Killer Diamonds (4 page)

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Authors: Michael Goins

BOOK: Killer Diamonds
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“Nique, this shit is big.”

She sighed, “How big?”

“Like sixteen point five million dollars big.”

“Oh my God Skillz! What are y’all fittin’ to do? Rob a bank?”

“Something like that, but we aren’t going inside. The bank is coming to us.”

Monique sat up on the bed and crossed her legs. “What do you mean?”

“You know old lady Sanco?”

“Everybody knows her. Y’all going to kidnap her or something?”

“Nah, we’re just going to take her diamonds.”

“Skillz, if you get caught for that, you’re never going to get out of prison. That’s the richest white lady around here.”

“We good Nique. You know Hitman knows his shit.”

Monique fell quiet thinking about what Skillz had just said. Then she suddenly smiled. “You going to put one of those diamonds on my finger?” She held out her hand and wiggled her ring finger.

“Yeah, I’m going to call it the Sanco wedding.”

“You say sixteen point five million dollars? I’m going to have your baby.” She grabbed his dick teasingly. “Do you love me Skillz?”

“Hell yeah I love you.” He braced himself on his elbows to look at her.

“You wouldn’t think bad about me if I put your dick in my mouth would you?”

The thought of Monique sucking his dick instantly aroused him. He began to swell in her hand. “Nah baby, we’re going to be together.”

She looked at him considering. Then she licked her lips and smiled. Monique buried her face in his midsection. When the warm sensation from her tongue enveloped him, he grabbed her by the back of the head and began to coax her down his shaft. Skillz closed his eyes. “Hell yeah I love you.”

Chapter 5

              Tip was running late again so she choose to take a shorter route to work after dropping Dice off at work. She was the receptionist for a loan company named Wellman, and at that particular moment, she was about twenty minutes away from being suspended. Tip made a stop at the corner pantry on Ebenezer and Franklin to grab a few items to take to work with her. Specifically, a mango and pineapple soda. After she grabbed her favorite drink, she made a quick detour down the candy aisle for a bag of Reese’s Pieces. Out of nowhere, someone squeezed on her ass so hard it hurt. She jumped and turned around to see Time standing there.

“Nigga what is your problem, touching me like that.”

“You don’t miss me Tip?”

“You can’t be doing that shit, you tripping. Why you on some disrespectful shit?”

“You weren’t saying that when your boy was locked down.”

“Hold up! You and I don’t, and never did have anything going on, and I definitely don’t need anybody to think that. We talked as friends, accidently kissed, and that’s it.”

“I don’t need to hear that. You tell that shit to Nano.”

“Oh you wanna act like you got some power over me. You want to blackmail me? You know what; I can tell Nano what I did. He’s not shallow like some people I know.”

Time laughed. “You can say what you like, but I’m going to get some of that.” He grabbed his crotch and made a gesture towards her ass. Pissed off, Tip mistakenly grabbed a pack of Tropical Skittles and cautiously walked past him. She didn’t want him to be to touch her again. She made it to the counter where the cashier was concerned.

“You want me to call 911? I saw him grab you.”

Tip laughed even though she felt violated. They both looked back at the aisle where Time was beaming at them. The cashier leaned over the counter and whispered, “Looks like he’ll take it if you say no.” They both laughed. “Kizzy, you’re crazy girl,” Tip told her. “I’m just making sure you’re alright. Anyways, where’s that little handsome son of yours?”

“I just dropped him off at school.”

Kizzy started to ring up her items. “When he gets older, he’s going to be real popular.” Tip handed her a
ten-dollar bill and said, “I know right.”

“So how does Nano like being home?”

“It’s alright so far.”

Kizzy passed Tip’s change across the counter. She had been Tip’s babysitter when Nano was locked down. “Call me if you need me.”

“You know I will.”

Tip dashed out of the store. Kizzy looked on while Tip slid into her BMW and pulled away in a hurry.

              “Give me some Swishers and a pack of those yellow pills,” Time said rudely sitting a six-pack of Coronas on the counter top and pointed at the energy pills behind the register.

“What’s your problem,” Kizzy asked frowning down at him.

“What’s yours,” he barked back.



“What’s up Craig? My truck ready?”

“It’s ready Tony. They’re finishing up wiping it down now.”

Craig owned and operated a small detail shop uptown called Gleaming Rides. Tony owned a strip club downtown by the name of Club Delight. The both contributed to each other’s business in some fashion. “Craig I know you’re coming through tonight right? Hey Craig!” Tony waved a hand in front of his face.

“My bad Tony. My mind has been somewhere else.”

“Something bothering you?”

Craig was looking down at his black Tims unable to respond.

“You know, I was asking you if you were coming to the club tonight, but you seemed to be on another planet.”

“It feels that way.”

“Come on man, what you got going on?”

“I can’t say right now Tony, but it’s big.”

“Okay… so the group is about to go back in. What’s new?”

Craig looked around to make sure no one could hear them. Tony already knew about the group. Craig had confided in him two years earlier.

“Hell yeah…,” he sighed.

“What’s so big that it has Mr. Gleam speechless? I’ve never seen you like this.”

“Shit… it ain’t never been this big before.”

Tony became even more interested. “Usually, someone’s business is not mine, but you’re my man. You have to tell me what it is. I’m not going anywhere until you do.”

Craig looked around the detail shop and called to one of his workers. “Hey Deric!”

“What’s up Craig?”

“You think you can keep the line moving until I get back?”

“I can do it.”

“Alright, I appreciate it.”

Craig turned to Tony. “You said you want to know what’s up?”

“Like I said, I’m not going anywhere to you tell me.”

Craig smiled for the first time since Tony walked into the shop. “What do you think about sixteen point five million in diamonds?”

Tony looked at him unbelievingly. “Cut it out man!”

“Nah, I’m serious. Let’s go in my office and I’ll tell you about it.”

Chapter 6

              “Congratulations, I heard you the po-po,” Step said.

“Girl… I ain’t no po-po. I’m just the dispatcher,” Monique replied.

“Ahhh… help meee…,” Step teased.

They both laughed. Step and Monique were friends and they would regularly get together and go shopping.

“Shit… it’s the same thing. Do you carry a gun?” 

I assume I can get a piece of I want. They already did a background check on me.”

“Oh! Ooh… bitch done gone Charlie’s angels on me.”

“Oh no you didn’t.”

“Yes I did.”

“I didn’t tell them about my man, who don’t want to change the way he lives.”

“Where that boy at anyway?”

“Somewhere looking over his shoulders.”

Step chuckled while Monique examined the white blouse in front of her
. “What you think about this one,” she pointed. Monique was shopping for things that coincide with her new job.

“That’s nice… I guess for the department.”

Monique sighed and headed towards the counter
. When the female cashier asked her how she would like purchase the blouse, Monique pulled out a wad of cash.

“It don’t look like you hurting to me,” Step responded to the money. “Girl you know I don’t like this shit,” Step cut her off,” But you’re going to spend it.”

“Yeah, but I want a future and a family
. Neither one exists with Time.” 

“He’s your dau
ghter’s father,” Step stated.

“I know
, and that’s all he’ll be.” Monique paid for her blouse and a pair of casual slacks. “How you doing at your job?” Monique asked changing the subject.  “I can’t complain… the men are decent.” Step worked as a paralegal at a law firm.

They made the exit from the J.C. Penny store and continued walking through the mall. Two stores down, they stopped in front of Chik-Fil-a. “Girl, I got to get some waffle fries. Do you want some?” Monique asked. She wanted to be generous since she was the one to invite Step. “As long as, you’re paying.” 

Right before entering the next store, they were interrupted
. “What y’all doing here?” a voice asked. They both turned around simultaneously to see Skillz.  “Hey Skillz,” Step expressed her excitement. “We’re out celebrating Nique’s new job at the police station. Whirr… Whirr…,” Step tried to imitate a police siren. Monique blushed and it wasn’t because of Step. “That’s good,” Skillz responded.  “What are you doing here?” Step asked. 

“I’m Celebrating.” 

“Celebrating what?” Monique asked smiling hard. 

“I’m on my way to be a very rich man.”

“Oh yeah? You still don’t have a friend?” Step asked.  Skillz looked back and forth eyeing Monique a little longer than necessary. “Nah, not yet.”

“If that’s the case, you can come check me out. You’re too fine to be walking around here lonely.”

Who says I’m lonely,” Skillz smiled. “Well… I guess I’ll seeing y’all around.” He looked at Monique one final time and walked away.  They watched him until he disappeared inside the Foot Locker store. 

“Um… ummm. Damn, that nigga fine,” Step expressed herself. “I’ll give him some anytime with his bowlegged ass. Why didn’t you hook me up Nique?”

Girl… Skillz don’t have time for nobody.”

“Who said something about all
that? I just want to give him some… maybe a lot. Don’t he be with Time?”

Sometimes,” Monique said. Now she was feeling jealous.

“Tell Time to hook a girl up.”

“God… since you acting like that, I’ll see.” Monique then walked into the Chik-Fil-A. “What’s your problem,” Step said catching up.


              “I want those,” Hitman said pointing to the two cases of imitation diamonds. “Both of them. You can leave them in their casing.”  The lady raised her eyebrows skeptical. “You’re not buying these for all your women, are you?” 

No, I’m not the type to do that.”

While the lady began to place the cubic
zirconias on the counter, Hitman began thinking. Amanda Sanco’s collection consisted of ten diamonds in varying shapes and sizes. People would come from as far as the Middle East to bid on them.  It was rumored, that Mr. Sanco the explorer traveled to Africa to gather the diamonds for his once young wife. The value of the diamonds had been twice the risk to obtain them from impossible hands. They were real blood diamonds.  Hitman made his exit from the jewelry store and slid into the Range Rover with the plastic bag.  “Any phone calls?” he asked Lendora. She was his assistant and lady. “Mrs. Sanco called to see if you were still available for lunch,” she told Hitman. He smiled and passed the bag to her. “How do I look?” he asked checking himself out in the mirror.  “Charming like always.”


              “Good afternoon Mr. Whatley. Everything okay?”  

“I’m good Mr. Jones,” Nano replied.

Mr. Jones was Nano’s parole officer
. He still had six months remaining on his sentence per the judge order.  “How’s the job?”

“It’s alright,” Nano replied.

Nano was a forklift operator for Palmer’s Wood Company. His license was something he obtained while incarcerated. He had been sentenced to 5-15 for accessory after the fact of murder from the spoiled robbery attempt. 

“You know I saw your son yesterday
. I had to pick up my son from school.  Dontae tells me that Dice is his best friend. What a coincidence.” 

That’s good to know,” Nano replied. He was now waiting to hear the benefits this carried with his parole officer’s son and his son being close.  Mr. Jones stood and walked to the door.  After he closed it, he returned to his seat behind his desk. “Let me reintroduce myself Mr. Whatley, I’m Tyrone, but you can call me Ty.”

“You can call me Nano.

“Good. Anyone my son considers to be his friend, is a friend to me.” Jones eyed Nano.
“Do you smoke?” he asked suddenly. Nano looked on stupidly. He knew that was probably a trick question. “Every now and then.” Jones chuckled in his professional manner. “Shit, I smoke all the time. I can’t take a piss test, so I’m not going to give you one. I just think that’s fair.” Nano looked across the desk at Ty. He determined they were about the same age. “That’s what’s up.” Nano was now seeing the remainder of his time on paper fly by.

what you bout to get into?” Ty asked him.

“Nothing really. I took a half a day to check in with you.”

“From now on, don’t worry about that. If you can’t make it just call. I got you.” Jones pulled a piece of paper from his desk and scribbled something down on it. “Here’s my number. If you see yourself in a bad situation, call me first.  I’ve been there before. So… I know how it is.”

Damn,” Nano thought, “This can’t be true.”

“I’ll tell you what,
since I fucked up your pay, let me buy you lunch.” Jones opened his desk draw and removed a plastic bag.  He held it up for Nano to view it.

What’s that?” Nano asked already knowing. Jones laughed coming to his feet.  “Do you know how an astronaut feels when he takes off?”

not really.”

“This will do it. Come on, let’s both of us take the day off.”



“Who was that man?” Tip asked Dice. Wondering who the strange man waving at her was. He had been standing with Dice and Donte when she pulled up. 

“That’s Don
te’s father. He a probation man.” Tip pulled the door closed. When she looked up, Jones was still waving at her in an excited way.  She sighed, “You hungry baby?”

“Yes ma
’am! McDonald’s hungry.” 

McDonald’s! I thought you was more like a bag of chips.” She looked over at him with his gray eyes. She loved him more than anything. “Okay, if we go to McDonalds, you’re going to get a small burger with a small fry. Your daddy is cooking for us tonight.”             

“Cooking again! Ma…
he makes the food too hot. It makes my head hurt.”

“I’ll tell him to cut down on the seasoning.” Tip pulled away. They rode in silence for two blocks, until Dice spoke.

“Ma… is Dad going back to jail?”

why you ask that?”

“I don’t know, I just don’t want him to.” Dice toyed with the
iPad before he asked his next question. “If he finished serving his time, why he got to give Dontae’s daddy money?”

“That’s part of his sentence.  Basically, he’s paying to be home with us.”

“If they try to lock him up, can I use the money Hitman gave me to get him out?”
Tip looked over at him overwhelmed with his sincerity and concern about his father. “Baby that’s nice of you to think like that, but your father is not going back to prison.”

p turned on Beal Street where the McDonald’s was located. “That’s what happened in my dream,” Dice stated.

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