular ass.

He grinds his hardness into me. "You're right. That's much better."

My nervousness begins to melt away, quickly replaced by lust as Killian pins me against him. "Much better," I repeat as he yanks my cotton skirt down my hips. He slips my shirt over my head, undressing me quickly and tossing my clothing on the floor.

When he kisses me this time, it's not like before when it was frantic and primal. This time, he cups my face in his palms, bringing his lips down lightly on mine. He kisses me, his tongue probing and exploring like we have all the time in the world. I don't know how long he kisses me. It could be hours for all I know, but when he pulls away from me, all of the nervousness and all of the worry about having Killian here – or what to call us – melts away. I'm practically putty in his hand and he knows it.

And by the way he looks at me, his eyes dark and hungry, I think he feels the same.

"Lily." He speaks my name, his voice thick as he presses his hardness against me. "This is what you do to me. Do you know how hard it is for me to think about anything else when I'm around you? The only thing I can think about is how badly I want to be inside you."

"You were just inside me.”

He slides his hands under my ass, and I have to bite my lip to keep from shrieking in surprise as he lifts me up off the ground and carries me to the bed, depositing me gently on my back on the white comforter. I sink into the mountain of pillows on the bed. "I know. But I told you that was nothing compared to what I want to do to you."

"What do you want to do to me?" I whisper.

He climbs over me, his cock grazing my pelvis, and I arch my hips slightly like some kind of involuntary reflex. “I want to make you come over and over.” Then his eyes settle behind me as he reaches for a pillow and tosses it to the floor. “But first, I want to get rid of – how many damn pillows are on this bed?”

“I don’t know. Ten?”

“Ten pillows?” Another one hits the floor.

“I usually put them on that bench by the window,” I chide.

“If I did that, I’d have to climb out of this bed, and I couldn’t hover over you the way I’m doing right now. And that would be a damned shame.” He lowers his hips, brushing his erection over my pelvis again as he throws another pillow, narrowly missing the bench by the window.

“I’d rather you stay where you are.” I palm his cock, watching as it springs to life under my hand.

“Not so fast.” He slides down me, his lips grazing my collarbone, then down over my breasts. I moan softly at the sensation of his tongue on my skin. This time, when his tongue circles each nipple, it’s like a gentle caress – one that I don’t want to ever stop. “I told you, I want to make you come again and again. I want to take my time with you.”

"Then you should do that," I tell him. "But don't take your time."

Killian laughs, the sound low in his throat as he reaches between my legs, his fingers slipping easily inside. Almost immediately, he finds the spot inside me that practically makes my toes curl. "You're demanding," he notes. "Why am I not surprised?"

"I'm not demanding," I whisper back. "But if you keep touching me the way you’re touching me right now, you're going to make me come in no time flat."

"Good," he says, grinning, "because if you think I'm going to be finished with you in one shot, you're mistaken."

"You can't ruin me. You’re not allowed," I murmur as his thumb presses against my clit, in exactly the right spot as he slowly strokes me inside. "I have to be able to walk. I have a business, you know."

"Look at me, cupcake," he orders when I let my eyelids close just for a second. He corrects himself. “Lily.”

"Mmm-hmm." When he looks at me, lust in his eyes, the way he's doing now, it pushes me so close to the edge that I think I'm going to explode. I run my hand over his chest, willing him to bring himself closer to me, to enter me.

"Tomorrow, when you're walking around, I want you to still feel me between your legs. I want you sore and empty and aching for me inside you."

"Oh, God." I whisper the words, already too far gone to be more eloquent than that.

"You're going to have to let go, Lily. You’re going to have to come for me, because I want to feel you come on my fingers before you come on my cock."

"Killian," I warn, because I'm veering too close to the edge.

"Don't worry. I’m going to take you again. I'm going to take you in every possible way. Every part of you is going to be mine.”

I should object. I should protest the fact that this mountain man thinks he can somehow stake his claim on me.

In fact, my lips start to form the words.
You don't own me,
is what I want to say. Except I don't say that. Instead, my brain somehow short-circuits and my body takes over. Instead, I hear myself groan the words, "Fuck me."

And I come. The second I speak the words, I crash over the edge, my orgasm overtaking me like a wave, so intense it threatens to drown me. I'm barely aware when he takes away his fingers. I vaguely hear the crinkle of a condom wrapper, and then he's over me, pressing the tip of his cock against my entrance.

My muscles throbbing, I arch my hips, aching for him to be inside me. The exquisite pleasure of having him inside me is nearly too much to take in my current state. I’m too on-edge, my entire body turned on by his touch. "Oh, hell, Lily." He looks down at me, his brow furrowed as he thrusts inside me. "You just feel so damn good. So tight. So wet."

"Yes." It's the only word I can think of because at this point my brain has officially turned to mush and maybe leaked out of my ears. The only thing I have the capacity to think about is Killian.

Killian's cock inside me. The rhythmic thrusting as he fucks me. Killian's hands pushing mine above my head, fingers interlocked as he pins me down and begins to fuck me harder, deeper. Killian's eyes on mine as he murmurs my name, asking me if I want him to keep going, how I want him to fuck me.

, I beg.
Harder. Deeper. More, more, more.

"I don't want to hurt you," he says. I don't tell him that it's impossible, that I'm so turned on, so wet, there's no way he can hurt me. I just wrap my legs around him, pulling him tighter against me, wanting as much of him as I can get.

He brings me higher and higher, until I’m so hot, so swollen around him that I can feel him pulsing inside me. I can feel his cock throbbing, his dick so hard he must be near exploding.

near exploding. I’m practically delirious. Drunk on him, drunk on sex, drunk on lust. My head is spinning.

“Look at me, Lily,” he orders when my eyes close lightly as I near the cliff, close to diving over the edge. “I want to see you come. I want to see you.”

His eyes say he wants everything from me, and the mere idea sends me hurtling toward orgasm. I cry out, pulling him against me and burying my face in his shoulder as he thrusts deeply inside me – once, twice, three times – groaning my name as he comes. I cling to him as my orgasm envelopes me, more intense than anything I’ve ever felt before.

We stay just like that, with him buried inside me for a while, the only noise in the room the sound of our ragged breath. He brings his lips to my forehead, then to my temple and the side of my cheek, before lightly pressing them to my lips. “That was…”

“I know.” I don’t have any other words.

BOOK: Killian: A West Bend Saints Romance
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