Kiljorn Commander (3 page)

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Authors: K. D. Jones

BOOK: Kiljorn Commander
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AshOR finally spoke, “I will be taking the second group of Kiljorns onboard my transport as well before going through the wormhole to continue the search for the Morins.”

“You will be careful.” She looked over at AshOR who was keeping his distance. It hurt her heart to see her two brothers so ill at ease with one another. “Both of you will be careful?”

“Of course,” both males answered at once.

“Okay, let’s take a walk in the garden and let the little one get some of his energy out.” EllinOR stood and reached for her son.


Lizzie heard a child’s giggles. It warmed her heart. She couldn’t resist following the sounds that led her around the corner wall of the garden. Then she froze at what she saw. TylOR was sprawled on the ground holding a small toddler up in the air. The child laughed at something TylOR had said. A strikingly tall woman with dark hair was sitting next to him laughing. The sight of them together was like a beautiful painting. She felt a painful twist around her heart. She tried to turn and leave before anyone spotted her but she ran into a muscled wall. She looked up and locked eyes with AshOR.

“Lizzie, it is a pleasure to see you again.” AshOR’s face lit up with joy and he lifted her to him for a hug.

She hugged him back automatically. “AshOR, good to see you too. When did you get here?”

“Yesterday.” He let her back down and frowned. “Have you lost weight?” She didn’t feel as soft as she normally did. He kept his hands on her hips and slid them up and down her side.
Was she sick?
A growl erupting from behind Lizzie had her jerking out of his arms. AshOR glared over at his older brother.

Lizzie knew that growl even before she turned around to face him.
Her heart increased and her palms became sweaty. She hated that he made her respond to him so easily. She took a deep breath and turned around. She was hit once more with the awe of how big he was. It reminded her of the first time she met him.

She had managed to get loose of the Morin’s grip and fell to the floor. The Morin was shot in the heart and fell next to her. Then a large hand reached out to help her up. She looked up and up at the huge bulging man with the bald
head and the most strikingly beautiful face she had ever seen. Despite her situation and near death experience, she was instantly aroused by him. And when she put her much smaller hand in his and his enveloped hers, her skin lit on fire with need.
It was a need she had been fighting for over a year to get rid of.


Chapter Three


“Commander TylOR.” She nodded at him.

“Miss Connell.” He looked at her from head to toe and frowned. She had lost a lot of weight. Leader LarIS had told him this, but it still did not prepare him for the shock of seeing it for himself. She was as beautiful as ever no matter what her weight was, but it was disconcerting that she had lost so much in such a short period of time. “Are you well?”

Lizzie blushed.
Why was everyone asking her about her health? Did she look ready to keel over or something?
“I’m perfectly fine. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” She looked in the direction behind TylOR to where the gorgeous brunette was standing.

EllinOR smiled warmly at the tiny earth female. “Hello, my name is EllinOR.”

“I’m Dr. Elizabeth Connell. I go by Lizzie.” She tried not to show her hurt. Was this woman TylOR’s mate? Was that adorable little boy his son? She caught the smile from the little boy in EllinOR’s arms and he reached his arms for her. She couldn’t resist the child.

“Hey there, handsome.” She looked at EllinOR for permission before taking him into her arms. “I’m Lizzie. Who are you?”

The boy was still too young to form a lot of words but he repeated some. “Iz…e.”

“That’s right, sugar. You are just the sweetest thang.” Her southern accent came out even more when she talked to the little boy. She felt strange with possibly holding TylOR’s son. She wished the boy were hers and TylOR’s. She blushed from her strange thoughts.

TylOR’s heart clenched at the sight of Elizabeth holding a young. He had an irrational impulse to plant his seed deep within her until it took.
What was he thinking? He barely knew the female. However, something was there between them. It had been from the very first moment he saw her. He denied it at first and put off dealing with it. The timing was never right. It still wasn’t. He had a mission to complete.

“You have a handsome son, Commander,” she told TylOR, trying not to look at him. It hurt.

“Nephew. He is my nephew,” TylOR said confused.

AshOR sighed with frustration when he realized too late that Lizzie mistook the situation. “Lizzie, allow me to formally introduce you. This is my sister, EllinOR, her mate, BaylON, and their son, TigON.”

“Oh.” The beautiful woman was TylOR’s sister. She felt bewildered as relief washed over her. She bit her bottom lip in nervousness.

“You are friends with Prima Lola correct?” EllinOR asked, trying to move past the awkwardness of the moment. Leader LarIS wasn’t an official Prime but to his people, he was. So his mate was called Prima in respect.

“Yes, I came to visit with her before I leave to go back on the Katieran transports.” Lizzie balanced the little boy on her hip as if she had done it a million times. It seemed so natural to her. She had always loved kids but with her busy lifestyle of traipsing off to the unknown, she wasn’t sure if she would ever get a chance to have one.

“What are you talking about?” TylOR’s voice rose. He saw his nephew’s face cringe and had to keep control. “What Katieran transport?”

“I am going back onboard the transports to continue with the Culture classes,” Lizzie said as she handed the little boy back to his mother.

“It is too dangerous. You were almost taken by the Morins. Do you not remember that?” TylOR took a step toward her, forgetting they had an audience.

Lizzie fought the instinct to step back from him. She was a grown woman and made her own decisions. “It’s not something I will soon forget. Life is dangerous, but I refuse to live in a bubble in fear that I might one day get hurt.” She glared up at him defiantly. Not only was she angry at his attitude, she was also a little turned on, which confused and pissed her off even more.

“We will head back inside. I think this one needs a nap. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Connell,” EllinOR said as she motioned for her mate and brother, AshOR, to follow. AshOR acted as if he would remain behind. “AshOR!” EllinOR yelled at him.

“I do not need a nap,” AshOR complained. He planted his feet as if preparing to stay. EllinOR grabbed his arm and dragged him with her. He followed reluctantly.

It hit Lizzie like a ton of bricks. They were now completely alone. Something that she had hoped to avoid. She was so mad at him, her breathing was erratic, and her palms were sweaty. She wanted to punch him in the face, then she longed to kiss him.
What the hell is wrong with me?

TylOR had never met anyone who was so infuriating, so difficult, and so beautiful. His glare turned into a different kind of heat. The sun was shining and it made her strange colored hair sparkle like the jewels found in the mines on Luna twelve. Her lips were full and plump, ready for kissing. It drove him nearly insane whenever she bit the bottom lip with her tiny teeth. He wanted to say so much but they were not completely alone. TylOR reached for her arm and dragged her into a more secluded and private area of the garden.

“Hey! What are you doing? Let me go!” Lizzie tried to pull her arm free but his grip was firm.

“You cannot go back on the transports to Earth. The Morins are searching on the other side of the wormhole and you will be in constant danger.”

She looked up at him defiantly. “It’s my decision to make,
not yours
.” Why was he acting so concerned. He never paid attention before to all her other teaching trips. Why now? “Why are you acting like you care all of a sudden?”

He reached for her arms pulling her to him. “I have always cared about your safety and welfare.” How could she not know this?

“No you don’t.” She shook her head because it was just too inconceivable that he would care. Not once had he approached her to spend time with her, ask her what her life was like. Not once.

TylOR had her in his arms now and there was only one thing he could think to do. He leaned down and took her lips in a searing kiss. She was resistant but he was determined. He licked the seam of her lips. She was clamping them shut. He wasn’t going to have it. He pulled her small body tight against his. He reached up with one hand and made her tilt her head back. The move was very commanding. It made her gasp in surprise, which was all the opening he needed.

He plunged his tongue deep inside her luscious mouth. Oh Goddess, she tasted delicious. A sweet gentle flavor that seemed to ignite a fire throughout his entire body. His manhood was hard as it brushed roughly against his pants making him hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt. Why had he been fighting this?

Lizzie was burning with need. How long had it been since she had been with a man? She couldn’t remember. She couldn’t remember anything while she was in TylOR’s arms. He seemed to consume her with his hands on her body, his mouth on hers, and his breath mingling with her own. No man had ever made her feel like this before.

Was this real? Was she truly in TylOR’s arms after months and months of wanting him, needing his touch, and fantasizing about him. Months and months since last watching him flirt with other women. Women that he probably slept with.

The thought of him with other women was like a cold bucket of water dumped on her head. It wasn’t like they had been together, but Lizzie’s self-esteem issues rose up quickly and firmly. Feelings of inadequacy got in the way of what she really wanted, which was to be with TylOR. She jerked out of his arms.

“Elizabeth?” he spoke her name with a need so great. He looked at her with all the desire he felt.

She shook her head. “I can’t do this with you.”

“What? Why not?” He tried to reach out for her again.

She panicked and slapped him unexpectedly. They both stood there stunned for a moment.
Oh shit!
Lizzie dashed off down the path to take her out of the garden and as far away from him as fast as possible.

TylOR ran a shaking hand over his bare head.
What in Kitana just happened?
He had her in his arms. Finally after months of wanting her and fighting his attraction—to no avail. Then when he finally touched her and kissed her sweet lips. He must have scared her with his strength. He touched his cheek where she slapped him. No one, especially a female, had ever done such a thing. He was confused, a little angry, and a whole lot aroused. Goddess, help him figure out his female. His, there was no doubt in his mind now that he had a taste of her. She was his. He would search her out and make them both face the truth of what was happening between them. It was time. But first, he had to get his body under control. Easier said than done.


“Is everything in place?” the Purist Leader OrIN asked his Commander.

“Yes, everyone is in place. None of the Prime Leaders have a clue as to what is about to happen.”

“Good. I cannot wait. I almost wish I could be there to see the surprised looks on their faces.” OrIN chuckled.


The next day Lizzie was very quiet as she met Lola and LarIS on the way to the shuttle that would take them to the mountain village. She was grateful to be getting away for a while. She planned to throw herself into helping the villagers and not have to relive those unexpected and slightly unwanted moments when TylOR had her pressed tight against him. Thinking about the encounter had kept her up most of the night.

“Are you okay? You look tired.” Lola signed to her.

“I’m fine. I didn’t sleep well last night. But I am looking forward to seeing the villagers again.”

Lola looked at her friend with concern. Not only had Lizzie lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, but also she was unusually quiet and reserved. Two things that were never before part of Lizzie’s personality. She was grateful that LarIS contacted Prime Leader KadEN. The therapist that had helped her was on Kiljor, Dr. Garrett, was supposed to make arrangements to meet with Lizzie when she traveled to Kiljor the next day. For that reason Lola didn’t press Lizzie to talk to her about whatever it was that was bothering her.

Lizzie stopped short when she saw who was waiting at the shuttle. AshOR and TylOR. The two men stood side by side but didn’t speak with one another. Lizzie’s eyes were zeroed in on TylOR. “Why is
here?” She didn’t realize she had asked the question out loud until LarIS answered her.

“Commanders AshOR and TylOR asked to join us on our trip to the village to help out.” LarIS knew what the problem was. He had read Lizzie’s mind. But if he said anything to her, she would know he had intruded without being asked and his Lola would be upset with him. He needed to observe for himself so he could decide what the best way to handle the situation would be.

“Have the supplies already been loaded?” Leader LarIS asked AshOR.

“Yes, sir. A second shuttle is coming with even more supplies.” AshOR gave Lola and Lizzie his most dashing smile. “Ladies, I am honored to be going with you on this trip.”

Lola nodded at him but went past as LarIS led her onto the shuttle. Lizzie stopped to talk to AshOR. She returned his smile. It was hard to resist AshOR’s easy smile and flirty eyes. Why couldn’t she be attracted to
instead of his overly controlling brother?

“Are you sure coming with us is a good idea? The village women are going to be all over you. One might try to convince you to mate her and stay there with her,” she teased him.

AshOR snorted. “I am very sociable and would not be able to live in the village away from the rest of my people as they do. I would go a little stir crazy. But they do love when I visit.”

“Be careful. They might throw you out because you stir up too much trouble,” Lizzie said as she laughed. Her laughter died down when she glanced over and saw TylOR glaring at her.

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