Killer Scents (12 page)

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Authors: Adelle Laudan

BOOK: Killer Scents
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I need a plan
. He frowned.
So much for the theory
he first thing to go is your memory. That old lady sang like a canary
; she
even saw I wore black shoes. Maybe I should pay her a visit.
He shuddered.

Finish what you started

“What was she doing in the bar by herself? She could have called me. Last time I checked I was her partner.” Randy paced. “The
actually walked into the same room
her? Doesn’t she realize just how sick this

Chief Thomson raised his hand. “Calm down. I won’t have you talking to her like that this morning. Yes, she shouldn’t have gone there alone, but in her defence, she had no reason to fear he’d be following her.”

“So what kind of game is
The Florist
playing now? Why Becca? Does it have something to do with

“I don’t have any answers for you. I do know we can’t lose our focus. The results came back from the coroners. He stuffed money in her mouth, and if my hunch is right, her own money. Her wallet was open in her purse and
it was

“Good morning.” Becca breezed into the room, leaving her fresh, feminine scent behind.

Randy caught her attention, but the second his mouth opened, her hand shot up between them.

“Save it. I was wrong...yadda, yadda. Let’s just drop it, okay?”

He searched her eyes only to have her quickly turn her attention to the chief.
She’s got a bug up her ass about something. What the hell did I do to piss her off so bad

“Did the results come back for the note?”

. “They didn’t find anything, no prints, no DNA... nothing.”

“This Florist is sure one smart guy, I’ll give him that
” Randy said.

“Yes, but he’s bound to slip up sooner or later
” Becca countered, narrowing her gaze on him before

“So, I did get a warrant. I want a closer look around that
specially after you two
that bike out there.”

“I hate to do this to Professor Davies. The poor man is such a sweetheart.” Becca sighed.

“Try talk
to him first and make him understand someone on his farm
be suspect.
Maybe y
need the warrant if he gives permission.”

“Okay, I didn’t bring my bike today. How do you want to do this?” Becca gathered her bag and file.

Chief Thomson opened his drawer and tossed a set of keys her way.  “Take the SUV.” He turned to Randy. “You ride your bike. It might come in handy.”

“I don’t want to leave Becca alone.”

The look of surprise on her face confused him.
Doesn’t she know how much I care about her?

“Danny will drive Becca.”

nodded and walked past Randy without a glance. “I’ll see you out there.”

“What did you do to piss her off?” Chief Thomson
looked at him sternly
. “You might want to clear the air. The sooner, the better.”

“Wow, we got our work cut out for us searching this place.” Danny whistled
as he
the driveway.

The sprinkler system sprayed in sheets over the fields, casting rainbows all across the vast expanse of color.

“I think we need to focus on the workers first. I hop
Professor Davies
we don’t have to use this warrant.”

Danny nod
“Looks like you’re going to find out. I take it that’s him?”
He stopped a few feet before the porch.

Professor Davies stood at the top of the staircase leading to an impressive wraparound porch. He leaned
against a column
, giving them a short wave with his free hand.

“Good morning, sir.” Becca rounded the front of the vehicle, extending her hand.
saw the lines of confusion between his striking blue eyes.

“Well, good morning, Becca.” He took her hand in his and kissed the top before looking over at Danny
who stood with his back to them

“I’ll introduce my chaperone when he’s done
on the phone
.” Becca chuckled lightly.

The p
rofessor shrugged indifference. “What brings you here so early? I’m sure it’s not just to say hello.”

smiled warmly. “Please, may we be seated?”

Pain registered on his weathered face as he slowly sat.

“You already know about the killer we’re looking for and how he uses
his signature. There’s been another victim.”

eyes widened
. “I’m sorry to hear it. That makes five?”

“Actually, six. This time he left a white

Professor Davies stroked his jaw. “A white
orchid represents
and truth.
sent to someone to
inspire compassion or
thank them for a random act of

Becca frowned.
I can’t imagine the ruthless attorney being any of those things.
“Last time we were here I heard a motorcycle being kick
. We have a witness who saw
The Florist
leave one of the crime scenes on a motorcycle with a kicker.”

“Let me guess
you think the
?” His
looked down his nose at
her. “Of course you

re entitled to your suspicions, but I find this very hard to believe. The only motorcycle I’ve heard is yours
and his.”

rode up
the driveway, followed by two SUVs.

“We’d like your permission to have a closer look around, including the workers’ bunkhouse.”

Professor Davies struggled to his feet
a weary sigh part
his lips. “I’m too old for all of this commotion. Go look wherever you need to. I can’t be a part of it.” His hand covered his heart.

“Of course. Thank you. We’ll try not to be too disruptive.”

He walked to the door. “I hope you find this guy, but forgive me when I say, I hope you don’t find him here.”

With that, the door mysteriously opened and he disappeared into the privacy of his home. Becca hated seeing him in such a fragile state, but they had a job to do. If The
did his growing
here, they’d find him.

Randy and Becca stood in the driveway with a group of ten officers
given a
of the
with each building labelled. Randy divided the group into two. He’d lead the one
Becca the other.

“Okay, we have a plan
et’s stick to the timeline. If anyone uncovers or comes across a red flag, report directly to Randy or me.”
She glanced in
his direction. “Any questions?”

worker who accompanied them on their initial tour arrived.
smiled and jumped off his jeep-like truck. “Good morning. The boss called me. I have a couple of
ules for you to use while you’re
here today.
I’ll take two drivers with me to pick them up and bring them back here.”

“Rick and...Danny? Where’s Danny?” Randy looked
over his shoulder

“Ah, he got a call and needed to return to the station right away.” Rick shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

Randy levelled a hand above his eyes to block the sun.
“Okay, well this is Jacob, the head honcho around here. You can pick another officer to go with him now, please.”

Rick sprung to action, tapping the
of the nearest officer to join him on the back of the

Jacob eased in behind the wheel. “I’ll be around. If you need anything, just ask.” He slipped
his vehicle into gear.

“Thank you
Jacob.” Becca smiled.
Could Jacob be
he Florist? He sure knows his flowers, but every account of the killer’s appearance ha
him pegged tall and slender, not short and stocky like
Jacob is

returned quickly and split into teams. Becca stood up in the passenger seat next to the driver. “Please, try to be respectful of the professor’s
today. We didn’t need the search warrant, and we’d like to keep our relationship with the man ami
able.” She sat and raised her arm. “Let’s do this thing!”

Chapter Thirteen


Enough is enough!
Whatever was going on with Becca
he needed to get to the bottom of it and he needed to do it now.  Luck
y, he didn’t have to look very far. He stepped outside the mess hall where they were interviewing the workers
and found
her standing in the middle of the roadway, looking up and down the row of greenhouses.

“See anything interesting?” He walked toward her.

Becca startled, spinning on her heel to face him. “Nothing yet.” She step
around him.

Randy touched her arm. “I think we need to talk.”

do you now? When did you decide this?” Her eyes
with anger.

He flinched. “What the hell are you so pissed off about?”

“It’s okay for you to shut down, avoid me, give me the silent treatment, but it’s not okay for me?”

“Becca, you don’t understand.” Randy reached for her hand, struggling with the desire to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless.

She waved his hand away. “Save it. In case you’ve forgotten, there’s a killer out there—a sick
who killed my sister.”

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