Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between (31 page)

BOOK: Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between
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Governor (Baron) H’Topa watched the approaching cloud from his vantage point on top of the rock outcropping. He saw the ground-hugging cloud approaching the cavern opening. His chances for bringing the battle to the Humans were slipping away from him. He called his shadow leaders and ordered them to exfiltrate their units from the cavern and into the woods to the east. He only hoped the chemicals wouldn’t poison the cavern where their supplies were stored. It would be a short campaign if they only had what they were able to carry.

The exfiltration plans had been practiced many times and the shadow leaders led their charges out of the cavern and to the concealed assembly areas. The cloud passed over the cavern and natural positive pressure existing in the cavern kept the cloud from entering. The K’Rang were back in the cavern before dark with no ill effects. Baron H’Topa realized it was past time to bring the fight to the Humans.


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Kelly preceded the Angaerry fleet toward the last reported location of the approaching K’Rang fleet. He was to find them, report their location to Jotil Lenkva, and maintain contact until the Angaerry fleet made contact. Kelly found them, identified their consist as two cruisers, four destroyers, and ten frigates. They were the old build ships, not the new ships or even the former Shadow Force ships that had cascaded down to the regular fleet. That at least, was a good thing. The Angaerry fleet outmatched them with one battle cruiser, two cruisers, four destroyers, and five frigates.

Kelly stayed just out of K’Rang sensor range and guided the Angaerry in. The Angaerry, for all their brash and dash attitude, came in cautiously and slowly. The first salvo was from the K’Rang, who fired their offensive missiles in one large salvo. The Orion’s sensors counted out 150 missiles, so they didn’t fire all in the first salvo. The Angaerry fired one-third of their defensive missiles first, followed by one-third of their offensive missiles.

The defensive missiles did a good job of knocking out the K’Rang missiles. Angaerry short-range defensive missiles and guns took out the leakers. The Angaerry missiles raced into the K’Rang fleet and hit both cruisers, destroying one and damaging the second. Two destroyers fired off their last offensive missiles as Angaerry missiles plowed into them, breaking them both in two and setting them on fire. Kelly suspected a design flaw made K’Rang destroyers extremely susceptible to flank missile impacts. Three frigates simply disappeared as multiple missiles hit them and the antimatter warheads reacted with their matter to cause cataclysmic explosions. Two more frigates suffered the same fate, as several missiles leaked through the defensive fire and struck them.

Jotil Lenkva ordered the fleet to fire the next third of their offensive missiles. Kelly asked permission to join in and help by taking out some of the remaining ships after the Angaerry missiles hit. Jotil Lenkva gave permission gladly. Kelly gave orders to bring the Orion into the battle after the latest salvo of Angaerry missiles struck the K’Rang fleet. He timed his approach to come in just behind the missiles when the K’Rang would be most disoriented.

The second Angaerry missile salvo took out three frigates and a destroyer. The K’Rang were preparing to launch yet another salvo when the Orion came in and fired its offensive missiles, programmed for the damaged cruiser, the remaining destroyer, and two of the frigates. He would leave the remaining two frigates for the Angaerry.

The Orion’s missiles flew unimpeded into the targeted ships. They were so focused on the Angaerry they never saw the Orion bearing down on them. In short order, only two K’Rang frigates remained. A salvo from Jotil Lenkva’s flagship destroyed both of them, as they were consumed in multiple antimatter explosions. The Angaerry were victorious against the K’Rang once again.


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The 1st and 2nd Combined Fleets were on direct lines to G’Durin with an ETA of one week. The K’Rang Grand Armada was three days behind them. Admiral Chang had plans for that 72-hour period before they arrived. His scouts had closed on G’Durin and confirmed that there was no fleet present near their capital. The only defenses were the facilities on the three moons, two in the same orbit and one in its own orbit.

The scouts found out the hard way that the long-range capability extended further than any expected. The scout ship Velocity was completely dematerialized by a massive blast of the defensive guns. The remaining scouts kept their distance after that, and scouts reported on the true capability of the lunar defense facilities.

Admiral Chang and his two combined fleet Commanders met to discuss how to defeat the lunar defensive complex. Admiral Levi suggested sending the cruiser groups in first to blast through the fire and destroy them. Admiral Haddock-Halloway felt it would be best to stand off and run in with A-76's supported by MJ-9 jammer ships to take out the facilities. Admiral Chang liked Haddock-Halloway’s idea over Admiral Levi’s. Too many cruisers could be lost and they would be needed when the K’Rang fleet appeared in three days. He also realized that the K’Rang prejudice against carriers and fighters might not make their defenses all that effective against small attack ships.

The next order of business would be to destroy the FTL capability of the K’Rang home world. Admiral Chang assigned that task to the 1st Combined Fleet. The 2nd Combined Fleet would provide security in case the Grand Armada arrived early. Then the 1st would destroy the governmental facilities, to destroy the K’Rang ability for self-rule.

The next order of business would be to stand off from the planet, to catch the Grand Armada on their flank and defeat them in open space. Admiral Chang expected that the K’Rang went into hot pursuit in their four-line formation, and hadn’t reorganized while in transit, due to the difficulty of reorganizing when one's slowest ships were at max speed. The K’Rang would have to stop to reorganize and that would take one or more days. If they came in the line formation, they were ill suited to attack or defend. If they stopped to reorganize, they would not have time enough to learn to work together as a fleet. Either way, it would be good for the 1st and 2nd Combined Fleets.


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Baron N’Gana and his scribe sat patiently, while the elders talked over the message brought from the Council of Peers. Never in the history of the Elders had they ever had to explain themselves to anyone, much less the petty royalty that composed the Council of Peers. The Elders would not, could not meet their demand to appear before the council. All that remained was how to tell them NO in such a way as to end this controversy and not have it continue on.

The youngest Elder spoke first. “Well, how do we get ourselves out of this predicament? In the original Imperial Charter for the creation of the Elders, it states the Council of Peers may call the Elders to appear before them in times of imperial crisis to consult on matters of the Empire. They have a legal right to ask us to appear. The fact that this has never been invoked is irrelevant.”

“What can we tell them that may assuage their fears? I know, let us tell them that the Humans, who we thought would never attack there for fear of harming their hostage populations, are reducing our fleet in the Eridanus sector to nothing. We could tell them that two massive Human fleets are undoubtedly on their way here and will arrive several days before our Grand Armada because they slipped away from us, right under our noses. Which of these stories would you prefer, Brother Elders?”

The Senior Elder rose from his seat and bared claw against the Junior Elder. This was a mistake, because the Junior Elder was faster, stronger, and more skilled than the Senior Elder. In a split second, the Senior Elder lay bleeding out on the floor. An expert claw strike had opened his throat.

The Junior Elder, G’Tol, calmly looked at Baron N’Gana and said, “Please inform the Council of Peers that we will be unable to respond to their request, due to a death among the Elders. Poor Elder J’Tona, old and unable to stand the strain of these arduous times, has succumbed. Send a message to Baron J’Kol to retire from the Eridanus Sector and make best possible speed to G’Durin to take part in our defense. Oh, yes, get someone in here to clean up this mess.”

“Elder J’Gon, we must arrange for the selection of a new Elder. Here is who I suggest. Now, how do we get his faction to agree?”


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Shadow Force Commander (Baron) J’Kol received two messages from the Elders. One instructed him to retire from the Eridanus sector and make best possible speed to aid in the defense of G’Durin. He had seen the reports. He knew the Humans would most likely arrive at G’Durin two days before him and three days to a week before the Grand Armada. He would need to find a way to coordinate his arrival with the Grand Armada to prevent defeat in detail.

The second message instructed him to report to the Elders as soon as he arrived at G’Durin. This order took precedence over any other orders. He pondered how to obey both orders at once. He had over 2,000 rescued sailors and officers on the world below him and in the system next over. He would have to abandon them. It was a decision he hated to make, but in the end, he formed his Armada and departed the Eridanus sector and set best possible speed to G’Durin.


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Admiral Thomas could hardly believe the reports. Her scouts reported the departure of the K’Rang fleet from the Eridanus sector. She just had to clean out the remaining stranded K’Rang on the occupied worlds and she would have accomplished her mission. She sent down a division of Marines to each world, with extra arms for the population. Although they were not ground troops, the K’Rang put up a determined resistance. It took a week to subdue and capture the K’Rang.

She abandoned Victory Base and returned all heavy attack ships to Sirius Prime. After she had reconstituted all six assault landing groups, she transported her 15th Battle Fleet and three assault landing groups through the GRS Resolute’s ring to the 2nd Combined Fleet. The reserve fleet made a similar transport to the 1st Combined Fleet with three Assault Landing Groups. After the two battle fleets had departed, the Resolute closed up and transported through the Resurgent’s ring. The Resurgent closed up and made course for Sirius to stand by the Sirius ring and replace any destroyed, damaged, or inoperable ring ships.


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Governor (Baron) H’Topa watched the Humans load out and depart from his vantage point on the rocky outcrop. When he could no longer detect activity he formed up half his force and went to investigate. They cautiously climbed over the berm, spread out, and searched the area. They came to the building that had served as the base HQ and went in, where H’Topa found a human video system with a K’Rang standard message saying push the red button. H’Topa, suspecting a trap, had a junior warrior push the button while the rest took cover. Nothing happened when the warrior pushed the button, but soon a picture formed on the screen. H’Topa came in to view the video.

The video was of a Human female warrior. She spoke directly to the screen in Galactic standard with K’Rang text underneath. H’Topa understood her without the need for the text.

“This message is for the commander of the K’Rang forces on this planet. I am Major Mary Chen, Operations officer for the 1st Brigade, 15th Marine Division. As you have found this video, you may assume that we have completed our mission here and have been called to combat elsewhere. Your armada has been defeated and has abandoned you. They were most likely called back to help in the defense of your home world. Unfortunately, they will arrive about 48 hours behind our two fleets currently enroute to your home world.”

“Returning to your situation: A warning satellite notifying all ships of your presence here and prohibiting landing on the planet will keep any Human ships away. A picket line of scout ships will prevent any K’Rang ships from coming to your rescue. You have two choices: you may live here as long as your supplies hold out and then die from starvation, or you may hit the green button on this machine. The panel will transmit a signal to Fleet HQ and transport will be sent to repatriate you to a K’Rang world as soon as hostilities are ended. The choice is yours, Commander.”

The video ended and the green button started to blink. What were his choices beyond those offered on the video: none. The Major pretty much summarized his options. He sent runners to bring in the rest of the K‘Rang from the cavern. Over the next few weeks, they moved all the supplies from the cavern into the encampment. There was no use being uncomfortable in the dank, dark cavern, when the Humans left such warm, dry quarters. He had three months of supplies, so there would be no rush to push the green button. The Humans may be sure of victory, but the war wasn’t over yet.


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There were celebrations all over the Angaerry home world when the Angaerry fleet and the Orion returned. Huge cannon-like devices fired giant plugs of confetti in the air. These confetti projectiles were like fireworks on Earth, but for daylight use. Kelly was much impressed with the varied patterns of confetti that could be formed: flowers, waterfalls, Angaerry clan symbols, and others Kelly could not make out.

Kelly and the Ambassador were summoned again to the Military Ministry to see Minister Jakah Burin. As usual, they were led through his office into his conference room. The minister rose to greet them and directed them to sit.

He called up the table’s holographic viewer and highlighted several points.

“If I may call your attention to the current situation in K’Rang space. The yellow world is G’Durin. The two red dots are your fleets. The large blue dot is the K’Rang Grand Armada. The small blue dot is the K’Rang armada which has recently left your Eridanus sector. If we move forward in time, we can see your two fleets getting to G’Durin almost simultaneously. The K’Rang have spotted your scouts around G’Durin, so they know your destination. Unfortunately, the lunar defensive facilities destroyed one of your scouts yesterday. The Eridanus Armada will be next to arrive, two days after your fleets, and the Grand Armada a day later. There is some chatter among the K’Rang that the Grand Armada is not properly organized for combat and they are contemplating halting to reorganize before assaulting your fleets. This green world is Gronir. As you can see, it is just under a week’s travel time to G’Durin. That is our current knowledge of and assessment of the situation.”

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