Kenton (13 page)

Read Kenton Online

Authors: Kathi Barton

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: Kenton
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stroking his full cock. “I’m going to lean over that bed right now and hope that you’re

going to join me. If not, I think I can take care of—”

He jerked her to him and flipped her onto the bed. As her giggles echoed in the

room, Kenton pulled her to the edge of the bed and buried his mouth over her hot

pussy. Her scream of pleasure had him smiling as he devoured her. Okay, so much for

being a soft lover, he thought.

Her thighs tightened around his head, and he had to work hard at sliding his

fingers into her. The harder he fucked her this way, the more cream that was his to

have. When she begged him to stop, pulling his head up, he looked up at her and knew

that at some point, he’d fallen in love with her.

“I love you.” She nodded as he stood up. “I didn’t know until this moment that it

was possible to love someone as much as I do you.”

“I fell in love with you too. I’m not sure when, but it seems like forever to me.” He

nodded and stripped off his pants. She sat up and kissed the tip of his leaky cock. “I

want to taste you as you did me. Would you like that, Kenton? For me to take you into

my mouth and let you come down my throat?”

“Oh God, yes. But you do and this will end now.” Her giggle again had him

smiling. “I want to fill you. Make love to you. Show you how much I love you.”

“Take me, Kenton. Please?” He watched her move to the center of the bed. He

wanted to leap on her, take her now, but making love to her was as important to him as

his heart beating. Sliding into the bed beside her, he touched her, ran his fingers up and

over her breasts while he watched her face. He touched her ribs, counting them as he

went. Cupped her ass, loving the way that it filled his hand. Her thighs were a wonder,

hard and soft at the same time. Calves that were muscled and strong twitched in his

hands. When he kissed her navel, running his tongue into the deep crevice, she moaned

with him. Kenton looked up at her as he moved around her on the bed.

“You’re so lovely.” He kissed the tip of her nipple. “And soft. I love the way your

breasts tighten when you’re aroused. And the color or your skin when you’re excited. I

can hear your heart beating too. Like you’ve run a long way and you need to rest a bit.”

“You’re killing me.” He laughed and moved between her legs. He slid over her, his

cock at her entrance, and he felt the heat of her pull at him. Kenton wanted to fill her

now, take her hard and fast, but he really did want this to last. Kissing her as gently as

he could, he gave her as much of his love for her as he could before slowly filling her.

“Oh Kenton, yes.”

Her body was accepting of his. She fit him, her sheath rippling along his cock until

he had to pause before coming just as he was. Moving in and out of her, Kenton made

love to her mouth, her throat, and ears. He loved the taste of her skin too, the heat of it,

the dewy sweat as he took her. And when she cried out, telling him not just with her

body but her voice too that she was coming, Kenton let himself go. Emptied all that he

was inside of her.

Kenton held her to him when he felt his cock fill again. His heart was pounding so

hard that he was sure she could hear it. So when she rolled him over, her body riding

over his, he held her hips in an effort to keep himself from taking over again.

“I need this.” He nodded as her body began to sway over his. Her hands cupped

her breasts, her body hard with her need. “Kenton, I love you.”

“I love you too.” Her hips were moving faster, her ride out of control, it seemed.

Rolling her to her back again, he fucked her, plowed her as hard as he could as he took

her mouth in an almost brutal kiss. When he felt close to coming, Kenton had the most

incredible urge to bite her, and he did.

The climax didn’t just take him but overwhelmed him. He felt it from the tip of his

toes to every hair follicle on his head. Even as he came, his body hard and stiff above

hers, he felt his balls fill again and empty just as hard, just as completely. Her own peak

pulled him under again until he felt as if he’d been drained, not just of his cum but of all

of him. Kenton dropped on top of her, rolling to his back when he realized how heavy

he was.

Neither of them moved. To be honest, he wasn’t sure he could any more. As he held

her in his arms, her body splayed all over his, all he could think about was that he had

just had the most moving experience of his life. And that he couldn’t wait to do it again.

Smiling, he lifted her chin up to tell her again how much he loved her and realized she

was asleep. Kenton thought that was a wonderful idea and closed his eyes.


“What do you mean, they’re still alive? I thought you sent someone there to take

care of them. What happened?” Steward handed him a sheet of paper and Baldwin

didn’t bother picking it up. “I asked a question I want answered, not a sheet of paper

laying it all out.”

“It’s an email I got from Kenton McCade. It was his offices that we were going to go

and take care of the lot of them in.” Baldwin nodded, waiting for the excuses that he

didn’t want to hear. “He’s not happy with the way things turned out. I don’t believe

you will be either once you read this.”

“He killed them?” Steward told him no, not that he was aware of. “Then what the

fuck are you talking about? Someone needs to explain to me why my worst enemy, a

woman who killed my only daughter, is still running around like nothing happened.”

“Our men moved in, just as they were told. The woman we used went with them,

playing her part as well. Not willingly, but we had that under control too. Then we

have nothing. No word from them. The woman and her daughter are gone, and there is

no trace whatsoever of what might have happened at their house. I’ve had people

watching the office building since yesterday, and that’s all I know.” Baldwin wanted to

get up and kill the man, but knew that he’d have no more answers if he did. “Then

today, about seven this morning, I get this email from him.”

Steward picked it up and started reading it, to himself apparently. It was all

Baldwin could do not to pull his gun out and end this shit. Then he started to read it to


“‘Salutations, Baldwin. I feel that I can call you that, because presumably we’re

going to be related soon. You see, your granddaughter and I are seeing each other. You

might remember her, she’s the one you just recently tried to kill. Again.’” Baldwin

wanted to give the man kudos for having balls, but he also was going to kill him.

“‘Emma and I want to thank you for yesterday. I don’t believe that my office has been

so thoroughly cleaned before. I never knew that blood could spread to so many places.

It’s a good thing there is a service that will not ask questions when you call them for

that type of work. But I digress.

“‘This is not really a warning or a threat. This is a promise. You come near my

family again and I will make you regret ever being born. My family is everything to me.

And rest assured, I will make sure that you understand that I’m a man that protects

what is his.’”

Baldwin stopped Steward. “This man, what do we know about him? I mean, other

than he’s going to be dead soon.”

“A doctor of good standing. Not a single skeleton in his closet that I can find. Pays

his bills on time, doesn’t have much in the way of credit, but he has a nice fat bank

account.” Steward took something from his briefcase. “Kenton has five brothers. All of

them equally well thought of and having good jobs. Mother, Aisha, raised them pretty

much on her own, as the father wasn’t in the picture much. Abusive bastard, but he’s

dead now. ‘Accidental’ shooting is all I’ve been able to unearth on that.”

“And he’s hooked up with Emma now. Why?” Steward said that he didn’t know

what the connection was other than what he’d read in the letter. “So he’s found himself

in love with her. A daughter of a murderer, and that doesn’t bother him.”

“Apparently not. I would say that she’s either hoodwinked him or she has found

herself in a good situation. I doubt she loves him. If she’s anything like her mother, I’d

say she’s just using the bastard to hide from you.” Baldwin asked him why he thought

that. “Isn’t that the reason that Anderson married Bartholomew in the first place? To

piss you off?”

“Yes. And see what that got her.” He thought about his little girl and wondered

what she’d think of all this. “Anderson claimed to have loved Gentry. And like a fool, I

thought I could get him to do what I wanted because of that. But all he thought of was

himself and what things would bring to him. Then all of the sudden, he just up and

turns into a nice guy with morals. Fucking moron. I thought that was what got

Anderson killed, but I wonder now if he was cutting ties with Bart when he found out

the idiot worked with me and that was why Bart did it.”

That was the truth. Baldwin really did come to believe that Gentry loved Anderson,

though for the life of him he could not figure out why. Anderson was his daughter, yes,

but she wasn’t a nice person. Hadn’t been for a very long time before Gentry had come

along and said he loved her.

Baldwin had hated that he couldn’t control either of them, and that was what

pissed him off more than anything. Not once did they come running to him when he

tried to bring them down behind their backs, nor did his daughter heel when he told

her too. No, Gentry had turned into a good guy, and he was sure that was what had

gotten his little girl killed that night. Bart, for all his undying love of his mother, had

killed her as surely as if he’d pulled the trigger himself.

Baldwin often wondered what sort of hold he had over her. Bart would have one

too. He could dig deeper into someone’s life than the men working for him could. That

wouldn’t be the only reason that Anderson was killed. No, she had made as many

enemies as he had. But it mattered little. Bart and Emma had had their own mother

killed, and that had sort of been the icing on the cake for him.

“Find out where he lives.” Steward handed him something else. He looked it over,

all the addresses for the entire bunch of them. “Good. Send someone to the mother’s

house. There will be a gathering, no doubt, if we put the squeeze on her. And by the

way, any word on that ring? Have you found it yet?”

“No. I have men working, sifting through every scrap of material that we can find.

There is little doubt he would have taken the ring there. The safe was in the lower

levels.” He asked him if he thought Emma had taken it. “She more than likely did. But

she’s not done anything with it as yet. I’ve never seen the ring, but its value would

surely make it worthy of someone speaking about it.”

“Yes. I’ve never seen it either. That fuck really messed things up for me. I had a

buyer all lined up, and you can imagine how much I hate to not collect when it is no

fault of my own.” Steward knew as well as he did that Baldwin had no use for extra

money. But he did like having it and lording it over those that didn’t. As far as he knew,

he was one of, if not the, richest man in the state, perhaps even the whole United States.

“She’d better still have it on her, that’s all I can say. If not, I’m going to get whoever she

sold it to out of her and then kill them too.”

After Steward left him, Baldwin picked up the letter and stared at it. He knew that

McCade was a good man. When he’d started looking for his wayward granddaughter,

he just knew that was where she’d be. The man was just too nice not to help someone in


“Going to get you killed too.” As he worked on some paperwork, really just

wasting time until he had to leave for home, he thought of his daughter again.

Anderson had been his baby, the one he was going to leave it all to, he’d thought. She

did what he said when he said it and never asked him questions. Then she’d turned


He still to this day had no idea what had turned her around. She’d not been what

one would call polite. She could be mouthy when the mood struck her. And bitchy too.

But she listened to him when he spoke and that was the end of it. Then one day, he

noticed that not only had he lost control of her, he wasn’t really sure he hadn’t been

played all along. She talked back to him, slapped around the people that worked for

them, and was drunk by two in the afternoon, or sometimes stoned out of her head.

Putting her in rehab got to be a monthly thing, and then she’d met Gentry.

Gentry had been a small-time hood. He didn’t sell drugs or women which, he

supposed had made him small time. If it gave him green, it was a go for Baldwin. But

not for Gentry. He did deal with loan sharking, but then who didn’t? Broke a few legs

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