Keeping in Line (10 page)

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Authors: Courtney Brandt

Tags: #marching band band geek courtney brandt drum line high school

BOOK: Keeping in Line
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Just remember something nice…

Drew’s kiss was nice.

Well, concentrate on that.

A smirking Tony seemed to notice he had almost gotten to the normally unshakable Bronwyn. He asked, “What’s the matter, Flueger? Why don’t you go ahead and tell everyone what Drew’s going to tell us tonight?”

Bronwyn took a deep breath and responded casually, “Sorry, Tony, I hate to disappoint you, but he’s not my boyfriend. What do you care anyway? Do you have feelings for me or something?”

Tony had kept up a stream of annoying comments since band camp. After seeing Drew with her, he had an entirely new brand of insults to torture her with. However, Tony was clever enough not to torment Bronwyn when senior members of the Line were present. Bronwyn’s retort was one of the only times she had ever spoken back to Tony, and those who were in the percussion room paid attention.

“What did you say?”

“I asked why you cared?”

While everyone in the room waited for Tony’s response, Lucy’s former antagonist, Mark, ‘accidentally’ bumped Tony’s shoulder as he left the room. He threw back a sarcastic, “Excuse me.”

Bronwyn smiled at Mark’s small vote of confidence in her. Emboldened, she repeated herself, “Why do you care, Tony? Does who I date affect how I play snare?”

“No reason.”

Bronwyn gathered her bag and left the room, “That’s what I thought.”

She knew as soon as she walked out he would probably start talking trash about her and Drew, but it had felt good to finally render Tony speechless.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: If airplanes were shooting stars…



So, a little after the fact, but I have just two words for you: trampoline and stars. The date was totally amazing. I’m not sure even why I’m telling you this, but as first kisses go, mine with Drew was, well, there really aren’t words to describe it. So, yeah, I’m totally bummed because that was it, my only shot and now it’s over. Drew and I can’t see each other and I know it’s really going to hurt when I see him date someone else, which I’m sure will be in a week or so.


Any advice to help this messed up sophomore?




To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Re: If airplanes were shooting stars…



Sorry things between you guys had to end like this, and, at this point I’m just going to have to take your word that you two couldn’t figure out a way around the devious mind of J.D. Strauss.

(Does sarcasm come across on e-mail?)

Anyway, I know the end of the season seems like an eternity away, but can you make it until then? Maybe you and Drew can start things up in the off-season. I know it’s not a lot, but maybe the thought of it can keep you going. You should ask him, who knows?

Take it from a girl who knows from firsthand experience, it’s REALLY difficult to be with someone the Line doesn’t like. However, I guess you have to decide if he’s worth it. If your happiness involves having Drew in your life, then maybe say to hell with J.D. and his followers and just go for it.




P.S. Speaking of first kisses…I just had a nice one of my own on Saturday night. A guy in my apartment complex, Joe.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Stuff


Hey bro,

I can’t go to anyone else with this situation I’ve gotten myself into. Long story short, I think I really like this girl, but due to the politics of marching band, we can’t be together.


How do I get myself to stop thinking about her?




To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Subject: Re: Stuff



Politics of marching band?” What the hell does that even mean? You like the girl. Well, if you like her enough you’ll find a way to be together. End of story.

There’s actually a girl I’m interested in up here. We both went to FHHS, but it seems like we’ve only discovered each other at college. Long story short, I was a junior when she was a freshman. It’s funny, looking back all the times we could’ve met in high school, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be until college. Of course, I guess it’s a bit complicated between us as well. She’s just coming out of a long relationship. Maybe I’m not the best person to be asking advice from.

I’ll be coming home soonish (laundry is totally catching up with me), so maybe we can hang out and talk about this in person.






Drew made his way to the percussion room before the night’s game, unhappy with what he was about to do. He walked in and saw the entire Line had gathered. Bronwyn was there, sitting in the back, and kept her eyes on the ground.

The drum major took a deep breath, and announced, “So, I just wanted to let all of you know that for the rest of the season, I will leave you the hell alone. J.D. is your Captain and should I have any issue with anyone on the Line, I will consult him first.”

With that, Drew turned around and left the room.

What J.D. (and Bronwyn) had hoped would be a bonding moment for the Line fell completely and totally flat. In reality, no one except J.D. (and maybe Tony, as a loyal J.D. follower) understood what Drew’s random confession meant, or cared. As the drummers looked around at each other trying to figure out what the heck had just happened, J.D. burst out laughing.

No one in the room joined in.

Lance looked around and asked skeptically, “What exactly are you laughing at, J.D.?”

“That was priceless.”

Jared looked at J.D. and said, “No, it wasn’t. That was just weird. I mean, we’re not exactly kicking ass and taking names this year. Don’t we need to get along with the drum majors?”

Bronwyn breathed out a sigh she didn’t realize she was holding in.

J.D. looked around the room, desperate to keep the attention on Drew and how much he didn’t like his classmate. After a few moment of struggling for the appropriate response, he said, “Well, Flueger, there’s something else you should know. Your precious ‘boyfriend’ placed a bet on you.”

Bronwyn’s heart sank. She had to act surprised, which wasn’t difficult to do, given J.D.’s confession. “He did what?!”

“Apparently, he was so sure you were going to say yes to going out with him that he made a wager with me.”

With all her emotions so close to the surface, it didn’t take much for Bronwyn to pretend to be upset. She sputtered, “I don’t understand. Why would he do that?”

“I just thought you should see what kind of guy he really is.”

Bronwyn stood up and pointed at J.D., “I’ll tell you what I do see. I see a Captain who took a bet on someone in his section. I see a section leader who is too busy to care about what really matters. I see…” She stopped, and continued, “Why would you care anyway? No one on this Line gives a shit about me!”

With her heart pounding, Bronwyn roughly grabbed Stewie and her carrier and walked out of the room.


* * *





Silently questioning her sanity, Bronwyn put her drum on the instrument truck and desperately wished she could ride on one of the band buses with the rest of her friends. With her little outburst she was pretty sure no one was going to want to sit with her on the drumline bus. Seeing Megan and Meredith, Bronwyn walked in their direction.

Why did I have to sound like such a girl back there?

Uh, duh? You are one.

But this is drumline, not the dance line…

Quit whining. Maybe this whole time you’ve been trying to hard to hide the fact that you are a girl. What’s so wrong with being a girl? Last time I checked, most guys like girls.


Well, standing up to Tony was a good start. You can be a girl, but just because you act like a girl doesn’t mean you can’t be strong. Remember Lucy?

Desperate to avoid the percussionists, Bronwyn thought about her situation and chatted with her band friends, keeping one eye on the drummers boarding their bus. Not wanting to relive her mistake from a few minutes before, she kept quiet about her little blow up at the Line, and decided to tell her friends at a later date. She purposely got on last and was about to take a seat in the front near the chaperones when someone spoke up from the back.

“Yo, Flueger…back here.”

It was Lance. Bronwyn didn’t question his motives; she went back and slid into the seat, making sure she was closest to the window. Once the bus got going and everyone had pulled out their Real Feel pads, the sophomore relaxed a little. She wasn’t sure how this ride was going to end, but listening to the sounds of the bus, she knew she was somewhere part of her belonged. Bronwyn looked out the window and wished she had a cell phone so she could text Drew.

Do you really think he wants to talk to you right now?

Bronwyn tried not to think of the answer to that question and looked around the bus. She was sitting in one of the very back seats, with Jared and Mark across the aisle. J.D. was sitting a few seats further up and out of hearing range. Bronwyn accidentally locked eyes with Tony, who smirked at her. She looked away and slid further down in her seat, trying her best to become invisible. Lance had already pulled out his sticks and was practicing on the back of the seat. Bronwyn wasn’t sure why he had called her to sit with him, but whatever the reason, she was grateful. She was about to pull out her iPod and completely cut herself off from the bus, when Lance asked, “So, you don’t like J.D. that much, do you?”

She didn’t bother keeping her voice down as she replied sarcastically, “What made you think that?”

“So, why not just confront him about it?”

Bronwyn gave him an incredulous look.

“Seriously, I know it’s hard to believe, but I think somewhere, deep down he is human.”

Bronwyn gave her fellow snare another skeptical look. Although if Lance was willing to admit J.D. had redeeming qualities, maybe she should hear him out. She crossed her arms, and said, “Who cares about J.D.? I haven’t noticed you doing anything.”

Lance thought a moment and drummed a tough lick on the back of the seat, then commented, “It’s different.”

“You’re right; of course it is.”

Bronwyn pulled out her own sticks and began drumming along with Lance. Mark, across the aisle, propped his Real Feel pad on his knees. Lance turned his back to Bronwyn and began drumming with Mark. The typically loquacious pair were unusually quiet as they drummed. Bronwyn wasn’t sure if she had said the wrong thing or not.

Suddenly, Mark looked up and asked, “B, were you serious about what you said earlier?”

Bronwyn’s blue grey eyes widened and she asked, “What if I was?”

“Is that what you really think?”

“Have you guys given me any reason to think otherwise?” Mark and Lance kept drumming. Bronwyn continued, “It’s not the same for you guys. You’re seniors, so you can pretty much do whatever you want.”

Mark grinned, “Or whoever we want!”

The boys clicked their sticks together.

Bronwyn rolled her eyes and asked, “I don’t understand. Why does J.D. have such a problem with Drew anyway?”

Lance stopped drumming, “Actually, I have a question. Why do the rest of the sophomores have such a problem with you?”

“What does that have to do with anything?!”

From the other side of Mark, Jared asked, “Since when was being on the Line such a big soap opera?”

Mark laughed and answered, “Since our sophomore year!”

The guys all laughed at some inside joke that Bronwyn obviously didn’t get. Lance picked up on the confused look on her face, “It was before your time.”

Jared said, “Believe it or not, we all used to be in the same section.”

Bronwyn vaguely remembered seeing the drumline shirt from a few years ago as well as some of the stories that Lucy had told her. She commented, “You guys must’ve had a blast.”

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