Kept: An Erotic Anthology (3 page)

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Authors: Sorcha Black,Cari Silverwood,Leia Shaw,Holly Roberts,Angela Castle,C. L. Scholey

BOOK: Kept: An Erotic Anthology
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Command Sergeant almost spilled out. “Captain.”

“Serial number?”

I began reciting but he waved his hand and I didn’t get past the first few numbers.

“How long have you been a captain?”

My brain scrambled, trying to think if answering could hurt this mission. “I’ll answer but I’d like to ask you a few questions, too?”

“Weren’t you trained that pillow talk is the best time to gain enemy secrets?” His sex voice was better than mine.

A small laugh escaped my throat. Vic mentioned pillow talk and I thought it was lame. Now I knew it was. I stopped laughing suddenly and watched his expression closely. “Are you our enemy?”

He didn’t answer for several heartbeats and I thought maybe he was practicing the advice he’d given me. But then, the emotion in his eyes shocked me. “I don’t want to be.”

Why the fuck did I believe him? And what the hell did he mean?

There was a soft knock at the door and, as soon as Talon opened it, I smelled my dinner. The waiter looked me over and I knew he was checking my wellbeing. Since I’d woken up that morning, no one had given a shit about feeding me. If the vampire hadn’t insisted I order food, I might have starved to death by morning. The fact that I was supposed to give him blood and fuck him said exactly what the brass thought of me.

Damn, I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself.

The waiter left and Talon moved the plates off the cart onto the formal dining table. The suite was huge with a living area, full bar, formal dining and from what I could see, two bedrooms. I walked over and sat in front of the meal. The vampire thankfully took the chair across the table so several feet separated us.

I lifted the lid and dug immediately into the steak and potatoes. They melted in my mouth. He watched me with his sexy grin that showed very little teeth. I began feeling uncomfortable.

“Would you like some?” I stopped eating long enough to ask.

This time he grinned full out, white teeth flashing, no sign of fangs. “Drink your water.”

Now that I’d taken the edge off my hunger, I had no problem starting and finishing a bottle of water. I moved the plate covering my salad closer. A few bites later, I switched back to the steak.

After swallowing the last bite, I looked across the table. “Do you eat any food?”

He blinked, his incredibly long eyelashes falling over his eyes before they caught me in their spell again. “No, but I’ll have a glass of wine now and then.”

“And wine tastes better than tequila?” Could my voice sound dreamier than a lovesick teenager? I didn’t fucking think so and every few minutes, I’d catch him staring at the pulse at my throat. It was likely a moan would pass my lips and then I would just need to shoot myself.

“In my opinion yes, but it took me a while to enjoy the taste of wine again.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. My fucking thoughts had wandered.

Wine… tequila… oh yeah.

“How old are you?” I asked before I thought too hard.

“If I tell you I’ll need to kill you.”

His slight grin was back and I sincerely hoped he was teasing. But, he never answered my question.

“You need to rest.”

I looked over at the window; the sun just starting to go down.

“It can’t be later than six.” My voice was back to doing the dreamy shit.

He leaned forward placing his chin on the back of his folded hands. “I need you well rested.”

God, his eyes. Small gold flakes sparkled within the brown. It must be an illusion.

Truthfully, I was exhausted. I’d never done well after a night of drinking and today was no exception. “Where do you want me sleeping?”

“We’ll use your room.”

“We?” I squeaked like an idiot.

“I’d like to rest too. I’m not usually awake during the day and I need my beauty sleep.”

This was the kind of information Vic wanted me to discover. “But you can be up in daylight? Does the sun burn your skin?”

His lips did their tightening thing. He knew I was fishing for information.

“No, the sun doesn’t burn but I’m not at my strongest when it’s up.”

He’d given me the info anyway, knowing I’d include it in my report.

“So Hollywood got the sun thing wrong. What about wooden stakes?”

“Ouch.” His grin almost had me grinning back.

I waited but he said nothing else. I drank more water, realizing when I put it down that I needed to use the bathroom. “I need the latrine.” I’d been around guys too long to beat around the bush but Talon just gave me a quizzical cock of his eyebrow.

“The bathroom, I need to pee.”

He stood; that damn smirk back on his face. “By all means and next time I’ll know what a latrine is.”

Where the hell had he been for the last few years?


Chapter 5

He led me to the private bathroom in the room that I assumed was mine. The bed drew my attention on the way. It was high off the floor on some type of stand so I guessed only tall people used this presidential suite. I washed my hands after doing my business and noticed a packaged toothbrush with toothpaste on the counter. The thought of a vampire brushing his teeth made me giggle. I didn’t giggle, ever, but this was too much. This, everything, was too much and my nerves were shot. I brushed my teeth, took a last look in the mirror, and opened the door.

Talon sat on the end of the bed with his shirt off. Holy SNAFU. He had the most fuckable body I’d ever seen. His tight shirt hadn’t come close to doing him justice. I was around military guys every day; their bodies ripped and bulging, but this was different. I was back to thinking he was a god. A tribal tattoo covered his pectoral muscles and swooped up his shoulders branching out over his deltoids. He had no chest hair making the definition between each muscle even more pronounced. They rippled; the tat seemed almost alive when he raised his hand, palm up, beckoning me closer.

Some force I had no control over drew me to the bed, to him. I lifted my hand and placed it in his—palm to palm. I expected cold but what I got was an intense heat that sizzled between our flesh. With a sudden jerk I wasn’t expecting, he pulled me between his jean-encased thighs.

If I tipped my mouth down, I could lick his nipples. His pierced nipples. He had silver bars that I wanted to tug with my lips. I didn’t realize he’d dropped my hand until his fingers skimmed over my hips as he lifted the hem of my dress.

This was it.

I made myself relax. There were worse things than having sex with this man.

Fuck, I did it again… this vampire.

I lifted my arms when the material was past my waist. He pulled it off slowly then let it drop to the floor. I was completely naked. His hands settled on my ass, pulling me just a little closer.

“Taste me.” He said on a groan at the same time his fingers tightened almost to the point of pain.

I leaned down, circling his nipple with my tongue.

Fuck. It was only the tip of my tongue but he tasted so fucking good. Ambrosia was what the gods called it. Now, I understood why.

My lips closed around his nipple, my tongue stroking the bar.


The guttural sound he made had me looking up. His chin tipped down, letting me see the gold sparks in his eyes.

“Bite.” He ground out.

He was reading my mind again because I wanted to, so badly. He didn’t need to ask twice. Carefully grabbing the metal bar between my teeth, I pulled outward, extending his nipple, while flicking my tongue across the tip. I could feel his hands moving up and around, smoothing over my skin until he cupped the underside of my breasts.

I moved to his other nipple. Dipping my tongue against his skin and teasing before I repeated the erotic pull. His thumbs rubbed over my areola, hardening my unpierced nipples. For the first time I wished they were. He lifted my breasts causing me to release his so he could put his mouth on my skin.

The stinging pain happened so quickly it took a moment for my brain to catch up with what he’d done and I flinched. He’d bitten me. He lifted his head and just a touch of fang flashed before he leaned in, closing his lips around my nipple again. He sucked it into his mouth making me go on to my toes.

He lifted me off my feet with strong hands wrapped around my hips as he lay back on the bed, my nipple still in his mouth. My pelvis slid over his jeans, the folds of my pussy rubbing against the material. He moved his leg and I completely straddled his thigh so I was able to push against him.

The suction on my breast stopped and he pinched hard on the other nipple. It felt so damn good.

“I’m going to bite.”

Was he fucking kidding me? Just do it. I needed the sting.

I was ready this time and I pushed my pelvis harder against his leg, loving the pain at my breast, loving the fact that he understood what I needed. The bite traveled a straight path to my clit and I cried out, my fingers digging into his hair, pulling him closer all the while riding his thigh. My orgasm wasn’t mild or gentle—I went off like a rocket; the pulses centering at my pussy spiraling outward.

Fuck! This man knew his fucking foreplay.

I was breathing hard and barely aware when he rolled and lifted my arms up over my head. The snapping of cuffs brought me out of my sex induced coma like a Navy seaman getting his mop handle rammed up his ass.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“You need to sleep.”

I pulled at the cuffs but he grabbed my arm. “I need to double lock them so they don’t cut off your circulation.”

“Don’t fucking worry about my circulation; just get these fucking things off of me.”

“Do all human female warriors have the penchant for foul language the way you do?”

My gaze snapped to his. “You’re fucking kidding me, right? I’m fucking naked in a bloodsuckers’ bed, handcuffed to the headboard, and you want to discuss my penfuckingchant for foul language?”

“Are there mute female warriors?” He had the audacity to arch his eyebrows.

I lost it. If all I had were my legs, I would damn well use them. I kicked out with one while flipping over and bringing the other under me so I could gain some leverage. I connected with his shin causing a small grunt from him but he grabbed my opposite ankle and pulled it out from under me so I was flat on my stomach. One of his hands pushed hard against the middle of my back while the other grabbed the hair at my nape, pulling up and sideways so I was looking at him.

His grin flashed; showing razor sharp canines. “Go. To. Sleep.”

Instantly, a haze shimmied through my brain. “You drugged m…”


Chapter 6

Oh God, it felt so good. Warm fingers dug into my arms and shoulders, massaging my tight muscles, turning them liquid.

Wait! A jingling sound made me pay attention to my surroundings. Steel encased my wrists. I jerked, trying to free myself.

“Hold still.”

He dug in a little harder, pushing a small knot below the surface of my skin at my trapezius.

My mind was no longer cloudy but I didn’t understand. “Why are you doing this?”

“I know your arms and shoulders are sore.”

I shifted a little, squinting from the shining lamp until I could see him. His chest was still bare and his jeans remained on. “I’m not going anywhere. I agreed to be your fuck bunny and midnight snack. There was no reason to chain me to the bed or, for that matter, to drug me. Was it in the water?”

He moved a section of hair from my face, placing it gently behind my ear.

“I didn’t give you a drug; my system wouldn’t enjoy the taste. I used a bit of mind control. As far as chaining you to the bed, this is what I want.” His hands smoothed across my skin burning a path straight to my clit. “I let you have your fun last night but this is how I like mine.”

Shit, I was in bed with a kinky vampire.

His fingers continued to graze my flesh, the burn intensifying, my need growing with every heated touch. My body and brain were at war as I arched into his caress. I shouldn’t want this but fuck, I needed it.

“I must feed.” His words threw ice water on my foggy libido.

“Oh, okay. I’m not stopping you.” I just wanted him to get back to the sex part as quickly as possible. Pure undeniable lust was pulsing between my legs.

“Do you give your blood freely, little warrior?”

He didn’t stop touching me and how the hell could I say no? The prick of his teeth last night gave me the best orgasm of my life. I moved my head back, displaying my neck, giving him room to gnaw on my throat.

“Tsk, tsk. I have a better place in mind.”

His mouth took over where his hands left off. Kissing bites on my skin made my clit zing with powerful throbs. Pheromones leaked from his pores; I could smell him and I so badly wanted to lick his skin especially the part of him still encased in jeans. I needed him inside me, rubbing across my sweet spot, burying himself so deep he’d lose his way and never be able to stop fucking me.

His head moved lower and my thighs tightened before going lax as his hands separated my legs. I couldn’t remember what we’d talked about moments before, I couldn’t form a single thought past the burning need for his mouth.

His tongue ran through my folds scorching every centimeter of needy flesh. All the blood in my body rushed to my pussy, pooling in the most delicious way. He took my clit between his teeth… teasing. For a minute, I expected the sharp graze of fangs to pierce me but then he sucked my clit hard, his lower lip enticing my center. He slipped two fingers inside, stroking in and out. My hips rose from the bed and if my hands had been free, they’d be in his hair pulling him closer.

His ruthless assault sent my orgasm bursting through my body and I barely felt the bite of his teeth into the large vein at my groin. The pull of blood made the sexual pulses intensify and I knew if sex could kill, I was a dead woman.

And, a happy one.

The sleepy after sex lull had my head falling back against the pillows while my body turned to mush. My lips formed a goofy grin. Fuck me; this man was the ultimate sex god.

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