Kept by the Highlander (7 page)

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Authors: Joanna Davis

BOOK: Kept by the Highlander
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              Kalila sat in the corner of the thick stone window ledge, her knees pulled up tightly against her body. She was in a cage once again. But at least this one had a better view.

He was back again. Her Scotsman. Her Highlander. She could see Malcolm pacing outside in the courtyard. He had not yet been allowed to see her. Maybe today.

But she knew it would be only to say goodbye.

She wished with all her heart that she had allowed him the access he had craved. That they
had craved. He had made it implicit that he would not take her fully until she asked him for it. No- until she
. But she had been foolish, thinking there was time.              

She had been wrong.

Outside, there was some activity. Malcolm was being spoken to by several guards. Her stomach clenched in fear, hoping he would not cause trouble or endanger himself. Her future might even be bearable, if only she could imagine her wild Scotsman out in the world. Safe and free.

He glanced up at her window as he was led inside. He was coming. She could feel it in her bones.

A knock sounded on the door before it opened.

She lifted her chin from her folded knees and smiled tremulously at Malcolm. No tears to spoil the moment. She would have only this memory of goodbye to cling to.

He shut the door behind him and stared at her. His hunger for her, his anger at the situation, his despair, all shone clearly in his eyes. She stood and crossed the room to him.

Without a word he pulled her into his arms, his lips finding hers. Their tongues twining desperately together as she clung to his thickly muscled shoulders. She inhaled deeply as he finally lifted his head, hoping to remember his scent.

His broad hand held her tousled hair, pulling her into his chest. She felt a deep contentment there, unwilling to let any other thought or fears intervene.

              "I'm going to find a way to get you out of here."

She stepped back out of his arms.

"No you are not."

His jaw clenched as he looked down at her. He said nothing.

"Your grandfather is right Mal-colm. I am not just a woman. We both forgot that for a little while but now it is time for me to go to my destiny, and you to yours."

She laid her hand over his chest.

"I am very glad to have known you. But my misery will be complete if I thought you had put yourself in harms way on my behalf. Promise me you will not do anything foolish Scotsman."              He grabbed both sides of her head and stared into her eyes.

"I'm not a Scotsman. You forget. I'm a Highlander. We don't let others take what belong to us. And you are mine Kalila. Never forget that!"

His mouth crashed down on hers in a punishing kiss. When he lifted his head many minutes later, the fire was still in his eyes.

She waited until he had slammed the door behind him to loose herself in tears.









He had not been allowed to see her for weeks now, while they waited for the arrival of Al Hakam.

Malcolm knew he should leave for home without a backward glance but he could not. He could find no solution to this problem, no way to help Kalila, but he could not abandon her either.

How he wished he had followed his instincts and taken the Princess to his Highland home. He'd be buried under the sheets with her now, filling her belly with a dusky skinned babe.

He paced back and forth, waiting for his carriage to arrive.

Tonight was the banquet that would serve to finalize the agreement with Al Hakam. Malcom's Grandfather the Duke was invited. Malcolm had made sure that he was brought along. The old man owed him that much. Not that he particularly wanted to see the devil, let alone dine with him. But it would give him the access to the castle that he needed.

Malcolm adjusted the hidden blade he'd strapped to his calf. Another lay flat against his forearm. Weapons were not allowed in the castle, particularly not a royal banquet. But he didn't care. He just had to find a way to secret the Princess out of the Palace and over the border. Once in Scotland, no one would ever find him again.

Not unless he wanted them to.

He was silent as he climbed into the Duke's carriage. Silent as they entered the castle. Silent as they took their seats and waited for the banquet to begin. He found Al Hakam almost immediately. The man was seated to left of Richard's empty seat. So. The deal must be done then. He clenched his hands into fists under the table.

The King entered last, signaling as he passed that the musicians should begin playing, and the servants began pouring wine and serving bread and soup. A heavy curtain at the end of the table was pulled back, drawing every eye in the room.

There, at the far end of the room, was a finely wrought cage, gilded in gold. Inside sat Kalila, dressed in a sheer gold dress that displayed her ample curves to an almost obscene degree. Her veiled head was bowed and her hands clasped gently in her lap.

His head jerked to the side, seeing Al Hakam clap his hands with wicked glee. Malcolm almost stood, so disgusted was he by the way they were treating the Princess as a prize.

His Princess.

His prize.

He ignored his Grandfather and all polite attempts at conversation as the meal progressed. He just stared at her, his lovely temptress, so trapped and alone. Once she lifted her eyes to his. Her face was devoid of any emotion, but for a split second he saw her fear and despair.

And something else. Something neither of them had dared to speak aloud.

Her eyes were full of love for him.









Kalila sat perfectly still, unwilling to give them the benefit of seeing her cry or beg. She could feel lascivious eyes wandering over her, Al Hakam's most of all.

He had won.

Her humiliation was complete.

So she did what she always did when her circumstances became unbearable. She lost herself in her imagination, pretending that she was in a beautiful garden like her private sanctuary back home. But in this garden, the gates stood open and she could come and go at will.

It was some time before she realized that he was there.


Her eyes lifted, searching him out. It did not take long for her to find him. Unlike every other man in the room, his eyes were trained on her face. He'd been waiting for her to see him. The helpless rage in his eyes was unmistakeable.

She knew instantly that he was going to do something unwise. She shook her head imperceptibly. His gaze narrowed. He was not going to listen to reason then. He was not going to let her go without a fight.

Suddenly it was much more difficult to sit still. She could ignore the men who gazed on her body with ill concealed lust. But this was too worrisome. She forced herself to breath slowly and deeply. Then she straighten her spine and found his eyes again. This time she nodded at him. He rewarded her with the barest of smiles.

He was going to fight.

So she would fight too.










              Malcolm slipped away before the dinner was over, telling his Grandfather he was too disgusted to stay. For a moment he hesitated on where to position himself- in her chamber? Or in the courtyard where he could nab her before they rode away?

In the end, he decided that discretion was the better part of valor. He hid in her chamber, waiting for her to be returned there. It was nearly an hour later when the door finally opened.

He watched from the shadows as Kalila stood stiffly as the maid unhooked the back of her dress. As soon as the fabric was loose, she waved off the maid. The moment the door closed, she covered her face with her hands. He stepped out from behind the heavy tapestry.


She dropped her hands, her face a study in surprise. And then she saw him. He wasn't sure if he moved or she did but in an instant she was wrapped in his arms.

They were all over each other, equally frantic for one another's touch. With a groan he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. She gazed up at him with a look of pure adoration. He felt the hard case around his heart cracking open.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you out of here."

She giggled as he tossed her onto the bed, following her swiftly onto it. He busied himself with removing her clothes as she laughed.


"We can't leave until it's quieter. I thought we could leave Al Hakam a going away present."


"Proof of your ineligibility for marriage."

Her eyes widened for a moment. He held his breath, waiting to see if she was as impetuous and rebellious as he. He didn't have to wait long.

She smiled suddenly, raising mischievous eyes to his.

"You are truly devious Scotsman. I like the way your mind thinks."

He groaned and lowered his lips to hers again. His busy hands made short work of her clothing and then his. For the first time, their naked bodies pressed together. His shaft seemed to find its way unerringly to her sweet opening. He held himself back, groaning in frustration. All he wanted to do was nudge himself inside her plump nether lips. But she was a virgin. He had to take time- to prepare her-

"Mal-colm. I think this is a time to make haste."

His eyes searched hers, hoping she meant it, but afraid he would be too rough. After all this time, his need was just too great. He would not be able to control himself.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Please Highlander. You have made me wait too long to have you."

With a mighty groan he gave into both of their desires, the tip of his shaft sinking into her heavenly wet warmth. He glided into her snug sheath slowly, stopping only to adjust his path and nudge her barrier aside. In minutes he was fully embedded inside her, their bodies truly joined as one. The pressure of her silky walls against his manhood was exquisite torture. He wanted to drive into her again and again. And yet, he could not resist holding perfectly still for a moment, savoring this first taking that he had wanted for so long.

And then he began to move. Slowly he pistoned his hips, driving his shaft into her again and again. Beneath him Kalila was already frantic, her head tossing on the pillows. He picked up speed, knowing there was no time to give into his desire to draw their lovemaking out. He felt her body start to convulse around him as she climaxed. The feeling of her body clenching down on him threw him over the edge. He didn't stop riding her, couldn't stop if their lives had depended on it. He pistoned his hips, driving himself deeper and deeper into her welcoming warmth until he felt his seed rising, ready to explode.

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