Kidnapped at the Gun Show [Ransomed Hearts] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (10 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped at the Gun Show [Ransomed Hearts] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She felt his lips at her hip, then at the top of her thigh. Her breath caught when he scraped his teeth against the curve of her butt. After that, Sara lost track of reality.

Kale was kneeling at her feet, working his way up her legs with a towel. He stopped to nuzzle the tender skin of her inner thigh, and she shivered at the feel of his mouth so close to her sex. He turned his head and exhaled against her curls, and Sara felt her body clench, moisture gathering within her.

The towel at her back pressed tight, receded, then slipped under her arms and around to her chest. Riley’s hands cupped her breasts, the towel the only barrier between his skin and hers. His open mouth found the back of her neck, and the dual onslaught took her breath away. Sara dropped her head on Riley’s shoulder and moaned.

Both men stood, each facing her, surrounding her, and Sara trembled at the heat and power radiating from their bodies. She looked into Kale’s eyes and saw tenderness, need, and desire. He brushed damp hair from her face and kissed her with a passion she couldn’t resist.

“Let us love you, Sara,” Riley murmured in her ear. The towel dropped to the floor. His hands returned to her breasts, and she squirmed at the pressure he exerted. Her breasts felt heavier, fuller than they’d been a moment ago.

She was on fire, heat blooming along every nerve in her body.

Flames roared across her senses as Kale pushed one finger into her core, reversed the action, then added a second finger. She was on the verge of a climax and they’d just begun.

Riley released her, soothed her with a kiss on her cheek before scooping her into his arms and leaving the confines of the bathroom. They moved straight to the bed, already prepared and waiting for the three of them. Her only lucid thought was the status of the bedcovers and whether they’d been turned down. Such a mundane thing to wonder about when she was about to be ravished by two burly, hot-as-hell men bent on driving her insane with pleasure.

Riley kneeled on the bed and set her in the middle. Kale moved onto the bed from the other side. Now she knew why they put her in the room with the king-sized bed.

Both men went straight for a breast, licking, nibbling, and suckling. It was an intoxicating experience, having two dark heads parked on her chest while pleasure danced across her skin.

Sara moaned, plunged her fingers into each man’s hair, and cupped their skulls. She could feel the rise and fall of their heads as they moved against her, could feel their pleasure in the tensile strength emanating from their bodies.

Two hands moved down her body, hot palms mapping her skin as she squirmed with a need for more. She cried out as Riley released her nipple and licked his way down her body. Wet, sucking kisses marked his progress to the intersection of her legs and torso. Sara felt his breath flutter across the curls covering her sex, followed by the rough texture of his fingers as they slipped between her folds.

Oh, God,
the feel of his fingers exploring her body had her quivering with need. His lips made contact with her clit, and if Kale hadn’t been lying across her chest, Sara would have levitated off the bed.

Riley lifted his head from between her thighs and chuckled. “You liked that, baby?”

She wanted to answer, she really did. But the only thing she could manage was a mumbled moan before he began again. When he came up for air a few minutes later, the best Sara could do was whimper. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and every inch of her was strung tighter than a violin string. She’d been oh so close to splitting apart for an eternity or maybe ten minutes, she could tell which.

“Kale, you didn’t tell me she tasted so sweet,” Riley said, “Damn, her syrup is like fine wine.”

He licked through her slit again and she moaned, “Please, I need—”

“What do you need, sweetheart?” Riley asked.

Her body cried out for release, but words were beyond her. She sobbed, panted as his fingers feathered through her slit, his eyes glistening as he watched her.

“Do you want to come, Sara?” Riley asked.

Kale leaned over her, possessing her mouth in a thoroughly decadent kiss, and she finally found her voice when he released her lips. “Yes, please,” she panted, “I need to come.”

His hand moved across her skin, slid into her, and pressed her clit.

She shattered, arching off the bed as fire raced along her nerves. Hot hands caressed her as she floated back to the bed, soft kisses pressed to her shoulders, her throat, and she was surrounded by heat. Her eyes opened enough to look at the two men beside her, Kale to the left and Riley to the right. Both wore a small smile, a hard cock, and a condom.

“Come to me, sweet Sara,” Riley crooned, pulling her into his arms as he rolled to his back. He cuddled her close and spread kisses across her shoulder. Her legs dropped, falling to each side of his hips, and Sara felt his erection pressing into her stomach, long and thick.

“We’re going to take good care of you, Sara,” he whispered in her ear. “Relax and trust us. We’ll be gentle.”

Something cool and slick trickled between her cheeks, and a warm palm settled on her butt. Sara shivered, flinching when Kale’s finger smoothed the liquid into the seam of her rear. She’d known this would happen from the moment Kale brought Riley into their relationship. She wasn’t completely naïve. She read books. She knew what could go on between a woman and two men. She just never expected it to happen to her, and it was a little scary.

But at the moment, it wasn’t as scary as it was intensely erotic. She didn’t know Riley as well as she knew Kale, but she trusted Kale, and by extension, she trusted his friend. Her new lover.

While Kale added more lotion, Riley seduced her with his hands and with his lips and with his words, whispering encouragement by way of a description of how they were going to make her feel. Whispers of how much they would cherish the gift of her trust. His voice brushed across her senses like the tender sweep of a lover’s hand across her skin, tantalizing and preparing her for the ecstasy to come. It cajoled while Kale prepared her rear entrance, the rough erotic words a mirror of the sensation of Kale’s fingers slipping into her, spreading the gel that would ease the way for his cock.

All sense of time disappeared, leaving Sara in a state of suspended arousal, the wait building the need within her while Kale soothed and stretched her.

“Relax your body, sweet Sara,” Riley crooned, his hands gripping her ass and spreading her. She felt the bump of Kale’s cock pressing into her, pushing against the tight ring of muscle. Pain sipped at the edges of consciousness, and she cried out.

“Push out for me, honey,” Kale groaned. “Let me in, baby. It will only hurt for a minute.”

Riley distracted her, moving his hips against her, and Sara let go, pushing out as Kale asked. He pushed into her, and she cried out, arching her back. As she lifted her body from his, Riley took advantage, shifting his hips and repositioning his cock to meet her as Sara’s body dropped back onto him. He slid home with a deep moan, and she was taken.

The sense of fullness left her panting, awash in the sensation of complete possession. She was surrounded, pierced by both men, utterly possessed.

Then they began to move, and every nerve within her screamed in pleasure-pain the likes of which she’d never imagined. The intensity shifted as each man moved, bouncing from one side to the other and keeping her breathless and enveloped in a state of near orgasm she feared she wouldn’t survive.

Both men spoke to her, sex talk she could perceive but not respond to, hearing only their compelling words, phrases designed to bring her closer to orgasm.

But she was already on the precipice.

She could feel their muscles bunching, tightening, and knew they were close. They were holding back, waiting for her. Sara let go, gave over control to them, trusting Kale and Riley to take care of her.

Their thrusts intensified, animalistic senses overtaking them as they pushed her deeper into release and reached for their own.

She splintered, screaming as the orgasm flew through her body. Every muscle pulsed, capturing them within her, and Sara heard two distinct shouts as both her lovers climaxed with her.

Both men held her, kissed her, and adored her as they floated back into reality. Together, they rolled to the side, still connected. Their combined breaths filled the room.

Kale disengaged first, sliding free of her and padding to the bathroom. When he returned, he lifted her off the bed with a smile.

“Shower time,” he said. “You coming, Riley?”

Sara couldn’t contain her giggle when Riley groaned, and he shook a finger at her like she was a disobedient child.

“Don’t laugh, woman. You wore me out, and I have a right to complain about getting out of bed.”

“If you don’t want to shower with us, you don’t have to,” she told him, looking over Kale’s shoulder as they headed for the bathroom. He continued his grumbling even though he followed, and she knew it was all for show. He liked being grouchy, if only to get her attention.

Steam already coated the mirror when Kale set her feet on the floor. He held her hand while she stepped into the large tiled shower. Water flowed from all sides, spraying into the center of the space. It was like being outside in a heavy storm, and she loved it. Sara lifted her head and let the water pour over her, rinsing away the accumulated sweat along with the lubricant.

Riley nudged her out of the spray and tipped her head up, taking her mouth in a plundering kiss that left her shaking and ready for more, even though she’d just climaxed. When he stepped back, the look on his face told her he knew exactly what he’d done to her body.

He took a washcloth from Kale, and both men rubbed warm, soapy cloths over every inch of her body, letting her do nothing more than stand and reposition herself while they cleaned her. The feel of their hands all over her caused internal fireworks she hadn’t thought would return for at least a day or two. She’d never seen herself as overly sexual but Kale and Riley were changing her self-perception.

They were driving her crazy with lust.


* * * *


Riley woke to the strangest sensation. Feathers were tickling his shoulder. Strange, because there weren’t any feathers in the house. The feel of them on his skin wasn’t exactly ticklish, either. More like the soft caress of a lover. The kind of touch that moved a man to take what he wanted slowly, steadily, and with great purpose.

Eyes still closed, he said, “What are you doing, Sara?”

“Did I wake you?”

He could hear the smile in her voice. She was teasing him, and his heart responded. She was coming to him without Kale’s participation, warming to having both of them, not just as a threesome but individually.

He hummed a little sigh of contentment, enjoying the moment before responding. He didn’t want to scare her off. “Your fingers are driving me nuts, kitten.”

Her laughter tickled him more than her fingers, such joy in the sound that he had to look at her. Hair falling in dark-blonde waves across her shoulders, some of it dancing around her bare breasts, chocolate eyes sparkling in merriment, she was alive with beauty.

“Damn, you’re a sight, Sara. Beautiful Sara.”

“You’re not too bad, either.” She laughed. “But you’re a puzzle. Sizzling-hot lawyer or bad-boy biker? Which one are you?”

Not sure what she was talking about, Riley wrapped his fingers around the arm she was leaning on and pulled her down to the bed for a kiss. “Don’t own a motorcycle, but for you, I might try it.”

Sara snuggled close, burrowing in the covers until they were skin to skin before reaching over his arm to trace his shoulder. “Where did this come from?” she asked.

Damn, he’d forgotten about the tattoo. It was ancient history, his history but not hers. “Misspent youth. No bikers, though.”

“Were you in a gang?”

She sounded worried, so he cut to the end of the story. “Just a garage band in my teens. We had big dreams and little talent. Fun, but we moved on after a year or two.”

Her hand moved down his back, her fingers brushing up and down his spine and making him want to purr. Every inch of her cuddled up against him, her breath fluttering across his chest, enticing him to sin. But he ignored his hard-on in favor of holding her close and staying in the moment.

“You were the singer?” she asked, and he laughed into the cushion of her hair against his face.

“No, not hardly.”

“What instrument did you play?”

It was a lifetime ago, a time in his life he didn’t want to relive, but he’d talk about anything with her if it meant she stayed in his arms. “Drums. I was a long-haired drummer in a semi-rock band. We sucked, but it was fun while it lasted.”

“Hmm, I always wanted to date a drummer. Great sense of rhythm.”

He coughed out a laugh. She’d be the death of him, if a man could die of too much sex. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Don’t you mean encourage-able?”

Riley outright laughed and reached around to tap her butt. “Stop playing with the English language, woman. My brain and my body are working hard enough as it is.”

She wiggled her hips against his, and Riley groaned.

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