Key West (32 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Key West
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“An art deco, adults only, clothing-optional hotel,” he said, flashing a sexy look. “We’re friends with the owner.”

She couldn’t help laughing. “Do you two know
in Key West?”

He shrugged. “Well, most of the small business types who are catering to the tourists. We tend to have a lot in common, trying to keep businesses well enough afloat that we can afford to live here. Anyway,” he said, lifting his hands back to her breasts to rake his thumbs over her nipples, “sometimes Joe invites friends over to play at the pool if he wants to make the place appear busier. It’s, uh, usually more interesting than at your average hotel.”

“Sounds like it,” she said, widening her eyes in pretend shock.

He tilted his head. “Wanna go?”

Carrie considered her options. She could stay here and play with Chris in the privacy of his bed. Or she could go with him to a nude pool which was probably much like the Garden of Ecstasy, even if quieter at the moment. Both appealed, but the glimmer in Chris’s eye, along with her increased arousal at seeing Scott, urged her to indulge in this one last hedonistic act before her vacation ended. “Sure. I even have my bathing suit. I packed it in my purse this morning since I wasn’t sure what you had in mind.”

He grinned. “Well, given where we’re going, you might not need it.”

* * * * *

Carrie’s pussy already felt swollen inside her leopard print bikini as they made their way through the wrought-iron gates to the
Joie de Vivre
pool. As Chris had mentioned, it was done in eye-catching art deco—shades of aqua and lots of chrome made it clear the smallish hotel was from another era, yet as they passed into the courtyard and pool area, the décor wasn’t what Carrie had on her mind.

Cushioned lounge chairs surrounded the curving pool, and although less than half were occupied, most of the pool-goers were naked, other than the topless women wearing skimpy bikini bottoms. A young nude woman with dark hair did a slow backstroke through the pool, her large breasts the most prominent part of her, her nipples a dark shade of plum. In one chair, a man and woman lay together, naked and kissing, arms and legs entwined. Two handsome, dapper-looking guys stood in one corner of the pool making out. Only as she and Chris walked closer did she realize one of the men lounging naked, watching the action with a drink in his hand, was Scott.

Her eyes immediately fell to his half-erect cock, impressive even with only a semi. She surged with moisture at the sight. He was a sexy man with clothes
, but taking them off lifted him to another level on the hot scale.

“Hey,” he said. “Glad you decided to come.”

Chris squeezed Carrie’s shoulder. “Today was our official day for showing her things she couldn’t miss in Key West, and this seems to fit in that category as well as anything.”

Scott laughed. “Not your usual tourist trap, but yeah, definitely something not-to-be-missed if you can get free access like this.” He concluded with a wink in Carrie’s direction. “Grab a chair and enjoy.”

Half an hour later, a pretty, topless waitress with very pert, tan breasts had served them tequila sunrises. They’d watched the naked couple she’d first noticed upon arriving—until finally they’d fucked in the chair. Like Chris and Carrie, the other people at the pool watched with interest, yet stayed quiet and serene, even as the couple’s moans and groans bit into the tropical air. Carrie had felt her nipples getting harder and harder while watching the scene, her pussy pulsing mercilessly.

Too hot for comfort, both inside and out, she was just about to ask Chris if he wanted to go for a swim when a masculine moan drew her attention to the guys in the pool. She held in her gasp at the sight—the better-looking of the two had braced himself against the pool’s edge while the other man stood behind him, and though Carrie couldn’t see exactly what was taking place below the water’s surface, she was pretty sure the guy in front was getting fucked in the ass.

She knew Key West had a large gay population, and she’d seen more than one pair of men holding hands on the street, but she’d never seen
before. And despite the unbidden image of Chris and Cole that had entered her head yesterday, she’d never expected something like this to arouse her, but it did, almost against her will.

She watched with fascination as the guy in back lunged against his partner, who emitted groan after deep groan, his face wrenched in a mixture of pleasure and pain. She found herself wishing the two weren’t in the pool so she could have a better view. She suddenly imagined the guys being Chris and Scott—an image which gave her a shiver.

Chris leaned over toward her. “You look lusty,” he said with a soft, playful smile.

She drew her gaze from the gay couple to him. “It’s those guys.” She looked back to them before turning to gauge Chris’s reaction.

“That’s getting you hot, huh?”

She nodded. “Have you ever, you know…done anything bi?”

An amused grin spread across his face. “Didn’t we discuss this the other night?”

She shook her head. “No. I made you put a vibrator in your mouth, but I never asked you any questions.”

He gave his head a matter-of-fact tilt. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, angel, but the answer’s no.”

“Would you?”

He laughed. “Guess it would depend on the circumstances.”

“What if the circumstances were that I asked you to?” She widened her challenging smile. “And that I pointed out it was really the least you could do considering all the stuff I’ve done with Shay to please you.”

He arched one eyebrow as if to scold her. “Well, you didn’t find anything you did with Shay distasteful.”

She sat up a bit straighter, still in teasing mode. “What makes you so sure?”

He grinned. “I have eyes, angel.”

She pursed her lips in mock defeat. “So you’re saying you’d find it distasteful to be with another guy?”

He shrugged. “Probably.”

A bargain came to mind. “Let’s make a deal. If I ever ask you to do something with another guy, promise me you’ll consider it very carefully and only say no if you really, truly find it unappealing.”

He tilted his head. “Angel, you leave in two days. So sure, I’ll take that bet.”

God, she’d forgotten. She wasn’t sure how, but somehow it had actually slipped her mind that life wasn’t going to go on like this, that in two days it would end and she’d once again be a mild-mannered bookstore owner in Maryland.

“Say I wasn’t leaving,” she said cautiously. “Say things were going to stay like this, with us. Would you still take the bet? For me?”

Chris took a sip of the orangey concoction in his glass, appearing to think it over. Carrie followed his gaze back to the pool, where the handsome guy looked lost in desire as he yelled out his pleasure, the guy who fucked him appearing equally as impassioned. Finally, Chris turned back to her, offering a soft grin. “Yeah. For you, angel, I would.”

Carrie bit her lip and leaned over to kiss him, her hand on his cheek. It touched her to hear he’d be willing to open himself up to something new and different and forbidden, as she had for him. And it broke her heart that she’d never know for sure what would happen, how the deal would turn out.

Only when the kiss ended did Carrie realize Scott had disappeared from the chair on the other side of Chris. “Where’s Scott?”

“Hot tub. It was empty, so he was hoping maybe the babe with the big boobs would join him.”

Carrie spotted the brunette who’d been doing the backstroke upon their arrival. She was sitting across the lap of another naked girl. “Looks like she’s busy.”

“Why don’t you and I go join him?” he suggested. “It’s not every day I get free use of a hot tub, and Scott won’t mind—he’s not exactly hard up for women.”

She giggled. “I didn’t think so.” She really thought she was hot enough already—both in terms of the weather and sexually—but Chris sounded like he wanted to indulge, so she didn’t mind.

Hand in hand, they made their way to the hot tub, where Scott sat, arms stretched out, his face leaning back toward the sun. “Still a party for one, I see,” Chris said with a laugh.

Scott looked up. “Not if you leave Carrie here for me.” She felt his wicked grin between her thighs.

“Nothing doing,” Chris said. “We just came to keep you company out of pity.”

Chris held Carrie’s hand as she stepped carefully into the roiling water. “Oooh, hot,” she said.

He smiled down at her. “At first. You’ll get used to it, though.”

She eased down onto the seat, Chris following to sit next to her, placing his arm comfortably around her shoulder.

“You two have too many clothes on for this place,” Scott commented.

Carrie gave Chris a speculative glance—for some reason, it hadn’t even occurred to her to take her bikini off, even though at the Garden of Ecstasy she’d gone topless from the start.

“I will if you will,” he said.

Reaching down under the water, she eased out of her bottoms, feeling glad she’d re-shaved her pussy that morning. She wasn’t sure anyone would be seeing it, but if someone did, she wanted it to be smooth and sexy-looking.

She tossed her bikini bottoms onto the concrete walkway above them just as Chris abandoned his trunks.

“What about those?” Chris said, pointing at her breasts.

The question reminded her that just a little while ago, he’d been nibbling on one of her nipples and she hadn’t gotten nearly enough of it. Suddenly feeling as coy as if she were performing for a crowd on the
Party Barge
, she shifted a sexy look back and forth between the two men, then reached up and sensually pulled the leopard print triangles to the side, baring her breasts between the bunched fabric.

“Mmm mmm,” Scott said, his voice thick with lust, “just as pretty as I remember from the
Party Barge

Feeling hot, she smiled appreciatively and turned to Chris. “You know, earlier, you were just starting to kiss them when we got interrupted.”

“You’re right,” he said. “I bet they miss me.”

She nodded.

Scott spoke up. “Interrupted by me, I guess?”

“Mmm,” she said, both in answer to Scott and in response to Chris, who’d just leaned down to lick one hard, pink nipple.

She wrapped her arms around his head as he suckled her, her breasts floating just atop the swirling water. “Oooh,” she cooed at a particularly hard draw on the sensitive peak.

“A shame I don’t have two mouths, one for each breast,” he said, gazing playfully up at her. She was on the verge of reminding him he was able to pull both nipples into his mouth at the same time when she saw him cast a meaningful glance toward Scott.

“Maybe I could help out,” Scott offered.

Carrie’s pussy lurched beneath the water at the suggestion. She’d let the idea of being with two guys flit about her head for days now, without knowing if she could seriously act on it. Somehow being with Shay and Chris at the same time had seemed less forbidden, more like a game to please her man and broaden her horizons. But two guys at once—it was the sort of thing so unthinkable in the world where she’d been raised that such concepts had never even truly occurred to her. Could she do it? Her cunt was begging her to, pulsing madly between her thighs, urging her to take this one further step into pure hedonistic pleasure. But could she?

“Would you like that?” she whispered to Chris.

Looking deep into her eyes, he nodded. “I want to be as generous as you’ve been with me. I want you to know how it feels—as long as
want to.”

Taking a deep breath, Carrie glanced at Scott and lifted a hand to motion him closer.

As he scooted next to her, he spoke low. “Don’t worry, honey. You’re gonna like this a lot.”

Chapter Thirteen


The quake in her crotch said she believed him. Already, just having them both that close to her, knowing they were all naked, was exciting as hell.

“You two have to do me a favor, though,” she said softly.

“What’s that, angel?”

She flicked a glance to both men. “You have to do whatever I want.”

“Of course,” Scott said, with a smile. Beneath the water, his hand melded to her thigh.

Chris caressed one of her breasts as he nuzzled her neck.

“What do you want, honey?” Scott asked. “What do you want right now?”

She glanced down at her wet, beaded nipples. “Kiss them,” she said. “Suck them.”

Without further prodding, both guys sank to her breasts, kissing, laving, caressing, as she leaned back, thrusting the mounds slightly forward, letting herself relish the sensations of them feasting on her. She loved looking down, watching both of them work at her breasts—one suckling while the other licked, sometimes both nibbling hotly, other times both sucking hard enough to make her whimper.

She became aware that above her, in the courtyard, people occasionally passed by, but she’d been here long enough not to be concerned. She only hoped that if they were watching that they were taking half as much pleasure from it as she was.

When a male hand closed over her pussy, forcing her legs slightly apart, pressing fingers into her slit, she didn’t know which man the hand belonged to. The realization upped her heat to a new level, making her tremble slightly beneath the touch, which she met, lifting her cunt lightly at each sensual stroke.

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