Killer Girlfriend: The Jodi Arias Story (4 page)

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Authors: Josh Hoffner Brian Skoloff,

Tags: #TRUE CRIME/Murder/General

BOOK: Killer Girlfriend: The Jodi Arias Story
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Jodi said Travis would always bring up anal sex to her. To him, anal and oral sex
were acceptable under the Mormon faith because they did not involve vaginal intercourse.
Jodi said that Travis had the “Bill Clinton version,” where oral sex, well, wasn’t
really sex.

It was an utterly false rationalization. Chastity means chastity in the Mormon faith.
No exceptions. Jodi also said Travis started sending photos of his erect penis to
her via text message, causing her embarrassment on one evening as she had dinner with
friends in California.

By November 2006, Jodi had decided she wanted to join the church. She said her parents,
siblings and extended family cautioned against the move, urging her to not jump so
quickly into a religion that required so much dedication and commitment. It’s not
the type of religion that you dabble in, they warned.

She met with a church elder to discuss her willingness to adhere to the faith, including
acceptance of the Book of Mormon, her belief that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God
and her understanding of the law of chastity and other LDS tenets such as giving up
alcohol, coffee and tea.

There was a hitch, however. Jodi was still living with Darryl at the time, and Mormons
are discouraged from living in the same house as someone of the opposite sex who isn’t
a family member or a marital partner.

They ran the situation by a church official, who made sure that she and Darryl were
living in separate bedrooms and not intimately involved. She was allowed to join,
and the induction was scheduled for Nov. 26, 2006.

It was the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and the day Travis would baptize her.

Jodi described being nervous as hymns were sung and prayers were read, and a white-clad
Travis stood in waist-high water in a font at the front of the church.

She entered the water, herself dressed in white. Travis dipped her down to perform
the baptism. She was now a member of the Mormon church.

Jodi would later tell the jury at her trial what happened next, but the exact nature
of the encounter and the veracity of the story is impossible to corroborate. She says
she and Travis drove back to a house of a friend where they were staying. As they
entered the bedroom, they began passionately kissing.

It became more intense with each intimate touch of their lips. Jodi says Travis then
spun her around and bent her over the bed and lifted up her skirt, eventually removing
her church clothes. He slid off her panties and proceeded to engage in anal sex. She
says he ejaculated on her back, they kissed, and the tryst was over as suddenly as
it had begun.

Their sexual relationship was not exclusive at this point as Travis wanted to see
other women, so Jodi carried on with her life in California. She went on a couple
dates with other men, but nothing serious came of them.

The LDS component of their relationship served as a juicy subplot throughout the
entire case - at times playing out like a Mormon soap opera as young church members
engaged in wholesome activities while simultaneously gossiping about friends fooling
around in bed and breaking the law of chastity.

Some of the stories ended up being broadcast for a global audience during her trial.
Travis dated a fellow Mormon named Deanna Reid before he met Jodi and they remained
close until his death, with her adopting his dog after he was killed. Deanna and Travis
dated from 2002 to 2005 but broke it off because he wasn’t ready for marriage and
she wanted to settle down.

During Jodi’s trial, defense lawyer Kirk Nurmi pressed Reid for details about their
level of intimacy. Reid was forced to uncomfortably admit in open court that she and
Travis had sex several times. They confessed to their bishop, asked for forgiveness
and moved on with their lives.

Travis made it seem to friends that he was a loyal follower of the church’s strict
moral code, a virgin saving himself for marriage, but he clearly had sexual urges.

He tried to keep up the appearance with the series of Mormon women he dated over
the years even as he lusted for what he called his “dirty little secret” - Jodi Arias.
She was the femme fatale who caused him to stray from his Mormon values, and who would
ultimately cut his life tragically short.

Chapter 6 Lighting the Fuse
Chapter 6
Lighting the Fuse

“Is this a lasting treasure, or just a moment’s pleasure?” -The Shirelles

When looking back at Jodi and Travis’ relationship, think of a stick of dynamite.
The fuse gets lit and slowly burns, crackling with greater intensity as it approaches
the dynamite, then a thunderous explosion ending in a blood bath.

The fuse was lit during that glorious weekend in Las Vegas in 2006. It only burned
faster as the months pass on.

It was now early February 2007. Jodi had known Travis for about five months - a period
in which she was baptized into the Mormon faith, joined Prepaid Legal and fell so
hard for Travis that she was willing to engage in all sorts of sexual acts. Again,
no one but Jodi and Travis know who was the sexual instigator throughout their time
together. Jodi would claim Travis coerced into the raunchiness, but it appeared clear
both enjoyed it equally.

She was ready to take the relationship to the next level.

Jodi finished her restaurant shift in Palm Desert and got in her car and drove to
Mesa. No phone calls, texts or emails to say she was coming - this was a completely
unannounced trip.

She was going to surprise Travis. Jodi testified that Travis made a similar trip
earlier, so she wanted to do the same.

They fooled around in his bedroom most of the weekend, watched TV, hung out with
Travis’ roommate and surfed the Internet. The conversation eventually turned to dating
- and doing so exclusively. They had seen other people in the early months of their
courtship, and there was jealousy on both sides over the thought of either person
being intimate with anyone else.

“When we became what I believed was exclusive it just seemed like the natural next
step,” Jodi would later say.

While they surfed the Internet, Jodi hit the back button to look at something again.
Then she kept hitting the button on the browser until she went all the way back to
Travis’ MySpace page. It’s not known if it was an accident or the work of a woman
who was an admitted snoop, but she found some things she didn’t like.

She saw an old email exchange between Travis and another woman, but it was before
they started getting serious, so she ignored it. They were a couple now, no need to
mess up a good thing with a guy she was already thinking about marrying.

Over the next couple months, Travis and Jodi carried on a long-distance relationship
between Mesa and California, about four hours apart, seeing each other on a regular

They couldn’t spend Valentine’s Day together because of their geographic limitations,
but Travis sent her a gift, she says: a package containing some melted chocolate and
a T-shirt and pink shorts inscribed with Travis’ name.

Jodi thought it was funny because Travis had joked he might do something like that.
The package contained another surprise, Jodi claims: little boy’s Spider-Man-themed
underwear. Photos of the T-shirt and shorts with Travis’ name on them were shown to
jurors at her trial. The jury, however, never saw the mysterious comic book underwear
that Jodi’s defense lawyers hoped to bolster their claim that the victim was a pedophile.

In the spring of 2007, Jodi and Travis took a trip to the Midwest to visit Mormon
holy sites in Missouri and Illinois before they went to a Prepaid Legal convention
in Oklahoma City.

Despite the fact that they were an official item at the time, Jodi says Travis was
closed-off during the trip and refused to give her much attention, in what she perceived
as his unwillingness to be seen as her boyfriend in public. She said he continued
to refuse to introduce her as his girlfriend as the weeks went on.

Her jealousy grew later in the trip when a drunken woman started causing a scene
at the Sheraton where they were staying during the convention. She was bombed out
of her mind, draping herself all over random men and cracking jokes. It was such a
scene that Jodi pulled out her phone to capture some video of it.

The woman was eventually drawn to Travis and started hanging on him. Jodi says Travis
went along with it, and Jodi got mad. She retreated to a bathroom stall and cried.

They made up and went back to their respective homes.

Despite Jodi’s perceived slights at the hands of Travis, the relationship moved along
like most relationships do. There were more trips, even meeting the family.

Jodi got to meet Travis’ grandmother Norma Sarvey during a visit to Riverside. He
still wouldn’t introduce her as girlfriend, she said.

Jodi and Travis shared a desire to travel together. They were both big fans of a
book called “1,000 Places to See Before You Die,” and they tried to cross off the
easy ones on the list in their geographic area such as Sedona, Ariz., Carlsbad Caverns
in New Mexico and the Grand Canyon.

Chapter 7 The Breakup: Jodi Unravels
Chapter 7
The Breakup: Jodi Unravels

“I love him. I could not possibly love him not, though I wish I could stop.” - Jodi

Jodi and Travis broke up in late June 2007. She says he was cheating on her so she
ended it. Travis’ friends say he felt she was becoming increasingly obsessive and

In most breakups, couples want to get away from each other. They move out, avoid
public places where they might see the other person, sometimes even relocate to different
cities for a fresh start.

Not Jodi.

A few weeks after they broke up, she actually moved from California to Mesa to be
closer to him.

She lived there until the spring of 2008 - a tumultuous period of her life that she
later described as a roller coaster of emotions. Passionate lovemaking sessions, followed
by nasty fights. The fuse was burning real fast by now.

“I was making a string of bad choices during that time in my life,” Jodi would tell
jurors at her trial.

Jodi had all sorts of hard luck while in Mesa. She had a roommate right after moving
to Arizona, but then the roommate ran off to Las Vegas with her boyfriend and got
hitched. Jodi had to find a new place to live, and just so happens, she found one
just a few minutes from Travis.

He was a little upset and caught off-guard by the decision because such a move might
put her in the same Mormon ward. How could he possibly move on and find a nice companion
at church events if Jodi was always lurking? Jodi made sure she ended up in a different
singles ward, so everything was fine in that regard.

She was making questionable financial decisions at the time, struggling so badly
to make payments on her 2004 Infinity G-35 that she relinquished it to the dealership.
Her restaurant jobs weren’t paying much and she was running up debt with her parents
and other family members.

To earn extra money, she would clean Travis’ house.

Travis began dating a girl named Lisa Andrews after Jodi. He first met Lisa at church.
She was Mormon, too. They talked at ward gatherings and later started texting and
talking on the phone. They started dating in July, right after the breakup with Jodi.
Lisa was 19 at the time, about 10 years younger than Travis.

They dated off and on for roughly seven months, and drama seemed to follow them every
step of the way. Travis had just turned 30 and kept telling Lisa that he wanted to
get married - he was ready to give up the single life and settle down with a nice
Mormon girl. Lisa wasn’t quite ready for that, still less than two years out of high

She didn’t know quite what to think when she heard a rumor going around her circle
of Mormon friends and family: Travis was seeing someone else. It turned out to be
Jodi. On top of that, he and Jodi had been taking out-of-town trips together in what
Travis brushed off as innocent little excursions.

Lisa broke it off, but the always-persuasive Travis convinced her that they should
give it another shot. They got back together but broke up again after Lisa said she
became uncomfortable with Travis’ unrelenting talk of marriage. She dumped him a second
time, but again, they got back together.

Then, on Dec. 8, Lisa got a disturbing email from an anonymous sender.

It read:

“You are a shameful whore. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms
you’ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more
time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of
evil. You are driving away the Holy Ghost, and you are wasting your time. You are
also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. … You cannot
be ashamed enough of yourself. You are filthy, and you need to repent and become clean
in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only
yourself, but him, as well as become clean in the eyes of God. Is this what you want
for yourself? Your future, your salvation and your posterity is resting on your choices
and actions. “

She never could prove who sent it, but only one person came to mind: Jodi.

Things kept getting stranger.

On Feb. 2, 2008, she and Travis were hanging out at his house one night when they
heard a knock on the door. No one was there. They didn’t think much of it, but later
came to find the tires of Travis’ car were slashed.

They called Mesa police but got sick of waiting for the cops to show up, so no police
report was ever filed. No one could ever prove it was Jodi, but suspicions were aroused,
and after the killing, friends were certain she was culprit.

It didn’t stop there.

Jodi admits that she was a complete mess during the post-Travis breakup period, as
marked by the stalking episodes and another time when she sneaked into Travis’ house
through the doggy door. In another previous stalking episode in August 2007, Lisa
and Travis were at his house Jodi showed up and peered through the window.

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