Kidnapped! (4 page)

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Authors: John Savage

BOOK: Kidnapped!
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They had taken to keeping her handcuffed after they discovered she could land a pretty good jab with those fists. They were also constantly on the alert to avoid a kick from those bare feet. No shoes, but a good bare-footed kick in the right place still hurt.

The handcuffs were removed and replaced with ropes binding her hands behind her. She was then placed on her back on the narrow bed and her body, from the shoulders down to the waist, was lashed to the bed with numerous ropes wound around and around her and the bed. They took delight in making sure that the windings squeezed her big breasts so they stood up nicely. Each took an ankle and lifted it until her legs forms a wide Vee. A rope was tied to each ankle, and the threaded through the metal tube head of the bed. When they pulled on the ropes, her legs were forced back and down. When they finally tied off the ropes, her ankles were above her head and her legs pulled down so much that her ass was pulled up the little allowed it. This position placed her vagina and asshole on a pronounced display and totally accessible.

“That Boss said to use the other camera. This one is gonna be a video!”

Grinning, Mack put down the digital camera and picked up the video camera. The other man, one Alfred by name, placed two dildos on the bed along with a jar of lubricant. The smaller of the dildos was lubed up and the camera began video recording as he shoved it, none too gently, into her asshole. She gave forth with a loud cry of displeasure and wiggled her hips, but there was nothing she could do about that invasion of her poop-shoot.

Several good close ups were included as the dildo was worked vigorously in her anus, simulating a good fucking. The dildo was of a good size for that type of work, and, combined with the roughness of his pumping, caused her to whine in the discomfort. But as that pumping continued, her perverse nature took over and the moans of pain turned to those of pleasure. She preferred a male prick inserted in the normal hole, but was not a virgin in the rear. In fact… Well, let’s not go there.

Suffice it to say that when he pulled the phallic stand-in out, there came a sincere moan of frustration and disapproval. She had been working up towards an orgasm, something both she and men would have enjoyed. But the show was not yet over. The other dildo was picked up and, after a quick check to see if lubricant was needed (it was not), was shoved into her vagina, bringing forth a gasp that could only be described as one of pleasure rather than pain.

The larger dildo worked away happily in the warm, moist sheath, all of which was caught on the video, including close ups. When the stimulation reached a high enough level, her natural reaction occurred. She had an orgasm. A pretty nice one, considering the circumstances. As she burst into ecstasy, she cried out and her body went rigid, straining against the ropes and trembling.

It lasted only a minute or two, but it impressed these two henchmen. They were used to fucking a woman and gaining their pleasure almost immediately, before the woman had worked up to an orgasm. Thus it was that they had seldom seen a real orgasm (as opposed to the fake ones from prostitutes). They were impressed.

Alfred held up the glistening dildo, looked at it, and said, “Lucky fellow!”

“Someday…” muttered Mack. “Someday soon.”



Chapter VIII

Have a Belt


Shortly after Linda had been subjected to a forced orgasm, another young woman, this time in Italy, was being treated much less kindly.

Angelica was dragged from her closet and taken to the room where she had been hung by her ankles for three long, very uncomfortable hours the day before. This time she was hung by her wrists, leaving her toes several inches off the floor. Ropes were then tied to her ankles and threaded through rings attached to opposite walls. When they pulled on those, her legs were spread widely apart. For a little while they admired her curvy form in its strained condition, but eventually had to attend to the task at hand. While one managed the camera, the other took a stance directly before her. In his hand was a belt; just a simple man’s belt of brown leather, about two inches wide and held doubled over with the buckle in his hand.

The dark-haired beauty stared at that belt in disbelief. It was obvious to her fear-filled mind that with her legs spread wide, her most personal and sensitive place was an available target. She began to whine even before his hand swung back and then upward. Just as the belt impacted squarely upon her sex, a flash went off and the event was recorded. The camera did not, however, catch her scream. Perhaps they had misjudged the degree of pain such a whipping would create, for them were both surprised by the loudness of her reaction. The way her body jerked and tried to twist was nice to see, as was the look of shock and pain on her pretty face.

“No, you will kill me!” she cried at them. “NO!”

But the evil man was already lining up the belt for a second strike directly between her legs. She tried to twist her hips away, but with the ropes holding her legs too tautly she could do nothing but watch as the belt went back then became a blur as it swung forward. Her cry was even louder than before. The flash went off upon impact, but this time catching not the strike zone, but her facial reaction. There could be no mistaking the pain upon those lovely features, or the fear in her eyes.

“Let’s get a few more,” the man with the whip said, “just to make sure we get a good photo.”

As the belt again came up and smacked into the soft flesh, her head jerked backwards and the scream was cut off in the middle. Then her head sagged forward and hung there.

“I think she’s fainted,” the man with the camera said.

“Yeah. Maybe I’m hitting her a little too hard.”

The first man was moving around, snapping a couple photos showing Angelica hanging limp in her bonds. “Guess we got enough,” he said. “Alberto only sends one photo a day.”

“Just when I was getting started. Maybe I could whip her a few more time, just to let her know we mean business?”

“I think she knows. Anyway, it’s not as much fun if they don’t react.”

“Oh, I’ll get her to react.” Leaving the room, he returned a short time later with a bucket of cold water that he threw into her face. Her eyes opened, seemed a bit confused, but then settled on his face. “Please don’t hurt me…” she said, meekly.

“Got to. Boss says so. You better brace yourself and try not to faint. I’ll just bring you around again.”

He stepped back and eyed the dripping wet nudity. With a vicious smile, he swung the belt underhanded and up into her sex. Angelica screamed again, tried to jerk her hands out of the ropes, and then glared pure hatred at the grinning man with the belt. So he swung again, just to listen to and enjoy her scream.

When he had completed a full ten count of those vicious blows to her sex, he rested a moment. She was sobbing and moaning.

“Hurt?” he asked.

Again that looked of pure hatred. “Try it for yourself, asshole!”

He laughed. “How about another dozen or so, bitch?”

She tried to spit in his face.

“Hey, how about me?” The other man had put down the camera. “I’d like a few swings up there, too.”

With a grin, he handed the belt to the cameraman and stepped back.

Angelica was shaking her head slowly and moaning, “Nooooo…”

The impact was loud, as was the scream. If looks could kill, that man would have dropped dead on the spot from the one she gave him when the shock had died down enough for her to stop screaming.

Again he brought the belt up. And again. On the fourth swing, she fainted again.

“Maybe we should stop now,” the first man said. “Don’t want to damage the merchandise.”

“Hell, the Boss, he don’t care. He wants this bitch hurt. You do know who she is, don’t you?”

“No, not really.”

He was told. “Raszini’s kid, huh? No wonder the Boss wants the photos. He’s sending them to Raszini, isn’t he?”

“Damned right!”

“Well, I guess we should put her away for now. I wonder what the Boss will want us to do to her tomorrow?”

“Something more personal, I hope. Something up close and very personal; like my prick shoved into her cunt.”




Chapter IX

Susie Gets It


We must have crawled around for a mile at least before we found a gap in that damned fence. It was made of chain links, about eight feet tall and had barbed wire on top. From the insulators, I figured the wire was also electrified, meaning that either it could kill you or at least report to the guards that there was an intruder. The forest was thick, but where the fence had been built, the trees were cleared away, leaving no branches to crawl out on and drop inside. I was figuring on going back and getting some bolt cutters to slice our way in when we came upon a place where the ground had eroded away, making a gap under the chain link. It was a small stream, actually, where rain runoff had cut a little channel for us.

Wishing I had thought to bring a shovel, I dug with my hands to enlarge the hole. Still, when Susie and I finally crawled through, we were rather dirty from the damp soil.

Making our way to the house was easy, there were lights showing through the trees. But here, again, the forest had been cleared away so that one had to cross an open area. There were a few lights on, but no signs of activity.

Now, I have snuck into several places where evil people were doing evil things, often to innocent, youthful and good looking females. And I knew that you always find the scene of those activities in the basement. That’s where mad scientists always put their labs and sinister sadists keep their dungeons. It was natural, therefore, that we sought out a way into a basement.

There was none.

Staying carefully to the foliage, we circled the whole house but found no external entrance to anything below ground. Maybe there was a basement dungeon, but no windows showed anywhere. Of course, the entrance might be only from within the house.

I pulled out Gina and told Susie that I would go in first. She should follow at a distance. I also tried to tell her not to run around shooting everyone in sight. If we encountered a person, we would capture them, interrogate them to find out where Angelica was stashed, and then quietly dispose of them in a non-lethal manner.

“What if they shoot at us?” she asked.

“Then you have my permission to blow their heads off,” I told her. So long as it was self-defense, why shouldn’t Susie have some of the fun?

We entered through the kitchen. Surprisingly the outside door was not locked. Which should have made me suspicious. But, I figured, with that fence, they probably didn’t feel the need for locking all the doors.

Kitchen was empty. Likewise the dining room and a lounge. Someone had left a table lamp on in the lounge, but no one was in sight. We tiptoed through the hallway and came to a stairwell with one set going up and another going down. I motioned to the down set and started on them. There was a very short hall at the bottom with four doors. One was open and both light and the sound of a TV came out it.

Figuring it was the guards, I made a motion with one finger to my lips to tell Susie to be quiet, and then I began to creep around the corner to look into that room.

That was when the lights went out.

No, I don’t mean the TV in there, I mean the lights inside my head.

Sometime later I slowly became aware of a throbbing pain in my head and someone chuckling. I lifted one eyelid and tried not to moan at the bright light trying to blind me.

“Good morning, Mr. Sled Speed,” a voice said to me. “Welcome to
Fruste e Catene,
as I call my little home here.”

The voice was heavily accented but the words were clear. As was the fact that our little invasion had failed almost immediately.

“I did some checking with my contacts in American and found that you are a private detective. It is an easy step to figure that you work for Theodor Raszini, since I have his daughter as my prisoner here. I’m surprised that he did not come to rescue her himself; that would be the honorable way. Instead he sends you, hired help and not very good at it even.”

The man talking to me came into focus. He was somewhere in his sixties, gray haired with a large Roman nose and a two-day growth of beard. Apparently he had eaten something for dinner with a lot of garlic because his breath could drop a moose at twenty paces.

“I knew as soon as you entered the grounds. That little ditch you crawled through was put there just to provide an easy way in. There was a motion sensor hidden next to it. The heat sensing cameras on the roof were able to follow you.

“Catching you was too easy. Now, before I have you killed and dropped into the lake, do you have any last words?”

“Where’s Susie?” I growled.

“Susie? Oh, you mean that woman who was with you. My boys are having a little fun with her. Her body will join yours at the bottom of the lake but only after my men tire of playing with her.”

“I’ll kill you, bastard!”

“Oh, my, you’re angry. Well, you have no one to blame but yourself. Frankly, I hope Raszini sends someone a lot better next time. You were no challenge.”

“Let Susie go. I’m the one you want.”

He laughed with the weird chuckle. “I don’t want you!” he told me. “You’re just a nuisance, a fly buzzing around my head that I will swat and forget.”

“I want to see Susie. You should let her go; she’s not important.”

“Not important? She was carrying a .45 auto, sneaking into my house, and planning to steal my property away from me. She’s just as guilty as you. And will pay the penalty for failure, just as you will.”

I was getting a bit worried. Not for myself so much, but for Susie’s sake. I should have insisted that she stay back at the hotel room. Or, even better, back in the US. “I still want to see her,” I said. Truth was, it was all I could think of to say to stall him.

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