Kelly's Quest (NYC LOVE Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Kelly's Quest (NYC LOVE Book 2)
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“Considering you told me just as you were leaving to move in with him, I didn’t have much notice to work with. Besides, I don’t think he’s physically dangerous now that he’s staying off drugs.” Rubbing at the back of his neck, he glances at Jewels. “I’ll probably tell her now. I don’t want you to have to keep that kind of secret from her. She’s probably going to freak, maybe even beg you to move out. I’m not going to tell you what you can or can’t do, but you need to be extremely careful around him. Erik knows exactly which buttons to push to manipulate people into getting what he wants. If you get hurt by him, I can’t help but think it’d all be on me.”

I bite my lip, watching as Theo and the others quit dancing when the song ends. They talk animatedly, laughing and carrying on. Theo’s gaze catches with mine, and his smile grows.

One thing’s clear in this moment: time to find a new roommate.




My housewarming party is still
going strong at eleven. I keep thinking I should kick everyone out before Erik shows up, but since I’m going to move out soon anyway, I just enjoy the night. We dance, and drink, and devour every last piece of sushi. I’m more relaxed around Theo, letting him move against me without it feeling dirty. He whispers sweet words into my ear, and touches me with unassuming reserve. I can’t believe how lucky I am to find such an amazing guy.

Being with Theo feels
. I’m able to be myself around him like he’s an old friend. He’s fun, and gorgeous, and lights up when he’s around me in a way that gets my heart fluttering. I just hope I can get my shit together so we can give our relationship an honest try.

It’s after midnight when Chloe, Beckett and Landon announce they’re leaving. Soon Adam and Jewels follow suit. After we say our goodbyes to James, I take Theo by the hand. “I haven’t given you an official tour.”

He follows me back to peek inside Erik’s room. I flush when I think of all the toys accessible to us. I’ve never tried the kind of sex that involves whips and handcuffs, though something tells me it’d be thrilling to try with Theo.

Theo squeezes my hand. “Now that’s a stellar view.”

I drag him across the hallway to my bedroom. He drops my hand to step inside, his eyes flickering around the minimal contents.

“Yeah, I know it’s boring. I’m waiting to muster the courage to ask my parents ship my things from home.”

Theo shrugs. “I could arrange for movers to do it for you. They’d just need your parents’ permission to pack up your things.”

“Thanks, but I can about imagine my mom’s face when a bunch of strangers waltz in to take my things away. I better handle it myself.” I cross my arms, fighting back the urge to tackle Theo to the bed. “I’ve been dying to tell you all night that I’m ready to try this dating thing with you.”

His face cracks with a bright smile. “About damn time!” He rushes to my side, wrapping his arms around me and literally sweeping me off my feet. “When can I take you out?”

I’m giggling as he sets me back down. “That’ll depend on whatever schedule I’ll have
I ever find a job. I’m having a hard time finding something decent. Any suggestions?”

“I’m sure I could find you something. The network’s always looking for assistants of some kind. The pay isn’t the best, but it’s probably no less than what you’d get waitressing or working retail.”

“Theo!” I scold, covering my face for a moment. “Just because I agreed to go on a date with you doesn’t mean you have to take care of all my problems!”

A grin tilts the side of his mouth. “Maybe I
to take care of you.”

“Thanks, but I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. Besides, you couldn’t possibly fix all my problems.

“I can try.” He starts toward me with a smoldering gaze. “Can I start by taking care of your beautiful lips? I wanted to kiss you all night.”

I inhale sharply as he hovers just inches away, smelling all kinds of wonderful as he waits for my permission. I’ve been just as eager to kiss him, but know just how much I have to hold back if things are going to keep under control. The presence of his large, hard body so close to me, his large lips ready for the taking, sends me into a sensual overload.

“Just one kiss,” I whisper, unable to take my eyes off his mouth.

He slips one hand behind my head, gently cradling it. His other hand rests on the side of my face. There’s a ghost of a smile on his lips when he leans in, his eyes fixed on my lips. My heart races in anticipation.

The moment’s interrupted as the front door slams shut.

I hop away from Theo as if electrocuted. “
. It’s probably Erik.”

Theo immediately looks dejected, his eyes falling to the floor. He moves past me. “Then I guess I should go.”

I grab his arm, stopping him. “Hey, look at me.” When he looks up I smile and slip my hand back into his. “We can save the first kiss for our big date. C’mon, I’ll walk you out.”

My words seem to lighten his mood as he smiles, motioning for me to lead the way.

Erik stands at the sink with his arms crossed, taking the loft in with his eyebrows raised. There isn’t much out of place other than some empty trays and glasses. I suddenly see Erik in a whole different light after Adam told me what happened. It would seem Adam’s crude names for his brother were actually quite validated. My stomach turns when I remind myself I had sex with the bastard.

“It appears I missed a party.”

“I hope you don’t mind,” I say, my tone light. “I just had a few friends over. Erik, you remember Adam’s friend, Theo?”

Erik tips his head at Theo with dull eyes. “Of course.” He looks back at me. “I expect this mess to be gone by morning.”

I feel Theo stiffen beside me, pulling in a breath to say something. I quickly squeeze his hand. “Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t dream of leaving the apartment this way. I was just getting ready to walk Theo out first.”

“Nice seeing you again. Take care,” Erik tells Theo without any emotion to his voice.

“You’ll be seeing me around,” Theo returns in the same tone. Once at the door, he tells me, “I’ll call you tomorrow when I have information on any job leads.”

I wrap my arms around him. As much as I’d love to properly wish him goodnight, I don’t want our first kiss to be in Erik’s line of sight. “I’m so glad you came,” I whisper.

Theo pulls me in closer, rubbing my back. “I’ll be waiting for your call to set up our date.” He releases me with a kiss to my forehead. After starting down the hallway he stops, throwing a glowing grin over his shoulder. My insides turn to mush.

Erik stands in the same place in the kitchen, watching me walk back inside. “I sure hope you weren’t back in your bedroom, violating one of the few restrictions I placed on you.” He smirks, though his eyes remain dull. “I’d hate to take some kind of…action.”

An instantaneous erotic surge hits me as I picture Erik coming after me with the leather whip I found in his closet. From the sudden spark to his gaze, I realize he has every intention of fulfilling the fantasy.

Digging my nails into my palms, I remind myself of Adam’s confession. And then there’s

Take action
?” I scoff, frowning. “I’m not a
. In fact, I’m
than you. Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I was
back in my room violating your twisted rule. Theo and I actually agreed to start
. You know, the thing you do when you want to get to know someone better, instead of just wanting to get in their pants.”

Eyebrows raised, he smirks like he doesn’t believe a word I just said. “You wanted in
pants as much as I wanted in yours.

“And both times it was a mistake.”

“Is that why you’ve been hiding out in your room these past few days? You’ve decided it was a mistake to be with me?”

“Yes, it was. It never should’ve happened. The two of us together is far too complicated. It’s over.”

He chuckles loudly. “That’s what you said after the first time we were together. Admit it, Kelly, you’re never going to be able to say ‘no’ to me.”

“I’m saying it now.” I march over to the island and begin clearing the dirty dishes. “And from now on, my personal life isn’t any of your business. I appreciate the opportunity to let me stay here, but we’re nothing more than roommates until I can find somewhere else. With any luck I’ll be out of here by the end of the week.”

“I didn’t realize you were in such a hurry to vacate.” He moves in closer until I can feel the heat of his body against mine. My body reacts to him in ways that enrage my mind. “What changed your mind?”

I reel on him, suddenly livid. “
did! I can’t stay here when you’re always coming onto me like this!” I toss the dish-rag back into the sink. “You know what, fuck this. I’ll finish up once you’ve gone to bed.
, Erik.” I shove him with all my strength before storming from the room.


Erik’s gone in the morning
. I was up pretty late, tidying the place to meet his standards, and slept in longer than planned. I check my phone to find a message from Theo, saying he’s sending a car for me at noon. I shower and curl my hair before rummaging through my recent purchases with Chloe. I’m thankful for her fashion advice, knowing whatever I would’ve picked out back home wouldn’t work as well for New York. I settle on black leggings and a silky white tunic, dressing them up with a long, silver chain and dangling earrings.

I’m ready and down in the lobby just minutes before the doorman tells me my ride has arrived. It’s thrilling to ride all alone in the back of the black sedan, the rich smell of the leather seats filling me. Of all the traits I adore in Theo, I sometimes forget about the perks that would come with his prestigious career. A girl could get used to this lifestyle.

Charles, the elderly driver of the town car, tells me how he recently moved to the city from Great Britain so he could get to know his new grandson, and continues to chat animatedly during the ride. Between him and my racing thoughts, I hardly pay any attention to the view outside, and we’re pulling up to a curb in no time.

A stout man in a suit rushes to the car, opening my door. “Good afternoon, Miss Cavenaugh.” His eyes crinkle with a bright smile. “I was asked to bring you up to see Mister Roberts.”

“Thank you,” I say, a little put off by the formality. I suddenly feel really small-town for this kind of thing and wish Jewels was along to lighten the mood.

I follow the man inside the tall, tan skyscraper with gold-trimmed doors, and through the bright lobby. An impeccably dressed woman sitting behind the receptionist’s desk smiles and throws us a polite nod. We continue on to a set of elevators. The man presses a button and holds his arm out, waiting for me to enter first. He enters behind me and presses a button. We stand in silence as a horribly redone instrumental of a Bruno Mars song rings overhead.

The elevator stops at the tenth floor where a stark white reception area is brightly lit like the lobby downstairs. A super Betty with darkly painted eyes and dark hair styled like a pin up girl from the 50s sits tall behind a plain white desk. She wears a tight-fitting red shirt cut low enough to show off her obviously surgically enhanced breasts. As we approach, she watches me carefully. I’m lit with jealousy to know that Theo works with such an attractive woman.

“Hey, William,” she greets my companion. “Who do you have here?”

“Raquel, this is Miss Cavenaugh. She’s here to see Mister Roberts.”

Raquel presses her lips together and nods, reaching for the phone. She studies me from head to toe as she speaks. “You have a

Yeah, I’d love to wrestle the snooty bitch down to the ground. Then again, I’d probably be resentful too if I had an incredibly hot boss who apparently doesn’t have time for his secretaries outside of the office. I flash her my best smile while we wait for Theo to emerge from the set of etched doors on her right.

Wearing a designer gray suit and bright blue tie, Theo looks so amazing that I nearly forget where we are and jump into his arms. He lights up like the New York skyline when he takes me in. “Cavenaugh, I’m glad you’re here.”

Raquel makes a deep throated noise before looking away to her computer.

I step forward, not sure how I’m supposed to greet him, considering he’s at work. He wraps me in his massive arms before I can put too much thought into it. I catch him sniffing my hair before he breaks the contact. “Did you eat yet?”

I shake my head.

“Good. I ordered us carryout.” He takes my hand and turns to the front desk. “Raquel, go ahead and have them bring our food back when it arrives. We’ll be in my office.”

Raquel gives him a bright smile. “Sure thing, Theo.” I catch her shooting me a dark glare before I follow Theo through the etched doors.

Pictures of celebrities on location line the brightly lit hallway. I stop in my tracks to gape at a picture, just about pulling Theo over. “Holy shit! That’s Norman Fucking Reedus!”

Theo dwarfs my favorite actor in the picture, their arms looped around each other’s necks. They’re both wearing sunglasses, and it looks like Norman’s in costume for
The Walking Dead
. They both have deep grins on their face as they flash the camera the middle finger.

“Another Dixon Vixen. I should’ve guessed.” Theo chuckles at my side. “Maybe I can arrange for you to meet him sometime when he’s in the city.”

Dazed by Theo’s connections, I let him pull me away, but still take my time studying the other pictures as we pass them by. I can’t imagine a life where working with famous actors and actresses is no different than having coworkers at an ordinary office. Theo ducks into another set of double doors at the end of the hallway. We enter a large office with fluffy white carpet and a line of shelves holding various awards and memorabilia.

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